250% Surge in Rightwing Extremist Groups

When you encourage nutters with LIES then you are part of the problem.

When you encourage nutters with LIES then you are part of the problem.

So, is that a slight backing away from your claim that right-wing radio is directly responsible for murder?
When you encourage nutters with LIES then you are part of the problem.


Truthmatters.... you should seek help. The more I read things from you the more I am convinced you have some pretty serious emotional issues.

If you don't get help here, get help somewhere.
When you encourage nutters with LIES then you are part of the problem.


Truthmatters.... you should seek help. The more I read things from you the more I am convinced you have some pretty serious emotional issues.

If you don't get help here, get help somewhere.

How many of you have faced the facts that the ACORN videos were fake?
When you encourage nutters with LIES then you are part of the problem.

So, is that a slight backing away from your claim that right-wing radio is directly responsible for murder?

Here you are lying yet again about what I posted.

Please provide proof I said that?

This is what you claimed now please provide the quote where I said that?
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McVeigh was created by the right wiong radio.

Where in that does it say the murders were done by right wing radio?

You just refuse to give up the Lies dont you?
McVeigh was created by the right wiong radio.

Where in that does it say the murders were done by right wing radio?

You just refuse to give up the Lies dont you?
Right wing radio created a murderer. Well, don't we in America hold people responsible when whatever they've created causes the loss of life? If you missed my toyota analogy earlier, then should we not hold Toyota responsible for creating faulty gas pedals? Would you not hold someone who hires a hit man to kill his/her wife/husband responsible for creating the situation that led to the murder of someone else?
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McVeigh was created by the right wiong radio.

Where in that does it say the murders were done by right wing radio?

You just refuse to give up the Lies dont you?
Right wing radio created a murderer. Well, don't we in America hold people responsible when whatever they've created causes the loss of life? If you missed my toyota analogy earlier, then should we not hold Toyota responsible for creating faulty gas pedals? Would you not hold someone who hires a hit man to kill his/her wife/husband responsible for creating the situation that led to the murder of someone else?

Right wing radio created an idiot.

That is the point of right wing radio.

They create idiots so they can get votes for what people would normally vote against.

They sometimes end up killing people.

Not all of you idiots will kill.
McVeigh was created by the right wiong radio.

Where in that does it say the murders were done by right wing radio?

You just refuse to give up the Lies dont you?
Right wing radio created a murderer. Well, don't we in America hold people responsible when whatever they've created causes the loss of life? If you missed my toyota analogy earlier, then should we not hold Toyota responsible for creating faulty gas pedals? Would you not hold someone who hires a hit man to kill his/her wife/husband responsible for creating the situation that led to the murder of someone else?

Right wing radio created an idiot.

That is the point of right wing radio.

They create idiots so they can get votes for what people would normally vote against.

They sometimes end up killing people.

Not all of you idiots will kill.
Hooray! You're not stupid as i thought you were.
You can always tell when the k00ks are having lots of skid marks in their shorts...........every single internet k00k comes out with crap like this about "right wing extremism".

Cant blame them for the hail mary pass effort though...........if you were an ideologue and were watching your ideology getting flushed down the toilet bowl of public opinon, you'd get pretty desperate too!!!!:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:
You can always tell when the k00ks are having lots of skid marks in their shorts...........every single internet k00k comes out with crap like this about "right wing extremism".

Cant blame them for the hail mary pass effort though...........if you were an ideologue and were watching your ideology getting flushed down the toilet bowl of public opinon, you'd get pretty desperate too!!!!:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:
I don't think it's unreasonable to discuss the reasons for the increase in right-wing extremism if it indeed does exist.

No doubt some people are just unreasonable racists, and they deserve to be ridiculed. I would also agree that anyone who would take political views as far as death threats deserves to be ridiculed.

However, if the rise in extremism is totally racially based, then it wouldn't have waited until now; it would've appeared right after Obama was elected, or at least when he took office. Nor do i think it correlates with any right wing media as that's been around since long before Obama. The number one correlation right now which would be leading to more extremism is the further disapproval with the policies being pursued in Washington right now.

In other words; go figure that right wingers don't like what Obama and company are pushing.
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You can always tell when the k00ks are having lots of skid marks in their shorts...........every single internet k00k comes out with crap like this about "right wing extremism".

Cant blame them for the hail mary pass effort though...........if you were an ideologue and were watching your ideology getting flushed down the toilet bowl of public opinon, you'd get pretty desperate too!!!!:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:
I don't think it's unreasonable to discuss the reasons for the increase in right-wing extremism if it indeed does exist.

No doubt some people are just unreasonable racists, and they deserve to be ridiculed. I would also agree that anyone who would take political views as far as death threats deserves to be ridiculed.

However, if the rise in extremism is totally racially based, then it wouldn't have waited until now; it would've appeared right after Obama was elected, or at least when he took office. Nor do i think it correlates with any right wing media as that's been around since long before Obama. The number one correlation right now which would be leading to more extremism is the further disapproval with the policies being pursued in Washington right now.

very astute.................

hey bro..........I stole your signature pic. Its my official sig on every internet forum I visit now:clap2:

The Southern Poverty Law Centre, the US's most prominent civil rights group focused on hate organisations, said in a report that extremist "patriot" groups "came roaring back to life" last year as their number jumped nearly 250% to more than 500 with deepening ties to conservative mainstream politics. <more>

Unlike you, I'm always suspicious of anything that claims "Jumped nearly 250% to more than 500." This could mean something like 200 guys got married, and added their spouse to their "group." Hardly significant in a nation of over 300 million, but it grabs the attention of the ignorant.

And, the SPLC needs the attention of the ignorant.

The radical right caught fire last year, as broad-based populist anger at political, demographic and economic changes in America ignited an explosion of new extremist groups and activism across the nation.

Hate groups stayed at record levels — almost 1,000 — despite the total collapse of the second largest neo-Nazi group in America. Furious anti-immigrant vigilante groups soared by nearly 80%, adding some 136 new groups during 2009. And, most remarkably of all, so-called "Patriot" groups — militias and other organizations that see the federal government as part of a plot to impose “one-world government” on liberty-loving Americans — came roaring back after years out of the limelight.

The anger seething across the American political landscape — over racial changes in the population, soaring public debt and the terrible economy, the bailouts of bankers and other elites, and an array of initiatives by the relatively liberal Obama Administration that are seen as "socialist" or even "fascist" — goes beyond the radical right. The "tea parties" and similar groups that have sprung up in recent months cannot fairly be considered extremist groups, but they are shot through with rich veins of radical ideas, conspiracy theories and racism.

“We are in the midst of one of the most significant right-wing populist rebellions in United States history,” Chip Berlet, a veteran analyst of the American radical right, wrote earlier this year.

I'm going to appoint myself as "a veteran analyst of the American radical right" so you'll pay the fuck attention to what I say: There IS "anger seething across the American political landscape."

It is a product of Federal mismanagement: Runaway Spending, Open Borders, and Increased Regulation.

It is not a product of "radical right extremism," but rather a very broad-felt sickness over the status quo in Washington DC.

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