4th Woman to come forward in Cain Scandal

Koch Cain is not handling this well.

Does that really work for you? Seriously? Pretending a man who had great success turning around various failing businesses is really no different from the Koch brothers? Why? How does this work for you that these are first of all people to be despised in your world? I fail to get the dumb comparison first of all -or bringing up the name "Koch" at all. You figure they deserve your contempt...why? Because the Koch family business was the development of an innovative way to refine oil and gas and it still exists as a very successful family owned business?

Oh OF COURSE these are clearly people we need to hate and despise and discourage others from being innovative and achieving great success as well, right? Because liberals HATE success and believe in rewarding and encouraging FAILURE instead! NOW I get it!

I don't get the stupid thinking here frankly or the heavy handed and totally inept comparison to Cain who was the EMPLOYEE of a corporation, later bought a company he saved through his leadership and executive skills and then later sold his interest in it. He owns no company at all now -so really the only thing they have in common is their political leanings. That would be like calling the President Obama-Marx, wouldn't it? That surely works as well for you, right? ROFL

You did it because some equally STUPID Wall St. fleabagger held up a sign referring to Cain as being no different from the Koch brothers -equally ignorant about the fact there is no legitimate comparison here whatsoever. Well done playing the role of useful idiot!
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Let's see, so far 100% of the women who have come forward are absolute fucking lairs.
Koch Cain is not handling this well.

Does that really work for you? Seriously? Pretending a man who had great success turning around various failing businesses is really no different from the Koch brothers? Why? How does this work for you that these are first of all people to be despised in your world? I fail to get the dumb comparison first of all -or bringing up the name "Koch" at all. You figure they deserve your contempt...why? Because the Koch family business was the development of an innovative way to refine oil and gas and it still exists as a very successful family owned business?

Oh OF COURSE these are clearly people we need to hate and despise and discourage others from being innovative and achieving great success as well, right? Because liberals HATE success and believe in rewarding and encouraging FAILURE instead! NOW I get it!

I don't get the stupid thinking here frankly or the heavy handed and totally inept comparison to Cain who was the EMPLOYEE of a corporation, later bought a company he saved through his leadership and executive skills and then later sold his interest in it. He owns no company at all now -so really the only thing they have in common is their political leanings. That would be like calling the President Obama-Marx, wouldn't it? That surely works as well for you, right? ROFL

You did it because some equally STUPID Wall St. fleabagger held up a sign referring to Cain as being no different from the Koch brothers -equally ignorant about the fact there is no legitimate comparison here whatsoever. Well done playing the role of useful idiot!

Cain's campaign was funded in the beginning by the Koch brothers non profit. Which is a felony.

Somebody's going to jail.
Let's see, so far 100% of the women who have come forward are absolute fucking lairs.

Sure they are, Frank.

And so is the Republican talk show host from Iowa....

DES MOINES, Iowa — A conservative Iowa radio host, who on Wednesday became the latest person to accuse Herman Cain of acting inappropriately toward women, declined to offer specifics about the presidential candidate’s behavior but suggested that Cain was “compromised in his private life.”

Steve Deace, who hosts a syndicated two-hour radio program in Iowa, said that two of his female staff members were subjected to “inappropriate and awkward” comments by Cain. But he refused to identify them or elaborate on the seriousness of the allegations.

After his show on Wednesday night, Deace held an impromptu press conference outside his Des Moines studio while his two female staff members rushed out of the building, escorted by two men who attempted to keep reporters away.

One of the women was identified to ABC News by an independent source as a victim of the behavior Deace mentioned. Both of the women repeatedly refused to comment on anything related to the controversy.

Deace, an influential conservative figure in the state, declined to say whether he had the women’s consent before going public with the allegations, but added, “As a staff we are very tight and we are very close and we share everything with one another.”

You mean Rush calling her "Buy-A-Lick", with slurping noises? Yeah - shredded. :lol:

No, you pathetic moron. I wasn't making any allusion to anything Rush might have said --

with or without sound effects, you imbecile.

You really aren't able to keep up, you poor simpleton.
Well, she hasn't had any "bona fides" shredded, so I was left with Wingnut Radio.

Let's put it this way. You do realize of the three anonymous ones, not ONE is a claim that he actually did or said ANYTHING sexual at all, right? The only one who got a settlement admitted AT THE TIME as part of her official story as taken by those who interviewed her AT THE TIME -that he actually didn't DO or SAY anything sexual. He commented that she was the same height as his wife and held his hand up to indicate her height. She said it made her uncomfortable - even while acknowledging he didn't DO or SAY anything sexual. For all I know the woman figured if he mentioned her in the same sentence as the woman he sleeps with it must mean he wants to sleep with her too -meaning SHE has the irrational hang-up here, not Cain. Cheaper to pay her off to go away than take it to court and win -which is why she got a minimal pay-off and it is also why she took it!

