0 for 5! Russians hacked all the special elections!


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
After all the hype, fake polls, and Left Coast wealthy liberals hacking into the special elections by dumping tens of millions, once again, they LOST.

Its obvious why they keep losing. Democrats have not learned the lessons of November 8, and they and their lapdogs in the totally biased fake news media have nothing to offer but Trump / republicans are evil, and are totally out of touch with the concerns of everyday Americans. We can only pray that their learning curve does not improve and they continue this failed suicidal strategy. :clap2:
Check out the pre election fake polls showing Ossoff winning:


Georgia's special election between Ossoff and Handel: What you need to know

What do the polls show?
The latest Real Clear Politics poll average shows Ossoff narrowly ahead of Handel with 49.3% to her 47.8%.

That's less than the margin of error and FiveThirtyEight's Nate Silver cautions that "Georgia 6 is a tough district to diagnose." While Mitt Romney won the district, which is comprised of wealthy suburbs of Atlanta, by 23 points over Barack Obama in 2012, Trump only defeated Hillary Clinton by 1.5 points in 2016.
After all the hype, fake polls, and Left Coast wealthy liberals hacking into the special elections by dumping tens of millions, once again, they LOST.

Its obvious why they keep losing. Democrats have not learned the lessons of November 8, and they and their lapdogs in the totally biased fake news media have nothing to offer but Trump / republicans are evil, and are totally out of touch with the concerns of everyday Americans. We can only pray that their learning curve does not improve and they continue this failed suicidal strategy. :clap2:

Hey Leftards :dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance:
While it's nice to be on the winning side WE on the right should use this moment WISELY.....
(and not just to gloat on our victories)

It's important to note that not everyone on the left is onboard with the radical left. We have to embrace those on the left who see the hatred and have seen past the elitist media propaganda and have also rejected the lies of the elitist and their media lap dogs. Many on the left are rethinking their stances on issues.

In order for the right to win in the long run, we need the support of every person, white, black, brown, yellow or ANY skin color that recognizes the danger the radical left presents. If we do not embrace those on the left who are willing to compromise, we will eventually push them to the radical left.
Going around saying things like "Black people are animals" is ignorant and repulsive. SOME black people are indeed animals. And so are SOME white people.
If you hate...just because of skin color, how are you any different from the radical left that hates because of party affiliation or race?

We have to be willing to be sympathetic to opposing views as long as they are not destructive to our society.
Destructive radical left views include open borders, accepting corruption in order to win political power and trade policies that hurt Americans, among others.

Please - let's NOT be like the radical left. Instead, let's use this moment wisely. Let's rise above and turn this into the moment the radical left was permanently defeated. We can only do this if we embrace and unite with those on the left who are not in support of the RADICAL left like many of the lose cannons that post the anti-Trump hatred daily.

If you oppose this train of thought would you please explain why?
They're going to appoint another special prosecutor to investigate Trump colluding, if not then obstructing, if not then financial shenanigans in the Georgia special elections any day now. They're waiting for the fat lady to sing I mean Maxine Waters to bray again.
Live by fake polls die by fake polls!

Prominent Statistician Declared ‘Math Is Dead’ If Handel Won Georgia
Polling aggregation website founder Nate Silver was so confident that Republican challenger Karen Handel would lose the Georgia special election Tuesday evening that he declared the death of math if she won.

The prominent statistician gave Democratic candidate Jon Ossoff a 70 percent chance of winning, leaving a 30 percent chance that Handel would claim the office. Handel handily won the race with 51.9 percent, and Ossoff trailed with 48.1 percent.

It means there’s a 70% chance Ossoff wins and a 30% chance that MATH IS DEAD AND DATA IS BROKEN.

— Nate Silver (@NateSilver538) June 14, 2017

Although Silver called the Georgia special election wrong, his analysis of the 2016 presidential election was actually the friendliest to President Donald Trump, and therefore the most accurate. The site gave Trump a 28.6 percent chance of defeating Democratic challenger Hillary Clinton. Although that’s still a low chance, it was much higher than the 1 percent chance that the New York Times gave Trump in the final days of the presidential election.

Trump predicted Handel’s win as early as April 17, when he said that a runoff will lead to a win.

“With eleven Republican candidates running in Georgia on Tuesday for Congress, a runoff will be a win. Vote ‘R’ for lower taxes and safety!” the president tweeted before Ossoff earned 48 percent in the April 18 election.
They're going to appoint another special prosecutor to investigate Trump colluding, if not then obstructing, if not then financial shenanigans in the Georgia special elections any day now. They're waiting for the fat lady to sing I mean Maxine Waters to bray again.

special council to investigate obama admin for obstruction



Under sworn questioning, Comey has veered off the topic of President Trump and Russia and revealed several damning incidents in which his predecessor’s administration politically interfered in the Hillary Clinton email investigation. And now the Senate will investigate Team Obama for obstruction of justice.

Specifically, the Senate Judiciary Committee announced last week it will hold hearings to “examine then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s involvement in the Clinton email server investigation.”

The findings of the powerful panel, which has oversight of the Justice Department and FBI, could lead to a separate criminal investigation and the naming of another special counsel — exactly what Trump needs to distract attention from his growing legal woes.


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