9 CEOs paid 800 times more than their workers

A ceo is deciding to pay him that much.

Maybe, if he's the owner of a privately owned company. But if it's a corporation, the CEO reports to the board. But even then, it's true that in many ways the CEO still decides how much to be paid. He/she does this through negotiation.

The number one reason wages have been stagnant for so long is because so many Americans nowadays settle for whatever is thrown out there. It's the stupidest thing in the world, and it drags down the market for the rest of us who are smart enough to be assertive. Wages will continue to stagnate (i.e. go down when you take into account inflation) until the American public starts taking personal responsibility for their pay, starting with the wage negotiation prior to job acceptance.

also....illegal immigrant labor brings down wages.......but no one cares,about that...

I agree. We shouldnt have lots of immigration in our current economic climate.

No, we shouldn't.

As Milton Friedman said: "You cannot simultaneously have free immigration and a welfare state."

If we want increased immigration levels, we need to get rid of entitlements.
We have a Commerce Clause that we are entitled to.

I bet you can't explain what the Commerce Clause actually is.

Since Obama has been elected income equality has grown because he is destroying the middle class. Family income has decreased and poverty has increased. .His little idea of making America more prosperous by taking money earned by some people and giving it to those that elected him didn't work out very well. Redistribution of income has failed in America just like it has failed every place else in the world.

In America with over 40% of the GNP going for the combined cost of government the economy cannot grow to its potential so that those at the lower end of the scale can prosper along with the rich.

A person is not poorer because somebody else is richer. I am not concerned with what CEOs make. That has absolutely zero bearing on me. I am not greedy and envious of what other people earn. However, I am concerned with the enormous amount of money that I have to give to the combined state, federal and local governments each year. That affects me directly and makes me poorer. The filthy ass government has taken much more wealth from me than any CEO.

So... what? What do you think is a "non issue"?

It is a non-issue.

I actually happen to agree.
If you don't like the way the USA works, leave.
Anyone can get rich. It's a matter of "want to".............

Well, for me it is more basic. If you look at the salaries of CEO's. CFO's etc. of these huge multinationals, their salaries are actually a small percentage of gross revenues.. actually, when I was CFO of a small, privately owned shipping company, my salary while miniscule compared to these guys, was a larger percentage of gross revenues.
after they had congress for two years and initiated obamacare and spent more money than ever before...

Why don't you (as the nitwit) that you are, explain exactly how the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were paid with.....and while you're at it, how GWB planned to fund Medicare [DID] Advantage while cutting taxes??? Go on, give it a try.

Wow, so when it is pointed out that Obama has driven up more debt than all his predecessors.. combined, you respond with Boooooosh?


You don't think the state of the law and economy of the US that Obama inherited contributed to the defects he ran? Ha ha ha.

So... what? What do you think is a "non issue"?

It is a non-issue.

I actually happen to agree.
If you don't like the way the USA works, leave.
Anyone can get rich. It's a matter of "want to".............

Anyone can get rich? No. Not true. Most cannot.

Nah, most can, but human nature is a bitch... the vast majority are not as motivated.
Talk to the ceos that decide to pay them that much.

Actually WE can control that.
Stop going to and watching the games.

If every bad team was boycotted, let's see what happens then..........

It is the owners. The players are just pawns.

It's the owners AND the agents....
The agents the one's driving the prices up but yes, it's the owners that ultimately make the buy............
Owners are feeding their egos.

anyone with power and money is... it's what they thrive on.
why people resent that I will never understand..........

Yes but don't blame the players. The owners are the issue.

Since Obama has been elected income equality has grown because he is destroying the middle class. Family income has decreased and poverty has increased. .His little idea of making America more prosperous by taking money earned by some people and giving it to those that elected him didn't work out very well. Redistribution of income has failed in America just like it has failed every place else in the world.

In America with over 40% of the GNP going for the combined cost of government the economy cannot grow to its potential so that those at the lower end of the scale can prosper along with the rich.

A person is not poorer because somebody else is richer. I am not concerned with what CEOs make. That has absolutely zero bearing on me. I am not greedy and envious of what other people earn. However, I am concerned with the enormous amount of money that I have to give to the combined state, federal and local governments each year. That affects me directly and makes me poorer. The filthy ass government has taken much more wealth from me than any CEO.

Obama wants to get rid of income inequality by making everyone Equally Poor and Dependent Upon the Government, except of course for the Elite Overlord Class that will manage our lives for us.
after they had congress for two years and initiated obamacare and spent more money than ever before...

Why don't you (as the nitwit) that you are, explain exactly how the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were paid with.....and while you're at it, how GWB planned to fund Medicare [DID] Advantage while cutting taxes??? Go on, give it a try.

Wow, so when it is pointed out that Obama has driven up more debt than all his predecessors.. combined, you respond with Boooooosh?


You don't think the state of the law and economy of the US that Obama inherited contributed to the defects he ran? Ha ha ha.

No... that's a copout... and the shit that contributed to the meltdown was all shit Obama supported and is still advocating.
The job offer can be withdrawn if you try to negotiate. If it took 2 years to finally get a job offer, you'd be foolish to take that risk.

1 - The job offer can be withdrawn if you don't negotiate, you accept the job offer, and then some beautiful blond bombshell walks in the door and says she wants that job. Anything can happen. Your job is not to be a wuss, and to be a badass. Stop being scared about what can happen, and start getting pumped about what you can can make happen.