So guess what -the first one isn't even sexual harassment at all!

The second one claimed to have been sexually harassed ONLY during the process of being fired and for the purpose of boosting her severance pay. It did -but there was no settlement and she has never been bound to any confidentiality clause. There are NO details about this one at all -so I guess she just wants people to use their imagination. Maybe he made another comment about his wife's height and used his hand to show how tall she was -that would scare any "real" woman, wouldn't it. But the NRA found her story to be such bullshit they didn't even offer her a settlement at all, just boosted her severance pay and finished firing her ass - and no confidentiality clause either.

So no sexual harassment here either -AT ALL.

The third one was not an employee at all but attending the same seminar as Cain who invited her up to his room at one point. She admitted she ASSUMED it was for sex -although he made NO sexual comment whatsoever. Again, her ASSUMPTION does not make it sexual harassment or even anything inappropriate at all since she didn't work for him and she admitted he made NO sexual comments or said anything inappropriate at all! The idea of continuing their discussion in his hotel room made her uncomfortable but her ASSUMPTIONS about why he would cannot be used as a weapon against HIM! NO sexual harassment here either -and not a single inappropriate word or gesture. Again.

Then comes along THIS POS with such an outlandish story that is so over the top, totally out of line with any of the other bs stories -but she forgot the location she put them both in at the time, including salacious details that make it very unlikely to have occurred the way she claims in that location given the fact it defies both common sense and the joints of the human body confined by a steering wheel! Bullshit she just couldn't bring herself to tell another living soul -until now. Where she is more than happy to make the tv talk show rounds and now tell MILLIONS!

And in your mind this bolsters her credibility? ROFL I tell you what bolstered MY confidence in another story though -the ones where reporters are admitting that their source who first put them on this smear campaign was none other than Rahm Emmanuel, long time filth monger for Obama and current mayor of Chicago. And that is the FACT Chicago is the very same place they managed to find this female willing to try and convince people that while she just couldn't bring herself to tell another living soul what that evil nearly-raped-a-white-woman Cain did to her at any time in over a decade -she can suddenly find herself enjoying being in the public eye, making the TV talk show circuit so she can repeat the filth for millions now, intent on helping Emmanuel out in doing all they can to prevent Obama from facing another black man in the general election -because THIS man is proof positive everything Obama stands for is a fucking lie.

As far as Obama is concerned, Cain MUST be destroyed. And he will be.
You mean Rush calling her "Buy-A-Lick", with slurping noises? Yeah - shredded. :lol:

No, you pathetic moron. I wasn't making any allusion to anything Rush might have said --

with or without sound effects, you imbecile.

You really aren't able to keep up, you poor simpleton.
Well, she hasn't had any "bona fides" shredded, so I was left with Wingnut Radio.

Well, actually, she has, as you would know if you had the ability to keep up.

So stick with your Daily Kos crap, fuckstick.
So she worked for the Main Sleaze Leftist Media?? Gee, there's a clue!

Most media is owned by big corporations...

And it appears she's a registered Republican.

Has it occured to you that maybe these women are telling the truth?

To me, whether or not it's the truth doesn't matter. Cain has handled this whole situation so badly it makes me wonder about his judgment overall. What's he going to do if the Chinese invade Taiwan?

Blow the shit out of them. Obama will do nothing.

I agree Cain made a bad choice in campaign managers, but this mess stinks to high heaven and I knew it was gonna happen to someone, anyone who posed a threat to Obama.

Obama would rather use his lawyers and his media to remove any competition. I wouldn't be surprised if they dug up dirt on Mitt Romney. Releasing it next October or sooner will make him seem worse than McCain. I don't trust Obama because he lies and he uses dirt to take down opponents at a level I've never seen before, and I think he is merely the front man for a movement that will eventually have us looking like the former Soviet Union in the next couple of years.

What's really strange is this woman was seen hugging Herman Cain a month ago at a radio station meeting in Chicago Cain was attending. This fact will soon come out. Trust me.

Sorry, I wouldn't want a president who would go to nuclear war over Taiwan. Taiwan is part of China. It would be like CHina intervening in a dispute between DC and Arizona.

Cain's already changed his story twice on this woman. He's gone from "Never met her" to "Ahh, now I remember, she was one of the 'little people'."
Most media is owned by big corporations...

And it appears she's a registered Republican.

Has it occured to you that maybe these women are telling the truth?

To me, whether or not it's the truth doesn't matter. Cain has handled this whole situation so badly it makes me wonder about his judgment overall. What's he going to do if the Chinese invade Taiwan?

Blow the shit out of them. Obama will do nothing.

I agree Cain made a bad choice in campaign managers, but this mess stinks to high heaven and I knew it was gonna happen to someone, anyone who posed a threat to Obama.

