7 States Sue over Contraception Mandate. It's not just the Catholics, OBUMMER!

Just think it is hilarious that the same people that tout evolution, and "science" when it comes to those 'superstitious Christians' (the ones that really started community charities, large scale), are the same ones that want to "lecture" the same 'superstitious Christians' when it comes to "paying" the bill.
You want it both ways and refuse to admit it. You want the hard working Christians to pay for anyone's healthcare that is "unwilling" (those "unable" have been part of Christian charities for EONS) to work for it; and then you want to be able to tell them how they should provide "health care", to include liberal BELIEFS.
You think what I said was sad, how sad are liberals that want to live their way, and want to be able to FORCE others to support their way of live (don't the muslims do that?).

But that's not what we are talking about here. This isn't about "not being able to pay for it". This is about the Churches offering health insurance as a condition of employment. It is no more charity than a company parking lot is. In short, in exchange for services provided to the Church, the church in turn provides health care.

Now, here's the critical thing. When I was growing up Catholic and enduring things that have left me with a lifetime hatred of all religions, the Church was still able to get people to sign up for the Holy Orders.

So while half of my teachers in the 1970's were Nuns or Christian Brothers, today (according to my nieces and nephews) there are almost none of them left. They have to hire people to do those jobs, and sometimes, those people aren't even Catholic. And they have to admit non-Catholics as customers because they couldn't pay the bills just admitting or enrolling Catholics.

Case in point. When my neice went to the fancy Catholic High School for $6000 a year, fully 1/3 of her classmates were non-Catholics. there was even a Muslim girl in there, headscarf and everything. Which means to make the money, they had to pass over catholics who couldn't pay in order to get tuition from non-Catholics who could.

At that point, it stops being a religion and starts being a business.

So we are all to be punished because you had a bad experience?

Sure. Why not?

You are asking me to get all hot and bothered because your evil, stupid, backward Church can't impose their silly superstitions on people.

I just can't get that upset about it. I'd do a lot worse to them. First, I'd take away all their tax exemptions.

Then I'd apply the consumer fraud laws. You know, make them PROVE there's a God before they start talking about him.

That'd be fucking hilarious.
Just think it is hilarious that the same people that tout evolution, and "science" when it comes to those 'superstitious Christians' (the ones that really started community charities, large scale), are the same ones that want to "lecture" the same 'superstitious Christians' when it comes to "paying" the bill.
You want it both ways and refuse to admit it. You want the hard working Christians to pay for anyone's healthcare that is "unwilling" (those "unable" have been part of Christian charities for EONS) to work for it; and then you want to be able to tell them how they should provide "health care", to include liberal BELIEFS.
You think what I said was sad, how sad are liberals that want to live their way, and want to be able to FORCE others to support their way of live (don't the muslims do that?).

But that's not what we are talking about here. This isn't about "not being able to pay for it". This is about the Churches offering health insurance as a condition of employment. It is no more charity than a company parking lot is. In short, in exchange for services provided to the Church, the church in turn provides health care.

Now, here's the critical thing. When I was growing up Catholic and enduring things that have left me with a lifetime hatred of all religions, the Church was still able to get people to sign up for the Holy Orders.

So while half of my teachers in the 1970's were Nuns or Christian Brothers, today (according to my nieces and nephews) there are almost none of them left. They have to hire people to do those jobs, and sometimes, those people aren't even Catholic. And they have to admit non-Catholics as customers because they couldn't pay the bills just admitting or enrolling Catholics.

Case in point. When my neice went to the fancy Catholic High School for $6000 a year, fully 1/3 of her classmates were non-Catholics. there was even a Muslim girl in there, headscarf and everything. Which means to make the money, they had to pass over catholics who couldn't pay in order to get tuition from non-Catholics who could.

At that point, it stops being a religion and starts being a business.

Guess what, people do not give up rights just because they run a business. If a business chooses to offer health insurance as a way to attract workers, they have that right. If the business prefers to offer employees higher salaries, and the employees actually still go to work for them, then that is also their right. That, not surprisingly, makes you wrong again. The government has no more right to dictate that an employer provide insurance than it does to dictate that you go to church. If you were capable of intellectual honesty you would admit you are wrong and join in the fight to finally fix the health insurance industry by freeing it from government mandates that drive up the cost for everyone.
MOst of our aid is to catch terrorists, catch drug manufacturers or to play nice with the Zionists.

First of, there ain't no such thing as free.

Second, Isreal is the country that receives the most foreign aid, Africa, in case you slept through geography class, is a continent. Try adding up all the countries in Africa, not excluding Egypt, and you will see we give them more aid than Israel.

Third, you are a racist bigot.

Actually, Northern Africa is considered part of the Arab world, why sub sahara Africa is culturally considered Africa. But if you want to add up 60 countries to get to where we are giving away to the Zionazis, even though half of that is just paying people to play nice with the Zionists, have at it.

There's no good reason to support Israel. None. It makes our foreign policy more difficult, it's an international pariah because of it's apartheid policies. But we keep writing the checks to underwrite their little fantasy the Invisible Sky Man loves them the very bestest.

Actually, Africa is a continent, end of discussion.
QW, you just love to hear yourself talk...

Too bad you don't ever actually say anything of note.

Fact is, once the churches became a business, they became eligible for government regulation. Too bad, so sad.

Screw them.


He has put up excellent rebuttals to your nonsense. But you being a big government guy refuse to see it.
QW, you just love to hear yourself talk...

Too bad you don't ever actually say anything of note.

Fact is, once the churches became a business, they became eligible for government regulation. Too bad, so sad.

