
  1. HaShev

    Now Schumer inadvertantly calls Mueller Paranoid & Delusional

    Schumer inadvertantly called himself paranoid & delusional when setting the standard that reflected back at his Russia Russia Russia conspiracy as just that, but worse is calling Mueller paranoid & delusional as well. This is because Mueller himself thought the message exchanges between FBI...
  2. S

    Fade Up!! Trey Gowdy shuts down FBI plot to impeach Trump


    "Russia can swing elections for the price of a can of soda"

    I heard this one on Hannity and on Tucker Carlson. Facebook: Russians spent just 73p on adverts during Brexit campaign That Russia 'Stole' the election or that intelligence agencies are concerted that the election was hacked and stolen by Russians for the price of a can of soda looks more like...
  4. Litwin

    The most famous Putin´s Crime in UK/Poisoned by Polonium 210: The Litvinenko murder

    When Litvinenko´s killers will be arrested in Moscow? " When a Russian dissident was poisoned in London with a highly radioactive substance, the UK government accused the Kremlin of his murder. Alexander Litvinenko had been a colonel in the Russian security services, but claimed the Putin...
  5. cnelsen

    Black Identity Extremist terorism

    Another example of how the New York Times foments race hatred in the service of race war: The weak form of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis is that having a term for a reality or a concept makes it easier to notice that reality and easier to think about that concept, while not having a term for it...
  6. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Mindhunter (Netflix series by David Fincher)

    I'm not the biggest fan of David Fincher, but he has definitely made some movies that I enjoyed. I thought Fight Club was overrated. Se7en was good, but it was very stylized. The Social Network is probably the first movie by Fincher that really impressed me (thanks, in part, to Aaron Sorkin's...
  7. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Harvey Weinstein's right-hand man and replacement, David Glasser, has ties to Genovese crime family

    Weinstein Co. President David Glasser Linked to Felon’s Money Laundering Case (EXCLUSIVE) David Glasser has been Harvey Weinstein’s right-hand man for the better part of a decade. Now, after Weinstein’s spectacular downfall in a sex harassment scandal this week, Glasser has been put in charge...
  8. Litwin

    UN Says Russia Committing 'Grave Human Rights Violations' In Occupied Crimea

    The Hague is getting closer and closer to Voka Putin , when we will see him and his gang in Holland? " Agents of the Russian state have committed serious human rights abuses, including torture, since Russia occupied and seized control of Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula, a UN human rights report...
  9. EngrOto

    Inside The FBI Bomb Squad

    Inside the FBI bomb squad An exclusive look at how investigators are trained to spot clues in the aftermath of an explosion.
  10. Litwin

    "Russia" Stole U.S. Presidency, Pro-Kremlin Politician Claims on Live TV

    Finally, we begin to get some real information from the Primary source , from the very heart of Muscovite Kleptocracy - TV.ru and its most famous (N1) propagandacondom - Vladimir Solovyov. so Whats new? "A "Russian" politician claimed on TV that "Russian" intelligence “stole” the U.S...
  11. The Original Tree

    Fire McCabe Now, Audit The FBI, Prosecute Comey!

    No one is interested in Clinton's Emails? Says who? The FBI being run by Obama's hand picked puppet McCabe who is more corrupt than Comey himself? Now we hear Comey Scammed The American People with a Sham of an Investigation. Remember rumors of a revolt inside the FBI over James Comey and...
  12. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Mindhunter (Netflix series by David Fincher)

    One of my guilty pleasures is occasionally watching serial killer interviews, so I immediately recognized some of the killers in this show. I'm also interested in FBI psychological profiling of criminals. This show looks amazing so far. David Fincher will reportedly direct the first episode, the...
  13. C

    The Senate confirmed the election of a new FBI director

    For Wraya’s election (50), 92 members of the Senate were voted, while five were against, Reuters reported. The US Senate confirmed the election of Christopher Wraya for the new chief of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) nearly three months after US President Donald Tramp had dismissed...
  14. AsianTrumpSupporter

