9 CEOs paid 800 times more than their workers

9 CEOs paid 800 times more than their workers
This story doesn't surprise me.
The normal nature of American capitalism. Exploit workers an benefit off the backs of their labor. Meanwhile families rely on credit and struggle to provide a decent chance at opportunity for their children.
Exploitation is the very basis of American existence.

I'm much more outraged by what we pay athletes....

I player can make more in one game (much more!) on BENCH then I do or an entire year....
What a messed up world we live in..........

Talk to the ceos that decide to pay them that much.

Actually WE can control that.
Stop going to and watching the games.

If every bad team was boycotted, let's see what happens then..........

It is the owners. The players are just pawns.

It's the owners AND the agents....
The agents the one's driving the prices up but yes, it's the owners that ultimately make the buy............
Maybe, if he's the owner of a privately owned company. But if it's a corporation, the CEO reports to the board. But even then, it's true that in many ways the CEO still decides how much to be paid. He/she does this through negotiation.

The number one reason wages have been stagnant for so long is because so many Americans nowadays settle for whatever is thrown out there. It's the stupidest thing in the world, and it drags down the market for the rest of us who are smart enough to be assertive. Wages will continue to stagnate (i.e. go down when you take into account inflation) until the American public starts taking personal responsibility for their pay, starting with the wage negotiation prior to job acceptance.

also....illegal immigrant labor brings down wages.......but no one cares,about that...

I agree. We shouldnt have lots of immigration in our current economic climate.

No, we shouldn't.

As Milton Friedman said: "You cannot simultaneously have free immigration and a welfare state."

If we want increased immigration levels, we need to get rid of entitlements.

Lots of cheap labor lowers wages for everyone.
It is why we simply need a fixed Standard regarding any form of minimum wage.

Absolute nonsense.

The CEO who tried that with his $70K wage is seeing his company crater.

The more you loons try to put Fixed Standards in place, the worse off everyone is except for the Government Cronies who lobby for how the standard is set, the politicians who sell the influence, and the massive bureaucracy which gets lifetime employment and huge retirement benefits for enforcing Fixed Standard.
Private corporations can pay CEO's what they want. It's none of your business and if you don't like it then don't patronize them
Why is billionaires always on the left's mind? What is there fascination with them all the time?

I never think about them and only defend them when they want to raise taxes...because I know that trickles down to me paying more.

The left seeks to build nothing, only destroy.... it's always about reducing things to the least common denominator, which is them.
You can only negotiate wages if you are not desperate for work.

1 - False
2 - On what basis do you suggest that the majority of Americans are desperate for work?
3 - I'm pretty sure I already know what your answers will be, more or less. The problem is that you're doing it wrong!

you mean the tens of millions not employed dont want a job after-all?

See, here yo go, you're doing it again. I'm trying to educate a liberal on why the government should stay out of the problem, and how he can achieve his own solutions. But you just gotta jump in and stay something insanely stupid that it even Jonathan Gruber would be left aghast.
9 CEOs paid 800 times more than their workers
This story doesn't surprise me.
The normal nature of American capitalism. Exploit workers an benefit off the backs of their labor. Meanwhile families rely on credit and struggle to provide a decent chance at opportunity for their children.
Exploitation is the very basis of American existence.

I'm much more outraged by what we pay athletes....

I player can make more in one game (much more!) on BENCH then I do or an entire year....
What a messed up world we live in..........

Talk to the ceos that decide to pay them that much.

Actually WE can control that.
Stop going to and watching the games.

If every bad team was boycotted, let's see what happens then..........

It is the owners. The players are just pawns.

It's the owners AND the agents....
The agents the one's driving the prices up but yes, it's the owners that ultimately make the buy............
Owners are feeding their egos.
A ceo is deciding to pay him that much.

Maybe, if he's the owner of a privately owned company. But if it's a corporation, the CEO reports to the board. But even then, it's true that in many ways the CEO still decides how much to be paid. He/she does this through negotiation.

