People like Van Jones and Michelle Obama are wrong when they talk about bringing everyone together.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Just watched Van Jones on the View talking about winning over Trump voters.

And remember when they go low we go high?

I've heard other Democrats talk like that. That we should try for their votes and "winning them over".

It's nonsense.

You can't appeal to the better part of right wingers. These are people who don't have an issue with stripping parents of babies. Or lying to people who come here seeking asylum and forcing them back into a burning building. These are people that are not like most Americans.

And that's the key. "MOST" Americans.

Instead of trying to get the votes of people who will never vote for you, you need to get the other half of America to vote who aren't voting. Appeal to their better Angels. If they were as bad as Right Wingers, they would already be voting. Because with the right, it's all about attacking people. Forcing them. Making them suffer. Keeping poor children from school lunches. Ending healthcare from Americans who need help.

Get the rest of America registered. Get them out to vote. Unify the people who are open to working together and doing what's good for America. Promote education, fairness, healthcare, helping children make it, quality of life, a clean country. We need to get the support of people who know what's right. What actually makes America great again.
Just watched Van Jones on the View talking about winning over Trump voters.

And remember when they go low we go high?

I've heard other Democrats talk like that. That we should try for their votes and "winning them over".

It's nonsense.

You can't appeal to the better part of right wingers. These are people who don't have an issue with stripping parents of babies. Or lying to people who come here seeking asylum and forcing them back into a burning building. These are people that are not like most Americans.

And that's the key. "MOST" Americans.

Instead of trying to get the votes of people who will never vote for you, you need to get the other half of America to vote who aren't voting. Appeal to their better Angels. If they were as bad as Right Wingers, they would already be voting. Because with the right, it's all about attacking people. Forcing them. Making them suffer. Keeping poor children from school lunches. Ending healthcare from Americans who need help.

Get the rest of America registered. Get them out to vote. Unify the people who are open to working together and doing what's good for America. Promote education, fairness, healthcare, helping children make it, quality of life, a clean country. We need to get the support of people who know what's right. What actually makes America great again.

you need to get the other half of America to vote who aren't voting.

Why do you suppose those people aren't already voting for the Left?
Just watched Van Jones on the View talking about winning over Trump voters.

And remember when they go low we go high?

I've heard other Democrats talk like that. That we should try for their votes and "winning them over".

It's nonsense.

You can't appeal to the better part of right wingers. These are people who don't have an issue with stripping parents of babies. Or lying to people who come here seeking asylum and forcing them back into a burning building. These are people that are not like most Americans.

And that's the key. "MOST" Americans.

Instead of trying to get the votes of people who will never vote for you, you need to get the other half of America to vote who aren't voting. Appeal to their better Angels. If they were as bad as Right Wingers, they would already be voting. Because with the right, it's all about attacking people. Forcing them. Making them suffer. Keeping poor children from school lunches. Ending healthcare from Americans who need help.

Get the rest of America registered. Get them out to vote. Unify the people who are open to working together and doing what's good for America. Promote education, fairness, healthcare, helping children make it, quality of life, a clean country. We need to get the support of people who know what's right. What actually makes America great again.

you need to get the other half of America to vote who aren't voting.

Why do you suppose those people aren't already voting for the Left?
It's rdean, another thread for him to look like an idiot.
People don't like hateful socialists, except for other hateful socialists.
It's clear that the crazies inhabiting both wings are far more interested in beating the other tribe than in anything else.

They can't even communicate like adults any more, so they certainly don't have the capacity to bring anyone together.

We need fewer crazies. Quickly.
They are lying...they want America divided along race gender and religion....Obama did as well...
It's clear that the crazies inhabiting both wings are far more interested in beating the other tribe than in anything else.

They can't even communicate like adults any more, so they certainly don't have the capacity to bring anyone together.

We need fewer crazies. Quickly.

Let's not pretend though that "the crazies" are the same on 2 sides. One sides "crazy" wants free college and universal healthcare for all. The other sides "crazy" have racism embedded in it's policies, deep ties to Russia and corporate interest fueling major policy decisions.
It's clear that the crazies inhabiting both wings are far more interested in beating the other tribe than in anything else. They can't even communicate like adults any more, so they certainly don't have the capacity to bring anyone together. We need fewer crazies. Quickly.
Let's not pretend though that "the crazies" are the same on 2 sides. One sides "crazy" wants free college and universal healthcare for all. The other sides "crazy" have racism embedded in it's policies, deep ties to Russia and corporate interest fueling major policy decisions.
The two ends are very different on the issues.

The two ends are very similar in their behaviors.
Just watched Van Jones on the View talking about winning over Trump voters.

And remember when they go low we go high?

I've heard other Democrats talk like that. That we should try for their votes and "winning them over".

It's nonsense.

You can't appeal to the better part of right wingers. These are people who don't have an issue with stripping parents of babies. Or lying to people who come here seeking asylum and forcing them back into a burning building. These are people that are not like most Americans.

And that's the key. "MOST" Americans.

Instead of trying to get the votes of people who will never vote for you, you need to get the other half of America to vote who aren't voting. Appeal to their better Angels. If they were as bad as Right Wingers, they would already be voting. Because with the right, it's all about attacking people. Forcing them. Making them suffer. Keeping poor children from school lunches. Ending healthcare from Americans who need help.

Get the rest of America registered. Get them out to vote. Unify the people who are open to working together and doing what's good for America. Promote education, fairness, healthcare, helping children make it, quality of life, a clean country. We need to get the support of people who know what's right. What actually makes America great again.

deanie boi you're making delusional statements again... Empty talking points being spewed out does not win elections... Back away from the keyboard deanie and knock on doors and get those people to vote... You are not gaining any ground here... pound the pavement deanie… :21:
If the Republican party would adopt libertarian views, they never lose another election. Yet the right-wing just wants to hunker down in their brand of authoritarianism and fool idiots into thinking it's "freedom."
Just watched Van Jones on the View talking about winning over Trump voters.

