The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
The Gestapo & Her Mueller find Absolutely NOTHING. Let's note also that Kushner was still a PRIVATE CITIZEN at the time, and the emails HERR Mueller was interested in were generated during THE CAMPAIGN and During The Transition in to The White House.

Besides that, why do you need emails when the Entire Trump Campaign team was under Illegal Surveillance for 18 Months by Obama Bin Spying?

Contrast Kushner's and Trump Jr.'s Complete Cooperation and Transparency with THE DNC's Refusal to let anyone look at their server, and Hillary Clinton Bleach Bitting 33,000 emails in violation of two Federal Preservation Orders and with The FBI's permission under James Comey..... Even Trump Tower allowed a complete inspection of Trump Tower Servers by our intelligence community....

Yah, something stinks here. And what stinks is a Nothing Burger Investigation in to No Crimes Committed, while actual Crimes are being Ignored by The FBI & DOJ, committed by Comey, Lynch, Rice, Powers and Obama as well as Clinton, and all of them are being swept under the rug.

Hell, Mueller refuses to look at THE DNC Server and Refuses to interview Seth Rich? And why isn't he talking to DW Schultz and The Pakistani Hacker she and Hillary Clinton and The DNC had working for them? WTF is up with that?

And why is The DOJ and FBI refusing to allow any of it's people be interviewed by The Senate of Congress now? And why is The DOJ, FBI, and IRS effectively still being run by THE OBAMA Administration appointees?
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Kushner continued using this private service he opened in December and used it to August , months after he was sworn in.

Do you have a link showing the DOJ refusing to allow any interviews?

Kushner continued using this private service he opened in December and used it for months to the month of August after he was sworn in.

Do you have a link showing the DOJ refusing to allow any interviews?

Don't you think it's awesome he turned over EVERY SINGLE EMAIL from his PRIVATE ACCOUNT, and they FOUND ZERO, ZIP, NADA, about RUSSIAN COLLUSION?


Isn't that cool that Kushner had that much faith in himself, and his Father In Law (The President) that he could commit to FULL DISCLOSURE?

He didn't have to smash 17 Electronic Devices with a hammer when he said he had JUST ONE, NOR remove their SIM cards and destroy them to conceal what he was doing on them, Nor did he have to build a SECRET SERVER to conceal what he was doing from THE STATE DEPARTMENT, and he did disclose that he had a private account which he used initially during the transition, and KUSHNER Did not have to BLEACH BIT 33,000 emails before deciding to cooperate with Herr Mueller.

He also did not have a President Lie about the fact that he KNEW NOTHING about a Secret Server, while secretly emailing Hillary Clinton as did Lynch using an Alias. How Sneaky...?

How Awesome is that?

I Applaud Jared Kushner for being an HONEST and TRANSPARENT MAN.

Hillary Rotten Clinton and Obama Bin Lying......NOT SO MUCH... BOOOO!
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Kushner continued using this private service he opened in December and used it for months to August , months after he was sworn in.

Do you have a link showing the DOJ refusing to allow any interviews?

Kushner was sworn in? What government position?

President Trump and Vice President Pence presided over a formal ceremony Sunday to swear in about two dozen senior White House aides, including Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, national security adviser Michael T. Flynn and senior advisers Stephen K. Bannon, Kellyanne Conway and Jared Kushner.

Trump, Pence preside over East Room ceremony to swear in senior staff
'So Kushner Turns over the ENTIRE contents of his Private Email Account'

You mean he did not delete personal files, use BleachBit, destroy gadgets, remove sim cards from gadgets, refuse to comply with the order to turn over everything like Hillary did?

Don't you think it's awesome he turned over EVERY SINGLE EMAIL from his PRIVATE ACCOUNT, and they FOUND ZERO, ZIP, NADA, about RUSSIAN COLLUSION?


Isn't that cool that Kushner had that much faith in himself, and his Father In Law (The President) that he could commit to FULL DISCLOSURE?

