65% favor taxing wealthy, are Pubs suicidal?


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2011
Poll: 65% favor taxing wealthy - Politico
www.politico.com/.../fiscal-cliff-voters-want-to-raise-taxes-on-wealthy-84675.html - Cached
Dec 6, 2012 ... Voters support higher taxes on the wealthy by a margin of better than 2 to 1,
according to a new poll Thursday. Sixty-five percent of voters back ...
Poll: 65 percent favor raising taxes on wealthy - Hampton Roads
Dec 6, 2012 ... Voters support higher taxes on the wealthy by a margin of better than 2 to 1,
according to a new poll Thursday.
Trio of polls: Support for raising taxes on wealthy - CNN Political Ticker
politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/.../trio-of-polls-support-for-raising-taxes-on-wealthy/ - Cached
Dec 6, 2012 ... Trio of polls: Support for raising taxes on wealthy ... According to the Quinnipiac
poll, 65% of registered voters support higher taxes on incomes ...
65% want others to pay for what they want??

Color me shocked...

that is why we don't live in a democracy, thank God... else the tyranny of the majority would be even worse than we currently have it
The benefits of a small tax increase on an even smaller segment of the population will essentially fix nothing but satisfy the greed of collectivists for a day, if even that.........................
The benefits of a small tax increase on an even smaller segment of the population will essentially fix nothing but satisfy the greed of collectivists for a day, if even that.........................

But it would be a meaningless moral victory nonetheless !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The benefits of a small tax increase on an even smaller segment of the population will essentially fix nothing but satisfy the greed of collectivists for a day, if even that.........................

But it would be a meaningless moral victory nonetheless !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Victory, maybe, moral, not so much.
If 65% wanted to enslave the remaining 35% would that make it alright?

Would you go along with it?
Obama is going to tax you all to death, he talks out both sides of his mouth, look on the bottom of you cell phone bill -its you who is paying for all the free phones ,its government induced spread the wealth.Just wait until all the Obamacare horseshit comes on tap-If you make a pay check your screwed..........

Poll: 65% favor taxing wealthy - Politico
www.politico.com/.../fiscal-cliff-voters-want-to-raise-taxes-on-wealthy-84675.html - Cached
Dec 6, 2012 ... Voters support higher taxes on the wealthy by a margin of better than 2 to 1,
according to a new poll Thursday. Sixty-five percent of voters back ...
Poll: 65 percent favor raising taxes on wealthy - Hampton Roads
Dec 6, 2012 ... Voters support higher taxes on the wealthy by a margin of better than 2 to 1,
according to a new poll Thursday.
Trio of polls: Support for raising taxes on wealthy - CNN Political Ticker
politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/.../trio-of-polls-support-for-raising-taxes-on-wealthy/ - Cached
Dec 6, 2012 ... Trio of polls: Support for raising taxes on wealthy ... According to the Quinnipiac
poll, 65% of registered voters support higher taxes on incomes ...

Explain to us how 800b, 1.2t over 10 years is going to solve our bloated federal budget and massive 16t dollar debt.
Poll: 65% favor taxing wealthy - Politico
www.politico.com/.../fiscal-cliff-voters-want-to-raise-taxes-on-wealthy-84675.html - Cached
Dec 6, 2012 ... Voters support higher taxes on the wealthy by a margin of better than 2 to 1,
according to a new poll Thursday. Sixty-five percent of voters back ...
Poll: 65 percent favor raising taxes on wealthy - Hampton Roads
Dec 6, 2012 ... Voters support higher taxes on the wealthy by a margin of better than 2 to 1,
according to a new poll Thursday.
Trio of polls: Support for raising taxes on wealthy - CNN Political Ticker
politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/.../trio-of-polls-support-for-raising-taxes-on-wealthy/ - Cached
Dec 6, 2012 ... Trio of polls: Support for raising taxes on wealthy ... According to the Quinnipiac
poll, 65% of registered voters support higher taxes on incomes ...

all this misery and bullshit to fund your massive government for 8 days. was the class warfare really worth it?
66 percent want cuts ALONG with tax increases, care to point out any cut Obama has offered that is not 10 years from now? Are the dems suicidal?
About the same percent also favor cutting spending something the Democrats seem not to want to do in any serious way which explains why we pretty much got the status quo results from the last election.
Poll: 65% favor taxing wealthy - Politico
www.politico.com/.../fiscal-cliff-voters-want-to-raise-taxes-on-wealthy-84675.html - Cached
Dec 6, 2012 ... Voters support higher taxes on the wealthy by a margin of better than 2 to 1,
according to a new poll Thursday. Sixty-five percent of voters back ...
Poll: 65 percent favor raising taxes on wealthy - Hampton Roads
Dec 6, 2012 ... Voters support higher taxes on the wealthy by a margin of better than 2 to 1,
according to a new poll Thursday.
Trio of polls: Support for raising taxes on wealthy - CNN Political Ticker
politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/.../trio-of-polls-support-for-raising-taxes-on-wealthy/ - Cached
Dec 6, 2012 ... Trio of polls: Support for raising taxes on wealthy ... According to the Quinnipiac
poll, 65% of registered voters support higher taxes on incomes ...

Let them go. It won't be much longer till they will be an extinct species:

Republicans losing public opinion wars in "fiscal cliff" talks - Yahoo! News

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Negotiations are expected to continue Thursday on the "fiscal cliff" with Republicans at a growing public opinion disadvantage and approval ratings for President Barack Obama rising to levels not seen since the killing of Osama bin Laden.

Wow. So two different polls, taken at different times, asking different questions, both offer different outcomes/results. Wow, that's just groundbreaking. The arguments will never be the same.

Swing, and a miss.
It appears that the entire response went over your head.

Not surprising.

Try this. How can anyone say that a poll shows that the American people want more taxes on the rich when they aren't even informed of what the current tax rate is, or that the taxes paid now exceed what the American people deem as 'fair'.

Any clearer for you?

BTW....that was not a miss. Its sailing out of the ball park.
Pure Pubcrappe fear mongering, dupe. The rich are bloated, and Masscare and every other modern country prove O-care will work fine and save.

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