8th Place: A High School Girl’s Life After Transgender Students Joined Her Sport

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
A growing number of school administrators want to silence women and girls who dare speak out about the ways transgender policies are harming them—but these brave young women refuse to be bullied or made to believe their concerns are hateful.

They don’t hate anyone. These girls were among the best high school athletes in their region —excited to earn scholarships and opportunities by working hard to perfect their talents on the track. All of that changed suddenly when they were forced to compete against transgender athletes.

Learn how the Equality Act—legislation currently moving through Congress—would take these misguided rules nationwide


(Excerpt) Read more at youtube.com ...

When girls compete with boys we find out equality doesn’t really exist. Not fair all of a sudden
I've seen better video of the two boys winning the girls events. They are obviously physically superior to any girl they compete against. It's a joke. I don't know why they obscured the video of the very buff boys smoking the girls in the sprints. I guess that is part of what they are afraid of. If they actually show Terrance and Tyrone (or whatever their real names are) that would be discriminatory. This is truly Bizarro world.
They can’t win against guys so they go against girls which is a disgrace this country has become because the Democrats are hell bent on ruining our country.

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They can’t win against guys so they go against girls which is a disgrace this country has become because the Democrats are hell bent on ruining our country.

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See, there's this individual core personal decency, privacy and dignity most of us Americans have come to expect from first awareness after our births through childhood and adulthood. With those aforementioned reasonable expectations we tend to develop a trust in each other, our communities and to some extent, our government. We learn to believe that our elected officials will not send hit squads to kill us in our sleep nor arrest us for speaking our minds to one another or criticizing the powers that be. We develop faith in our parents, our teachers and our leaders to no do anything to us which would infringe upon, limit or remove our pursuit of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Sadly, wherever the ideology of the radical American Left holds legal or de facto power, all of those reasonable expectations, all of that trust . . . is always betrayed. And so it is with the young school girl in this video. Fellow Americans, the time has gone for placing any trust in the political Left. We must stand in absolute solidarity against those who rob us of our personal dignity, decency and privacy; those who would thieve our pursuit of freedom, a peaceful life and rich opportunity to better ourselves. Spread the word: the radical Left must be opposed at every corner of our republic; of our civilization.
8 minutes too long for me. If only we had a text based format where media could be summarised in a couple of sentences.
8 minutes too long for me. If only we had a text based format where media could be summarised in a couple of sentences.

I'll try though I will need more than two sentences.

The 8 minutes can be summarized into:

1. It will be an extremely rare situation that any normal female, no matter how talented, will be able to beat transgendered males in sports that require speed, strength, size, etc. Therefore transgendered males competing in women's sports pretty much take away 99.9% of the ladies' hopes to win any sporting event in which the transgendered males are entered.

2. Deserving women, knocked into too low finishes by transgendered males competing in their events lose out on chances to compete in prestigious events, and can be knocked out of scholarship consideration.

3. Most women are afraid to openly complain, however, because of the inevitable retaliation, accusations, and merciless bullying they will receive from the militant pro-LGBT left if they do.
Thank you.
Yet apparently the non complaints are bearing fruit.

New regulations from the International Olympic Committee will make it harder for transgender women to compete in the 2020 Summer Games in Tokyo. The IOC is expected to issue guidelines to 55 sports federations that will halve the permitted level of testosterone allowed in women’s events from archery to weightlifting.
They can’t win against guys so they go against girls which is a disgrace this country has become because the Democrats are hell bent on ruining our country.

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See, there's this individual core personal decency, privacy and dignity most of us Americans have come to expect from first awareness after our births through childhood and adulthood. With those aforementioned reasonable expectations we tend to develop a trust in each other, our communities and to some extent, our government. We learn to believe that our elected officials will not send hit squads to kill us in our sleep nor arrest us for speaking our minds to one another or criticizing the powers that be. We develop faith in our parents, our teachers and our leaders to no do anything to us which would infringe upon, limit or remove our pursuit of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Sadly, wherever the ideology of the radical American Left holds legal or de facto power, all of those reasonable expectations, all of that trust . . . is always betrayed. And so it is with the young school girl in this video. Fellow Americans, the time has gone for placing any trust in the political Left. We must stand in absolute solidarity against those who rob us of our personal dignity, decency and privacy; those who would thieve our pursuit of freedom, a peaceful life and rich opportunity to better ourselves. Spread the word: the radical Left must be opposed at every corner of our republic; of our civilization.