Obama would rather use his lawyers and his media to remove any competition. I wouldn't be surprised if they dug up dirt on Mitt Romney. Releasing it next October or sooner will make him seem worse than McCain. I don't trust Obama because he lies and he uses dirt to take down opponents at a level I've never seen before, and I think he is merely the front man for a movement that will eventually have us looking like the former Soviet Union in the next couple of years.

What's really strange is this woman was seen hugging Herman Cain a month ago at a radio station meeting in Chicago Cain was attending. This fact will soon come out. Trust me.

Sorry, I wouldn't want a president who would go to nuclear war over Taiwan. Taiwan is part of China. It would be like CHina intervening in a dispute between DC and Arizona.

Cain's already changed his story twice on this woman. He's gone from "Never met her" to "Ahh, now I remember, she was one of the 'little people'."

That sounds like one change.

And it doesn't sound like a lie.

If she made no impression, then even if he was mistaken when he said he'd never met her, that's not a lie.

And then, having had some reason to recall that he HAD actually met her, there's nothing wrong with correcting one's self.

But he did not call her one of the "little people."
Koch Cain is not handling this well.

Does that really work for you? Seriously? Pretending a man who had great success turning around various failing businesses is really no different from the Koch brothers? Why? How does this work for you that these are first of all people to be despised in your world? I fail to get the dumb comparison first of all -or bringing up the name "Koch" at all. You figure they deserve your contempt...why? Because the Koch family business was the development of an innovative way to refine oil and gas and it still exists as a very successful family owned business?

Oh OF COURSE these are clearly people we need to hate and despise and discourage others from being innovative and achieving great success as well, right? Because liberals HATE success and believe in rewarding and encouraging FAILURE instead! NOW I get it!

I don't get the stupid thinking here frankly or the heavy handed and totally inept comparison to Cain who was the EMPLOYEE of a corporation, later bought a company he saved through his leadership and executive skills and then later sold his interest in it. He owns no company at all now -so really the only thing they have in common is their political leanings. That would be like calling the President Obama-Marx, wouldn't it? That surely works as well for you, right? ROFL

You did it because some equally STUPID Wall St. fleabagger held up a sign referring to Cain as being no different from the Koch brothers -equally ignorant about the fact there is no legitimate comparison here whatsoever. Well done playing the role of useful idiot!

Cain's campaign was funded in the beginning by the Koch brothers non profit. Which is a felony.

Somebody's going to jail.

No it wasn't. Several Cain campaign aides used to work for a Koch-funded non-profit but they didn't fund his political career. And Cain has spoken at several conservative functions that were supported by the conservative philanthropists and he has never made any secret of the fact that he and the Koch brothers share the same political philosophy. Although people like you like to pretend having connections with any of the Koch brothers philanthropic, non-profit organizations will turn out to amount to illegal campaign funds, it won't. This doesn't represent illegal campaign ANYTHING so no one is going to jail either. But of course, remain dead silent about the very real corruption at the hands of leftwing extremist George Soros who believes he is entitled to buy an election outright. In your world only rich leftwing extremists are good guys and conservative ones are crooks? LOL -more like the other way around especially since only the left is so convinced of the...NOBLENESS of their agenda, they believe they are justified in using any means possible to win or steal an election.

I'm sure you got very upset about all the illegal foreign money Obama REALLY took last time, right? Unlike your phony claim here, that really happened. Probably why you want to pretend Cain is no less a corrupt, filthy crook too. But who is really more corrupt in the REAL world? Someone whose entire political career is due to the most corrupt political machine in the country, beholden to and still practices the filthy Chicago politics as the only ones he knows and whose REPEATED and NORMAL pattern of behavior is to use dirty tricks, character assassination and smear campaigns in order to remove all opponents? Or someone who didn't.

There is a reason reporters are now admitting Rahm Emmanuel is behind the attempt to remove Cain as a serious contender by means of drowning him with false sexual misconduct charges that are now escalating because so far it hasn't been successful. Its what he has always done for Obama as his "go to" strategy when faced with someone he fears running against. There is a very real effort here to handpick the opponent OBAMA wants to run against. And it isn't Cain. Duh. So don't insist others must play stupid just because it looks good on you.

I almost snarfed my coffee when I read this bullshit.

Looking at the background of the accuser I don't think he's toast.

Several red-flags go up when you read her bio.

Number one is she's from Chicago. Guess who's mayor of Chicago? (Rahm Emanuel) Emanuel was rumored to be the original source of the story about the accusations.

Second.....she doesn't seem to be able to stay on any job for long. Over a 17 year period she has worked for nine different employers. It's clear she has money problems. She has filed for bankruptcy twice so far.

Third....she has been involve in a nasty drawn out paternity suit.