He didn't have to smash 17 Electronic Devices with a hammer, remove their SIM cards and destroy them, & did not have to build a SECRET SERVER, and he did disclose that he had a private account which he used initially during the transition, and Did not have to BLEACH BIT 33,000 emails before deciding to cooperate with Herr Mueller.

He also did not have a President Lie about the fact that he KNEW NOTHING about a Secret Server, while secretly emailing Hillary Clinton as did Lynch using an Alias. How Sneaky...?

How Awesome is that?
I am not saying what she did was right... but...I find it funny how your using every excuse in the book.

If Clinton wanted to hide things with bleaching she would have used a professional service .

BleachBit may not be quite as sinister as Gowdy makes it out to be. It's one of many services you can download online to free up space on your computer by removing old unused files and clearing out internet history and cookies.

What is BleachBit? Little-known tool at center of Clinton email controversy
Don't you think it's awesome he turned over EVERY SINGLE EMAIL from his PRIVATE ACCOUNT, and they FOUND ZERO, ZIP, NADA, about RUSSIAN COLLUSION?


Isn't that cool that Kushner had that much faith in himself, and his Father In Law (The President) that he could commit to FULL DISCLOSURE?

He didn't have to smash 17 Electronic Devices with a hammer, remove their SIM cards and destroy them, & did not have to build a SECRET SERVER, and he did disclose that he had a private account which he used initially during the transition, and Did not have to BLEACH BIT 33,000 emails before deciding to cooperate with Herr Mueller.

He also did not have a President Lie about the fact that he KNEW NOTHING about a Secret Server, while secretly emailing Hillary Clinton as did Lynch using an Alias. How Sneaky...?

How Awesome is that?
I am not saying what she did was right... but...I find it funny how your using every excuse in the book.

If Clinton wanted to hide things with bleaching she would have used a professional service .

BleachBit may not be quite as sinister as Gowdy makes it out to be. It's one of many services you can download online to free up space on your computer by removing old unused files and clearing out internet history and cookies.

What is BleachBit? Little-known tool at center of Clinton email controversy
Excuse for WHAT?
You cannot EXCUSE anything that does NOT EXIST.

No one is excusing ANYTHING.

In fact, you Lefties come in here every day and make up Excuses for why THE WITCH HUNT needs to continue after 18 Months of Illegal Surveillance, 6 Different Investigations for Over a YEAR Finding NOTHING, all the while making excuses for that, and using twisted logic for why Mueller and all of these INVESTIGATIONS are IGNORING ACTUAL INTERFERENCE in OUR ELECTIONS by THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION, DNC, and CLINTON CAMPAIGN.

The only thing that anyone is making excuses for is for HIllary Clinton, Obama Bin Lying, James Comey, Lynch and Rice's Criminal and Unethical Behavior.
Don't you think it's awesome he turned over EVERY SINGLE EMAIL from his PRIVATE ACCOUNT, and they FOUND ZERO, ZIP, NADA, about RUSSIAN COLLUSION?


Isn't that cool that Kushner had that much faith in himself, and his Father In Law (The President) that he could commit to FULL DISCLOSURE?

He didn't have to smash 17 Electronic Devices with a hammer, remove their SIM cards and destroy them, & did not have to build a SECRET SERVER, and he did disclose that he had a private account which he used initially during the transition, and Did not have to BLEACH BIT 33,000 emails before deciding to cooperate with Herr Mueller.

He also did not have a President Lie about the fact that he KNEW NOTHING about a Secret Server, while secretly emailing Hillary Clinton as did Lynch using an Alias. How Sneaky...?

How Awesome is that?
I am not saying what she did was right... but...I find it funny how your using every excuse in the book.

If Clinton wanted to hide things with bleaching she would have used a professional service .

BleachBit may not be quite as sinister as Gowdy makes it out to be. It's one of many services you can download online to free up space on your computer by removing old unused files and clearing out internet history and cookies.

What is BleachBit? Little-known tool at center of Clinton email controversy

You're not saying what she did was right...but...then you try to excuse it? So which is it, Eagle?

