donald trump

  1. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Another victory for President Trump! Polling shows Americans support his immigration plan!

    Poll: Voters support Trump-backed immigration bill Voters support most elements of President Donald Trump’s proposal to scale back legal immigration to the United States and change the criteria by which the U.S. admits immigrants, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll. Trump last...
  2. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Trump was right to pull out of the Paris climate agreement. Trudeau is a massive hypocrite.

    Stop swooning over Justin Trudeau. The man is a disaster for the planet | Bill McKibben ...Trudeau says all the right things, over and over. He’s got no Scott Pruitts in his cabinet: everyone who works for him says the right things. Indeed, they specialize in getting others to say them too – it...
  3. C

    Reviving HealthCare from Apocalypse

    We’ve had a weekend to celebrate, to rub popular vote loser Trump’s nose in the defeat of Trumpcare, but the party’s over. The fight continues because Republicans are assholes and won’t stop until only the people who can afford to pay directly for medical care can get it. Obamacare repeal can...
  4. The Original Tree

    Shocking New Email Leaked About Trump Junior!

    I used to defend Trump and his family, but no more. Not after I have just seen the latest scandalous email leaked on Trump Jr. The email comes from a Dr. Bakare Tunde and involves vast amounts of money and a money laundering scheme. The Russians are also implicated in this. REQUEST FOR...
  5. AsianTrumpSupporter

    California may have just boosted Trump's chances of winning in 2020

    Op-Ed: California may have just boosted Trump's chances of winning in 2020 The anti-Trump resistance is real. And if you're a taxpayer in California, it's really costing you. Donald Trump [/a]'s crackdown on illegal immigration beyond defending sanctuary city policies. The Democrat-dominated...
  6. roypatterson

    Anonymous Post for the President, Donald Trump

  7. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Black unemployment under Pres. Trump is at its lowest level since G.W. Bush won the 2000 election

    Here’s why the black unemployment rate hit a 16 ½-year low ..But how about when you break down the 4.3% unemployment rate by race? Two groups fall below the overall level — with the white unemployment rate at 3.7% and the Asian unemployment rate at 3.5%. Meanwhile, the Hispanic unemployment...
  8. B

    Texas Panhandle group calls on Trump to change oil trade practices LISA LAMB [email protected]

    The full article is here-> Texas Panhandle group calls on Trump to change oil trade practices "The Panhandle Import Reduction Initiative group recently sent a letter to the White House calling on President Donald Trump and his administration to recognize and correct what it says are unfair trade...
  9. Motti

    The Baneful Apocalyptic Triad of USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia

    Analysis on Trump recently concluded visit to Saudi Arabia and the ongoing one to Israel Rest of the article can be read here: The Baneful Apocalyptic Triad of USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia
  10. R

    Donald Trump and the Fear of Death

    To varying degrees, everybody lives with a fear of death and, in one manner or another, attempts to deny death's finality. In the case of Donald Trump, all those steel and granite edifices emblazoned with his name have long struck me as evidence of a terror of extinction. Their presumed...
  11. Motti

    It is Not Just North Korea But Asia That is in US Crosshairs

    Imagine that you lead the US deep state, and you are observing the real-time flow of Western technology, industry and next-generation skills to the East with alarm. How will you reverse this trend with one master stroke and temporarily staunch the decline of Pax Americana? A rapid...
  12. Motti

    Security Forces Put On Alert As Trump Set To Ban Laptops On Planes Originating From Europe

    In late March U.S. intelligence sources announced that terrorist organizations have found a novel and deadly way to smuggle explosives onto airplanes utilizing everyday laptops. Though officials declined to provide additional details, some believe that the intelligence highlighting the new...
  13. Motti

    Donald Trump: The 'Unreliable Flip-Flop Loser' President Who 'Lacks Stamina'

    Within three days of a bizarre chemical gas poisoning incident in Khan Sheikhoun, Syria, the United States ratcheted up its global judge, jury and executioner role by firing a salvo of Tomahawk missiles on a Syrian airbase that was used to combat Daesh terrorists. Trump has somersaulted a full...
  14. P@triot

