70% Of Obama's Followers On Twitter Are Fakes


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Obama has over 18 million followers on his twitter account. Using a web tool the New York Times discovered nearly 3/4 of them are fakes.

Is there anything real about this guy?

Obama has millions of fake Twitter followers
What a coincidence, 70% of everything that comes out of his mouth is a false.

Just like Obama's lie in his signing statement on the NDAA law. Now that the court struck dowm that part of the law that Obama promised he did not want & was forced to include. Now Obama is appealing the courts decision. Obama is such a lying fraud!
Everything about Obama is deceiving people

how sad is that and people fall for it
But we don't need voter ID laws, no way. Democrats would never, ever try to create fake people to vote. No way
But we don't need voter ID laws, no way. Democrats would never, ever try to create fake people to vote. No way
Or it's spam.

Twitter’s Real Time Spam Problem

along with a inactive users, and an app that needs to tweek the twits.

Update: As Mashable reader Michael Bauser pointed out in the comments below, the tool works by analyzing up to 1,000 random followers, generating occasionally mixed results. When Bauser used the Fake Follower Check, it told him 31% — or just under 6 million — of Obama’s followers are fake.

“Obviously our scores are more accurate for those with smaller follower bases simply because it would be impossible to crunch all the follower data that Obama has in a reasonable manner via the Twitter API,” wrote StatusPeople’s Rob Waller in an e-mail to Mashable. “We released an update to our tool on Wednesday to make our App more accurate for those with larger follower bases.”

Mashable has also changed the above post to reflect that 70% of Obama’s followers were found to be fake or “inactive,” accounts that are no longer in use. We regret the error.
Obama Has Millions of Fake Twitter Followers [UPDATED]
Poor Romney.

Looks even worse for him.

Presidential candidates Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney have both been accused of trying to appear more tech-savvy by buying their way to fame. It’s unclear whether Romney or someone else paid for his followers, but a massive spike in his social media popularity earlier this Summer was definitely at odds with his stagnant poll numbers.


Not all celebrity accounts with loads of robotic followers have scrupulously bought their way to fame. In many cases, famous people are a tempting target for spammers hocking their message via @replys, or are simply just popular with the roughly half of Twitter accounts that tried out social networking and never came back (numbers current as of 2011).

StatusPeople, and the headlines it’s generated, may drive more people to alternative metrics of popularity, such as Klout, which quantifies follower engagement in addition to volume. But, such measures are rife with inaccuracies.
Find Out How Many Fake Twitter Followers You Have With StatusPeople | TechCrunch

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