...16 years in prison for J6 attacker?.....

It was an unarmed riot. There is nothing serious about it. 40 FBI agents were embedded and caused the violence. It was all planned.
When I read your ridiculous post, I couldn't help but be reminded of the pros and cons of the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution. The pro, of course, is that any American is free to say anything they so please. Unfortunately, that's also the con. That's because any fool, or any disreputable person, or any self-serving politician can stand up in front of tv cameras and make any untrue statement or say any blatant falsehood they so please without any fear of legal repercussion. That simple fact merely invites rampant abuse from unscrupulous people who have agendas that run contrary to factual truth. Like people on Fox News, as an example.

However, that's not the case in a court of law where evidence and the rules of evidence reign supreme. Put simply, anyone who thinks that they can walk into a court of law and spew a bunch of rhetorical nonsense and prevail is deluding himself.

What this means is this: After years of bullshitting anyone and everyone with virtual impunity, Donald J. Trump is going to face the music in courtrooms across the country where rhetorical nonsense will hold no sway.

As for me, I say that's a good thing, and I don't care whether it's a Republican or a Democrat who is a defendant in a court of law.

At this point, I'm reminded of the last lines of Pledge of Allegiance which I took thousands of times when I was a young student.

"...with liberty and justice for ALL."

When I read your ridiculous post, I couldn't help but be reminded of the pros and cons of the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution. The pro, of course, is that any American is free to say anything they so please. Unfortunately, that's also the con. That's because any fool, or any disreputable person, or any self-serving politician can stand up in front of tv cameras and make any untrue statement or say any blatant falsehood they so please without any fear of legal repercussion. That simple fact merely invites rampant abuse from unscrupulous people who have agendas that run contrary to factual truth. Like people on Fox News, as an example.

However, that's not the case in a court of law where evidence and the rules of evidence reign supreme. Put simply, anyone who thinks that they can walk into a court of law and spew a bunch of rhetorical nonsense and prevail is deluding himself.

What this means is this: After years of bullshitting anyone and everyone with virtual impunity, Donald J. Trump is going to face the music in courtrooms across the country where rhetorical nonsense will hold no sway.

As for me, I say that's a good thing, and I don't care whether it's a Republican or a Democrat who is a defendant in a court of law.

At this point, I'm reminded of the last lines of Pledge of Allegiance which I took thousands of times when I was a young student.

"...with liberty and justice for ALL."

You are the ridiculous one who thinks an unarmed mob could take over a super power's government. I cannot think of a more stupid thing to believe. Can you?
And some of them never even went into the building; arrested for nothing more than being there taking video.

Who were they?
And how many?
That is......arrested for being outside taking videos.

Batter up, 2bfreak, show us you have the cards in your hand you claim you do.
You've been called.
You are the ridiculous one who thinks an unarmed mob could take over a super power's government. I cannot think of a more stupid thing to believe. Can you?
To my knowledge, every one of Trump's whacky storm troopers had two arms which means they all had two fists capable of assault with, or without, wielding handheld weapons. Most of them are fortunate that they're not facing firing squads which is what they truly deserve.
Yeah, and they let that murderer go.
Calling the officer who stopped Ashli Babbitt from leading a mob through the doors of that chamber a 'murderer' borders on irresponsible slander.

If the good poster Trout has proof that he "murdered" Babbitt, if he has credible evidence of such......well, now would be a great time to reveal it here, and then take it to the appropriate authorities. But......

.....but lacking that, it is slander. It is irresponsible. And it is un-American. It amplifies the corrosive rhetoric than some are shrilling and that is now damaging American governance.

To my knowledge, every one of Trump's whacky storm troopers had two arms which means they all had two fists capable of assault with, or without, wielding handheld weapons. Most of them are fortunate that they're not facing firing squads which is what they truly deserve.
So all the BLM rioters deserve the firing squad?
Calling the officer who stopped Ashli Babbitt from leading a mob through the doors of that chamber a 'murderer' borders on irresponsible slander.
It's simple truth. He killed an unamred woman in cold blood.