Fourth.....she claims she went to Washington to see Cain. Okay.

They claim she's a Republican. Sure she is. If that's the case why does she claim it was her duty to come out? Why would a Republican voter feel it was her duty to destroy the GOP frontrunner if what he supposedly did doesn't have anything to do with his ability to lead? Considering the fact that Bill Clinton was a serial groper, accused rapist, and made famous the term "Bimbo Eruptions", yet he was considered to be one of our better presidents.

She is one of the original accusers but the media claims she is the fourth. Now she's going on at least two morning talk shows so I think it's pretty clear she's looking for a payday. If she isn't totally proved as a liar I'm sure publishing a book isn't out of the question. It may be called "Cains Stimulus Package".

Regardless, Cains is still eminently more qualified than Obama and if he won, which I seriously doubt he will now that Obama's crew has done their work, he would prove to be a much better president than the current one.

Personally, I wouldn't want to vote for someone these people claim Cain is......but considering the folks that brought this to the surface I doubt that it is genuine. I think that this whole thing has been orchestrated by the White House.

I didn't think people in Chicago registered as either a republican or democrat? How convenient for this woman.

I believe you're right.. this smells of Chicago-Thug style politics.. take out your "enemies." She's scary looking.. I can't imagine any man sexually harassing her. LOL

I agree. This is the Democrat way. The Democrats have the Liberal Media and they do this prior to an election cycle.

Then the Republicans will get theirs in on the election cycle and this year?

Big business has been let back into the media campaign. :lol:

The last cycle they were interdicted by a legal challenge to free speech. It was found that big business are free to speak, and this time, they will. :thup:

I think that the Democrats are going to be really wailing then...

Liberal Media You ever hear of Rupert Murdoch and the Koch brothers
One look at that woman and I can't help but think:

Does she REALLY expect folks to believe that Mr. Cain came on to HER?



No way.

She couldn't get a starving dog to lick her face if she rubbed a pork chop on her lips.
Iowa Radio Host Steve Deace Calls Herman Cain ‘Compromised In His Private Life’ - ABC News

DES MOINES, Iowa — A conservative Iowa radio host, who on Wednesday became the latest person to accuse Herman Cain of acting inappropriately toward women, declined to offer specifics about the presidential candidate’s behavior but suggested that Cain was “compromised in his private life.”

Steve Deace, who hosts a syndicated two-hour radio program in Iowa, said that two of his female staff members were subjected to “inappropriate and awkward” comments by Cain. But he refused to identify them or elaborate on the seriousness of the allegations.

After his show on Wednesday night, Deace held an impromptu press conference outside his Des Moines studio while his two female staff members rushed out of the building, escorted by two men who attempted to keep reporters away.

One of the women was identified to ABC News by an independent source as a victim of the behavior Deace mentioned. Both of the women repeatedly refused to comment on anything related to the controversy.

Deace, an influential conservative figure in the state, declined to say whether he had the women’s consent before going public with the allegations, but added, “As a staff we are very tight and we are very close and we share everything with one another.”
Washington (CNN) - Karen Kraushaar, who went public earlier Tuesday confirming she was one of the women who previously filed a sexual harassment claim against Herman Cain, told CNN she is considering releasing the details of her allegations against Cain.

"I have kept all of the copies of my allegations," she said. "So I believe that could happen."

In her first interview since Cain's Tuesday news conference - in which he vehemently denied ever sexually harassing anyone - Kraushaar refused to comment specifically on Cain's defense. But she did say that if the female accusers get together to air their charges publicly, she expected he would still deny them.

"He's a serial denier," she said. "He will deny if it is four or 40 women."

TRENDING: Karen Kraushaar calls Herman Cain ‘a serial denier’ – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs
One look at that woman and I can't help but think:

Does she REALLY expect folks to believe that Mr. Cain came on to HER?



No way.

She couldn't get a starving dog to lick her face if she rubbed a pork chop on her lips.

He has a classy lady for a wife.... I just feel sorry for her having to sit back and watch this happen to her husband.

well, he was always hanging around hookers.....

If he was,nt fucking whores or guys he must have been spanking the monkey WHOOP thats a sin as well
he was ,nt perfect
Only fools like you guys would degrade men and women and accuse our Lord and Savior of it. Idiots.
talking of fools what about you guys who believe theres a invisable man in the skys who is in control of everything
takes all types to make a world
"He's a serial denier," she said. "He will deny if it is four or 40 women."

What if he is actually telling the truth though?

Why is it sooooo easy for you guys to condemn him with 0 evidence?

Why is it soooo easy for you guys to believe this guy with 0 evidence?

Ask yourself the same damn question.....
Why do you guys believe he did it WITH ZERO EVIDENCE...??

Man I really thought you were smarter than this.

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