Fire McCabe Now, Audit The FBI, Prosecute Comey!

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
No one is interested in Clinton's Emails? Says who? The FBI being run by Obama's hand picked puppet McCabe who is more corrupt than Comey himself?

Now we hear Comey Scammed The American People with a Sham of an Investigation.

Remember rumors of a revolt inside the FBI over James Comey and McCabes's crooked ethics and heavy handed ways?

They were true, even though the press and FBI tried to suppress them. FBI agents who do not want to be identified say Comey decided as far back in April to exonerate Clinton and to go on a witch hunt for Trump.

This is where all the illegal Surveillance originated from along with leaks of transcripts of phone calls with foreign diplomats and The Leaders of several Foreign Nations and the President and his team.

It was a political railroad job for the sole purpose of rigging the Presidential Election For Clinton!

This is why he allowed Clinton to Bleach Bit her server, gave all her staff immunity, refused to document or record Clinton's testimony and complied with Loretta Lynch's order to suppress Clinton's Criminal Investigation before ultimately engaging in the most absurd tap dance and excuse making ever seen before since Pilate washed his hands before condemning Jesus to be crucified!

But it gets worse, Comey-Clinton-Obama are still in charge of The Corrupt FBI through Mueller & Political Hack and Obama Cronie McCabe who needs to be fired immediately. This is why we can't see legally requested Clinton Emails. This is why The FBI refuses to examine The DNC server.

The FBI needs audited. McCabe needs fired! Just his involvement with a crooked campaign loan from Terry McCauliff for his wife is enough to fire him.

Comey needs prosecuted for his crimes. Clinton's emails need to be given to The Public and Comey's crooked Investigation of her needs reviewed, and the DNC server needs subpoenaed!

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