Be honest. You know as well as I do that Clinton set up a private server system at her home...paid for it out of pocket...hid it's existence from Congressional investigators...and then had thousands of emails "scrubbed" when it became apparent that what she'd been doing had been uncovered.

That's not "sinister"...but man does it REEK of corruption!
After all that hooping, hollering, wailing, bitching and moaning that the Republicans JUST made for the last 5 years at least about Hillary's email, WTF was Kushner doing with a PRIVATE email to conduct GOVERNMENT business in the first place!?!??
Don't you think it's awesome he turned over EVERY SINGLE EMAIL from his PRIVATE ACCOUNT, and they FOUND ZERO, ZIP, NADA, about RUSSIAN COLLUSION?


Isn't that cool that Kushner had that much faith in himself, and his Father In Law (The President) that he could commit to FULL DISCLOSURE?

He didn't have to smash 17 Electronic Devices with a hammer, remove their SIM cards and destroy them, & did not have to build a SECRET SERVER, and he did disclose that he had a private account which he used initially during the transition, and Did not have to BLEACH BIT 33,000 emails before deciding to cooperate with Herr Mueller.

He also did not have a President Lie about the fact that he KNEW NOTHING about a Secret Server, while secretly emailing Hillary Clinton as did Lynch using an Alias. How Sneaky...?

How Awesome is that?
I am not saying what she did was right... but...I find it funny how your using every excuse in the book.

If Clinton wanted to hide things with bleaching she would have used a professional service .

BleachBit may not be quite as sinister as Gowdy makes it out to be. It's one of many services you can download online to free up space on your computer by removing old unused files and clearing out internet history and cookies.

What is BleachBit? Little-known tool at center of Clinton email controversy

You have NO Credibility after your Apologetics for Clinton using Bleach Bit.

Bleach Bit is used by White Collar Criminals to Obliterate Evidence on a Hard Drive.
There is no need to BLEACH BIT 33,000 Emails about Yoga Pants.
The Only Reason to do that is to attempt to make them UNRECOVERABLE by COMPUTER FORENSICS.
The only reason to do that is to cover CRIMINAL & UNETHICAL activities.

Knowing this, exactly why did JAMES COMEY allow Clinton to Violate 2 Federal Court Orders not to destroy evidence on her server? This is an especially important question since Comey Claims Loretta Lynch ordered Comey to Squash and Suppress The Clinton Investigation. An Order which he refused to report as "Obstruction of Justice" despite the fact he was required to.

And exactly why did Comey follow that up by granting immunity to her entire IT staff, and Campaign Staff, and then Not record a SINGLE FUCKING INTERVIEW, and all the while HAD a PRE-PREPARED EXONERATION STATEMENT ON HAND WRITTEN MONTHS before interviewing anyone?

For Heaven's sake, Comey granted her primary IT guy IMMUNITY, then interviewed him, did not record it, and THE IT GUY still plead THE 5th 256 times.

And you want to EXCUSE ALL OF THAT?

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It saddens me that some are unwilling to take the Lad's word that there's nothing relating to Russia there. He's clearly been clearly upfront and willingly giving up every scrap of information pertaining to his contacts with Russian spies in attempts to get dirt on Clinton up till now. I mean he's just been an open book. (-:
Don't you think it's awesome he turned over EVERY SINGLE EMAIL from his PRIVATE ACCOUNT, and they FOUND ZERO, ZIP, NADA, about RUSSIAN COLLUSION?


Isn't that cool that Kushner had that much faith in himself, and his Father In Law (The President) that he could commit to FULL DISCLOSURE?

He didn't have to smash 17 Electronic Devices with a hammer, remove their SIM cards and destroy them, & did not have to build a SECRET SERVER, and he did disclose that he had a private account which he used initially during the transition, and Did not have to BLEACH BIT 33,000 emails before deciding to cooperate with Herr Mueller.

He also did not have a President Lie about the fact that he KNEW NOTHING about a Secret Server, while secretly emailing Hillary Clinton as did Lynch using an Alias. How Sneaky...?

