5 Lies That Have Shaped The Obama Presidency


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
5. “My father left my family when I was 2 years old.”

Obama made this claim in September 2009, when addressing the nation’s schoolkids. By then, the blogosphere knew that baby Obama had never spent a night under the same roof as his father, let alone two years.

For years, Obama and his advisors invested enormous political capital in what biographer David Remnick called Obama’s “signature appeal: the use of the details of his own life as a reflection of a kind of multicultural ideal.”

Remnick called Obama’s autobiography, “A mixture of verifiable fact, recollection, recreation, invention and artful shaping.” In other words, the truth is never good enough.

4. “The Fast and Furious program was a field-initiated program begun under the previous administration.”

Obama spun this fiction at a September 2012 Univision forum knowing it was false. In fact, the bizarre, deadly idea to let American guns “walk” into Mexico, where they were used by drug cartels to kill dozens, began in October 2009.

Three months earlier, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney had made the same bogus claim virtually word for word at a press conference and got shot down on national TV. “It began in fall 2009,” corrected White House correspondent Jake Tapper, then with ABC.

Carney refused to acknowledge he lied, and the president continued to lie weeks later. It’s all part of Obama’s ducking of responsibility — it’s always someone else’s fault.

3. “Not even a smidgen of corruption.”

Obama said this in response to Bill O’Reilly’s question about the IRS scandal: “You’re saying no corruption?”

If there were not even a “smidgen of corruption,” as Obama insisted, it is hard to understand what outraged him, or at least seemed to, when news of the IRS scandal first broke. “It’s inexcusable, and Americans are right to be angry about it, and I am angry about it,” Obama said in May 2013. Obama routinely expressed anger when some new scandal erupted on his watch — IRS, the failed ObamaCare website, the VA scandal, Fast and Furious — but never before had he shoved a scandal down the memory hole so quickly.

And how could Obama know there wasn’t a smidgen of corruption before the investigation was even over? Perhaps because the administration knew that any proof of that was gone with deleted e-mails and destroyed hard drives?

2. “We revealed to the American people exactly what we understood at the time.”

During that same Super Bowl Sunday interview, Obama made this claim in response to O’Reilly’s inquiry about the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi. Obama continued to dissemble: “The notion that we would hide the ball for political purposes when a week later we all said, in fact, there was a terrorist attack taking place and the day after I said it was an act of terror, that wouldn’t be a very good coverup.”

In fact, it was exactly a week after the attack, on Sept. 18, that Obama took his first questions about Benghazi. Bizarrely, he did so to David Letterman. “Here’s what happened,” Obama said.

“You had a video that was released by somebody who lives here, sort of a shadowy character who — who made an extremely offensive video directed at — at Mohammed and Islam.”

We know now that the administration knew this wasn’t true. Not a week later; not even the very night of the attacks.

On many levels, this was Obama’s most telling lie. He only deals with the world as he sees it, not as it is.

1. “Transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency.”

Obama told this whopper to his assembled staff on his first day in office. He promised it to the press. Instead, his administration refuses to hand over documents and Obama refuses to answer questions. As liberal constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley assessed the presidency, “Barack Obama is really the president Richard Nixon always wanted to be.”

What do these lies, just a sample of many, tell us? Obama never stopped “artfully shaping” his life.

The scary thing is he might actually believe these lies. He believes that posting a shot from his personal photographer online is “transparent.” That targeting conservative groups for audits isn’t corrupt. That everything that has gone wrong with his presidency is Bush’s fault.

Knowing that, how can we believe anything that he says?

5 lies that have shaped the Obama presidency New York Post

Can you believe what a disaster this has been to this country?
The scary thing was when I saw these mindless automatons crying tears when Obama's both spoke in Denver 2008. Truly chilling to watch these easily duped sheeple.
Another message from brainwashed planet bizarro....

For example , Fast and Furious was just a name change- so that's pure Pubcrappe, and the AZ ATF chief in charge said he never told either administration about the gun walking.

Pubs are lying if their lips are moving, hater dupes.
Look at Franco, desperately trying to convince someone that obama has not lied about a thing.


Another message from brainwashed planet bizarro....

For example , Fast and Furious was just a name change- so that's pure Pubcrappe, and the AZ ATF chief in charge said he never told either administration about the gun walking.

Pubs are lying if their lips are moving, hater dupes.
Fast and furious started in October 2009, nine months after Obama got into office. Maybe you need to stop believing Obama's lie, it really makes you look very stupid.
Virtually everything said by this administration has been a lie. From the notion that Obama would change the tone in Washington (boy did he ever) to his promises to reform and cut and make better. He has succeeded in doing the exact opposite. His foreign policy was predicated on the idea that other countries hate us because of what we do. That was a lie. He gets rolled constantly by other countries and the result is no one has any respect for us.
Damn.....that is the best you can come up with?

No wonder Obama has a great presidency.
So give me a lie, chumps of the greedy idiot rich. You're totally duped,and the world's laughingstock and horror, ugly Americans....

LOL, the "greedy idiot rich."

Just a bag of cliches aren't they?

The rich! White Republicans! Christians! Oil!
So give me a lie, chumps of the greedy idiot rich. You're totally duped,and the world's laughingstock and horror, ugly Americans....
If it wasn't for the idiot rich, you wouldn't get your government handouts, you dumbass.
The GREEDY idiot rich, ie Pubs, want to go back to poor houses and potters' fields. Chump.



The couple married in Wailuku on Maui on February 2, 1961,[9][10] and separated when, in late August 1961, Obama's mother moved with their newborn son to attend the University of Washington in Seattle for one year. In the meantime, Obama, Sr. completed his undergraduate economics degree in Hawaii in June 1962, then left to attend graduate school at Harvard University on a scholarship. Obama's parents divorced in March 1964.[11] Obama Sr. returned to Kenya in 1964 where he remarried; he visited Barack in Hawaii only once, in 1971.[12] He died in an automobile accident in 1982 when his son was 21 years old.[13]

So when did he leave them, hater dupes? Was it when he divorced her? Then it was 2 years...nice spin dumbass- split hairs much?
So give me a lie, chumps of the greedy idiot rich. You're totally duped,and the world's laughingstock and horror, ugly Americans....
If it wasn't for the idiot rich, you wouldn't get your government handouts, you dumbass.
The GREEDY idiot rich, ie Pubs, want to go back to poor houses and potters' fields. Chump.
Yeah, because you have to be an idiot to be rich, and smart to be a poor man in potters fields? Got, there you have it liberal logic in action. Lol how can I add this on my quotes permanently. Thanks for the laugh francho!

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