
  1. deanrd

    People like Van Jones and Michelle Obama are wrong when they talk about bringing everyone together.

    Just watched Van Jones on the View talking about winning over Trump voters. And remember when they go low we go high? I've heard other Democrats talk like that. That we should try for their votes and "winning them over". It's nonsense. You can't appeal to the better part of right wingers...
  2. P@triot

    This is wrong

    I’ve called out the left for this many times (most notably the dirt-bag George Soros). I have to call out a Republican when they do the same thing. This is wrong. A Senator from Arizona is supposed to be a representative for the people of Arizona. So why are citizens of other states financing...
  3. P@triot

    The left refuses to accept the will of the American people

    Once the left started losing elections, they started resorting to rule by executive and judicial fiat. When they lost more elections (because of that), they started resorting to voter fraud. Now that Republicans control everything coast-to-coast, the left wants to make it legal for citizens of...
  4. deanrd

    Western Democracies taking a page from Trump's Russian Friends by working to affect US Elections.

    Trump is threatening or passing tariffs on foreign products. Not on Russia or other Authoritarian regimes, but on America's traditional allies, Western Democracies. So our former allies have decided to fight back. Clearly, they have decided the best way is to affect America's next election...
  5. S

    President Trump's Tariffs

    President Trump's Tariffs: I did not vote for a Democrat or a Republican 2017 presidential candidate or for their electoral college supporters. I indicated my rejection by voting for a less than electable 3d party candidate, demonstrating my opposition to the declared policies of both major...
  6. Buddie Chronicle

    FBI vs Trump: How agents' political preferences can influence elections

    Another scandal spreads in the American establishment. According to American columnist for National Review Andrew McCarthy in a recent column Glenn Simpson the co-founder of an intelligence firm Fusion GPS, that compiled research on Trump during the campaign, had testified to the Senate that the...
  7. Dan Stubbs

    The Control of the Justice System is under attack by the Progressives.

    While roaming around the web I found a News Post from the Huff post that surprised me and here it is. Progressives’ efforts in 2018 prosecutorial elections could represent a turning point, said Miriam Krinsky, a former federal prosecutor and executive director of Fair and Just Prosecution, a...
  8. Dan Stubbs

    Pay and Play Election Money in Play.

    They "Progressives" are at it again trying to control how the election are going to be voted on. From the MSNBC New Web page is the following data:. A broad progressive coalition is spending millions of dollars to oust hard-line prosecutors around the country and replace them with criminal...
  9. S

    Teachers' wildcat srike.

    West Virginia teachers are staying out until their government legally commits to their promises. This is among the reasons why many political campaign contributors love imported goods. Workplaces such as factories with comparatively larger groups of employees may be talking to each other are a...
  10. K

    Left Losing Their Minds After What Trump Just Did For The NRA

    Kirsters Baish| The left is trying to walk all over the Second Amendment, but President Donald Trump isn’t about to allow that to happen. Following the tragic school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida earlier this month, leftists and the mainstream media have...
  11. P@triot

    Simply Unacceptable

    I would be furious if Democrats did it - I won’t sit quietly by and ignore it when Republicans do it. Trying to steal elections is an atrocity. It undermines self-governance and the sacrifices made by those who fought and/or died for this nation. The Republican Party should remove every single...
  12. Litwin

    Votes in 18 nations 'hacked' in last year

    somebody must them them...what Putin has on Trump, any idea? " Elections in 18 separate nations were influenced by online disinformation campaigns last year, suggests research. Independent watchdog Freedom House looked at how online discourse was influenced by governments, bots and paid...
  13. Litwin

    Theresa May accuses Vladimir Putin of election meddling

    I am just wandering will Trump believe to Theresa May´s words? or to the Putins ? " Theresa May has launched her strongest attack on Russia yet, accusing Moscow of meddling in elections and carrying out cyber espionage. Addressing leading business figures at a banquet in London, the prime...
  14. Cellblock2429

    In surprise move, Iran's Ahmadinejad to run for president...

  15. DonaldFG

    CDZ The Future of American Freedom

    Me dear fellow citizens of the USA, our freedom has just taken a mighty blow. If you voted for Hillary Clinton, you may understand what I mean. But I suspect even among you, most do not. And if you did not vote for Clinton, you most certainly do not. Our Constitutional form of government...
  16. Denechek

    Did Google Influence our Elections?

    “Providing relevant answers has been the cornerstone of Google’s approach to search from the very beginning. It would undermine the people’s trust in our results and company if we were to change course.”- Google, in response to SEME research. SEME, in this context, is for those who Googled and...
  17. MindWars

    Lawmaker: Russian hacking meme a " whole new house of cards" CIA trying to overturn Trump election

    Lawmaker: Russian Hacking Meme A "Whole House of Cards" - CIA Trying To Overturn Trump Election As Barack Obama is busy making a big deal about 'retaliation' against Russia for supposedly hacking the DNC and the Hillary Clinton campaign, during the election season, with the MSM, using unnamed...
  18. MindWars

    EXCLUSIVE: Virginia Gov. pardons 60,000 felons, enough to swing election

    Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe has granted voting rights to as many as 60,000 convicted felons just in time for them to register to vote, nearly five times more than previously reported and enough to win the state for his long-time friend, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. EXCLUSIVE: Virginia...
  19. MindWars

    Clinton campaign knows the bombshell of bombshells is about to drop as John K, bugs out of America

