1,ooo's of Honduran fleeing to America, why?


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
# 1. The lie......READ MORE AT THE LINKS provided

2. The migration of children and families didn’t just start recently. It has been going on for a long time, although the numbers have recently surged. The tide of migration from Central America goes back to wars that the U.S. promoted in the 1980s, in which we armed the forces, governments or contras, who were most opposed to progressive social change. Many hundreds of thousands of Salvadorans came to the U.S. during the late 1970s and 80s, to say nothing of Guatemalans and Nicaraguans. Whole families migrated, but so did parts of families, leaving loved ones behind with the hope that some day they'd be reunited.

3. The recent increase in the numbers of child migrants is not just a response to gang violence, although this is the most-cited cause in U.S. media coverage. Migration is as much or more a consequence of the increasing economic crisis for rural people in Central America and Mexico, as well as the failure of those economies to produce jobs. People are leaving because they can't survive where they are.


Read more, SEARCH AND LISTEN to interviews to see what it appears that our government has been supporting since 2009

Published 6 September 2015 (6 hours 14 minutes ago)

In Honduras, NGO's organized a Week for Migrants to raise awareness and deter people from making the dangerous trek north.
Unaccompanied children from Honduras continue to flee the country by the thousands, most of whom are aiming to reach the safety and stability of the United States, according to reports by migration organizations Saturday.
“Children continue to emerge without adult company, or sometimes accompanied, because the causes of migration remain,” Lidia Mara Silva, a nun and member of the non-government organization Pastoral Care of Migrants, told AFP.
Mara's comments come during the Week for Migrants, a festival held in the central park of the capital Tegucigalpa, organized by the Pastoral and the International Red Cross to raise awareness of the dangers of migration and deter those who may think of leaving the country.
According to numbers released by the Pastoral, so far at least 35,438 Hondurans have been deported back to the country from the United States and Mexico in 2015 alone. Over 5,000 of the deportees were under the age of 18....................................more at link
RELATED: teleSUR In Depth – Six Years After Honduras’ Coup

Well-Being For All: Terry in Honduras Part 4
Aug 31, 2006 - Honduras, August 28, 2006 ... Not far from where the ants were at their work, a group of people were meeting with the Rural ... The first CIAL group in El Barro, consists of a group of men who are all farmers. ... This system of trenches and barriers captures rainwater run-off and is proven to stop erosion.

They were close to having privately owned property but someone decided they could not have that;

Honduras Promises To Invest In Its Farmers : NPR
www.npr.org › News › World
Aug 4, 2008 - In light of the global food crisis, the Honduras government is changing ... Rubio shows off an ear of corn in his field of genetically altered crops.

#4. 2009 more military intervention;

Why the Honduran Children Flee North
July 12, 2014

Much of the violence driving thousands of unaccompanied children from Honduras to the U.S. can be traced to the past decades of U.S. military and economic interference in Honduras, including ex-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s support for a 2009 coup, Adrienne Pine tells Dennis J Bernstein.

By Dennis J Bernstein

A flood of Central American children seeking safety in the United States has created a political and humanitarian crisis for border states and left President Barack Obama lecturing the parents not to send their children off on these long dangerous journeys as he requests $3.7 billion in emergency spending to step up border security and speed up deportations.

But the crisis has a long back story, including the U.S. militarization of Central America in the 1980s and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s support for an anti-democratic coup in Honduras in 2009 which ousted a populist president and increased the exploitation of the population..... ....................................................................It includes the usurping of lands, indigenous peoples’ lands, of campesinos’ or peasant farmers’ lands. It includes the destruction of any notion of sovereignty and Honduran peoples’ control of their land, of their water, of their sub-soil rights, and of their government itself. So there are conditions of extreme violence in Honduras. You will hear politicians saying “Well, this is all the fault of the gangs.”..... more at link


The War Against Peasant Farmers Heats Up in Honduras
Jan 30, 2012 - In the Lower Aguán River Valley in northern Honduras, more than 3,000 ... face off against the goliath forces of the Honduran oligarchy, their private guards, ... The farmers were within days of receiving their titles when the coup took place. ... At first, people were shy to share the trauma of the police attack.

Strategic acquisitions of Cargill in Central America ...
Jul 22, 2014 - Vargas has spent most of his career with Cargill, managing all operations in Central American countries (Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and ...

Monsanto profits from right-wing coup d'état in Paraguay ...
Three years after the coup in Honduras that deposed President Manuel ... The U.S.-based transnational giant Monsanto is implicated in the events in Paraguay.

Just in case Monsanto fails;

Bayer (Honduras) in Central America - CentralAmericaData ...
Walmart and Bayer to Boost Honduran Agriculture. Friday, January 15, 2010. The companies will jointly develop a program to improve agricultural practices in ...

Big Pharma tops it off;

#6. Some parents refused to subject their children to trial and error vaccinations instead they sent them to America hoping they would be safe, what a joke......

Vaccines Proven To Cause Sudden Death in Children – 67 ...

Jan 13, 2015 - This confirmation vaccines cause children to die suddenly was ... A confidential 1271 page GSK document ordered recently by an Italian Court ...

Document Reveals Death Of At Least 36 Infants After ...
Nov 13, 2013 - A confidential GlaxoSmithKline document recently leaked to the press ... So, the death of that child is never even counted because of the ...

#7. I recall when basic vaccines were three bucks. Someone else caught onto a part of the scam.

The great billion dollar drug scam

The great billion dollar drug scam: part two
Not migrants. Leeches. Economic players.

Free money, and the Democrats want them in order to add to the voting bloc.

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