3/14/18 Nationwide School Walkout Has Begun

Under 21?

That's not young children. These are older teens.Young children would be elementary school age.
Those that want to ban young children of 18 -20 years old from having a legal rifle and exercise their 2nd amendment, yet they can go out with liberal propaganda and exercise their 1st amendment...

If a 19 year old with serious problems had not had that gun designed for war, 17 of them would not be dead.

Pure nonsense! That 19 year old could purchase many other semi-auto weapons that would have done the same evil.

However, what is the dumbass hangup on the number 17? Hundreds of school children are being killed by gang bangers and drug dealers every year, and that doesn't seem to bother any of you snowflakes. You need to quit dancing on the graves of dead children in an attempt to further left wing idiocy.

It’s not a dumbass hang-up. These are teens reacting to the deaths of their fellow students and teachers, 17 of them. You know that. You’re just attempting to minimize it. Nobody is dancing on the graves of dead children except the NRA. They represent the gun manufacturers. Gun sales go up every time a massacre happens. Win-win for them, death and loss for the rest of us. These kids are just fed up. Their protests are the action equivalent of “Oh FUCK if I have NOT had ENOUGH!!”

Oh please. Fed up with what? 11 teens per day die in texting while driving accidents.. that's 4,015 per year. There haven't been that many killed in school shootings, to-date.
Just like any high school kid can get heroin, if you ban guns they will get them off any low life black market dealer illegally, and that market will GROW exponentially when the liberals get their way and guns are illegal and much more valuable. Then there will be NO tracing weapons back to a source, and we will have another "war" with black market dealers, smugglers, etc. Liberals NEVER think of the unintended consequences of their silly knee jerk reactions.
That's not young children. These are older teens.Young children would be elementary school age.
Those that want to ban young children of 18 -20 years old from having a legal rifle and exercise their 2nd amendment, yet they can go out with liberal propaganda and exercise their 1st amendment...

If a 19 year old with serious problems had not had that gun designed for war, 17 of them would not be dead.

Pure nonsense! That 19 year old could purchase many other semi-auto weapons that would have done the same evil.

However, what is the dumbass hangup on the number 17? Hundreds of school children are being killed by gang bangers and drug dealers every year, and that doesn't seem to bother any of you snowflakes. You need to quit dancing on the graves of dead children in an attempt to further left wing idiocy.

It’s not a dumbass hang-up. These are teens reacting to the deaths of their fellow students and teachers, 17 of them. You know that. You’re just attempting to minimize it. Nobody is dancing on the graves of dead children except the NRA. They represent the gun manufacturers. Gun sales go up every time a massacre happens. Win-win for them, death and loss for the rest of us. These kids are just fed up. Their protests are the action equivalent of “Oh FUCK if I have NOT had ENOUGH!!”

Oh please. Fed up with what? 11 teens per day die in texting while driving accidents.. that's 4,015 per year. There haven't been that many killed in school shootings, to-date.

Yeah but unlike the ban gun agenda texting carries no political clout for the left


Just watched one of those children on TV say that. We refused to be hunted.
Maybe there will be a political change.

Republicans have spent years terrorizing Americans into believe they will only be safe carrying an assault rifle in the country of the free and the brave. The GOP's message of chicken isn't working with this new generation.
The thing that worries me is that some right winger will run out there and try to mow down a bunch of children marchers.
And the clown Joe Biden tells people that a shotgun is easier for a woman to shoot than an AR 15
I believe your current argument point is known as “kitchen sinking.” Just throw everything and hope something sticks.

I believe you are too obtuse to realize that I am pointing out the falsehoods uttered by both the left and right since neither really cares about the facts
Why do you say you are laying down the facts when you speak such bullshit?
No one says weapons MAKE people kill. Weapons make it EASIER for people to kill in a heated moment. Then, after such a ridiculous and outrageous claim, you insist you are speaking "facts".
If those are facts to you, perhaps you are one of those children should be scared of? Is that a "fact"?
That's not young children. These are older teens.Young children would be elementary school age.
Those that want to ban young children of 18 -20 years old from having a legal rifle and exercise their 2nd amendment, yet they can go out with liberal propaganda and exercise their 1st amendment...

If a 19 year old with serious problems had not had that gun designed for war, 17 of them would not be dead.

Pure nonsense! That 19 year old could purchase many other semi-auto weapons that would have done the same evil.