Screw them.

Hate to point out the fucking obvious, but churches are actually subject to government regulation. I think that little detail makes your entire line of argument useless, don't you?
If some dont want to offer contraception I have no problem with it if its for religious purposes. I have a problem with those who dont like contraception, like the pill. What I fear is that there will now be a push to make contraception a harder thing to get, which would be frankly stupid. If you are against contraception (i'm not talking abortion here), then you should be very willing to fork out alot of your own money to help those children who arent wanted and put up for adoption. Cant have it both ways you hypocrites.

I don't have an issue with contraception, I have an issue with telling someone they have to pay for it when it violates their ethics and religious beliefs. Once the sperm and egg have met, I got a problem with calling it contraception. I support child abuse and unwed mom charities. Thanks for lumping all of us into an imaginery hate group.
QW, you just love to hear yourself talk...

Too bad you don't ever actually say anything of note.

Fact is, once the churches became a business, they became eligible for government regulation. Too bad, so sad.

Screw them.


He has put up excellent rebuttals to your nonsense. But you being a big government guy refuse to see it.

Okay, out here in teh real world, where they all know Ron Paul is nuts, you guys just look silly.
QW, you just love to hear yourself talk...

Too bad you don't ever actually say anything of note.

Fact is, once the churches became a business, they became eligible for government regulation. Too bad, so sad.

Screw them.

Hate to point out the fucking obvious, but churches are actually subject to government regulation. I think that little detail makes your entire line of argument useless, don't you?

If they are subject to regulation, why are you whining about this.

There's a regulation. YOu have to provide reproductive health coverage to your employees. We're done here.
QW, you just love to hear yourself talk...

Too bad you don't ever actually say anything of note.

Fact is, once the churches became a business, they became eligible for government regulation. Too bad, so sad.

Screw them.

Hate to point out the fucking obvious, but churches are actually subject to government regulation. I think that little detail makes your entire line of argument useless, don't you?

If they are subject to regulation, why are you whining about this.

There's a regulation. YOu have to provide reproductive health coverage to your employees. We're done here.
The only thing a company is supposed to provide is a safe working environment, workers comp. and minimum wage.
Hate to point out the fucking obvious, but churches are actually subject to government regulation. I think that little detail makes your entire line of argument useless, don't you?

If they are subject to regulation, why are you whining about this.

There's a regulation. YOu have to provide reproductive health coverage to your employees. We're done here.
The only thing a company is supposed to provide is a safe working environment, workers comp. and minimum wage.

Or whatever else we as a society decide they should.

Look, I think that employer provided health insurance is an awful idea, but theres reluctance to go to single payer in this country. Private Health insurance couldn't exist without massive government subsidy and support. Medicare Part C, SCHIPP, tax credits, and so on.

This isn't an issue of cost. This is an issue of the Churches wanting to impose their religion on their employees in the part of their business that has nothing to do with religion.

The Bishops were all for ObamaCare when they realized it would subsidize a lot of new customers for them. They just saw the big dollar signs and said, "Oh, yeah!"

And now there's a string attached they don't like. can't feel sorry for them.
QW, you just love to hear yourself talk...

Too bad you don't ever actually say anything of note.

Fact is, once the churches became a business, they became eligible for government regulation. Too bad, so sad.

Screw them.

Hate to point out the fucking obvious, but churches are actually subject to government regulation. I think that little detail makes your entire line of argument useless, don't you?

Then why do you have about 500 posts in the last two weeks arguing against that fact?
QW, you just love to hear yourself talk...

Too bad you don't ever actually say anything of note.

Fact is, once the churches became a business, they became eligible for government regulation. Too bad, so sad.

Screw them.


He has put up excellent rebuttals to your nonsense. But you being a big government guy refuse to see it.

Okay, out here in teh real world, where they all know Ron Paul is nuts, you guys just look silly.

Oh so you read my mind and know who I voting for then since you are in the real world.

Who then swamy?
I What seems to get lost on the left here is, diminishing one right will lead to erosion of other rights. Better to protect all of them, even the ones you feel are not as important as another to you.


So by that reasoning,

what other rights do you predict will be eroded following the diminishment of collective bargaining rights by unions?
One state was making a lot of noise about secession from the union too, it doesn't mean any of it will be successful.

Your extreme views are not majority views, TP. They're just not.
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I What seems to get lost on the left here is, diminishing one right will lead to erosion of other rights. Better to protect all of them, even the ones you feel are not as important as another to you.


So by that reasoning,

what other rights do you predict will be eroded following the diminishment of collective bargaining rights by unions?

Public union members have one right, and that is to quit and find a job in the private sector.
If some dont want to offer contraception I have no problem with it if its for religious purposes. I have a problem with those who dont like contraception, like the pill. What I fear is that there will now be a push to make contraception a harder thing to get, which would be frankly stupid. If you are against contraception (i'm not talking abortion here), then you should be very willing to fork out alot of your own money to help those children who arent wanted and put up for adoption. Cant have it both ways you hypocrites.

I don't have an issue with contraception, I have an issue with telling someone they have to pay for it when it violates their ethics and religious beliefs. Once the sperm and egg have met, I got a problem with calling it contraception. I support child abuse and unwed mom charities. Thanks for lumping all of us into an imaginery hate group.

So when a sperm and egg 'meet' in a lab dish at a fertility clinic,

who is pregnant?
Obamacare will fail without the mandate for everyone to have coverage of one form or another. It is unconstitutional to make people buy this. Once we get that reversed, the whole program falls apart.

No it won't. The number of people who will actually refuse to get insurance is miniscule.

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