19 Signs that America Has Become A Nation of Control Freaks

Skull Pilot

Diamond Member
Nov 17, 2007
19 Signs That America Has Become A Crazy Control Freak Nation Where Almost Everything Is Illegal

#1 One California town is actually considering making it illegal to smoke in your own backyard.

#2 In Louisiana, a church was recently ordered to stop giving out water because it did not have a permit to do so.

#3 In the United States it is illegal to operate a train that does not have an "F" painted on the front. Apparently without that "F" we all might not know where the front of the train is.

#4 In many U.S. states is it now illegal to collect rain that falls from the sky on to your own property.

#5 In America today it is illegal to milk your cow and sell the milk to your neighbor. If you do this, there is a good chance that federal agents will raid your home at the crack of dawn.

#6 In Washington D.C. it is illegal not to recycle cat litter.

#7 It is illegal to give a tour of the monuments in Washington D.C. without a license.

#8 In the United States it is illegal to sell natural cures for cancer - even if they work.

#9 In the state of Massachusetts it is illegal to deface a milk carton.

#10 In the state of Alabama, bear wrestling is completely illegal.

#11 In Fairbanks, Alaska it is illegal to give alcoholic beverages to a moose.

#12 In Lake Elmo, Minnesota it is illegal to sell pumpkins or Christmas trees that are grown outside city limits.

#13 There is a federal law that makes it illegal to be "annoying" on the Internet.

#14 If you register with a false name on MySpace or Facebook you could potentially "spend five years in federal prison".

#15 In Hazelwood, Missouri it is illegal for little girls to sell girl scout cookies in the front yards of their own homes.

#16 All over the United States lemonade stands run by children are being shut down because they do not have the proper permits.

#17 In Florida, it is illegal to bring a plastic butter knife to school.

#18 In San Juan Capistrano, California it is illegal to hold a home Bible study without a "conditional use permit".

#19 In the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania it is illegal to make even a single dollar from a blog unless you buy a $300 business license.

Sadly, this list of crazy laws and ridiculous regulations could be thousands long.

I didn't see anything on there about making abortion illegal or withholding federal funding for stem cell research. Seems to me those examples of nanny state-ism make the ones he has selected here pale by comparison.
and #11 sounds like a good idea to me. Who wants to deal with a moose with a hangover?
19 Signs That America Has Become A Crazy Control Freak Nation Where Almost Everything Is Illegal

#1 One California town is actually considering making it illegal to smoke in your own backyard.

#2 In Louisiana, a church was recently ordered to stop giving out water because it did not have a permit to do so.

#3 In the United States it is illegal to operate a train that does not have an "F" painted on the front. Apparently without that "F" we all might not know where the front of the train is.

#4 In many U.S. states is it now illegal to collect rain that falls from the sky on to your own property.

#5 In America today it is illegal to milk your cow and sell the milk to your neighbor. If you do this, there is a good chance that federal agents will raid your home at the crack of dawn.

#6 In Washington D.C. it is illegal not to recycle cat litter.

#7 It is illegal to give a tour of the monuments in Washington D.C. without a license.

#8 In the United States it is illegal to sell natural cures for cancer - even if they work.

#9 In the state of Massachusetts it is illegal to deface a milk carton.

#10 In the state of Alabama, bear wrestling is completely illegal.

#11 In Fairbanks, Alaska it is illegal to give alcoholic beverages to a moose.

#12 In Lake Elmo, Minnesota it is illegal to sell pumpkins or Christmas trees that are grown outside city limits.

#13 There is a federal law that makes it illegal to be "annoying" on the Internet.

#14 If you register with a false name on MySpace or Facebook you could potentially "spend five years in federal prison".

#15 In Hazelwood, Missouri it is illegal for little girls to sell girl scout cookies in the front yards of their own homes.

#16 All over the United States lemonade stands run by children are being shut down because they do not have the proper permits.

#17 In Florida, it is illegal to bring a plastic butter knife to school.

#18 In San Juan Capistrano, California it is illegal to hold a home Bible study without a "conditional use permit".

#19 In the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania it is illegal to make even a single dollar from a blog unless you buy a $300 business license.

Sadly, this list of crazy laws and ridiculous regulations could be thousands long.


And, now for a trip down memory lane....

Thomas Jefferson, in his First Inaugural Address:
"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."

