5 year old girl sexually assaulted by tranny 5 year old boy in Georgia school restroom

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Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
When you allow grade school kids to choose their gender, then choose which restroom they want to use, it's no surprise an incident like this has occurred.
And it will be repeated.

Transgender bathroom policy investigated in Georgia school assault case
The Education Department is investigating whether a Georgia school district's trans-inclusive bathroom policy created a “hostile environment” for a 5-year-old.
by Associated Press / Oct.04.2018 / 9:29 AM PDT

WASHINGTON — The Education Department said Wednesday that it is investigating whether a Georgia school district’s policy allowing transgender students to use the bathroom of their choice created a “hostile environment” for a 5-year-old girl who said she was sexually assaulted in a school bathroom.

Transgender bathroom policy investigated in Georgia school assault case
"The complaint was filed by the conservative group Alliance Defending Freedom on behalf of a parent at Oakhurst Elementary School in Decatur, Georgia. She charges that last November the transgender boy pushed her daughter against a wall “and forcibly touched her genitals despite her protests, causing her both pain and fear.”

Education Department spokesman Nathan Bailey confirmed in an e-mail that the agency is investigating the complaint.

“The investigation focuses on the school’s response to a report of sexual assault and the examination of any and all factors that may have contributed to a hostile environment,” Bailey said."

There is no such thing as a 5 year old transgender, It is created and supported by fucked up warped American adults.

Sue the shit out of that school district for abuse,
What do you expect when leftist are to gawd dam stupid to realize why we have men and women seperate bathrooms, same wiht little boys and girls.

This will keep happening all thanks to your leftis morons whose brains are still up Obamas a. hole.
A five year old tranny?

Get the fuck outta here!

Some people here are to stupid to know the difference between transgender, and gender fluid- as the child identifies himself in the article. It should also be noted that while the parents made some pretty serious allegations- we don't really know what the alleged sexual assault actually consisted of. It could have been something innocent or unintentional that freaked out the girl. Or the parents could have made the whole thing up - or blew it out of proportion-based on something that the girl said I never knew a 5 year old to be sexually aggressive.

However, there is no doubt that the bigots - in and out of government-who are given to histrionics and propaganda will rush to judgement and get a lot of mileage out of it.
Would you feel better if the girl was sexually assaulted by a 5 yr old straight boy? If I remember correctly, sexual assault is bad, period.

Is there a special provision that makes sexual assault "OK" for trannies?
A five year old tranny?

Get the fuck outta here!
All progressives are fucked in the head
A five year old tranny?

Get the fuck outta here!

Some people here are to stupid to know the difference between transgender, and gender fluid- as the child identifies himself in the article. It should also be noted that while the parents made some pretty serious allegations- we don't really know what the alleged sexual assault actually consisted of. It could have been something innocent or unintentional that freaked out the girl. Or the parents could have made the whole thing up - or blew it out of proportion-based on something that the girl said I never knew a 5 year old to be sexually aggressive.

However, there is no doubt that the bigots - in and out of government-who are given to histrionics and propaganda will rush to judgement and get a lot of mileage out of it.
Would you feel better if the girl was sexually assaulted by a 5 yr old straight boy? If I remember correctly, sexual assault is bad, period.

Is there a special provision that makes sexual assault "OK" for trannies?
Who are you asking? If it's me the answer is NO ! Why would you even ask such an idiotic question? And by the way, the article says that he identifies as gender fluid. That is a different issue than gay or straight. While it is plausible for a 5 year old to be experiencing gender dysphoria, it is not likely that they are aware of a sexual orientation or have sexual attractions. ny more questions?
A five year old tranny?

Get the fuck outta here!

Some people here are to stupid to know the difference between transgender, and gender fluid- as the child identifies himself in the article. It should also be noted that while the parents made some pretty serious allegations- we don't really know what the alleged sexual assault actually consisted of. It could have been something innocent or unintentional that freaked out the girl. Or the parents could have made the whole thing up - or blew it out of proportion-based on something that the girl said I never knew a 5 year old to be sexually aggressive.

