
  1. deanrd

    Why the secret meeting with Trump Jr. and Saudi Arabia and others on Aug 3, 2016 is important.

    Even being reported in other countries: Gulf emissary had met Donald Trump Jr with offer to help election campaign This is the first instance of foreign governments other than of Russia seeking to influence the 2016 election. And the newspaper reported this meeting was one of the focus of...
  2. deanrd

    I don't know any Russians. How come Trump seems to know them ALL?

    Shake a tree in the Forest of Trump and out falls a Russian. Doesn't seem to be a joke. There are the hundreds of thousands of dollars given to Trump's Inauguration Party. Jared's back door attempt. Mike Flynn's connections. Manafort's connections. Gates Connections. Papadopoulos...
  3. midcan5

    CDZ 'Blame Russia Narrative'

    "We get to vote? Big deal. People get to vote in Rwanda, Russia, the Congo and countless other autocratic states as well." The OP below covers our last election and the reality that is our politics today, read it but be aware you may learn something that challenges your assumptions...
  4. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Mueller refuses to meet with Kim Dotcom who has proof Seth Rich was the leaker; no Russian collusion

    Kim Dotcom: "Let Me Assure You, The DNC Hack Wasn’t Even A Hack" Kim Dotcom has once again chimed in on the DNC hack, following a Sunday morning tweet from President Trump clarifying his previous comments on Russian meddling in the 2016 election. I never said Russia did not meddle in the...
  5. K9Buck

    A question for our Russian posters

    Can you share an example of something that Putin has done with which you disagree? Thanks in advance.
  6. defcon4

    Russia's State TV Instructing Russian Citizens To Start Prepping For The Armageddon!

    Russia's state television is airing instructions how to prepare for a nuclear war disaster. Let's hope it won't get to that point.
  7. The Original Tree

    Robert Mueller is Compromised By Russia

    In Fact, Mueller's Entire Team and many in The FBI and DOJ are beholden to Vladimir Putin and Russian Oligarchs. It is a fact that Russia and Putin did not want President Trump to get elected, and actively campaigned against him and accepted millions of dollars from The DNC, Clinton and Obama...
  8. The Original Tree

    President Trump Needs To Force Congress To Act On Syria

    Syria is Congress’ Problem and The Previous Adminstration’s Problem. It was Rice, Kerry, Obama and Clinton who brought Russia in to Syria to deal with Chemical Weapons instead of dealing with them directly. Instead Russia helped Syria build Military Bases while Congress did nothing. Congress...
  9. cnelsen

    Let's test the IQ of USMB visitors

    Given the following facts: Israel has openly sought to get rid of Assad for many years The US involves itself in the Syrian civil war; tries to depose Assad But Assad survives, winning civil war, peace nearly at hand, wants US troops out of Syria Trump announces he wants US troops out of...
  10. The Original Tree

    Worse Than Hitler!

    No, Not Hillary Clinton. No, Not Obama Bin Lying, BUT CLOSE. How bad was Obama Bin Spying at playing President? Really, Really Bad. Everything he did was NOT in America's Favor. In Fact you can argue he intentionally sabotaged The United States every chance he got. Now this: A little bit...
  11. midcan5

    CDZ The 'deplorables' and the rest of us.

    The Russians are coming.... Why Hillary, why Trump or even Sanders? Would it matter? I think many Americans refuse, or are unaware of the powers that manage the American political landscape today. Two books and a fascinating article for these who want to understand a bit. Enjoy. Big...
  12. JGalt

    Who was the one who started all the "Russian collusion" nonsense anyway?

    Where did the idea come from, that Russia had anything to do with the 2016 election and helped Trump to win? Does anyone remember? Was it Comey? Hillary? Obama?
  13. Balancer

    CDZ The image of the enemy in Russia and in the West

    This is not the first time I have come across the assertion that in Russia the image of the West as an enemy is constantly being created. But in the West, the image of Russia is designated enemy much less often. I do not see this tendency. Moreover, constantly reading / watching both Russian and...
  14. TheProgressivePatriot

    Trump Has One Foot On A Bananna Peel and The Other in A Jail Cell

    Folks, there is a lot of under the MSM radar going on and this is a big one. How ya all think that T-Rump will do in the Big House? Not well I suspect even if it's one of the so called Federal "Country Clubs" He still is not likely to get his Big Macs and KFC and oh, aren't people in prison...
  15. P@triot

