3 Questions for Athiests

Personally, I think we think we know too much. As with many fundamentals, we have nouns for what we observe that we take as defining what we observe. Ask 'what is light', 'what is life' and you will find that, though everyone knows what they are, no one can tell you the entire story.
What is life? Where does such a thing come from in the universe?
What is consciousness? If the big bang perplexes reasoning, where does consciousness come from in the cosmos?
We don't know.
But we have terms that make it seem that we do. Just consider what not knowing truly implies, deeply and fully.
There could be explanations as yet unthought of.
Since we don't know, we have to admit that consciousness may not be a product of the universe. We can even wonder if the universe is the product of consciousness.
What we call life and death may be equivalent to 'phase change' in physics, merely a transition that can go both ways and that beings shift into and out of. We may not die in the sense that humanity has always conceived of it, nor either live really. Perhaps the personality one becomes attached to in 'life' disappears, but the information that one represents cannot be destroyed. Nothing leaves the universe, unless there is a 'beyond the universe'. So, all remains, even if memory does not. Or, it goes somewhere else, somewhere never described or imagined. It is not even imaginable. It has to be unlike anything experienced.
Therefore, everything that is important and desirable in this world may be blissfully unimportant in the grandest of grand schemes.
Even 'God', 'heaven' and every dualistic imposition we have created.
Have you ever doubted your Athiesm?

False comparison fallacy.

To be free from faith is not ‘religion,’ it is not a ‘belief system’ – one does not ‘doubt’ that 2 + 2 = 4; it is the acknowledgement of the fact that all religion is the creation of man, and consequently there is no ‘god’ as perceived by theists.

How did everything come into existence?

Appeal to ignorance fallacy.

Do you hope you're wrong?

Meaningless question fallacy.
#1 No

#2 That answer is way above my pay grade. I'm fairly smart but the best minds in science don't know for sure so I won't assume to pretend I have it all figured out and that doesn't trouble me in the least.

Most religists are not braniacs. In fact the word "faith" is the laziest mental cop out that there is. I am embarrassed for the morons that use that word.

#3 I would love to live forever but obviously I will not. The idea of "heaven" is childish nonsense. Now if Bill Gates and Paul Allen had spent their fortunes perfecting clones so we(our brains) could all be transplanted into our own 19 year old bodies that would be wonderful. Believing we will meet dead people is a stupid idea.
There are answers that I would respect. Each question defines your intellectual honesty.

1. Have you ever doubted your Athiesm?

2. How did everything come into existence?

3. Do you hope you're wrong?

The first question - I don't believe there has ever been a religious person of any faith who has not doubted their faith at some point. Have you ever looked at a sunset or the complexity of life and maybe thought there may be a creator? Your answer says a lot about you.

The second question - has the universe always been, before and after the Big Bang? Did it create itself? How do you rationalize chaos evolving into order?

The third question - Do you hope that maybe your belief is wrong, that you might see loved ones again after death? Your answer here says a lot about you.
I am not an atheist but an agnostic. I assume its close enough lol
1. yes
2. No one knows. Hard to fathom everything coming from nothing. Then again, we are dumb.
3. No, because then, depending on which god/version is right, I could be punished for eternity. IF I am wrong, I hope to be proven wrong in time to come to terms with everything.

I will bow to a God, when they show themself. IDK why they think all our ancestors were the only ones worthy.. especially since we are a lot more intelligent now.. :cool:
Follow up question- what exactly is it you want God to show you to prove His existence? Ever watch a sunset? Listen to Beethoven? Just curious.

There is no god so him doing some private tap dance won't be believed anyway.
There are answers that I would respect. Each question defines your intellectual honesty.

1. Have you ever doubted your Athiesm?

2. How did everything come into existence?

3. Do you hope you're wrong?

The first question - I don't believe there has ever been a religious person of any faith who has not doubted their faith at some point. Have you ever looked at a sunset or the complexity of life and maybe thought there may be a creator? Your answer says a lot about you.