However, what is the dumbass hangup on the number 17? Hundreds of school children are being killed by gang bangers and drug dealers every year, and that doesn't seem to bother any of you snowflakes. You need to quit dancing on the graves of dead children in an attempt to further left wing idiocy.

It’s not a dumbass hang-up. These are teens reacting to the deaths of their fellow students and teachers, 17 of them. You know that. You’re just attempting to minimize it. Nobody is dancing on the graves of dead children except the NRA. They represent the gun manufacturers. Gun sales go up every time a massacre happens. Win-win for them, death and loss for the rest of us. These kids are just fed up. Their protests are the action equivalent of “Oh FUCK if I have NOT had ENOUGH!!”

Gun sales go up because people are afraid the government is going to mess around with our rights.
Our government is elected. It's the electorate who want to mess around with our rights.
Republicans want to take away a woman's right to control her own body. No surprise there.
Republicans want to kill gays. Their religious leaders tell us so it's not even an open secret.
A short list of Right wing pastors who call for the arrest and murder of gays.
Pastor Roger Jimenez
Pastor Steven Anderson
Pastor Kevin Swanson
Pastor Jesse Price
Pastor Charles L. Worley
Pastor Bert Farias
Pastor Jeffrey S. Smith
Pastor Curtis Napp
Pastor James David Manning
Pastor Jim Beech
Most of them said the killings at a gay night club didn't go far enough.
Then you have Steve Bannon and Richard Spencer who say wear racism as a badge of honor.
You know, Steve Bannon who was the president advisor for the last few years.

There are minorities who live in fear of right wingers every day. They are advocating fewer weapons which would make murder less easy.

And with stricter gun laws, the police would have a legal way to go after armed minorities and take away their weapons. Duh!
Under 21?

That's not young children. These are older teens.Young children would be elementary school age.
Those that want to ban young children of 18 -20 years old from having a legal rifle and exercise their 2nd amendment, yet they can go out with liberal propaganda and exercise their 1st amendment...

If a 19 year old with serious problems had not had that gun designed for war, 17 of them would not be dead.

Pure nonsense! That 19 year old could purchase many other semi-auto weapons that would have done the same evil.

However, what is the dumbass hangup on the number 17? Hundreds of school children are being killed by gang bangers and drug dealers every year, and that doesn't seem to bother any of you snowflakes. You need to quit dancing on the graves of dead children in an attempt to further left wing idiocy.

It’s not a dumbass hang-up. These are teens reacting to the deaths of their fellow students and teachers, 17 of them. You know that. You’re just attempting to minimize it. Nobody is dancing on the graves of dead children except the NRA. They represent the gun manufacturers. Gun sales go up every time a massacre happens. Win-win for them, death and loss for the rest of us. These kids are just fed up. Their protests are the action equivalent of “Oh FUCK if I have NOT had ENOUGH!!”
So you want US to give up our guns then rely on the Broward County Police or FBI to be there to save our children? Wow, talk about dancing on the graves of those 17 who died.

Those that want to ban young children of 18 -20 years old from having a legal rifle and exercise their 2nd amendment, yet they can go out with liberal propaganda and exercise their 1st amendment...

If a 19 year old with serious problems had not had that gun designed for war, 17 of them would not be dead.

Pure nonsense! That 19 year old could purchase many other semi-auto weapons that would have done the same evil.

However, what is the dumbass hangup on the number 17? Hundreds of school children are being killed by gang bangers and drug dealers every year, and that doesn't seem to bother any of you snowflakes. You need to quit dancing on the graves of dead children in an attempt to further left wing idiocy.

It’s not a dumbass hang-up. These are teens reacting to the deaths of their fellow students and teachers, 17 of them. You know that. You’re just attempting to minimize it. Nobody is dancing on the graves of dead children except the NRA. They represent the gun manufacturers. Gun sales go up every time a massacre happens. Win-win for them, death and loss for the rest of us. These kids are just fed up. Their protests are the action equivalent of “Oh FUCK if I have NOT had ENOUGH!!”

