...16 years in prison for J6 attacker?.....

As reported this week:

" On Tuesday, the jury trial begins for Christopher Michael Alberts, of Maryland. Alberts was one of the relatively few people arrested on Jan. 6. He was taken into custody after police allegedly discovered him wearing body armor and armed with a Taurus G2C 9mm handgun on Capitol grounds. Alberts was subsequently indicted on 10 counts, including felony counts of assaulting police and entering a restricted grounds with a deadly weapon.


And what is the list of people this guy shot or shot at with his gun? Or was his crime simply carrying his legal gun legally bought, assured his right by the Bill of Rights now being used against him, Boob? Chances are good, all he did was try to defend himself against a maul of police after being attacked with shock grenades and smoke bombs.

And what is the list of people this guy shot or shot at with his gun? Or was his crime simply carrying his legal gun legally bought, assured his right by the Bill of Rights now being used against him, Boob? Chances are good, all he did was try to defend himself against a maul of police after being attacked with shock grenades and smoke bombs.
The laws are rhe same for everyone. Violent cultists don't get a pass just because they remind you of yourself.
Tonight's news has reportage about one of the J6 attackers on trial now with the prosecutors asking for a 16 year sentence. If the judge accepts the prosecution's request for sentence length...it would be the longest sentence of any J6 rioter. (the longest sentence imposed so far, is for the retired NYC cop. He got a 10yr ticket to the penal system.)


"Prosecutors are seeking nearly 16 years in prison for Patrick McCaughey, a Jan. 6 defendant who pinned a police officer in a Capitol doorway amid some of the most chaotic moments of violence that day.
The Justice Department called for the sentence — which would be more than five years longer than the longest sentence handed down in any Jan. 6 case — to reflect what it called McCaughey’s “heinous” conduct, some of the most egregious of any Jan. 6 defendant.

McCaughey’s restraint of D.C. Police Officer Daniel Hodges in a Capitol doorway is one of the most recognizable and horrifying images of the violence that day. McCaughey’s restraint of Hodges lasted more than two minutes while other rioters disarmed the officer, removed his gas mask and ignored his screams or help. Images of McCaughey face-to-face with Hodges became a symbol of the brutality of the Jan. 6 riot.

Prosecutors say McCaughey.......was dishonest when he testified in his own trial last year.
McCaughey, for his part, is arguing for a sentence of a year in prison, contending that his crimes on Jan. 6 were an “aberration” in an otherwise law-abiding life.

Sentenced should be announced next week.
Excellent. Couldn't happen to a nicer traitorous piece-of-$hit.
I don't know as I would say that 16 years is getting off easy. But most of the defendants received fairly light sentences considering the seriousness of their crimes.
Lol. Your an ass clown . Seriousness of jaywalking and sightseeing.
Fired up, running on protestor adrenaline, wanting to stop the election results with every fiber of their beings. I'll sign off on that.

So would I.
We agree.
Many of them were overcome by 'mob-think'.
To America's, and their own pain and shame.
Right, the violent, armed mob was the reason it was considered an armed insurrection.

Armed with what, flags? And the violence was on one side of the building only (west side), started after the cap police starting assaulting them with smoke and flash grenades as the crowd just stood around talking. Why do you forget all the other capitol police who held doors open for these people, walked around with them inside, even told the protesters that they supported them?

Oh yeah--- you have brain damage.

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