2 - The numbers are actually on your side from the very beginning. Research has shown that 85% of hiring managers expect a candidate to negotiate. Did you hear that!?! The vast majority of the time they are expecting it, which means that their first offer is intentionally less than what they plan on paying you. They are leading on the lowball side so they can have room to accommodate your anticipated negotiation. Accepting the first offer is a horrible way to agree to work for less than the company wanted to give you.

3 - Research also has shown that withdrawing a job offer because a candidate attempts to negotiate is virtually unheard of. The only time it really happens is when the counter offer is unreasonable or absurd.

4 - All in all, if you are having a job offer withdrawn after attempting to negotiate, you're doing it wrong! Think about it this way....the company has just spend a great deal of time interviewing you at many levels. You've probably had at least three interviews, maybe four. The company has dedicated hours and hours of time directly to getting to know you. They've run background checks, they've called your previous employers for references. They've also probably done at least some portion of this for multiple other candidates. Meanwhile, the job is still vacant. They're either paying overtime, or they're losing sales opportunities, or they are having operational troubles, or morale is suffering because the people who are having to pull extra weight to make up the difference are not going to be happy for long. Now, in all of this, they have a serious need for someone like you, and after an extensive process they picked you!! They like you, they want you, they need you, they are excited as shit all for you.....

You really think after all of that they are going suddenly withdraw their offer simply because you tried to negotiate? No, they won't. If they withdraw their offer, it's because you did it wrong.
Who cares? The leaders of the largest unions make far, far more than their workers, too. Does it really matter whether it's 100 times or 800 times as more?
Oh, sorry, you like calculation so much.

It shows inequality is growing. That slows the economy and is bad for everyone.

So... what? What do you think is a "non issue"?

It is a non-issue.

I actually happen to agree.
If you don't like the way the USA works, leave.
Anyone can get rich. It's a matter of "want to".............

Anyone can get rich? No. Not true. Most cannot.
not true?

Guess your pathetic ass can't get rich but this 12 year old can, you crying little bitch

Actually WE can control that.
Stop going to and watching the games.

If every bad team was boycotted, let's see what happens then..........

It is the owners. The players are just pawns.

It's the owners AND the agents....
The agents the one's driving the prices up but yes, it's the owners that ultimately make the buy............
Owners are feeding their egos.

anyone with power and money is... it's what they thrive on.
why people resent that I will never understand..........

Yes but don't blame the players. The owners are the issue.

Actually I don't blame the players.
That the SYSTEM works in such a way to over-compensate is what I have a problem with.
The root problem really is OUR (the general public's) priorities.
Instead of $ and attention to football, baseball and basketball, how about soup kitchens and helping the poor...? Addressing REAL issues.
Top Hollywood actors are paid about a thousand times more than other union workers in tinsel town. Force "stars" to accept union wages and let us know how you make out before you go after CEO's who actually produce a product.
Top Hollywood actors are paid about a thousand times more than other union workers in tinsel town. Force "stars" to accept union wages and let us know how you make out before you go after CEO's who actually produce a product.

Again, agents.......
Who cares? The leaders of the largest unions make far, far more than their workers, too. Does it really matter whether it's 100 times or 800 times as more?
Oh, sorry, you like calculation so much.

It shows inequality is growing. That slows the economy and is bad for everyone.

9 PEOPLE show that inequality is growing?

Talk about Stupid.
You poor ass leftist democrats are such cry baby's

Any one in America can be a millionaire if you just wanted it
after they had congress for two years and initiated obamacare and spent more money than ever before...

Why don't you (as the nitwit) that you are, explain exactly how the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were paid with.....and while you're at it, how GWB planned to fund Medicare [DID] Advantage while cutting taxes??? Go on, give it a try.

Wow, so when it is pointed out that Obama has driven up more debt than all his predecessors.. combined, you respond with Boooooosh?


Idiot.....the wars were funded through loans(from China and other countries) and those loans have an interest rate........How was Obama to pay on that interest and principal?
It is the owners. The players are just pawns.

It's the owners AND the agents....
The agents the one's driving the prices up but yes, it's the owners that ultimately make the buy............
Owners are feeding their egos.

anyone with power and money is... it's what they thrive on.
why people resent that I will never understand..........

Yes but don't blame the players. The owners are the issue.

Actually I don't blame the players.
That the SYSTEM works in such a way to over-compensate is what I have a problem with.
The root problem really is OUR (the general public's) priorities.
Instead of $ and attention to football, baseball and basketball, how about soup kitchens and helping the poor...? Addressing REAL issues.

It's hard for me to blame poor people from enjoying some mindless entertainment. Wages are stagnant and good jobs hard to find.

All the money going to the top slows an economy. The rich guy only eats 3 times a day. If you own a restaurant do you want 100 people who can afford to eat out or just the 1. You seem to lack common sense on all subjects.

I think you are simply confused.

Money "going to the top" is either spent or invested. That is a good thing for the economy. Without investment there would be no pool of money for business to grow or for pensions to increase or risk taking or anything else. Our economy would be very stagnant without the money from the rich.

If you are a restaurant owner you need to have money to build the restaurant in the first place and if you are good to expand and you get that money from some rich guy's investment portfolio. Without that there would be no restaurant.

This filthy ass socialist idea of taking money away from the rich is nothing more a manifestation of simple greed and envy. It is disastrous to an economy as we have seen all over the world.

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