    This is why you don’t elect Democrats

    This wouldn’t be an issue if Mitt Romney had been elected president. He accurately assessed that Russia was “the greatest geopolitical threat to the U.S.”. Barack Insane Obama - with unlimited access to national security briefings - mocked him. This is a prime example why you don’t electe an...
  16. AsianTrumpSupporter

    How Obama pussed out and ordered America to stand down in cyberwar with Russia

    The cyberwar that never happened: How Obama backed down from a counterstrike against Russia In the summer of 2016, as evidence mounted of Russian meddling in the U.S. election, a team in the White House began work on a far-reaching counterstrike against Russian media, the Kremlin oligarchy, and...
  17. P@triot

    The Russian Bombshell

    Here is radically left-wing Facebook admitting that Russia did not influence the election for President Trump one single iota. Be prepared for the standard left-wing response to this. Half of them will deny it (yawn) and the other half will attempt to spin it another way rather than admit they...
  18. 6915THESS

    US Star Wars project involved partnering with Russia released documents show

    Interesting history here... Newly released British classified records show that in the early part of the 1990’s, the #British Government became nervous over the prospect that President George H. W. Bush’s administration was considering having Russia as a partner with the “Star Wars” missile...
  19. midcan5

    Russian Media Trump

    This is bizarre. "Sam Adams: It can take a long time to assemble a found-footage film like this. Was this something you were working on before the 2016 election, or did it start after that?" "Maxim Pozdorovkin: What happened was my editor came back from visiting Russia right after the...
  20. Balancer

    USSR-Russia. 1988-2018. Timeline.

    Over the past 30 years, Russia has gone through a very difficult path. Few people imagine this process. And not only in the West, but many people forget this already in Russia itself. Also, very many people who knew Russia only in the 1990s, judge it for that period. In this topic, I'll try to...
  21. TheProgressivePatriot

    Jeff Flake, A Republican , Calls Out the Orange Ogre as a Danger to Democracy

    Flake's 20 most damning lines about Trump and the press - CNNPolitics Senator Flake held nothing back in calling out Trump on his dangerous assault on democracy, his lies, and his short cummings as a leader. And he is not done. He will be a thorn in the side of delusional Don all year...
  22. JGalt

    Thank You President Reagan For Smashing The Berlin Wall!

    Ronaldus Magnus was the Greatest President ever, unless you count, Donaldus Magnus. He knocked the Evil Soviet Empire's dick in the dirt, and with his giant fists, reducing the Berlin Wall to a pile of rubble. He hit that wall so hard that it sent pieces of it flying all over the world. I even...

    "Russia can swing elections for the price of a can of soda"

    I heard this one on Hannity and on Tucker Carlson. Facebook: Russians spent just 73p on adverts during Brexit campaign That Russia 'Stole' the election or that intelligence agencies are concerted that the election was hacked and stolen by Russians for the price of a can of soda looks more like...
  24. deanrd

    General Flynn pleads - GUILTY! - Lock him up!... and Hillary laughs and laughs and laughs!

    BOMBSHELL: Mike Flynn to plead guilty to lying to the FBI about contacts with Russia Breaking story being reported everywhere. Trump must be sh!tting his depends. Remember, Trump said to Comey to go easy on Flynn. Trump loves criminals.
  25. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Liberal Fusion GPS paid journalists to run Trump dossier fake news, court papers confirm

    Fusion GPS paid journalists, court papers confirm Newly filed court documents confirm that Fusion GPS, the company mostly responsible for the controversial “Trump dossier” on presidential candidate Donald Trump, made payments to three journalists between June 2016 until February 2017. The...
  26. rsexaminer

    Fox News host debunks 'Uranium One' conspiracy, viewers melt down on Twitter

    Watch as a Fox News host just turned on the network and debunked the phony "Uranium One" conspiracy in less than 30 seconds, resulting in viewers of the network losing it on social media, with many going on hate-filled rants in the process. It looks like at least one person on Fox News has some...
  27. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Democrat lobbyists, Podesta Group, may close due to Mueller's Russia probe

    Podesta Group may close by the end of the year: report The lobbying firm founded by longtime Democratic operative Tony Podesta is reportedly on the verge of shuttering after being swept up in special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe. Kimberley Fritts, the Podesta Group's chief executive...
  28. sadyk

    Will Sipan Hamo represent the Kurdish people at the congress in Sochi?!

