2nd Amendment: A "WELL REGULATED" militia; What? "Regulated"?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
The 2nd amendment says a "well regulated" militia. We've heard the argument that the military, national guard and police are NOT militia. That armed men and women of the common population are the true militia.

So, the, what "regulated" rules and regulations apply? By saying "well regulated" it doesnt mean "loose regulations" or "no regulation".

It means YOUR right to be part of a militia (which I suppose means just random John Doe owning an AK47) means you must be under some regulations. Not just weak ones. "WELL" Regulated.

So, by the 2nd amendment, what "regulations" should John Doe Redneck be under when he wants to pick up his weapon of choice for service in the Main Street Militia?
Sorry Heller settled the question. The Second is an individual right. Previous cases settled what the Militia is. Any able bodied man ANY, is the militia.

You lost get over it.
Sorry Heller settled the question. The Second is an individual right. Previous cases settled what the Militia is. Any able bodied man ANY, is the militia.

You lost get over it.

Im not questioning WHO can own arms. Im questioning what it is they can own.

The amendment clearly allows for "regulated" militia.
Unless you're ready to nullify (good luck), this was settled with DC v Heller and Chicago v McDonald. You want to restrict firearms in federal facilities, fine. It's an individual right, always has been.
If you bothered to do some research, you'd know that "well-regulated" during the era in which The Constitution was written meant "properly functioning".

The following are taken from the Oxford English Dictionary, and bracket in time the writing of the 2nd amendment:

1709: "If a liberal Education has formed in us well-regulated Appetites and worthy Inclinations."

1714: "The practice of all well-regulated courts of justice in the world."

1812: "The equation of time ... is the adjustment of the difference of time as shown by a well-regulated clock and a true sun dial."

1848: "A remissness for which I am sure every well-regulated person will blame the Mayor."

1862: "It appeared to her well-regulated mind, like a clandestine proceeding."

1894: "The newspaper, a never wanting adjunct to every well-regulated American embryo city."

The phrase "well-regulated" was in common use long before 1789, and remained so for a century thereafter. It referred to the property of something being in proper working order. Something that was well-regulated was calibrated correctly, functioning as expected. Establishing government oversight of the people's arms was not only not the intent in using the phrase in the 2nd amendment, it was precisely to render the government powerless to do so that the founders wrote it.

Meaning of the phrase "well-regulated"
Here in Michigan we have well trained militias and that's why I don't see extensive gun control, it will be hard to enforce it and these militias exist in many states as well.
Well, for a militia...which is an informal military purpose....to be "well functioning", shouldnt its members be in shape?

So all you fatass rednecks need to go get some PT in!!! The Constitution mandates it fat boys!
Well, for a militia...which is an informal military purpose....to be "well functioning", shouldnt its members be in shape?

So all you fatass rednecks need to go get some PT in!!! The Constitution mandates it fat boys!

I'm not no redneck but trust me, these militias are in shape and well armed. And they won't really disappear. Extensive gun control could flame things and divide this country because of these militias existences. The NRA is too powerful anyways, the Congress can't do crap.
Sorry Heller settled the question. The Second is an individual right. Previous cases settled what the Militia is. Any able bodied man ANY, is the militia.

You lost get over it.

Any able bodied man is NOT well regulated. That is not part of the second amendment.
Well, if all the rednecks in the "militia" here are to be functioning properly, they better get their lard butt in shape, start doing some serious training, and get some leaders.

Because in the incredibly unlikely event that an outside threat defeated our entire military, defeated all our police forces, and the last stand was our "well regulated militia" of rednecks at NASCAR races, well, we'd be fucked!
Well, for a militia...which is an informal military purpose....to be "well functioning", shouldnt its members be in shape?

So all you fatass rednecks need to go get some PT in!!! The Constitution mandates it fat boys!

I'm not no redneck but trust me, these militias are in shape and well armed. And they won't really disappear. Extensive gun control could flame things and divide this country because of these militias existences. The NRA is too powerful anyways, the Congress can't do crap.


No, they are not in shape or well trained. Armed? Yeah, probably with some AR's and AK's. But America is full of fat asses. Unless they are former military, or some swat guys, then the average militia man is statistically very overweight, undertrained, and has a very unrealistic idea of his own abilities. I've seen them at gun shows. They're more joke than legit.
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The 2nd amendment says a "well regulated" militia. We've heard the argument that the military, national guard and police are NOT militia. That armed men and women of the common population are the true militia.

So, the, what "regulated" rules and regulations apply? By saying "well regulated" it doesnt mean "loose regulations" or "no regulation".

It means YOUR right to be part of a militia (which I suppose means just random John Doe owning an AK47) means you must be under some regulations. Not just weak ones. "WELL" Regulated.

So, by the 2nd amendment, what "regulations" should John Doe Redneck be under when he wants to pick up his weapon of choice for service in the Main Street Militia?
Failure to organize and regulate the militia on the part of the state, does not constitute a loss of rights to be an arms-bearing member of that militia on my part.

You've really become quite dense and bigoted since you decided to become a pimp for the progressives/socialists.
Well, for a militia...which is an informal military purpose....to be "well functioning", shouldnt its members be in shape?

So all you fatass rednecks need to go get some PT in!!! The Constitution mandates it fat boys!

You miss the point. An individual right ensures the exercise of that right is up to the individual. You can restrict where our rights are exercised, like restricting firearms in a federal building, or requiring a permit to peaceable assemble in a federally owned park. You cannot, however, ban those rights.

Geez, what part of "shall not be infringed" don't you get?
The 2nd amendment says a "well regulated" militia. We've heard the argument that the military, national guard and police are NOT militia. That armed men and women of the common population are the true militia.

So, the, what "regulated" rules and regulations apply? By saying "well regulated" it doesnt mean "loose regulations" or "no regulation".

It means YOUR right to be part of a militia (which I suppose means just random John Doe owning an AK47) means you must be under some regulations. Not just weak ones. "WELL" Regulated.

So, by the 2nd amendment, what "regulations" should John Doe Redneck be under when he wants to pick up his weapon of choice for service in the Main Street Militia?
Failure to organize and regulate the militia on the part of the state, does not constitute a loss of rights to be an arms-bearing member of that militia on my part.

You've really become quite dense and bigoted since you decided to become a pimp for the progressives/socialists.


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