Gun sales go up because people are afraid the government is going to mess around with our rights.
Our government is elected. It's the electorate who want to mess around with our rights.
Republicans want to take away a woman's right to control her own body. No surprise there.
Republicans want to kill gays. Their religious leaders tell us so it's not even an open secret.
A short list of Right wing pastors who call for the arrest and murder of gays.
Pastor Roger Jimenez
Pastor Steven Anderson
Pastor Kevin Swanson
Pastor Jesse Price
Pastor Charles L. Worley
Pastor Bert Farias
Pastor Jeffrey S. Smith
Pastor Curtis Napp
Pastor James David Manning
Pastor Jim Beech
Most of them said the killings at a gay night club didn't go far enough.
Then you have Steve Bannon and Richard Spencer who say wear racism as a badge of honor.
You know, Steve Bannon who was the president advisor for the last few years.

There are minorities who live in fear of right wingers every day. They are advocating fewer weapons which would make murder less easy.

And with stricter gun laws, the police would have a legal way to go after armed minorities and take away their weapons. Duh!

and people like YOU want to leave them unable to defend themselves, at the mercy of the racist government lead by the Nazi Trump. Lol.
Bottom line here, we Americans who understand our rights and why they are important are not giving you an inch because of what some lone wolf crazy teenage shooter does. K? Go after the people who have broken the law and abused their rights and are murderers.
Those that want to ban young children of 18 -20 years old from having a legal rifle and exercise their 2nd amendment, yet they can go out with liberal propaganda and exercise their 1st amendment...

If a 19 year old with serious problems had not had that gun designed for war, 17 of them would not be dead.

Pure nonsense! That 19 year old could purchase many other semi-auto weapons that would have done the same evil.

However, what is the dumbass hangup on the number 17? Hundreds of school children are being killed by gang bangers and drug dealers every year, and that doesn't seem to bother any of you snowflakes. You need to quit dancing on the graves of dead children in an attempt to further left wing idiocy.

It’s not a dumbass hang-up. These are teens reacting to the deaths of their fellow students and teachers, 17 of them. You know that. You’re just attempting to minimize it. Nobody is dancing on the graves of dead children except the NRA. They represent the gun manufacturers. Gun sales go up every time a massacre happens. Win-win for them, death and loss for the rest of us. These kids are just fed up. Their protests are the action equivalent of “Oh FUCK if I have NOT had ENOUGH!!”

Gun sales go up because people are afraid the government is going to mess around with our rights.
Our government is elected. It's the electorate who want to mess around with our rights.
Republicans want to take away a woman's right to control her own body. No surprise there.
Republicans want to kill gays. Their religious leaders tell us so it's not even an open secret.
A short list of Right wing pastors who call for the arrest and murder of gays.
Pastor Roger Jimenez
Pastor Steven Anderson
Pastor Kevin Swanson
Pastor Jesse Price
Pastor Charles L. Worley
Pastor Bert Farias
Pastor Jeffrey S. Smith
Pastor Curtis Napp
Pastor James David Manning
Pastor Jim Beech
Most of them said the killings at a gay night club didn't go far enough.
Then you have Steve Bannon and Richard Spencer who say wear racism as a badge of honor.
You know, Steve Bannon who was the president advisor for the last few years.

There are minorities who live in fear of right wingers every day. They are advocating fewer weapons which would make murder less easy.

And with stricter gun laws, the police would have a legal way to go after armed minorities and take away their weapons. Duh!
Republicans want to take away a woman's right to control her own body.
yet Obamacare intruded on everyone's body.
Republicans want to kill gays. Their religious leaders tell us so it's not even an open secret.
Yet it was a Moooslim who shot up the Orlando Gay Bar and Obama and Hitlery wanted millions more in the US.
There are stupid, low information, kool aid drinking, goose stepping, mind numbed, useful idiots, and they vote Democrat.

That's not young children. These are older teens.Young children would be elementary school age.
Those that want to ban young children of 18 -20 years old from having a legal rifle and exercise their 2nd amendment, yet they can go out with liberal propaganda and exercise their 1st amendment...

If a 19 year old with serious problems had not had that gun designed for war, 17 of them would not be dead.


because guns are the only way for a 19 year old with serious problems to kill mass amounts of people.

You are correct in that guns are not the only way to kill mass amounts of people. However, guns tend to be the preferred method of killing in these instances. That is something that should be looked into.
Guns seem to be the preferred tool of choice in mass murder, followed by vehicles? I think. We don't seem to be plagued by Mass Poisoning, Mass Drowning, Mass Vehicular Homicide, Mass Throat Slitting, Mass Head Crushing, Mass Tank Attack, Mass Land Mine Attack, etc....
No, it's guns, guns, guns....