How Awesome is that?
I am not saying what she did was right... but...I find it funny how your using every excuse in the book.

If Clinton wanted to hide things with bleaching she would have used a professional service .

BleachBit may not be quite as sinister as Gowdy makes it out to be. It's one of many services you can download online to free up space on your computer by removing old unused files and clearing out internet history and cookies.

What is BleachBit? Little-known tool at center of Clinton email controversy

You're not saying what she did was right...but...then you try to excuse it? So which is it, Eagle?

Be honest. You know as well as I do that Clinton set up a private server system at her home...paid for it out of pocket...hid it's existence from Congressional investigators...and then had thousands of emails "scrubbed" when it became apparent that what she'd been doing had been uncovered.

That's not "sinister"...but man does it REEK of corruption!

The Bleach is bullshit crap from Gowdy, is all I am saying...

Trump used the email crap everyday while Kushner set up his own little sneaky email...

Don't you think it's awesome he turned over EVERY SINGLE EMAIL from his PRIVATE ACCOUNT, and they FOUND ZERO, ZIP, NADA, about RUSSIAN COLLUSION?


Isn't that cool that Kushner had that much faith in himself, and his Father In Law (The President) that he could commit to FULL DISCLOSURE?

He didn't have to smash 17 Electronic Devices with a hammer, remove their SIM cards and destroy them, & did not have to build a SECRET SERVER, and he did disclose that he had a private account which he used initially during the transition, and Did not have to BLEACH BIT 33,000 emails before deciding to cooperate with Herr Mueller.

He also did not have a President Lie about the fact that he KNEW NOTHING about a Secret Server, while secretly emailing Hillary Clinton as did Lynch using an Alias. How Sneaky...?

How Awesome is that?
I am not saying what she did was right... but...I find it funny how your using every excuse in the book.

If Clinton wanted to hide things with bleaching she would have used a professional service .

BleachBit may not be quite as sinister as Gowdy makes it out to be. It's one of many services you can download online to free up space on your computer by removing old unused files and clearing out internet history and cookies.

What is BleachBit? Little-known tool at center of Clinton email controversy

You have NO Credibility after your Apologetics for Clinton using Bleach Bit.

Bleach Bit is used by White Collar Criminals to Obliterate Evidence on a Hard Drive.
There is no need to BLEACH BIT 33,000 Emails about Yoga Pants.
The Only Reason to do that is to attempt to make them UNRECOVERABLE by COMPUTER FORENSICS.
The only reason to do that is to cover CRIMINAL & UNETHICAL activities.

Knowing this, exactly why did JAMES COMEY allow Clinton to Violate 2 Federal Court Orders not to destroy evidence on her server? This is an especially important question since Comey Claims Loretta Lynch ordered Comey to Squash and Suppress The Clinton Investigation. An Order which he refused to report as "Obstruction of Justice" despite the fact he was required to.

And exactly why did Comey follow that up by granting immunity to her entire IT staff, and Campaign Staff, and then Not record a SINGLE FUCKING INTERVIEW, and write an EXONERATION STATEMENT MONTHS before interviewing anyone.

For Heaven's sake, Comey granted her primary IT guy IMMUNITY, then interviewed him, did not record it, and THE IT GUY still plead THE 5th 256 times.

(1) A person who engages in the same behaviors he condemns others for.

(2) A person who professes certain ideals, but fails to live up to them.

(3) A person who holds other people to higher standards than he holds himself.

After all that hooping, hollering, wailing, bitching and moaning that the Republicans JUST made for the last 5 years at least about Hillary's email, WTF was Kushner doing with a PRIVATE email to conduct GOVERNMENT business in the first place!?!??

Pay attention dummy. The account was used during the campaign and while he was a private citizen, and through the transition which is a common practice at first with new administrations.

But here is the bitch slap to your whore face..... It doesn't matter that he did, because unlike Hillary Clinton, Kushner was fully Transparent and turned over EVERY SINGLE EMAIL....and there was NOTHING THERE.

Case closed.

