...16 years in prison for J6 attacker?.....


Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2021
Tonight's news has reportage about one of the J6 attackers on trial now with the prosecutors asking for a 16 year sentence. If the judge accepts the prosecution's request for sentence length...it would be the longest sentence of any J6 rioter. (the longest sentence imposed so far, is for the retired NYC cop. He got a 10yr ticket to the penal system.)


"Prosecutors are seeking nearly 16 years in prison for Patrick McCaughey, a Jan. 6 defendant who pinned a police officer in a Capitol doorway amid some of the most chaotic moments of violence that day.
The Justice Department called for the sentence — which would be more than five years longer than the longest sentence handed down in any Jan. 6 case — to reflect what it called McCaughey’s “heinous” conduct, some of the most egregious of any Jan. 6 defendant.

McCaughey’s restraint of D.C. Police Officer Daniel Hodges in a Capitol doorway is one of the most recognizable and horrifying images of the violence that day. McCaughey’s restraint of Hodges lasted more than two minutes while other rioters disarmed the officer, removed his gas mask and ignored his screams or help. Images of McCaughey face-to-face with Hodges became a symbol of the brutality of the Jan. 6 riot.

Prosecutors say McCaughey.......was dishonest when he testified in his own trial last year.
McCaughey, for his part, is arguing for a sentence of a year in prison, contending that his crimes on Jan. 6 were an “aberration” in an otherwise law-abiding life.

Sentenced should be announced next week.
Its not horrifying, horrifying was the fascists murdering a young women, that was horrifying, they are in effect asking for a 16 year term for routine assault most cops experience three times a week, and which is always plead down to a misdemeanor, always!
Tonight's news has reportage about one of the J6 attackers on trial now with the prosecutors asking for a 16 year sentence. If the judge accepts the prosecution's request for sentence length...it would be the longest sentence of any J6 rioter. (the longest sentence imposed so far, is for the retired NYC cop. He got a 10yr ticket to the penal system.)


"Prosecutors are seeking nearly 16 years in prison for Patrick McCaughey, a Jan. 6 defendant who pinned a police officer in a Capitol doorway amid some of the most chaotic moments of violence that day.
The Justice Department called for the sentence — which would be more than five years longer than the longest sentence handed down in any Jan. 6 case — to reflect what it called McCaughey’s “heinous” conduct, some of the most egregious of any Jan. 6 defendant.

McCaughey’s restraint of D.C. Police Officer Daniel Hodges in a Capitol doorway is one of the most recognizable and horrifying images of the violence that day. McCaughey’s restraint of Hodges lasted more than two minutes while other rioters disarmed the officer, removed his gas mask and ignored his screams or help. Images of McCaughey face-to-face with Hodges became a symbol of the brutality of the Jan. 6 riot.

Prosecutors say McCaughey.......was dishonest when he testified in his own trial last year.
McCaughey, for his part, is arguing for a sentence of a year in prison, contending that his crimes on Jan. 6 were an “aberration” in an otherwise law-abiding life.

Sentenced should be announced next week.
Your Democratic Party is turning the country into a shit show. IF you are an American, you should not support them.
Political prisoners.
We've already seen these prosecutions were based on outright LIES.

People do need to go to prison. The FBI, the prosecutors and anyone who dreamed up this thing -- Pelosi, Biden etc
Almost certainly another HATE HOAXER.

No bio or data other than he exists....

The filming of the above was 1/7 along with the whole invasion of Dykey Nancy's office done by

Calhoun - life long Dem activist donor and candidate
Riley June Williams = daughter of convicted pedophile daddy who drove her to 1/6

3-1 Vegas odds McCaughey is another HATE HOAXING HOMO in MAGAdrag and he'll enter prison, get a "solitary" cell, and be out the back door in 2 weeks...
Tonight's news has reportage about one of the J6 attackers on trial now with the prosecutors asking for a 16 year sentence.
Pretty damn light for an attacker who sought to overthrow the US government and steal an election!

the longest sentence imposed so far, is for the retired NYC cop. He got a 10yr ticket to the penal system.
He'll be out in 5 years for good behavior. So these are the worst cases and the rest are all misdemeanors! I'd be pretty freaking upset if I were a true American expecting justice for these venal traitors! :lmao:
Its not horrifying, horrifying was the fascists murdering a young women, that was horrifying, they are in effect asking for a 16 year term for routine assault most cops experience three times a week, and which is always plead down to a misdemeanor, always!
So much for your “back the blue” bullshit huh?
I don't know about 16 years for pinning an officer, but 16 years for criminal trespass, assaulting an officer, and intending to disrupt the official proceeding that secured peaceful transfer of power....yeah, about right.
Tonight's news has reportage about one of the J6 attackers on trial now with the prosecutors asking for a 16 year sentence. If the judge accepts the prosecution's request for sentence length...it would be the longest sentence of any J6 rioter. (the longest sentence imposed so far, is for the retired NYC cop. He got a 10yr ticket to the penal system.)


"Prosecutors are seeking nearly 16 years in prison for Patrick McCaughey, a Jan. 6 defendant who pinned a police officer in a Capitol doorway amid some of the most chaotic moments of violence that day.
The Justice Department called for the sentence — which would be more than five years longer than the longest sentence handed down in any Jan. 6 case — to reflect what it called McCaughey’s “heinous” conduct, some of the most egregious of any Jan. 6 defendant.

McCaughey’s restraint of D.C. Police Officer Daniel Hodges in a Capitol doorway is one of the most recognizable and horrifying images of the violence that day. McCaughey’s restraint of Hodges lasted more than two minutes while other rioters disarmed the officer, removed his gas mask and ignored his screams or help. Images of McCaughey face-to-face with Hodges became a symbol of the brutality of the Jan. 6 riot.