Amen to that.

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8 minutes too long for me. If only we had a text based format where media could be summarised in a couple of sentences.

I'll try though I will need more than two sentences.

The 8 minutes can be summarized into:

1. It will be an extremely rare situation that any normal female, no matter how talented, will be able to beat transgendered males in sports that require speed, strength, size, etc. Therefore transgendered males competing in women's sports pretty much take away 99.9% of the ladies' hopes to win any sporting event in which the transgendered males are entered.

2. Deserving women, knocked into too low finishes by transgendered males competing in their events lose out on chances to compete in prestigious events, and can be knocked out of scholarship consideration.

3. Most women are afraid to openly complain, however, because of the inevitable retaliation, accusations, and merciless bullying they will receive from the militant pro-LGBT left if they do.

We have special Olympics for handicap people we can have transgender olympics. We will see how many transgenders after that because they will have no advantage then. Nah too much work. Tell the Democrats to stick there HR 5 bill I believe it was and stick it up there ass. If your transgender you can’t compete, period. We don’t see women changing to men or identifying as men competing because they will get slaughtered. It’s just guys to girls and that’s not how it works.

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A growing number of school administrators want to silence women and girls who dare speak out about the ways transgender policies are harming them—but these brave young women refuse to be bullied or made to believe their concerns are hateful.

They don’t hate anyone. These girls were among the best high school athletes in their region —excited to earn scholarships and opportunities by working hard to perfect their talents on the track. All of that changed suddenly when they were forced to compete against transgender athletes.

Learn how the Equality Act—legislation currently moving through Congress—would take these misguided rules nationwide


(Excerpt) Read more at youtube.com ...

When girls compete with boys we find out equality doesn’t really exist. Not fair all of a sudden

We are in a new age now where simply speaking out about untested changes and new ideas forced upon you that you think are bad or you don't agree with now gets you labelled as "hate-speech," a "racist", "sexist" or other label so that they can shut you up, fire you, shut you out and continue to thrust these wary and unwelcome changes upon the rest of us.

Welcome to Left-Wing American Fascism.
Wasn't the whole idea of naming this group TRANSgender was that they were actually taking physical steps i.e. hormone therapy, etc to transition their body to the other gender? These dudes are obviously not doing anything of the kind. Too bad girls, women's rights takes a back seat to tranny rights in the Liberal world.
Women and girls? In their attempt to disrupt the fabric of society, the crazy left forgot about fairness to genuine genetic women and girls. Isn't fairness what it's all about rather than trophies? If so, the sports world has to limit participation in women's sports on the basis of DNA. You can change your clothes but you can't change your DNA
Thank you.
Yet apparently the non complaints are bearing fruit.

New regulations from the International Olympic Committee will make it harder for transgender women to compete in the 2020 Summer Games in Tokyo. The IOC is expected to issue guidelines to 55 sports federations that will halve the permitted level of testosterone allowed in women’s events from archery to weightlifting.

That's at least an effort to fix the problem. I would prefer that they simply say everybody competes as the gender on their birth certificate but in the Olympics maybe every country doesn't have birth certificates like we do. So whatever needs to happen to return sporting events to true competition without influence of chemicals/drugs, I will support.
A growing number of school administrators want to silence women and girls who dare speak out about the ways transgender policies are harming them—but these brave young women refuse to be bullied or made to believe their concerns are hateful.

They don’t hate anyone. These girls were among the best high school athletes in their region —excited to earn scholarships and opportunities by working hard to perfect their talents on the track. All of that changed suddenly when they were forced to compete against transgender athletes.

Learn how the Equality Act—legislation currently moving through Congress—would take these misguided rules nationwide


(Excerpt) Read more at youtube.com ...

When girls compete with boys we find out equality doesn’t really exist. Not fair all of a sudden

Thanks, Obama!

This was a sop to Michelle "Big Mikey" Obama. Barack didn't want Michelle to feel out of place standing at the urinal in the Men's room
We have come to the point in upside down popular culture when we have to open the freaking link to understand what the basic difference between men and women used to mean. Is it a genuine genetic high school girl or something created in a freakazoid lab?

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