And remember when they go low we go high?

I've heard other Democrats talk like that. That we should try for their votes and "winning them over".

It's nonsense.

You can't appeal to the better part of right wingers. These are people who don't have an issue with stripping parents of babies. Or lying to people who come here seeking asylum and forcing them back into a burning building. These are people that are not like most Americans.

And that's the key. "MOST" Americans.

Instead of trying to get the votes of people who will never vote for you, you need to get the other half of America to vote who aren't voting. Appeal to their better Angels. If they were as bad as Right Wingers, they would already be voting. Because with the right, it's all about attacking people. Forcing them. Making them suffer. Keeping poor children from school lunches. Ending healthcare from Americans who need help.

Get the rest of America registered. Get them out to vote. Unify the people who are open to working together and doing what's good for America. Promote education, fairness, healthcare, helping children make it, quality of life, a clean country. We need to get the support of people who know what's right. What actually makes America great again.

Blah, blah, blah. Righties hate, Righties are bad. You are a hate addled little parrot kid. Frankly you epitomize what's wrong with this Nation. When YOU talk about "compromise" you mean "capitulation".
There are two statements that define the Obama agenda uttered by Barry himself "republicans are welcome to come along for the ride but they have to sit in the back of the bus". That tells you a lot about Barry Sotoro's political bigotry. The second is even more telling "if they bring a knife to a fight we will bring a gun". Barry wasn't talking about shooting people, he was saying that democrats will never allow republicans to gain the upper hand even if they have to resort to violence.
Just watched Van Jones on the View talking about winning over Trump voters.

And remember when they go low we go high?

I've heard other Democrats talk like that. That we should try for their votes and "winning them over".

It's nonsense.

You can't appeal to the better part of right wingers. These are people who don't have an issue with stripping parents of babies. Or lying to people who come here seeking asylum and forcing them back into a burning building. These are people that are not like most Americans.

And that's the key. "MOST" Americans.

Instead of trying to get the votes of people who will never vote for you, you need to get the other half of America to vote who aren't voting. Appeal to their better Angels. If they were as bad as Right Wingers, they would already be voting. Because with the right, it's all about attacking people. Forcing them. Making them suffer. Keeping poor children from school lunches. Ending healthcare from Americans who need help.

Get the rest of America registered. Get them out to vote. Unify the people who are open to working together and doing what's good for America. Promote education, fairness, healthcare, helping children make it, quality of life, a clean country. We need to get the support of people who know what's right. What actually makes America great again.
Na, Winston Churchill said it best...
Just watched Van Jones on the View talking about winning over Trump voters.

And remember when they go low we go high?

I've heard other Democrats talk like that. That we should try for their votes and "winning them over".

It's nonsense.

You can't appeal to the better part of right wingers. These are people who don't have an issue with stripping parents of babies. Or lying to people who come here seeking asylum and forcing them back into a burning building. These are people that are not like most Americans.

And that's the key. "MOST" Americans.

Instead of trying to get the votes of people who will never vote for you, you need to get the other half of America to vote who aren't voting. Appeal to their better Angels. If they were as bad as Right Wingers, they would already be voting. Because with the right, it's all about attacking people. Forcing them. Making them suffer. Keeping poor children from school lunches. Ending healthcare from Americans who need help.

Get the rest of America registered. Get them out to vote. Unify the people who are open to working together and doing what's good for America. Promote education, fairness, healthcare, helping children make it, quality of life, a clean country. We need to get the support of people who know what's right. What actually makes America great again.

you need to get the other half of America to vote who aren't voting.

Why do you suppose those people aren't already voting for the Left?
They aren't voting for anyone because they are convinced that it won't matter. They're not buying either side's bullshit.
See what I mean? Look at these white wingers. So full of hate. They prove everything I said.
It's clear that the crazies inhabiting both wings are far more interested in beating the other tribe than in anything else.

They can't even communicate like adults any more, so they certainly don't have the capacity to bring anyone together.

We need fewer crazies. Quickly.

Let's not pretend though that "the crazies" are the same on 2 sides. One sides "crazy" wants free college and universal healthcare for all. The other sides "crazy" have racism embedded in it's policies, deep ties to Russia and corporate interest fueling major policy decisions.
You can't possibly believe the crap you type. Ignorance is not bliss.
Republicans may believe in a "let him die" healthcare plan. But the rest of America doesn't.
Just watched Van Jones on the View talking about winning over Trump voters.

And remember when they go low we go high?

I've heard other Democrats talk like that. That we should try for their votes and "winning them over".

It's nonsense.

You can't appeal to the better part of right wingers. These are people who don't have an issue with stripping parents of babies. Or lying to people who come here seeking asylum and forcing them back into a burning building. These are people that are not like most Americans.

And that's the key. "MOST" Americans.

Instead of trying to get the votes of people who will never vote for you, you need to get the other half of America to vote who aren't voting. Appeal to their better Angels. If they were as bad as Right Wingers, they would already be voting. Because with the right, it's all about attacking people. Forcing them. Making them suffer. Keeping poor children from school lunches. Ending healthcare from Americans who need help.

Get the rest of America registered. Get them out to vote. Unify the people who are open to working together and doing what's good for America. Promote education, fairness, healthcare, helping children make it, quality of life, a clean country. We need to get the support of people who know what's right. What actually makes America great again.
you talking about bringing people together?....what a fucking joke....that will never happen as long as people like you are out there...

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