    Hillary reminds us why we are happy that she is NOT the President

    Thank you Hitlery for reminding us we didn't vote for you. Because like Obama, you would throw money around and run up our already unsustainable $20 trillion debt further. The fact that Hitlery just wants to throw money around instead of cutting as much as possible and spending only what is...
  15. P@triot

    President Trump continues to be vindicated

    Every time President Trump speaks, the left-wing snowflakes fall to pieces and scream that he is "lying". And ever time he has been vindicated in the end. DOJ FOUND FALSELY PLANTED MALWARE AT TRUMP TOWER DESIGNED TO MIMIC TIES TO RUSSIA Dovetails with Wikileaks revelation that CIA can stage...
  16. P@triot

    The Trumps continue to bury the intolerant left-wing fascists

    The Trump family is rapidly becoming my favorite family in the world. Not only does their mere existence cause the left-wing hatriots to expose themselves for the facist, intolerant animals that they are, but when they do show their true colors - the Trump family puts them down like the mangy...
  17. P@triot

    Careful what you wish for President Trump

    President Trump - your comments here are a bit reckless. For starters, you have a long way to go until 2020 and the overwhelming support you received in 2016 will fall away if you fail to deliver on your promises. Barack Obama left you with an unholy mess, so you've got a ton of work to do...
  18. Motti

    Did WikiLeaks Sound the Death Knell of Western Tech Dominance?

    Exactly three years after the mysterious disappearance of Malaysia Airlines MH370 on March 7 2014 (17:19 UTC time), the international whistleblowing site WikiLeaks dropped a bombshell on how the US Central Intelligence Agency could weaponize just about every "smart device" on the planet. The US...
  19. P@triot

    Rachel Maddow - legendary fail!

    Absolutely hilarious... She was trumped by Trump! :lmao: I wonder if she'll even have a show left by the time Trump's term is up. Trump pulled the rug from underneath Rachel Maddow’s great big tax scoop
  20. P@triot

    President Trump: the first 50 days

    One of the most successful first 50 days of any presidency... – Trump is already beginning to fulfil his promise of being the best jobs president ever. U.S. employers added jobs beyond expectations in both January (238,000) and February (235,000), with the unemployment rate falling to 4.7% and...
  21. P@triot

    Democrat Kamala Harris obliterated on Twitter

    The Dems need to be a LOT smarter than pointing out problems just a month into President Trump's term. Rational people will not lay those problems at his feet - and thus it only goes to illustrate the profound failure of the Obama Administration. Dem Kamala Harris tried to blame Trump for...
  22. P@triot

    The left has zero credibility

    It is absurdity such as this (among other things as well of course) which has ultimately lead to the left losing all credibility. When President Trump says "we" (as in the United States) at a political rally, this hack attempts to twist the words "we" into meaning just "white people". White...
  23. March4Trump

    Trump Whats your Sign On march4Trump?

    Let's See how much attend on #March4Trump on March 4th? What will be your Sign on this campaign? It will be great if you come with your family/friend. Because it's time to show our support to our president. Ofcourse try to come with Sign, Poster, Tshirt, Banner etc what you think. We will just...
  24. A

    Will Donald Trump be a One-Term president?

    From John Adams to George H.W. Bush, there were ten US presidents who didn't go to the office for the second term. Will Donald Trump join them and not be elected in the 2020 US presidential elections? The relevant poll is placed on Amroba
  25. P@triot

    Hatriots Fail

    So hatriot George Takei takes to Twitter to post a poll in hopes of embarrassing President Trump. But when the poll doesn't go the way he wants it to go - he deletes it to hide the truth and then bans everyone who voted the way he didn't like in typical hatriot fascist fashion. George Takei...
  26. P@triot

    President Trump and Sheriff Clarke make a formidable one-two punch

    Epic. Absolutely epic.... Sheriff Clarke mocks Michelle Obama with the Trumpiest selfie ever tweeted
  27. P@triot