    Today our editors office has become aware of the breaking news: national Kurdish hero Sipan Hamo will be one of the official representatives of the Kurdish people in Sochi! Today the forthcoming National Dialogue Congress is being discussed everywhere in Syria. Indeed, Abu Kamal, the last...
  29. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Donna Brazile wrote a tell-all, exposing how Hillary and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz controlled the DNC

    Inside Hillary Clinton’s Secret Takeover of the DNC Before I called Bernie Sanders, I lit a candle in my living room and put on some gospel music. I wanted to center myself for what I knew would be an emotional phone call. I had promised Bernie when I took the helm of the Democratic National...
  30. Litwin

    "Russia" vetoes U.N. resolution to continue Syria chemical weapons

    so Putin did it again..., question is what Trump ( a strong leader, as he said many times ) is gonna do with it? "Russia" vetoes U.N. resolution to continue Syria chemical weapons ... - Översätt den här sidan - BEIRUT —...
  31. defcon4

    Putin Imprisons 130 US Antifa Activists On ‘Terror Charges’ After Violent Riot

    Well, apparently the ANTIFA criminal thugs found their match in Russia. They are very comfortable here in the U.S. because they are the "brown shirts" of the Deep State and are protected by very powerful entities. Not so in Russia. I hope they rot in Siberia somewhere living on swill. (I hope it...
  32. The Original Tree

    So Kushner Turns over the ENTIRE contents of his Private Email Account.

    The Gestapo & Her Mueller find Absolutely NOTHING. Let's note also that Kushner was still a PRIVATE CITIZEN at the time, and the emails HERR Mueller was interested in were generated during THE CAMPAIGN and During The Transition in to The White House. Besides that, why do you need emails when...
  33. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Russia controlled BLM accounts on Facebook/Twitter and posted anti-fracking ads on Facebook

    ‘Blacktivist’ social media accounts linked to Russian government U.S. lawmakers ask Facebook, Twitter for information on anti-fracking ads Face it, the only Russian meddling going on was the Russians backing the Democrats. For example, here's Obama before he was reelected: Obama gets...
  34. Fort Fun Indiana

    POll: Did the Trump campaign provide voter data to Russia?

    The paid Russian trolls seemed to have a knack for targeting the right groups of people with their fake ads and fake news. Either this is an amazing coincidence (not likely), or they had access to the type of voter data that campaigns hold.
  35. cnelsen

    AIPAC hdqtrs in DC...odd? or obvious?

    For a year, they've been tearing up the streets in front of the American-Israeli Policy Action Committee, widely acknowledged as the most powerful lobby in Washington, DC (but nevertheless, not required to register as a foreign agent, even though, recently, RT [Russian Television] was required...
  36. Litwin

    US warns China, "Russia" to comply on NKorea sanctions

    Great news, finally something real !! Does it mean that Trump has overcome his affection with Muscovite khan (czar) Vova Putler ? "The Trump administration warned Tuesday that the U.S. will punish companies in China and Russia that don't comply with restrictions in the new international...
  37. The Original Tree

    The Media & Establishment Witch Hunt Of Donald Trump Trying To Brand Him A Racist

    What is it with these people? Month by month over the past two years, they have tried Numerous Smears, and Accusations. And No Man is Perfect, but digging up "locker room talk" nearly 20 years ago, trying to claim he was colluding with Russia, being too soft on North Korea, and claiming Donald...
  38. The Original Tree

    Mueller Coloring Outside The Lines

    Seriously, this is getting out of hand, and I realize that many on THE LEFT want to move THE US to a more Totalitarian Leftist State, but they should think twice before advocating that. The Patriot Act is an Abomination. Warrant-less Wiretapping is an Affront to The Nostrils. Investigations...
  39. anotherlife

    Would the UN accept an independent Routhenia?

    in that region, the UN has recently accepted an independent Slovakia and an independent Kosovo. Do you think the UN will accept an independent Routhenia too? Now that the Ukraine is leaning back towards Russia, an independent Routhenia may be a good strategic EU step. Your take?
  40. The Original Tree

    The Democrats are in Real Trouble in 2018! Repeal Obamacare Then!

    The Left did it to themselves with their IN YOUR FACE Moral Mandates, and shoving Liberalism down everyone's throats, their hatred of Law Enforcement and Decent Hard Working People and with all the corruption and scandals in The Obama Regime. And their pain is not over yet. There is a BIG HURT...

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