    Clinton Campaign KNOWS The 'Bombshell Of All Bombshells' Is About To Drop As John Kerry 'Bugs Out' Of America On Election Day And 'Globalist Operative' Is 'Busted' At Trump Rally In Nevada A tweet put out on Twitter this morning by Hillary for America communications director Jennifer Palmieri...
  20. MindWars

    it's about to hit the fan Anonymous Remember, Remember the 5th of November

    Over the next few days many new documents will be released. The contents of these documents will contain evidence of perhaps the largest coverup in American History. Before this happens we would like to explain ourselves and answer a few questions you may have. It's About to Hit The Fan...
  21. MindWars

    U.S. militia girds for trouble as presidential election nears

    JACKSON, Ga. (Reuters) - Down a Georgia country road, camouflaged members of the Three Percent Security Force have mobilized for rifle practice, hand-to-hand combat training -- and an impromptu campaign rally for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. U.S. militia girds for trouble as...
  22. MindWars

    How America's elections are hacked, missing link discovered

    Vote fraud expert Bev Harris exposes electronic voting machines Black Box Voting, founded in 2003, performs nonpartisan investigative reporting on elections in an attempt to stop vote rigging. You may be wondering what the term “black box” means. A “black box” system is non-transparent; its...
  23. MindWars

    It's a set up: US Officials warn that Russians will undermine elections with fake documents showing

    IT’S A SETUP: U.S. OFFICIALS WARN THAT RUSSIANS WILL UNDERMINE ELECTIONS WITH FAKE DOCUMENTS SHOWING VOTER FRAUD This is the height of desperation for the mainstream media and The-Powers-That-Shouldn’t-Be because they know that they’ve been manipulating elections for a very long time now…...
  24. MindWars

    Concern Grows Over Soros-Linked Voting Machines

    Concern is growing over revelations that voting machines in a significant number of states could be linked to a company tied directly to billionaire leftist George Soros and his personal quest to create a nationless, borderless global state. Concern Grows Over Soros-Linked Voting Machines Votes...
  25. MindWars

    Early Voting In Florida Shows Trump Winning Election By Landslide

    Democratic stronghold Florida looks set to overwhelmingly vote in Donald Trump, with early ballot counts showing a Republican landslide win in the State. Early Voting In Florida Shows Trump Winning Election By Landslide – InvestmentWatch One side says he is winning, the other side says he's...
  26. MindWars

    LEAKED CLINTON INTERNAL DOCUMENT: Discourage Trump Supporters with Bogus Polls and Declaring Electio

    Wow. Such dishonest people. We all knew the corrupt media polls were BS. Now thanks to Wikileaks we know our assumptions were correct. The media was working with Hillary Clinton to release bogus weighted polls that show Hillary ahead of Trump. LEAKED CLINTON INTERNAL DOCUMENT: Discourage Trump...
  27. MindWars

    Democratic operatives will commit election fraud on a national scale using every available means, sa

    Democratic operatives will commit election fraud on a national scale using every available means, says former Clinton insider Larry Nichols. “They always set up people who will fall on their sword for them,” said Nichols on The Alex Jones Show Wednesday. “They are the machine behind the...
  28. MindWars


    GOP nominee Donald Trump once again repeated a warning that the upcoming election is being “rigged”. Trump leveled the accusation at the corporate media, and also suggested voter fraud would be a leveling factor in favor of Hillary Clinton on election day. “The election is absolutely being...
  29. MindWars

    DEFCON 3 & An Unprepared US Military-Do You Have a Place To Hide?

    DEFCON 3 & An Unprepared US Military-Do You Have a Place To Hide? The American military is posturing for war as best as it can. Of course I am referencing the tremendous handicap that Obama and his left win subversives have imposed on America. America is supposed to lose and our current Pr...
  30. MindWars

    EMERGENCY, The US and Russia are Now in a State of War.

    It's all in the news people it's how you trained thought perceives it all. Transparecny is in front of you but the sheep kept in a coral won't get it even when put right in front of them. War is at our backdoor ...................................................
  31. MindWars

    Donald Trump unveils secret weapon as we close in upon the end

    With 'Final Showdown' Ahead, Donald Trump Unveils Secret Weapon' As We Close In Upon 'The End' The story from the Los Angeles Times page one that the Drudge Report linked to this morning with the headline "Blame Trump For Dividing Nation" shows the final depths the mainstream media has fallen to...
  32. MindWars

    Russian Insider Warns Fate Of All Humanity At Stake With US Election As Mike Pence Talks Revolution

    In the 2nd video below featuring a Russian friend of Vladimir Putin, we're warned direly that the current US presidential election has left the fate of all humanity at stake. Telling us that Hillary Clinton shouldn't even be managing a bath house much less running for presidential election...
  33. L

    NY primaries tell the real Clinton result, unlike for Trump; last thing Hillary would say

    * Chapter 1 * NY primaries: official vs real results: contrast Clinton with Trump Clinton 1,037,344 -- Trump: 518,601 NY primaries tell the real Clinton results The real Truman show turns 10,373 Hillary votes into 1,037,344. How do we know the exact number of people who really voted for...
  34. Never3ndr

    Accurate German Representation of Trump ... lol

    Well, in case Trump supporters actually were questioning whether or not Trump would be beneficial for increasing world opinion or American influence globally...think again. Here is a float created by the German people of Trump...seems pretty accurate. Original source: Bildschön: Der...

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