24 secret atheist congressmen/women?

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011

Why All Of The Atheists In Congress Are Closeted ThinkProgress

Outside of prominent roles in television or the music industry, being elected to national office is often one of the most visible steps a minority group can take to win acceptance in American society. Yet, for the millions of Americans who openly identify as atheist, the goal of political representation currently remains just out of reach: At present, no one in the 113th Congress identifies as an atheist.

But when Maggie Ardiente of the American Humanist Association spoke to Brian Pellot of the Religion News Service earlier this month, she let slip a striking revelation about a potential hidden “atheist caucus” on Capitol Hill.

“We already know of 24 members of Congress who have told us privately that they don’t believe in God, but they won’t come out, of course, and if we tried to out them they would deny it,” Ardiente said.

Bet its true but BFD.
Let's guess how many are LIBTARDS.

Because theists are the ones who ply their rhetorical trade with terms like "tards" and see the world in a good/evil dichotomy? Because seeking an alternative to blind acceptance of Ye Same Olde Thingge requires skills called "critical thinking"?

Yeah that's why I hope it's true. And would hope there are way more than 24.
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I hope its true that there are far more than 24 but we will have something to celebrate when we can vote for people who don't talk to imaginary and invisible creatures.
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I'm sure it is true.

I hope it is true. I can't imagine our country in the hands of religious zelots. People who actually take the bible literally.

I bet even most of the people who call themselves christians don't really take the adam, moses or noah stories literally and if that is true, how can they possibly believe jesus was born of a virgin, impregnated by god, performed miracles and rose from the dead after 3 days. I would suggest most people who call themselves Christians aren't really. For example, are all non christians going to hell? If you say no then you are not really a christian because you are denying that he said only through him can you go to heaven.

Now you can put whatever spin or twist you want on that, but fact is true christians think all non christians are going to hell. That's where you draw the line. If you don't believe that then you are a christian light.
I'm sure it is true.

I hope it is true. I can't imagine our country in the hands of religious zelots. People who actually take the bible literally.

I bet even most of the people who call themselves christians don't really take the adam, moses or noah stories literally and if that is true, how can they possibly believe jesus was born of a virgin, impregnated by god, performed miracles and rose from the dead after 3 days. I would suggest most people who call themselves Christians aren't really. For example, are all non christians going to hell? If you say no then you are not really a christian because you are denying that he said only through him can you go to heaven.

Now you can put whatever spin or twist you want on that, but fact is true christians think all non christians are going to hell. That's where you draw the line. If you don't believe that then you are a christian light.

I have asked here, and I sometimes want to ask if christians take bible myths literally. I'm always surprised that some say they do.

That's okay. People can believe whatever they need to believe but, I'm of the naive belief that we should hold our elected officials to a much higher standard.

And I've listened to elected legislators say really incredible nonsense and thought they saying those things to get votes.

Bottom line is that politicians still don't dare admit they think the bible is hooey.
I'm sure it is true.

I hope it is true. I can't imagine our country in the hands of religious zelots. People who actually take the bible literally.

I bet even most of the people who call themselves christians don't really take the adam, moses or noah stories literally and if that is true, how can they possibly believe jesus was born of a virgin, impregnated by god, performed miracles and rose from the dead after 3 days. I would suggest most people who call themselves Christians aren't really. For example, are all non christians going to hell? If you say no then you are not really a christian because you are denying that he said only through him can you go to heaven.

Now you can put whatever spin or twist you want on that, but fact is true christians think all non christians are going to hell. That's where you draw the line. If you don't believe that then you are a christian light.

I have asked here, and I sometimes want to ask if christians take bible myths literally. I'm always surprised that some say they do.

That's okay. People can believe whatever they need to believe but, I'm of the naive belief that we should hold our elected officials to a much higher standard.

And I've listened to elected legislators say really incredible nonsense and thought they saying those things to get votes.

Bottom line is that politicians still don't dare admit they think the bible is hooey.

I think people like boss who say/think/believe 90% of us believe in something greater than self need to realize a whole bunch of things.

1. Most people who say they believe were brainwashed as children. Doubt and go to hell. So they say they believe and don't really think about how it doesn't add up. Look at the fools we talk to here. Why do they believe?

1. Because of prophecies that may or may not have been actually foretold.
2. Because people have always believed. Even if that means our barely smarter than ape ancestors invented god and science can show them what part of the brain can imagine such a character.
3. Because they can't believe otherwise
4. Because everyone else believes
5. Our brains are able to compartmentalize world-views and models from one another, usually in order to maintain a state of ‘ignorant bliss’ and escape the discomfort of cognitive dissonance.

2. A lot of people lie. I don't want to be the bad guy. I don't want my friends and family thinking I'm going to hell. I don't want the arguments. I just want to fit in.

3. People who don't take the bible & old testament literally or the the Koran Literally means they admit their church must have made up all those impossible stories from adam and eve to noah to moses. And if that's true, they at least embellished what Jesus was too. Can't say all those previous stories are just stories and then with a straight face say god fucked mary and jesus did miracles and came back from the dead.

4. The bible was written 80 years after the fact and the heavily altered/edited. Anyone who trusts the church is crazy.

PS. Catholics aren't the only theists who like to molest children. The Muslims in Ireland molested 1400 kids. 1 400 children in Rotherham sexually exploited over 16 years
Let's guess how many are LIBTARDS.

Because theists are the ones who ply their rhetorical trade with terms like "tards" and see the world in a good/evil dichotomy? Because seeking an alternative to blind acceptance of Ye Same Olde Thingge requires skills called "critical thinking"?

Yeah that's why I hope it's true. And would hope there are way more than 24.

There is no critical thinking involved in atheism.

Like to think all but a small handful are defacto atheists. Otherwise we've elected into power positions a bunch of retarded people making dumb decisions after consulting their imaginary friend.

Big difference between actually believing in God, and identifying as some religious faith. I think most clergy don't believe in a literal way, they're very well-educated and it's hard to imagine getting a college education today and still being able to pass a polygraph exam where when you say you believe in God the machine doesn't start beeping, smoking, and bouncing around on the table like in a cartoon registering deception. :)

The more you study theology and comparative religion, ironically, the less you believe in any of it because you see how it's just variations on a theme.
Let's guess how many are LIBTARDS.

Because theists are the ones who ply their rhetorical trade with terms like "tards" and see the world in a good/evil dichotomy? Because seeking an alternative to blind acceptance of Ye Same Olde Thingge requires skills called "critical thinking"?

Yeah that's why I hope it's true. And would hope there are way more than 24.

There is no critical thinking involved in atheism.

Deciding whether something is, or is not, true does not constitute critical thinking?

What does blindly following what you are told involve?

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