2015 Is Warmest Year On Record, NOAA and NASA Say

I have answered. There's no normal temperature.. And I explained why that's not relevant.

Your turn now. Is it your contention that it would be okay if the oceans boiled because there's no normal temperature and the climate is always changing? Yes or no.
I have answered. There's no normal temperature.. And I explained why that's not relevant.

Your turn now. Is it your contention that it would be okay if the oceans boiled because there's no normal temperature and the climate is always changing? Yes or no.

There's no normal temperature.. And I explained why that's not relevant.

If that's the case, why do you feel the current record temperature (for the last 150 years or so) is worth wasting...err...spending tens of trillions to reduce?

Is it your contention that it would be okay if the oceans boiled

No, boiling oceans would not be okay. Is all the hidden heat threatening to boil the oceans?
All right. By Executive Order, everyone must install light dimmers in their houses until this crisis is over.

They don't work on CFL's.

All right. By Executive Order, everyone must install light dimmers in their houses until this crisis is over.

They don't work on CFL's.

Awesome. I will craft the Dimmable CFL Individual Mandate amendment to the next EPA funding bill immediately.

Also, an amendment that any business with more than 30 employees (not counting illegal immigrant laborers) must have at least 90 percent of their illumination come from dimmable CFLs.

We'll save this planet yet!
All right. By Executive Order, everyone must install light dimmers in their houses until this crisis is over.

They don't work on CFL's.


CFL is dead, thank god. (or Obama in your case.)

But there are now some dimmable LED bulbs as well, but they are still very expensive, since they actually use different LED's for different levels of inductance.

They'll come down though.
no really, the clouds are conspiring against you with their shady agenda...

So what is the Earth's normal temperature?

What makes you think that's not a stupid question?

It is one remarkably stupid question. According to the stupid logic behind it, there would be no problem if earth got so hot that the oceans boiled, because there's no "normal" temperature for earth. Same with the stupid, stupid argument that global warming is not a problem because the climate is always changing.

That's reason #2 why everyone ignores deniers; their science and logic always suck hard. Reason #1 is that they're corrupt political cultist frauds, and reason #3 is that they just whine about everything.
Nice rant. You should have just come out and said that you didn't know, or, since you don't have an answer, don't say anything at all.
Commence the pants shitting over 10 months out of 4,500,000,000 years.

Yep, I'm sensing a trend.

Whoa bro, 10 months out of 6,000 years. Don't be blinded by satanic science.

6,000 years? What on Earth are you talking about?
Your claim that earth is 4,500,000,000 years old is according to "science." Don't let yourself be seduced by "science."

I'm not sure what you are driving at.... but I'm just saying that a year out of 4.5 billion is hardly worth freaking out over.

Out of how many of those years were homo sapiens present? 200,000.

Out of how many of those years did human culture exist? 5,000

Out of how many of those years have humans been dumping gigatonnes of CO2 into the air? Less than 100?

How far back do we have instrumented records from which global temps can be calculated? 135.

When did the most recent significant acceleration of global warming begin? 1971.

So, if you were really drawing comfort from the total age of the Earth - don't.

If you knew it wasn't important but threw it out there because you thought the argument impressive - you're lying.
Whoa bro, 10 months out of 6,000 years. Don't be blinded by satanic science.

6,000 years? What on Earth are you talking about?
Your claim that earth is 4,500,000,000 years old is according to "science." Don't let yourself be seduced by "science."

I'm not sure what you are driving at.... but I'm just saying that a year out of 4.5 billion is hardly worth freaking out over.
I'm saying never trust science or scientists. Isn't that the point of the denier movement?

There is no "denier" movement except in the pointy little heads of some. When you base something on models that have admittedly been fudged, any normal person would say "hey, wait a minute".

It doesn't mean we want polluted air, water or any other such nonsense.

Who do you believe has admitted that models have been fudged?
In case no one remembers: every major group on this planet monitoring global temperatures has found that 2015 is the highest since records began and by a significant margin. NOAA, NASA, Hadley, the Met and JMA have all come up with nearly identical values and identical regional trends - an interesting bit of coordination if they're all falsifying their records. That would require extensive coordination - a real conspiracy. And then there's the magnitude of the temperature increase: far larger than any of the adjustments and corrections made could have produced. Hmm...

An interesting point is the very cold spot found in the western, north Atlantic that all organizations found in there data. There is a fear that this might be the first signal of some radical change in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Current (AMOC), which could have drastic consequences on weather and marine life.

And, gosh, just think, when the world goes to complete shite, we'll all be able to turn around and thank YOU for it.
As the effects of a changing climate become more apparent and affect the daily lives of our citizens, there are going to be political repercussions. Voters are going to remember who was calling the scientists names for trying to warn them of impending problems. And there is one party which had made denial a major platform.
If that's the case, why do you feel the current record temperature (for the last 150 years or so) is worth wasting...err...spending tens of trillions to reduce?

Because it would save that many time over. You might think it's fine to waste hundreds of trillions, but responsible people reject your plan of total economic incompetence.

No, boiling oceans would not be okay. Is all the hidden heat threatening to boil the oceans?

Excellent. You've admitted that, despite the lack of a "normal temperature", temperature increase can still be undesirable.

And with that, your point crumbles, since your point used to be that the lack of a "normal temperature" meant that any amount of warming was no problem.

So why didn't you just admit that at the start? I shouldn't have had to drag it out of you.
If that's the case, why do you feel the current record temperature (for the last 150 years or so) is worth wasting...err...spending tens of trillions to reduce?

Because it would save that many time over. You might think it's fine to waste hundreds of trillions, but responsible people reject your plan of total economic incompetence.

No, boiling oceans would not be okay. Is all the hidden heat threatening to boil the oceans?

Excellent. You've admitted that, despite the lack of a "normal temperature", temperature increase can still be undesirable.

And with that, your point crumbles, since your point used to be that the lack of a "normal temperature" meant that any amount of warming was no problem.

So why didn't you just admit that at the start? I shouldn't have had to drag it out of you.

Because it would save that many time over.

Based on more models?

You've admitted that, despite the lack of a "normal temperature", temperature increase can still be undesirable.

No, I admitted boiling oceans would be bad.
If I had to choose between a temperature increase and a temperature decrease, I'll choose the increase.

And with that, your point crumbles, since your point used to be that the lack of a "normal temperature" meant that any amount of warming was no problem.

You'll have to show me where I ever made that point.

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