    It is so nice to have an adult in charge once again

    While the Obama's saw the White House has nothing more than their personal playground - a way to have tax payers foot the bill for them to travel around the world, host Beyoncé & JayZ, golf, and make appearances on everything from The View to ESPN - Donald Trump is politely telling them...
  28. stewartdean98

    Trump calls for release of Venezuela opposition leader

    US President Donald Trump has called on Venezuela to free jailed opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez "immediately," posting a picture of himself and Vice President Mike Pence with Lopez's wife at the White House. "Venezuela should allow Leopoldo Lopez, a political prisoner & husband of...
  29. S

    From Global Warming/Climate Change To Global Sunday Laws

    You have got to check this video out. The global climate change movement has not met a halt simply because Donald Trump is in office. Donald Trump is simply giving the power to Christians that are needed, so that with the global climate movement, they can enforce Sunday laws. And not only that...
  30. P@triot

    Definitely making America great again

    I have to salute you President Trump - you've been exceptional your first two weeks on the job. Quite possibly the most impressive first two weeks of a presidency in my lifetime. This will create jobs and - more importantly - create affordable energy for America. The exact opposite of what...
  31. P@triot

    A tale of two services

    A Secret Service agent awakes one day to a newly elected president. This is especially impactful as this particular agent is on the PPD (Presidential Protection Duty). In other words, the agent provides direct protection to the President of the United States. The agent is with the president day...
  32. P@triot

    Just so progressives don't conveniently forget

    When her father about to do the right thing and issue an Executive Order which was not only what the American people wanted, but was also designed to roll back Barack Obama's unconstitutional measures - Ivanka Trump stepped in for progressives. She's going to make the best first female president...
  33. P@triot

    President Trump: the ultimate winner

    Say what you will about the man - he has delivered on everything he has promised. Including the most far-fetched of his promises: that he would win so much we would get tired of winning. Not only has he delivered a solid cabinet, an exceptional Supreme Court justice, the revival of the Keystone...
  34. P@triot

    Trump is coming! Run for your lives!!!

    Oh man is the left really playing up the Trump fear mongering propaganda. Trump is going to force homosexuals into "conversion therapy" Trump is going to murder anyone who is a muslim Trump is going to build a wall to keep Americans in Trump is going to shut down education in America...
  35. LenKeis

    "The Presidency of Donald Trump Will Be An Utter Disaster Unless..."

    ...there are MASSIVE arrests for TREASON! I have been very vociferous about calling for the arrest of all traitors beginning with the arrest of foreign agent Barry Soetoro and from there removing EVERYONE who held a political office over the past 8 years of his illegitimate presidency...
  36. P@triot

    A question for ALL illegal aliens

  37. P@triot

    Executive Orders 101

    This is how an Executive Order is properly used. Note that President Trump did not use it to create law, alter law, or abolish law. Note that the Executive Order is in no way directed at, or designed to influence, citizens. He issued a constitutional Executive Order directed at those under him...
  38. P@triot

    The Democrats Retreat From Reality

    Hilarious. It couldn't have been said any better... "Retreat" is an appropriate description of what took place in Harper's Ferry, West Virginia, this week. Senate Democrats took a break from not confirming President Trump's cabinet to visit this historic city in a state the president won by 40...
  39. cnelsen

    OK, the truth about Angry White Men

    The plastic remote on my Sunbeam Electric Heated Fleece Blanket went haywire last night and made me oversleep, so I spent the day in my spaghetti-strap T-shirt and my favorite pair of wind pants from the Adidas outlet store out on Interstate 95 binge-watching the Death Wish series because I...
  40. P@triot

    The winning continues

    Trump certainly hit the ground running. Leveraging Executive Orders (constitutionally - unlike Obama) to defund International Planned Parenthood Foundation, to build the wall between the U.S. and Mexican border, he pulled the U.S. out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, put a freeze on...

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