What was the name of that country again?
In San Juan Capistrano it is illegal to have a home bible study with more than five people. Even if the family has four kids and a mom and dad!

There was a woman on television who has five children that was complaining about her citation.
I didn't see anything on there about making abortion illegal or withholding federal funding for stem cell research. Seems to me those examples of nanny state-ism make the ones he has selected here pale by comparison.

If you start with small seemingly meaningless laws making inconsequential things illegal, then it's easier to make the big meaningful things illegal later on.
I didn't see anything on there about making abortion illegal or withholding federal funding for stem cell research. Seems to me those examples of nanny state-ism make the ones he has selected here pale by comparison.

If you start with small seemingly meaningless laws making inconsequential things illegal, then it's easier to make the big meaningful things illegal later on.

Of course - but that wasn't my point. My point has to do with this asshole, John Stossel. As with so many conservative Republicans, he likes to cherry pick the things that outrage him. So long as the nanny laws support his views, there is no objection whatsoever, hence, the examples I gave are conveniently omitted from his list of laws and/or viewpoints that are clearly outrageous.

It's called hypocrisy.
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I didn't see anything on there about making abortion illegal or withholding federal funding for stem cell research. Seems to me those examples of nanny state-ism make the ones he has selected here pale by comparison.

If you start with small seemingly meaningless laws making inconsequential things illegal, then it's easier to make the big meaningful things illegal later on.

Of course - but that wasn't my point. My point has to do with this asshole, John Stossel. As with so many conservative Republicans, he likes to cherry pick the things that outrage him. So long as the nanny laws support his views, there is no objection whatsoever, hence, the examples I gave are conveniently omitted from his list of laws and/or viewpoints that are clearly outrageous.

It's called hypocrisy.

Stossel is good for a little comic relief. I think he's funny but there are enough resources without him to see that we are being slowly suffocated by laws and regulations
I didn't see anything on there about making abortion illegal or withholding federal funding for stem cell research. Seems to me those examples of nanny state-ism make the ones he has selected here pale by comparison.

If you start with small seemingly meaningless laws making inconsequential things illegal, then it's easier to make the big meaningful things illegal later on.

Of course - but that wasn't my point. My point has to do with this asshole, John Stossel. As with so many conservative Republicans, he likes to cherry pick the things that outrage him. So long as the nanny laws support his views, there is no objection whatsoever, hence, the examples I gave are conveniently omitted from his list of laws and/or viewpoints that are clearly outrageous.

It's called hypocrisy.

First Stossel is a Pro-Choice Libertarian not a Republican. Secondly the 19 items that were originally listed, I don't see where they were attributed to Stossel, but even if they did come from him actually exist whereas the 2 items you brought up, that abortions or stem cell research have been banned or made illegal simply aren't true. I'm new here but is sticking to facts normally referred to as "Cherrypicking"?

One question for you. Do you truly believe that if it were true that stem cell research had been banned that would be a worse sign for this country than The State believing it has the power to tell people that they can't have a few friends over to study the Bible or sell Lemonade or Girl Scout cookies on their private property?
If you start with small seemingly meaningless laws making inconsequential things illegal, then it's easier to make the big meaningful things illegal later on.

Of course - but that wasn't my point. My point has to do with this asshole, John Stossel. As with so many conservative Republicans, he likes to cherry pick the things that outrage him. So long as the nanny laws support his views, there is no objection whatsoever, hence, the examples I gave are conveniently omitted from his list of laws and/or viewpoints that are clearly outrageous.

It's called hypocrisy.

First Stossel is a Pro-Choice Libertarian not a Republican. Secondly the 19 items that were originally listed, I don't see where they were attributed to Stossel, but even if they did come from him actually exist whereas the 2 items you brought up, that abortions or stem cell research have been banned or made illegal simply aren't true. I'm new here but is sticking to facts normally referred to as "Cherrypicking"?

One question for you. Do you truly believe that if it were true that stem cell research had been banned that would be a worse sign for this country than The State believing it has the power to tell people that they can't have a few friends over to study the Bible or sell Lemonade or Girl Scout cookies on their private property?

Missed you Super Dave, remember the good ol' days?

The list, as well as the John Stossel show was designed to point out the trivia that laws today are supposed to control. Stossel's real point was to make an argument that drugs and prostitution should be legal.
19 Signs That America Has Become A Crazy Control Freak Nation Where Almost Everything Is Illegal

#1 One California town is actually considering making it illegal to smoke in your own backyard.