    An east Asian finally makes the FBI most wanted list

    RYOKO UCHIYAMA — FBI I like to view the most wanted list from time to time just out of curiosity and amusement, and, to my surprise, there was an east Asian person on there. I have no idea if she's the first to make the list, but she's the first I've seen on the list. Thug life!
  15. AsianTrumpSupporter

    The fully unsealed Criminal Complaint for Imran Awan has been released

    http://www.trbas.com/media/media/acrobat/2017-07/70111632278740-26141843.pdf I got the link to the criminal complaint from this news article (the link is around the middle of the page): Wasserman Schultz hit with criticism over aide arrested while trying to leave U.S. The criminal complaint...
  16. MindWars

    EXCLUSIVE: FBI seized smashed hard drives from Wasserman Schultz IT aide’s home

    EXCLUSIVE: FBI Seized Smashed Hard Drives From Wasserman Schultz IT Aide’s Home FBI agents seized smashed computer hard drives from the home of Florida Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s information technology (IT) administrator, according to two sources with knowledge of the...
  17. The Original Tree

    Shocking New Email Leaked About Trump Junior!

    I used to defend Trump and his family, but no more. Not after I have just seen the latest scandalous email leaked on Trump Jr. The email comes from a Dr. Bakare Tunde and involves vast amounts of money and a money laundering scheme. The Russians are also implicated in this. REQUEST FOR...
  18. Dan Stubbs

    Who Owns the Reps in Washington DC how do they make the Money?

    The big question is how do they make the big bucks while in office. I know some who have left office and went to work with the same companies that lobby them in DC. This is just plain wrong in my opinion. I am not sure but did not Trump make the point he was going to stop this practice? I...
  19. The Original Tree

    James "The Sweeper" Comey: FBI & DOJ Handed Out Deals Like Candy At Halloween

    Nah, this doesn't smell like a cover up at all. Especially when you add in the fact Comey did nothing about Lynch's unethical, clandestine meeting with Clinton while he was under investigation, and the fact he completely rolled over when he was told not to call her Criminal Investigation an...
  20. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Dianne Feinstein calls for congressional investigation into Loretta Lynch re: Hillary investigation

    Credit to Conservative Mexican for bring this to my attention: http://nypost.com/2017/06/11/top-democrat-calls-for-investigation-of-loretta-lynchs-clinton-probe/ WASHINGTON – The top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee called Sunday for a congressional investigation into former...
  21. roypatterson

    The James Comey Story

  22. AsianTrumpSupporter

    President Trump to nominate Christopher Way as FBI Director

    I haven't seen an article about it yet, but I got notification from Reuters about it. It's also at the top of the Reuters' homepage as a breaking story: Business & Financial News, U.S & International Breaking News | Reuters
  23. AsianTrumpSupporter

    If muh Russians hacked the DNC, why didn't the DNC let the FBI inspect their servers?

    Excellent video that shows the DNC murdered Seth Rich for leaking DNC information to Wikileaks, but the specific info about muh Russians starts at 19:31 in the Molyneux video.
  24. AsianTrumpSupporter

    FBI investigating Bernie Sanders' wife, Jane Sanders, for bank fraud

    Report: FBI investigating Jane Sanders for alleged bank fraud Op-Ed: The FBI probe you haven't heard about may come back to haunt Bernie Sanders There's a big story going on right now involving the FBI, the White House, and potential criminal activity. And no, this one has nothing to do with...
  25. cnelsen

    Lieberman is the worst pick for FBI director

    John McCain's puppetmaster, Joe Lieberman, receives an F from NumbersUSA career grade on immigration. Jesus, has Trump been abducted by aliens?
  26. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Anonymous Global reports that Trey Gowdy will replace Deep State crook, James Comey.

    If true, this is awesome. Gowdy is the perfect person to go after the Clintons, George Soros, and PizzaGate liberal pedophiles like John Podesta.
  27. cnelsen

    FBI, the new Stasi: serving their masters in the (((MSM)))

    Remember when the FBI were the good guys? Not anymore. Doing the dirty work of a (((Newsweek reporter))) and a (((New York Times reporter))). Charge a 29-year-old former marine with a hate crime for having the name @Jew_Goldstein and sending an animated .gif to this lying shameless (((POS)))...
  28. excalibur

    Why was the FBI Investigating General Flynn?