The number one reason wages have been stagnant for so long is because so many Americans nowadays settle for whatever is thrown out there. It's the stupidest thing in the world, and it drags down the market for the rest of us who are smart enough to be assertive. Wages will continue to stagnate (i.e. go down when you take into account inflation) until the American public starts taking personal responsibility for their pay, starting with the wage negotiation prior to job acceptance.

also....illegal immigrant labor brings down wages.......but no one cares,about that...

I agree. We shouldnt have lots of immigration in our current economic climate.

No, we shouldn't.

As Milton Friedman said: "You cannot simultaneously have free immigration and a welfare state."

If we want increased immigration levels, we need to get rid of entitlements.
We have a Commerce Clause that we are entitled to.
Robert Downey jr. Made 80 million dollars for the last Avengers movie, he is the highest paid star this year.........how much can his assistant be,making? Or the union carpenter for the same few months work?

...and exactly who.......in your feeble, half-brain....is "defending" the outrageous salaries of some movie star???
after they had congress for two years and initiated obamacare and spent more money than ever before...

Why don't you (as the nitwit that you are,) explain exactly how the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were paid with.....and while you're at it, how GWB planned to fund Medicare [DID] Advantage while cutting taxes??? Go on, give it a try.
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after they had congress for two years and initiated obamacare and spent more money than ever before...

Why don't you (as the nitwit) that you are, explain exactly how the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were paid with.....and while you're at it, how GWB planned to fund Medicare [DID] Advantage while cutting taxes??? Go on, give it a try.

Wow, so when it is pointed out that Obama has driven up more debt than all his predecessors.. combined, you respond with Boooooosh?

I'm much more outraged by what we pay athletes....

I player can make more in one game (much more!) on BENCH then I do or an entire year....
What a messed up world we live in..........

Talk to the ceos that decide to pay them that much.

Actually WE can control that.
Stop going to and watching the games.

If every bad team was boycotted, let's see what happens then..........

It is the owners. The players are just pawns.

It's the owners AND the agents....
The agents the one's driving the prices up but yes, it's the owners that ultimately make the buy............
Owners are feeding their egos.

anyone with power and money is... it's what they thrive on.
why people resent that I will never understand..........
Are you really that dumb brain...does the rich guy put the rest of his money under his bed,after he gets,done eating? They put their money in investments...you know...job creators.......you are an idiot.........

No, they are NOT putting that excess cash under their beds....but most likely in Swiss and Cayman banks in order to avoid taxation....

Who cares? The leaders of the largest unions make far, far more than their workers, too. Does it really matter whether it's 100 times or 800 times as more?
Oh, sorry, you like calculation so much.
You can only negotiate wages if you are not desperate for work.

1 - False
2 - On what basis do you suggest that the majority of Americans are desperate for work?
3 - I'm pretty sure I already know what your answers will be, more or less. The problem is that you're doing it wrong!

you mean the tens of millions not employed dont want a job after-all?

See, here yo go, you're doing it again. I'm trying to educate a liberal on why the government should stay out of the problem, and how he can achieve his own solutions. But you just gotta jump in and stay something insanely stupid that it even Jonathan Gruber would be left aghast.

But you're not doing a very good job at that.

How the F is some person applying to work retail, restaurant, or Healthcare supposed to negotiate about their wage? You admit that even in your line of work, you're finding that hiring managers,don't allow negotiation of salary. Well, I can guarantee you it's not done in the fields where most of the jobs are.

Most people don't have the kind of background and experience you have that allows you the luxury of picking and choosing where you're going to work and for how much.
Are you really that dumb brain...does the rich guy put the rest of his money under his bed,after he gets,done eating? They put their money in investments...you know...job creators.......you are an idiot.........

No, they are NOT putting that excess cash under their beds....but most likely in Swiss and Cayman banks in order to avoid taxation....


Maybe if you lowered capital gains taxes they'd have more incentive to invest here.

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