9 CEOs paid 800 times more than their workers

Who cares? The leaders of the largest unions make far, far more than their workers, too. Does it really matter whether it's 100 times or 800 times as more?
Oh, sorry, you like calculation so much.

It shows inequality is growing. That slows the economy and is bad for everyone.

9 PEOPLE show that inequality is growing?

Talk about Stupid.

It is not just those 9. Ceo pay is out of control across the board. You can't be this dumb.

Since Obama has been elected income equality has grown because he is destroying the middle class. Family income has decreased and poverty has increased. .His little idea of making America more prosperous by taking money earned by some people and giving it to those that elected him didn't work out very well. Redistribution of income has failed in America just like it has failed every place else in the world.

In America with over 40% of the GNP going for the combined cost of government the economy cannot grow to its potential so that those at the lower end of the scale can prosper along with the rich.

A person is not poorer because somebody else is richer. I am not concerned with what CEOs make. That has absolutely zero bearing on me. I am not greedy and envious of what other people earn. However, I am concerned with the enormous amount of money that I have to give to the combined state, federal and local governments each year. That affects me directly and makes me poorer. The filthy ass government has taken much more wealth from me than any CEO.

Obama did not increase taxes.

If you cut taxes drastically as you hope to do, you are going to have to greatly cut government services. At least in the short run, that would cause a major jolt and shock that would harm the economy.

You have a bit more money ... great. Well, millions of people who have a lot less money because they depended on government would overwhelm any increase in spending you'd do. The economy would tank, the debt would get worse, and crime would go up.

Changes have to be gradual and targetted. Start with capital gains tax decrease to incentivize investment. Next, gradually cut spending and taxes, while simplifying the tax code to make sure everybody pays their fair share. No drastic changes like what the Tea Party wants.
after they had congress for two years and initiated obamacare and spent more money than ever before...

Why don't you (as the nitwit) that you are, explain exactly how the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were paid with.....and while you're at it, how GWB planned to fund Medicare [DID] Advantage while cutting taxes??? Go on, give it a try.

Wow, so when it is pointed out that Obama has driven up more debt than all his predecessors.. combined, you respond with Boooooosh?


Idiot.....the wars were funded through loans(from China and other countries) and those loans have an interest rate........How was Obama to pay on that interest and principal?
the feds you dumb ignorant troll

Btw China don't own most of our foreign bonds Europe does...

All the money going to the top slows an economy. The rich guy only eats 3 times a day. If you own a restaurant do you want 100 people who can afford to eat out or just the 1. You seem to lack common sense on all subjects.

I think you are simply confused.

Money "going to the top" is either spent or invested. That is a good thing for the economy. Without investment there would be no pool of money for business to grow or for pensions to increase or risk taking or anything else. Our economy would be very stagnant without the money from the rich.

If you are a restaurant owner you need to have money to build the restaurant in the first place and if you are good to expand and you get that money from some rich guy's investment portfolio. Without that there would be no restaurant.

This filthy ass socialist idea of taking money away from the rich is nothing more a manifestation of simple greed and envy. It is disastrous to an economy as we have seen all over the world.

A great restaurant with no customers doesn't make money. The restaurant needs lots of people that can afford to eat out. The rich guy only eats 3 meals a day regardless of how rich he is. This is how too much inequality slows the economy. Just common sense.
It's the owners AND the agents....
The agents the one's driving the prices up but yes, it's the owners that ultimately make the buy............
Owners are feeding their egos.

anyone with power and money is... it's what they thrive on.
why people resent that I will never understand..........

Yes but don't blame the players. The owners are the issue.

Actually I don't blame the players.
That the SYSTEM works in such a way to over-compensate is what I have a problem with.
The root problem really is OUR (the general public's) priorities.
Instead of $ and attention to football, baseball and basketball, how about soup kitchens and helping the poor...? Addressing REAL issues.

It's hard for me to blame poor people from enjoying some mindless entertainment. Wages are stagnant and good jobs hard to find.

.... there's always internet message boards.....oh... I see your point.... ;)
Hatred of Obama clouds even common logic among right wingers.....Like some slaves who defended their owners for...at least...giving them lodging and food, right wingers"defend" the rich and have fallen into the fallacy that they too could do the same..... if only.......
Who cares? The leaders of the largest unions make far, far more than their workers, too. Does it really matter whether it's 100 times or 800 times as more?
Oh, sorry, you like calculation so much.

It shows inequality is growing. That slows the economy and is bad for everyone.

9 PEOPLE show that inequality is growing?

Talk about Stupid.

It is not just those 9. Ceo pay is out of control across the board. You can't be this dumb.

You're the moron, bub.

The average CEO in the U.S. IS NOT in a Mega Public Corporation. The average CEO manages a small or medium sized business.

According the BLS, the Median Pay of top executives was $100K per year in 2012; for CEOs it was $168K. This is based on a pool of 2.3M top executives, not NINE PEOPLE.

Top Executives Occupational Outlook Handbook U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Hatred of Obama clouds even common logic among right wingers.....Like some slaves who defended their owners for...at least...giving them lodging and food, right wingers"defend" the rich and have fallen into the fallacy that they too could do the same..... if only.......

Man, you're such a whiny little baby.
Top Hollywood actors are paid about a thousand times more than other union workers in tinsel town. Force "stars" to accept union wages and let us know how you make out before you go after CEO's who actually produce a product.

These Liberals that bitch about income equality should put their money where their mouth is.

I read an article a couple of months ago (I am too lazy to look it up today) where Keanu Reeves did exactly that. He contributed tens of millions of dollars that he made on the Matrix movies to the lower paid movie staff.