However, there is no doubt that the bigots - in and out of government-who are given to histrionics and propaganda will rush to judgement and get a lot of mileage out of it.

Why don't you just go away and stop cluttering up this board with stupid shit and come back when you have something constructive to the discussion.
A five year old tranny?

Get the fuck outta here!

Some people here are to stupid to know the difference between transgender, and gender fluid- as the child identifies himself in the article. It should also be noted that while the parents made some pretty serious allegations- we don't really know what the alleged sexual assault actually consisted of. It could have been something innocent or unintentional that freaked out the girl. Or the parents could have made the whole thing up - or blew it out of proportion-based on something that the girl said I never knew a 5 year old to be sexually aggressive.

However, there is no doubt that the bigots - in and out of government-who are given to histrionics and propaganda will rush to judgement and get a lot of mileage out of it.

Why don't you just go away and stop cluttering up this board with stupid shit and come back when you have something constructive to the discussion.

I’m 68 years old.

Been using public restrooms all my life and have yet to run into a “weirdo”.
Would you feel better if the girl was sexually assaulted by a 5 yr old straight boy? If I remember correctly, sexual assault is bad, period.

Is there a special provision that makes sexual assault "OK" for trannies?

Look Einstein, it's not whether they are straight or not, it's that they are allowing kids to choose what they are and choose which rest room to go in.
A five year old tranny?

Get the fuck outta here!

Some people here are to stupid to know the difference between transgender, and gender fluid- as the child identifies himself in the article. It should also be noted that while the parents made some pretty serious allegations- we don't really know what the alleged sexual assault actually consisted of. It could have been something innocent or unintentional that freaked out the girl. Or the parents could have made the whole thing up - or blew it out of proportion-based on something that the girl said I never knew a 5 year old to be sexually aggressive.

However, there is no doubt that the bigots - in and out of government-who are given to histrionics and propaganda will rush to judgement and get a lot of mileage out of it.

Why don't you just go away and stop cluttering up this board with stupid shit and come back when you have something constructive to the discussion.

I’m 68 years old.

Been using public restrooms all my life and have yet to run into a “weirdo”.

Well, maybe that's because YOU are the weirdo.
A five year old tranny?

Get the fuck outta here!

Some people here are to stupid to know the difference between transgender, and gender fluid- as the child identifies himself in the article. It should also be noted that while the parents made some pretty serious allegations- we don't really know what the alleged sexual assault actually consisted of. It could have been something innocent or unintentional that freaked out the girl. Or the parents could have made the whole thing up - or blew it out of proportion-based on something that the girl said I never knew a 5 year old to be sexually aggressive.

However, there is no doubt that the bigots - in and out of government-who are given to histrionics and propaganda will rush to judgement and get a lot of mileage out of it.
Most humans aren't obsessed with cramming objects in their butts.

Turn yourself in as a dangerous sexual predator immediately.
A five year old tranny?

Get the fuck outta here!

Some people here are to stupid to know the difference between transgender, and gender fluid- as the child identifies himself in the article. It should also be noted that while the parents made some pretty serious allegations- we don't really know what the alleged sexual assault actually consisted of. It could have been something innocent or unintentional that freaked out the girl. Or the parents could have made the whole thing up - or blew it out of proportion-based on something that the girl said I never knew a 5 year old to be sexually aggressive.

However, there is no doubt that the bigots - in and out of government-who are given to histrionics and propaganda will rush to judgement and get a lot of mileage out of it.

Why don't you just go away and stop cluttering up this board with stupid shit and come back when you have something constructive to the discussion.

I’m 68 years old.

Been using public restrooms all my life and have yet to run into a “weirdo”.

71 here . Yes an old white guy liberal. Let it be known that we exist. Never had a problem with "weirdos" in rest rooms either.
Would you feel better if the girl was sexually assaulted by a 5 yr old straight boy? If I remember correctly, sexual assault is bad, period.

Is there a special provision that makes sexual assault "OK" for trannies?
It depends on what the definition of is... is
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