If the good poster Trout has proof that he "murdered" Babbitt, if he has credible evidence of such......well, now would be a great time to reveal it here, and then take it to the appropriate authorities. But......

.....but lacking that, it is slander. It is irresponsible. And it is un-American. It amplifies the corrosive rhetoric than some are shrilling and that is now damaging American governance.

The evidence is on video, moron.
You are the ridiculous one who thinks an unarmed mob could take over a super power's government. I cannot think of a more stupid thing to believe. Can you?
I'll have to give you that one. They never really had a chance. I see them as violent protestors, which is a criminal act in the USA. Peaceful protesting has always been allowed.
When I read your ridiculous post,
And yet you then go on to offer nothing refuting it AS ridiculous. People carrying flags and selfie sticks and little else can hardly be considered an "armed riot," especially when the crowd is now known to have been full of secret agents of the government who can be seen and heard on video provoking the crowd from mere protest into bawdy riot.

Donald J. Trump is going to face the music in courtrooms across the country where rhetorical nonsense will hold no sway.
Too funny. You got him, now, right, asswipe? Finally found a crooked prosecutor backed by the crooked DOJ that you think you can try to frame him with some phony, half-baked charges that 99.9% of the entire legal community are appalled over? You think you finally found a crime to stick on Trump's back to "get him with?" What will you say when some prosecutor starts sticking half-baked charges on YOUR back?
I'll have to give you that one. They never really had a chance.

Hate to insert my poor avatar into this one, poster Dog, but......but I'd advise a bit of re-calibration on that 'have-to-give-you-that-one'.

It's a straw-man.
No one of informed authority has said those MAGA Jackasses and Q-NutJobs were gonna take over and run the government.
THAT was NOT their role on January 6th, or beyond..

They were simply the deus ex machina to move the plot along, or the raison d'etre for the next step by Trump and his enablers, i.e., announcing an invalid elections, stop the EC count, declare martial law......stay in government.

Those knuckleheaded ne'er-do-wells in MAGA gear were simply cannon fodder for the real manipulators. They were NEVER intended to overthrow the existing government.

Rather, they were there to help KEEP the existing government.
The government of Trump and his enablers.

People carrying flags and selfie sticks and little else can hardly be considered an "armed riot,"
As reported this week:

" On Tuesday, the jury trial begins for Christopher Michael Alberts, of Maryland. Alberts was one of the relatively few people arrested on Jan. 6. He was taken into custody after police allegedly discovered him wearing body armor and armed with a Taurus G2C 9mm handgun on Capitol grounds. Alberts was subsequently indicted on 10 counts, including felony counts of assaulting police and entering a restricted grounds with a deadly weapon.
Who were they?

Sorry, Chilblain, the last guy I saw was being interviewed by telephone in jail on a TV news program some weeks ago, but had you told me, I would have written his name down for you, since you are obviously too lazy or stupid to watch news sources of your own who are actually interested in and trying to get to the bottom of how so many innocent people could be arrested for so little then have all of their legal and constitutional rights flagrantly and savagely violated right in the heart of what is supposed to be our seat of law and justice!
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Hate to insert my poor avatar into this one, poster Dog, but......but I'd advise a bit of re-calibration on that 'have-to-give-you-that-one'.

It's a straw-man.
No one of informed authority has said those MAGA Jackasses and Q-NutJobs were gonna take over and run the government.
THAT was NOT their role on January 6th, or beyond..

They were simply the deus ex machina to move the plot along, or the raison d'etre for the next step by Trump and his enablers, i.e., announcing an invalid elections, stop the EC count, declare martial law......stay in government.

Those knuckleheaded ne'er-do-wells in MAGA gear were simply cannon fodder for the real manipulators. They were NEVER intended to overthrow the existing government.

Rather, they were there to help KEEP the existing government.
The government of Trump and his enablers.

He simply stated that they weren't armed to overthrow the government. They weren't. Fired up, running on protestor adrenaline, wanting to stop the election results with every fiber of their beings. I'll sign off on that.

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