I'm not going to claim to know why guns are overwhelmingly the method of choice for mass murder, but I would like people smarter than me to look into it.
A man with a van killed 90 people (including children and babies) and wounded nearly 500 more. He had some guns too, but clearly the truck did the trick. If someone wants to kill a lot of people, they can do so just as easily without guns.

Jim Jones killed 900 just by having everybody stop by the house for
Those that want to ban young children of 18 -20 years old from having a legal rifle and exercise their 2nd amendment, yet they can go out with liberal propaganda and exercise their 1st amendment...

If a 19 year old with serious problems had not had that gun designed for war, 17 of them would not be dead.


because guns are the only way for a 19 year old with serious problems to kill mass amounts of people.

You are correct in that guns are not the only way to kill mass amounts of people. However, guns tend to be the preferred method of killing in these instances. That is something that should be looked into.
Guns seem to be the preferred tool of choice in mass murder, followed by vehicles? I think. We don't seem to be plagued by Mass Poisoning, Mass Drowning, Mass Vehicular Homicide, Mass Throat Slitting, Mass Head Crushing, Mass Tank Attack, Mass Land Mine Attack, etc....
No, it's guns, guns, guns....

I'm not going to claim to know why guns are overwhelmingly the method of choice for mass murder, but I would like people smarter than me to look into it.
With all those mass murders by guns, they still haven't come close to the preferred method of killing.


That was a devastating attack, and because of it, the United States of America went freaking nuts, in fact they are still at war because of it over 15 years later.

Compare that to the reaction after multiple mass shooting incidents over those same 15 years. I'm not saying taking away guns is the answer, what I'm saying is that America isn't doing shit all.

We don't do crap about school shootings for the simple reason that elimination of school shootings is not, and never has been, the political goal of the noisy crowd of left wing politicians. Anyone with a lick of common sense knows that gun control is not the answer to stopping school shootings.

You stop school shootings by protecting the students from shooters, by the same means that politicians protect themselves from shooters. See how easy that is?
Knives kill five times as many people as rifles every year.

A Muslim killed a 13-year old with a knife last night.

Yup, there are lunatics out there who will kill you. Some people want to take away your right to DEFEND yourself against these loons because of what the LOONS do with firearms. Unbelievably stupid as all hell.
Students walking out of schools and speaking out because the cowardly President and Congress won’t do anything about the school violence in this country.

As they keep reminding us: “ We’re voting AGAINST the politicians that perpetuate this problem. “

The children are our future.

NATIONAL SCHOOL WALKOUT LIVE: Students rally in solidarity to end gun violence

What do you mean they won't do anything about school violence....they are the ones who actually want to put armed guards and staff in the schools and to fix the background check system so state and federal agencies will actually submit the paperwork on criminals and crazies...

It is people like you who oppose those protections for our kids.....
Those that want to ban young children of 18 -20 years old from having a legal rifle and exercise their 2nd amendment, yet they can go out with liberal propaganda and exercise their 1st amendment...

If a 19 year old with serious problems had not had that gun designed for war, 17 of them would not be dead.


because guns are the only way for a 19 year old with serious problems to kill mass amounts of people.

You are correct in that guns are not the only way to kill mass amounts of people. However, guns tend to be the preferred method of killing in these instances. That is something that should be looked into.
Guns seem to be the preferred tool of choice in mass murder, followed by vehicles? I think. We don't seem to be plagued by Mass Poisoning, Mass Drowning, Mass Vehicular Homicide, Mass Throat Slitting, Mass Head Crushing, Mass Tank Attack, Mass Land Mine Attack, etc....
No, it's guns, guns, guns....

I'm not going to claim to know why guns are overwhelmingly the method of choice for mass murder, but I would like people smarter than me to look into it.
A man with a van killed 90 people (including children and babies) and wounded nearly 500 more. He had some guns too, but clearly the truck did the trick. If someone wants to kill a lot of people, they can do so just as easily without guns.

Why then, are guns the most often tool of choice.

They skipped Science class, and didn't learn how to make Chlorine Gas?
Bottom line here, we Americans who understand our rights and why they are important are not giving you an inch because of what some lone wolf crazy teenage shooter does. K? Go after the people who have broken the law and abused their rights and are murderers.
Your post reminded me of liberal hypocrisy at its worst...

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