The second question - has the universe always been, before and after the Big Bang? Did it create itself? How do you rationalize chaos evolving into order?

The third question - Do you hope that maybe your belief is wrong, that you might see loved ones again after death? Your answer here says a lot about you.
1. I didn't start out as an atheist. I believed in God and prayed to God as a child. Now I practice a non-theistic religion and no doubts are present about that.

2. How everything came into existence isn't particularly an interest. My religion has no creation story. It's irrelevant.

3. Do I hope I'm wrong, or you're wrong. Kooky question.

I appreciate the beauty and complexity of this dream-like world we live in without needing a "creator".

I think your idea of the universe is limited. My religion teaches that there are three thousand universes.

I know I won't see my loved ones after I die because the personalities aren't eternal.

What is it you seem to be saying in this OP? That you have a pre-concieved idea of how everything exists and why and if someone doesn't agree you judge them lacking. "Your answer says a lot about you."
Even if you don't believe in an afterlife there is no part of you hoping that maybe there might be? Interesting.

Only children believe in Santa Claus. Grow up.
There are answers that I would respect. Each question defines your intellectual honesty.

1. Have you ever doubted your Athiesm?

2. How did everything come into existence?

3. Do you hope you're wrong?

The first question - I don't believe there has ever been a religious person of any faith who has not doubted their faith at some point. Have you ever looked at a sunset or the complexity of life and maybe thought there may be a creator? Your answer says a lot about you.

The second question - has the universe always been, before and after the Big Bang? Did it create itself? How do you rationalize chaos evolving into order?

The third question - Do you hope that maybe your belief is wrong, that you might see loved ones again after death? Your answer here says a lot about you.
2. Not sure
3, No
I'm not an atheists but I have atheists close to me.

1. everyone doubts. but I've never known an atheist who's doubted once they've come to that conclusion

2. science.... the big bang....

3. why would they hope they're wrong?

now I have a question for you.....

why do you care about what others believe or don't believe?
Thanks. But many atheists state they have never doubted, Big Bang doesn't explain how the universe came to be, even as the size of a quarter, and some atheists state they hope there is no God.

Just because you say that the sky man made everything doesn't make it so either

HAve you ever thought that we may never be able to explain the universe and its origins because we are physically incapable of doing so much like my dog is incapable of doing algebra?
I know exactly how the universe originated, and I also know that chaos does not evolve into order.
But thanks for your answers.

So now you have to prove it

First show me there is a god then have him explain how he made everything

And the universe is chaotic and getting moreso every second
Sorry, can't show anything to someone who admits he has a closed mind.

I have a completely open mind
If the proof is provided I will believe

You require that people believe despite the absence of proof and if they don't you say they have a closed mind
I'm not an atheists but I have atheists close to me.

1. everyone doubts. but I've never known an atheist who's doubted once they've come to that conclusion

2. science.... the big bang....

3. why would they hope they're wrong?

now I have a question for you.....

why do you care about what others believe or don't believe?
Thanks. But many atheists state they have never doubted, Big Bang doesn't explain how the universe came to be, even as the size of a quarter, and some atheists state they hope there is no God.

Just because you say that the sky man made everything doesn't make it so either

HAve you ever thought that we may never be able to explain the universe and its origins because we are physically incapable of doing so much like my dog is incapable of doing algebra?
I know exactly how the universe originated, and I also know that chaos does not evolve into order.
But thanks for your answers.

if you believe in reading the old testament literally (which we don't and it's our book) then you don't know "exactly how the universe originated".

you have "belief" but that "belief" has nothing substantiating it.
Sorry, but it states the facts. If you want to put your own manmade translations in that's your issue.

Facts are backed up by proof
Your first assumption that there is some sort of all powerful supreme being has not been proven to exist
There are answers that I would respect. Each question defines your intellectual honesty.

1. Have you ever doubted your Athiesm?

2. How did everything come into existence?

3. Do you hope you're wrong?

The first question - I don't believe there has ever been a religious person of any faith who has not doubted their faith at some point. Have you ever looked at a sunset or the complexity of life and maybe thought there may be a creator? Your answer says a lot about you.