Prosecutors say McCaughey.......was dishonest when he testified in his own trial last year.
McCaughey, for his part, is arguing for a sentence of a year in prison, contending that his crimes on Jan. 6 were an “aberration” in an otherwise law-abiding life.

Sentenced should be announced next week.
A win for the good guys.
I don't know about 16 years for pinning an officer, but 16 years for criminal trespass, assaulting an officer, and intending to disrupt the official proceeding that secured peaceful transfer of power....yeah, about right.
I see you ran right to a site censor and whined your little lips off, you low IQ'd cretins are so fucking predictable, you and the other sexual deviant, cowardly weaklings.... :fu:
I see you ran right to a site censor and whined your little lips off, you low IQ'd cretins are so fucking predictable, you and the other sexual deviant, cowardly weaklings.... :fu:
Awwww. You got your peepee smacked and you’re whining?
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asking for a 16 year term for routine assault most cops experience three times a week, and which is always plead down to a misdemeanor...!
"most cops experience three times a week"*
(* that would be, for those who are new to the news.....most cops are crushed in a door for 2 minutes 3x a week).
Who knew?

I, for one, did not.
So, pardon me, Death Angel, but let's call your hand on that one.
Prove it.
Or go.

Saddle up, amigo.

We've already seen these prosecutions were based on outright LIES.
I, for one, have not seen that.
Can, or will......the earnest poster Death Angel provide the forum with credible sourcing for this allegation?
Batter up, Angel.
The filming of the above was 1/7 along with the whole invasion of Dykey Nancy's office
No kidding? January 7th?
So, everybody got the 'January 6th' all wrong?
How did that happen?
Can you explain it for the forum?

McCaughey is another HATE HOAXING HOMO in MAGAdrag
I hate to sound like a rube, or some naïve' old farm guy, but........but just exactly what the hell is a "Hate Hoaxing Homo"? And just exactly what is "MAGAdrag"? How can we tell?


So these are the worst cases and the rest are all misdemeanors!
Now that's a puzzler.
I had read that there are approaching 1,003 of these seditionist attackers arrested as of mid-February of 2023.
And poster 2bfreak claims that just two are 'worst cases'.....and all the rest (1,001) are misdemeanors?
Who knew?

Well, for one, I didn't.
I don't believe 2bfreak is correct.
So let us ask him to vet his claim. To show the forum that he knows his onions.
That his avatar can be relied upon for truthful information.

Batter up, 2b, you are on deck.
Your hand has been called.

Explain yourself.

Thanx in advance.
but just exactly what the hell is a "Hate Hoaxing Homo"? And just exactly what is "MAGAdrag"? How can we tell?

For once, a valid response...

MAGAdrag implies a left wing hate hoaxer dressed up as a Trump supporter like Hitler dressed up Nazis as Polish Soldiers to hate hoax a "Polish attack" on Germany. And then Hitler invaded Poland....

So, the assumption is that the 1/6 crowd is 100% authentic Trump supporters. Let's check that out... Were they all CREDIBLE Trump supporters....

William McCall Calhoun, the individual who kicked in Dykey Nancy's door (on 1/7 actually)... what's his ideology???

AMERICUS, Ga.— Over the past three decades, as the state around him turned ever more resolutely Republican, W. McCall Calhoun Jr. remained an outspoken and unwavering liberal. He gave money to Democrats, ran for office as a Democrat and zealously championed Democratic policies in social circles that were far from sympathetic. If friends admitted they voted for Donald J. Trump, his reaction could be blistering.

“He was hard core, there’s no doubt about it,” said Dr. Michael Busman, a physician who has known Mr. Calhoun for years. “He wouldn’t even want to talk to you if you were Republican.”

But last year, as the progressive movement in Georgia was on the cusp of historic electoral triumph, Mr. Calhoun, a small-town lawyer whose family had long roots in the state, suddenly abandoned the Democrats

That SUDDENLY is the key. Just how many LIFE LONG LEFT WINGERS "suddenly" became "Trump supporters" AFTER VOTING FOR BIDEN....

And that's just bullshit. This guy Calhoun is a left wing hate hoaxer.


Mitchell Todd Gardner - actively vandalized and encouraged violence
James T Justis - egged on Trump supporters to charge the Capitol
Ray Epps - egged on Trump supporters to charge the Capitol
Riley June Williams and her pedophile daddy - stole Dykey Nancy's laptop after Calhoun kicked in the door (on 1/7)

So we have a PATTERN here

Life long LEFT WINGERS "suddenly" become VIOLENT TRUMP "SUPPORTING" VANDALS on 1/6

If you buy that, you believed Hitler's claim of a Polish invasion....
I don't know as I would say that 16 years is getting off easy. But most of the defendants received fairly light sentences considering the seriousness of their crimes.
It was an unarmed riot. There is nothing serious about it. 40 FBI agents were embedded and caused the violence. It was all planned.
Now that's a puzzler.
Most things for you generally are.

I had read that there are approaching 1,003 of these seditionist attackers arrested as of mid-February of 2023.
And some of them never even went into the building; arrested for nothing more than being there taking video.

And poster 2bfreak claims that just two are 'worst cases'.....and all the rest (1,001) are misdemeanors? Who knew?
Well, wasn't that YOUR point? This guy getting 16 years is the WORSE sentence anyone has gotten. Which means that he could be out in a few years. Pretty light stuff for people who were trying to overthrow the USA!

ITMT, AFAIK, ZERO people sentenced for insurrection, ZERO people sentenced for sedition, ZERO people sentenced for treason, and the lion's share of them at least from every report I see have been prosecuted for misdemeanor trespassing, with slaps on the wrist, often with house arrest or probation.

Let me know Ace when they start lining up J6 traitors before the firing squad.

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