50 security experts sign letter to stop Comrade Trump

You're getting in bed with neocons, Iraq war architects, torturers, and snoops. It must be so exciting switching what you support whenever it's convenient.
Switching??? Gee funny from 2003-2009, all the Neo Con war Hawks were Gopers, and had a hard on for War and were calling the Dems weak on terror..

You are with us or against us, freedom fries, we gotta fight them over there, so we won't have to do it here, remember all that BULLSHIT???

Odd how whenever you have a Democratic President, or. a Democratic Candidate that's winning the Repukes, are suddenly against the War machine..
Funny, where were you protesting when Obama was starting wars in Libya, Pakistan, Yemen, and Syria? When he was assassinating American citizens via drone? Projecting much?
How long did Wars in Pakistan, Libya, and Yemen last??

What Americans did Obama assassinate??

Gaddafi was a revenge killing, for the 88 pan am airplane bombing , and if Obama doesn't square it the cocksuckers at fox news call him weak.

Don't the Repugs want their President to be tough on the so called war on terror??
Anwar al-Awlaki who was not only never convicted of a crime, but was never even charged. Then his 16-year-old son, Abdulrahman, a week later.

I'll let you know how long they lasted when they finally end, or do you not keep up on current events?

So you're saying that Obama lied about the reasons that he overthrew the Libyan government? He certainly never claimed it was a revenge killing. He made up some nonsense about Gaddhafi being about to perform a massacre. Strange he never mentioned how the "rebels" he armed in Libya went on to commit genocide and start a tribal civil war in the country.

Yes, which is why it's a fraud when they pretend to oppose Obama for being "weak," when in reality it's simply because he's a Democrat. Likely the same reason you oppose any Republicans.
More ignorance, more lies.
Now when I call someone a liar I like to back it up as much as possible. I understand that's hard for a partisan hack, but it is necessary to be taken seriously.
gold star mother , my Grandmother lost one of her boys , my Uncle , in France and all she got was a letter and not even personal items because they were gone with the explosion . Uncle is still in France and this 'gold star' deal is a rather new invention that is used to try to shut people up . The muslim soldier that was killed volunteered for the job and was paid money to fight . ------------- as far as religious enemies , yes of course they should be banned from entry to the USA . No one has a RIGHT to immigrate to the USA . -------------------- Yep , common American thoughts of thinking American people JimH .

WWI is "rather new"?

The term Gold Star family is a modern reference that comes from the Service Flag. These flags/banners were first flown by families during World War I. The flag included a blue star for every immediate family member serving in the armed forces of the United States, during any period of war or hostilities in which the armed forces of the United States were engaged. If that loved one died, the blue star was replaced by a gold star. This allowed members of the community to know the price that the family had paid in the cause of freedom.

The United States began observing Gold Star Mothers Day on the last Sunday of September, in 1936. The Gold Star Wives was formed before the end of World War II. The Gold Star Lapel Button was established in August 1947.

Today, the nation recognizes the sacrifice that all Gold Star Family members make when a father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter, or other loved one dies in service to the nation. The strength of our nation is our Army. The strength of our Army is our Soldiers. The strength of our Soldiers is our families. The Army recognizes that no one has given more for the nation than the families of the fallen.

Gold Star Survivors | The United States Army
thanks for the history Asher . Still not a big deal to me especially now in these days of an all volunteer military being paid to fight whoever the government or 'king' might pay them to fight . My feeling of more honor to vets was different when the USA military was drafted and enlisted ww2 vets , Korean vets , Vietnam vets that I personally knew and grew up with . But hey , any guy that volunteers and then dies fighting and doing his job , well , they volunteered for the JOB same as my Uncle that is still buried in France . But , as I said , thanks for the history Asher.
my problem with special designations that are publically known and displayed is that they are designed to give extra acknowledgement or glory or importance to the people that have the special designation or gov approved honor. Its as if my Grandmother with a dead son in France for example is more important than other people whose sons fought and survived ww2 and D-Day. My Father as well as my other Uncle survived WW2 . Both enlisted when the war started came home and went to work and I never heard my Dad talk about his war experience unless we kids asked him about the War . ------------- and , hell , you would never see my Father walking around with a baseball hat saying 'veteran' Asher .
I have reservations about the Gold Star Family in today's volunteer military. In WWI and WWII, along with Korea and 'Nam, parents had their children taken into the service by the Draft. To them, it was a sacrifice.

Today, many volunteer for the military purely for $$$ reasons. ROTC helps pay for college with a stint in the military afterwards. Same holds true for going in to get GI Bill benefits and a chance to get an education paid for by the military.

What sacrifices are the parents making?
These 50 Security Experts have no concerns over Hillary's total DEMONSTRATED INCOMPETENCE with National Security and classified Top Secret information? Any REAL security expert would identify Hillary Clinton as a major security risk, not based on emotion but FACTS.

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