Liberals love to bitch about what other people make but very few want to give up what they make. Keanu Reeves may be the one exception.
Who cares? The leaders of the largest unions make far, far more than their workers, too. Does it really matter whether it's 100 times or 800 times as more?
Oh, sorry, you like calculation so much.

It shows inequality is growing. That slows the economy and is bad for everyone.

9 PEOPLE show that inequality is growing?

Talk about Stupid.

It is not just those 9. Ceo pay is out of control across the board. You can't be this dumb.

You're the moron, bub.

The average CEO in the U.S. IS NOT in a Mega Public Corporation. The average CEO manages a small or medium sized business.

According the BLS, the Median Pay of top executives was $100K per year in 2012; for CEOs it was $168K. This is based on a pool of 2.3M top executives, not NINE PEOPLE.

Top Executives Occupational Outlook Handbook U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Every indicator I have seen shows the rich getting richer and everyone else left behind. You in a different country?
Top Hollywood actors are paid about a thousand times more than other union workers in tinsel town. Force "stars" to accept union wages and let us know how you make out before you go after CEO's who actually produce a product.

These Liberals that bitch about income equality should put their money where their mouth is.

I read an article a couple of months ago (I am too lazy to look it up today) where Keanu Reeves did exactly that. He contributed tens of millions of dollars that he made on the Matrix movies to the lower paid movie staff.

Liberals love to bitch about what other people make but very few want to give up what they make. Keanu Reeves may be the one exception.

Rich Liberals like to buy indulgences for their sin of Income Inequality by spending Other People's Money, not their own.

Just sayin'.
Who cares? The leaders of the largest unions make far, far more than their workers, too. Does it really matter whether it's 100 times or 800 times as more?
Oh, sorry, you like calculation so much.

It shows inequality is growing. That slows the economy and is bad for everyone.

9 PEOPLE show that inequality is growing?

Talk about Stupid.

It is not just those 9. Ceo pay is out of control across the board. You can't be this dumb.
and why do you care? Cry baby loser in life?
Who cares? The leaders of the largest unions make far, far more than their workers, too. Does it really matter whether it's 100 times or 800 times as more?
Oh, sorry, you like calculation so much.

It shows inequality is growing. That slows the economy and is bad for everyone.

9 PEOPLE show that inequality is growing?

Talk about Stupid.

It is not just those 9. Ceo pay is out of control across the board. You can't be this dumb.

You're the moron, bub.

The average CEO in the U.S. IS NOT in a Mega Public Corporation. The average CEO manages a small or medium sized business.

According the BLS, the Median Pay of top executives was $100K per year in 2012; for CEOs it was $168K. This is based on a pool of 2.3M top executives, not NINE PEOPLE.

Top Executives Occupational Outlook Handbook U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Every indicator I have seen shows the rich getting richer and everyone else left behind. You in a different country?

The poor in this country are FAT and sit around watching big screen TVs in air conditioned homes while eating junk food. They have indoor plumbing, computers, cellphones and automobiles.

The MIDDLE CLASS is being destroyed by Obamanomics. To the extend that THE RICH are Big Government Cronies complicit in Obamanomics, then they are guilty as well. But most people who are now defined as Rich (per The Won), meaning people who earn more than $200K per year, just work hard for a living in the private sector. It would behoove you to think about why the PROGS demonize such people.
Who cares? The leaders of the largest unions make far, far more than their workers, too. Does it really matter whether it's 100 times or 800 times as more?
Oh, sorry, you like calculation so much.

It shows inequality is growing. That slows the economy and is bad for everyone.

9 PEOPLE show that inequality is growing?

Talk about Stupid.

It is not just those 9. Ceo pay is out of control across the board. You can't be this dumb.
and why do you care? Cry baby loser in life?

Not at all. But the economy is very slow, bad for our country. Too much inequality does that.
Nah, most can, but human nature is a bitch... the vast majority are not as motivated.

So, the poor, unwed mother who works 3 part-time jobs is NOT motivated?

Apparently not...

Or maybe she just doesn't have the smarts and talent to make it.

You're naive if you truly think anyone can get rich.

So what then? Jesus... stop whining.

I'm not whining. But you're perpetuating a myth. Not everyone can get rich. Some have to settle for getting by.
It shows inequality is growing. That slows the economy and is bad for everyone.

9 PEOPLE show that inequality is growing?

Talk about Stupid.

It is not just those 9. Ceo pay is out of control across the board. You can't be this dumb.

You're the moron, bub.

The average CEO in the U.S. IS NOT in a Mega Public Corporation. The average CEO manages a small or medium sized business.

According the BLS, the Median Pay of top executives was $100K per year in 2012; for CEOs it was $168K. This is based on a pool of 2.3M top executives, not NINE PEOPLE.

Top Executives Occupational Outlook Handbook U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Every indicator I have seen shows the rich getting richer and everyone else left behind. You in a different country?

The poor in this country are FAT and sit around watching big screen TVs in air conditioned homes while eating junk food. They have indoor plumbing, computers, cellphones and automobiles.

The MIDDLE CLASS is being destroyed by Obamanomics. To the extend that THE RICH are Big Government Cronies complicit in Obamanomics, then they are guilty as well. But most people who are now defined as Rich (per The Won), meaning people who earn more than $200K per year, just work hard for a living in the private sector. It would behoove you to think about why the PROGS demonize such people.

Too much inequality is slowing our economy. That is what I care about. You are foolish if you think there are not consequences for out of control inequality.

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