    Mike Flynn & FBI Investigation: Bureau Had No Basis for It | National Review
  29. MindWars

    Top US spy agency refuses to endorse CIA's Russian hacking assessment due to lack of evidence

    Top US Spy Agency Refuses To Endorse CIA’s Russian Hacking Assessment Due To “Lack Of Evidence” "ODNI is not arguing that the agency (CIA) is wrong, only that they can't prove intent." When the WaPo posted last Friday’s story about a “secret” CIA assessment that Russian cyber attacks were aimed...
  30. MindWars

    Breaking: FBI agent and his wife found deceased after he was suspected of leaking Hillary emails.

    Ok sorry guys this was an OOOPSIE post, appology for wasting your time coming to a blank post. and I have no idea how to delete a post =) We can turn this one into a free for all until a mod deletes I guess.
  31. OKTexas

    FBI-99% Probability her Server Accessed By 5 Foreign Countries

    FBI sources told Fox News that there is a 99% probability the hildabitches server was accessed by at least 5 foreign countries. All that classified information exposed. More to come.
  32. MindWars

    DOJ tried repeatedly to kill FBI's Clinton foundation investigation

    A bombshell report from The Wall Street Journal Senior-level Justice Department officials pushed back heavily on an ongoing FBI investigation of the Clinton Foundation, according to a bombshell report from The Wall Street Journal. Report: DOJ Tried Repeatedly To Kill FBI’s Clinton Foundation...
  33. MindWars

    Bush admin just got involved in FBI's probe into Clinton's emails and it's a game Changer

    When you imagine partisan government overreach, it’s hard not to think about the Bush administration, especially when it comes to ignoring the law to accomplish their goals (think “enhanced interrogation”). When they tell the FBI they’ve gone too far, well, the FBI had better listen. Bush Admin...
  34. MindWars

    Does the military purge foreshadow the final false flag

    Danger Level Goes Up 10 Notches In America With 'Clintonistas' Backs To The Wall - Does This Recent US Military 'Purge' Foreshadow The 'Final False Flag'? While the bombshell news story of the week that came on Friday telling us the FBI had reopened the investigation into Hillary Clinton after...
  35. MindWars

    Report: Congress considering emergency hearing on repopened FBI investigatigation into Clinton Email

    Cameron Joseph, the Washington Bureau Chief for the New York Daily News,has claimed he has heard reports that the House Oversight Committee is considering an emergency hearing with FBI director James Comey next Friday, following the FBI’s decision to reopen the case into Hillary Clinton’s...
  36. Snouter

    OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

    Crooked Hillary is going to have a Parkinson's freeze when they tell her! And all when Micheal Obama was doing such a good job saying how great Crooked Hillary was. :p The FBI will re-open the investigation into Hillary Clinton's email server
  37. MindWars

    State department tried to bribe FBI to un-classify Clinton Emails

    State Department tried to bribe FBI to un-classify Clinton emails WASHINGTON — A top State Department official offered a bribe — a “quid pro quo” — to an FBI official in an attempt to declassify certain emails from Hillary Clinton’s private server that were previously deemed classified...
  38. J

    Loretta Lynch benched! Clinton Foundation is being investigated by FBI

    EXCLUSIVE: Joint FBI-US Attorney Probe Of Clinton Foundation Is Underway 8/11/2016 ”Multiple FBI investigations are underway involving potential corruption charges against the Clinton Foundation, according to a former senior law enforcement official. The investigation centers on New York...
  39. excalibur

    Meet Bryan Nishimura

    Peak FBI Corruption? Meet Bryan Nishimura, Found Guilty For "Removal And Retention Of Classified Materials" | Zero Hedge
  40. American_Jihad

    The FBI director's connections to Hillary

    How much money has this lying bitch spent on trying to be potus... Comey, Clintons and Clemency The FBI director's connections to Hillary. April 5, 2016 Lloyd Billingsley Hillary Clinton’s email problems, going back to her time as Secretary of State, have not drawn heavy coverage from the...

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