#2 In Louisiana, a church was recently ordered to stop giving out water because it did not have a permit to do so.

#3 In the United States it is illegal to operate a train that does not have an "F" painted on the front. Apparently without that "F" we all might not know where the front of the train is.

#4 In many U.S. states is it now illegal to collect rain that falls from the sky on to your own property.

#5 In America today it is illegal to milk your cow and sell the milk to your neighbor. If you do this, there is a good chance that federal agents will raid your home at the crack of dawn.

#6 In Washington D.C. it is illegal not to recycle cat litter.

#7 It is illegal to give a tour of the monuments in Washington D.C. without a license.

#8 In the United States it is illegal to sell natural cures for cancer - even if they work.

#9 In the state of Massachusetts it is illegal to deface a milk carton.

#10 In the state of Alabama, bear wrestling is completely illegal.

#11 In Fairbanks, Alaska it is illegal to give alcoholic beverages to a moose.

#12 In Lake Elmo, Minnesota it is illegal to sell pumpkins or Christmas trees that are grown outside city limits.

#13 There is a federal law that makes it illegal to be "annoying" on the Internet.

#14 If you register with a false name on MySpace or Facebook you could potentially "spend five years in federal prison".

#15 In Hazelwood, Missouri it is illegal for little girls to sell girl scout cookies in the front yards of their own homes.

#16 All over the United States lemonade stands run by children are being shut down because they do not have the proper permits.

#17 In Florida, it is illegal to bring a plastic butter knife to school.

#18 In San Juan Capistrano, California it is illegal to hold a home Bible study without a "conditional use permit".

#19 In the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania it is illegal to make even a single dollar from a blog unless you buy a $300 business license.

Sadly, this list of crazy laws and ridiculous regulations could be thousands long.


List of Words Homeland Security Tracks on Facebook and Twitter

Noel Brinkerhoff, David Wallechinsky

All Gov
March 5, 2012
If not getting enough attention in your life is a problem, there’s one surefire way to get the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to notice you: Use any of its proscribed watch words on social media sites

Al Queda (all spellings)
Environmental terrorist
Eco terrorism
Conventional weapon
Weapons grade
Dirty bomb
Chemical weapon
Biological weapon
Ammonium nitrate
Improvised explosive device
IED (Improvised Explosive Device)
Abu Sayyaf
FARC (Armed Revolutionary Forces Colombia)
IRA (Irish Republican Army)
ETA (Euskadi ta Askatasuna)
Basque Separatists
Tamil Tiger
PLF (Palestine Liberation Front)
PLO (Palestine Libration Organization)
Car bomb
Weapons cache
Suicide bomber
Suicide attack
Suspicious substance
AQAP (Al Qaeda Arabian Peninsula)
AQIM (Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb)
TTP (Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan)
Home grown

AllGov - News - List of Words Dept. of Homeland Security Tracks on Facebook and Twitter
- U.S. police can search a cell phone for its number without having a warrant, according to a federal appeals court ruling.

U.S. court approves warrantless searches of cell phones

I'm sure you're not surprised considering other things happening right now. The President, his staff and numerous others with the same ideological bent are claiming that a law that was railroaded through Congress while many who voted for it freely admitted they didn't even know what was in it, supersedes the Right that the Founding Fathers felt was so important that it was the first one they listed in the First Amendment.

These people apparently believe that a newly invented right to Healthcare overrides any and all other Rights including the most basic tenets our nation was founded on. They believe that the proper use of contraception should be taught in public schools at taxpayer expense. They also think that employers should have to cover the cost of healthcare including contraception and abortion pills even if that employer is wholly owned and run by a church and paying for those services goes against the most basic fundamental beliefs of those organizations.

I wonder if some of these people might re-think their positions if issues they dis-agree with were as radically and expansively interpreted. Take the 2nd Amendment as an example, an idea the Founding Fathers felt so strongly about that they gave it it's own seperate Amendment. Imagine the outcry from the Anti-gun lobby if mandatory firearms training were implemented into the nation's high school curriculum. Picture the reaction if these groups were forced to cover the expense of an individuals voluntary shooting hobby.

They needn't worry though since people who support the 2nd Amendment are usually supporters of personal freedom and are strongly opposed to a government that over-reaches beyond it's intended parameters.

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