Now, if Hillary, the DNC would cough up their emails and their server the same way we can be done with this.
I am not saying what she did was right...
Stop 'minimizing' it - What she did was CRIMINAL / ILLEGAL.

I am not saying what she did was right...
Stop 'minimizing' it - What she did was CRIMINAL / ILLEGAL.

'So Kushner Turns over the ENTIRE contents of his Private Email Account'

You mean he did not delete personal files, use BleachBit, destroy gadgets, remove sim cards from gadgets, refuse to comply with the order to turn over everything like Hillary did?


Did you not just try to minimize Jared behavior with this comment Easy..? Take the log out of your own eye!

Don't you think it's awesome he turned over EVERY SINGLE EMAIL from his PRIVATE ACCOUNT, and they FOUND ZERO, ZIP, NADA, about RUSSIAN COLLUSION?


Isn't that cool that Kushner had that much faith in himself, and his Father In Law (The President) that he could commit to FULL DISCLOSURE?

He didn't have to smash 17 Electronic Devices with a hammer, remove their SIM cards and destroy them, & did not have to build a SECRET SERVER, and he did disclose that he had a private account which he used initially during the transition, and Did not have to BLEACH BIT 33,000 emails before deciding to cooperate with Herr Mueller.

He also did not have a President Lie about the fact that he KNEW NOTHING about a Secret Server, while secretly emailing Hillary Clinton as did Lynch using an Alias. How Sneaky...?

How Awesome is that?
I am not saying what she did was right... but...I find it funny how your using every excuse in the book.

If Clinton wanted to hide things with bleaching she would have used a professional service .

BleachBit may not be quite as sinister as Gowdy makes it out to be. It's one of many services you can download online to free up space on your computer by removing old unused files and clearing out internet history and cookies.

What is BleachBit? Little-known tool at center of Clinton email controversy

You have NO Credibility after your Apologetics for Clinton using Bleach Bit.

Bleach Bit is used by White Collar Criminals to Obliterate Evidence on a Hard Drive.
There is no need to BLEACH BIT 33,000 Emails about Yoga Pants.
The Only Reason to do that is to attempt to make them UNRECOVERABLE by COMPUTER FORENSICS.
The only reason to do that is to cover CRIMINAL & UNETHICAL activities.

Knowing this, exactly why did JAMES COMEY allow Clinton to Violate 2 Federal Court Orders not to destroy evidence on her server? This is an especially important question since Comey Claims Loretta Lynch ordered Comey to Squash and Suppress The Clinton Investigation. An Order which he refused to report as "Obstruction of Justice" despite the fact he was required to.

And exactly why did Comey follow that up by granting immunity to her entire IT staff, and Campaign Staff, and then Not record a SINGLE FUCKING INTERVIEW, and write an EXONERATION STATEMENT MONTHS before interviewing anyone.

For Heaven's sake, Comey granted her primary IT guy IMMUNITY, then interviewed him, did not record it, and THE IT GUY still plead THE 5th 256 times.

(1) A person who engages in the same behaviors he condemns others for.

(2) A person who professes certain ideals, but fails to live up to them.

(3) A person who holds other people to higher standards than he holds himself.

You really should have a prostate exam, and get off of public assistance as I don't want to pay for your Butt Hurt cure.
Your Surrender Is accepted.

You have answered ZERO questions I posed to you in this thread. You continue to take The Coward's Way Out.
I am not saying what she did was right...
Stop 'minimizing' it - What she did was CRIMINAL / ILLEGAL.

I am not saying what she did was right...
Stop 'minimizing' it - What she did was CRIMINAL / ILLEGAL.

'So Kushner Turns over the ENTIRE contents of his Private Email Account'

You mean he did not delete personal files, use BleachBit, destroy gadgets, remove sim cards from gadgets, refuse to comply with the order to turn over everything like Hillary did?


Did you not just try to minimize Jared behavior with this comment Easy..? Take the log out of your own eye!


Seriously, how long have you been a dotard on public assistance? Because you have the kind of Generational Stupidity that can only be produced by decades of dependency on Government Handouts.

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