The second question - has the universe always been, before and after the Big Bang? Did it create itself? How do you rationalize chaos evolving into order?

The third question - Do you hope that maybe your belief is wrong, that you might see loved ones again after death? Your answer here says a lot about you.

I'm not an Atheist. I'm non-religious. However I'll answer the questions.

1) I've never doubted my view that religion is kind of stupid. Believing for the sake of believing is just ridiculous (and that includes Atheism)

2) I don't know. Neither do you. That's a fact. I asked people a question and it was if the universe is so complex it couldn't have just existed, therefore God made it, then who made God. And those who were religious simply said "God exists, duh" which is a typical response of people who don't have the answers but refuse to admit it.

3) As I'm not an atheist, I don't have a view on stuff I don't know, so I'm not wrong because I've not said something based on what I "believe", but on what I know.
I know exactly how the universe originated, and I also know that chaos does not evolve into order.

Obviously incorrect, given how we see chaos evolving into order all around us.

For example, Earth was a cloud of gas. It's a planet now. Chaos to order.
My personal favorite example of chaos to order is the making of mineral crystals. As trillions of those mindless atoms come out of solution they manage to organize themselves in regular, ordered patterns that can be seen with the naked eye.
If you really believed what Jesus said you wouldn't want to inform everyone? That's like saying I know there's a bomb in the room but I'll only tell people who bring up the subject.

If you really believed what Jesus said ...

is the above the same as:

if you really believed there was a bomb in the room but there wasn't one really there ...

the bomb still exists.

I have reached the point of having no doubts about kristianity ... excluding J.

existence and nonexistence may not be the only options - the point of Singularity is neither.

elimination of error, a goal is the apex of knowledge.

There are answers that I would respect. Each question defines your intellectual honesty.

1. Have you ever doubted your Athiesm?

Define "doubt".

I could be wrong. I'm open to that possibility. I just haven't seen any evidence that I'm wrong.

2. How did everything come into existence?

I don't know.

When you lack narcissism, simply saying "I don't know" is no problem at all. Also understand that we don't fall for the God-of-the-gaps fallacy.

3. Do you hope you're wrong?

Define "hope".

It would be nice if I lived in a land of Unicorns and Rainbows. Doesn't mean I sit around hoping for it. Hoping for things that ain't gonna happen is pointless.

The first question - I don't believe there has ever been a religious person of any faith who has not doubted their faith at some point. Have you ever looked at a sunset or the complexity of life and maybe thought there may be a creator? Your answer says a lot about you.

The second question - has the universe always been, before and after the Big Bang? Did it create itself? How do you rationalize chaos evolving into order?

The third question - Do you hope that maybe your belief is wrong, that you might see loved ones again after death? Your answer here says a lot about you.

What makes you think you're qualified to judge anyone else? Your answer here says a lot about you.


This. I agree with this answer.
Also there is the question . . . if you're "loved ones" didn't believe in your kooky religion, they wouldn't be in heaven now, would they? Do I want to believe a person that I loved is burning in hell for eternity? That's what many so-called "Christians" would have you believe. What if my loved one committed suicide?
There are answers that I would respect. Each question defines your intellectual honesty.

1. Have you ever doubted your Athiesm?

2. How did everything come into existence?

3. Do you hope you're wrong?

The first question - I don't believe there has ever been a religious person of any faith who has not doubted their faith at some point. Have you ever looked at a sunset or the complexity of life and maybe thought there may be a creator? Your answer says a lot about you.

The second question - has the universe always been, before and after the Big Bang? Did it create itself? How do you rationalize chaos evolving into order?

The third question - Do you hope that maybe your belief is wrong, that you might see loved ones again after death? Your answer here says a lot about you.

1. How do you doubt not believing in something? You either do or you don't.

2. Who made God? We have the same dilemma don't we?

3. Why would I fear I'm wrong any more than being wrong about leprechauns, fairies and Santa?

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