Careful what you wish for President Trump


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
President Trump - your comments here are a bit reckless. For starters, you have a long way to go until 2020 and the overwhelming support you received in 2016 will fall away if you fail to deliver on your promises. Barack Obama left you with an unholy mess, so you've got a ton of work to do.

Additionally, while Elizabeth Warren is more radical than Hitlery Clinton, she's also much more likable. The American people loathe Hitlery Clinton (including her own party) - but that's not the case with Elizabeth Warren. While certainly as prone to the emotional, uncontrolled triggered outbursts as Hitlery, she isn't as shrill, doesn't lie quite as much (though is still quite the liar), and isn't viewed as an elitist trying to pass herself off as one of the "common folk" like Hitlery. The uninformed "independent" will see someone who isn't so brash and think "a more centered person" even though nothing is further from the truth.

In short Mr. President, you need to stop calling out the opposition like you're a prize fighter trying to generate gate revenue ala Muhammed Ali and just focus on getting the job done. If you do that, everything else will take care of itself. You're less than 3 full months into your Administration with the opposition party obstructing your every move and every appointment. All you did was return the opening kickoff for a TD. It's not time to dance in the end zone and declare victory. You've got a long and brutal game ahead of you.

Watch: After beating Clinton in 2016, Trump reveals which liberal he wants to beat ‘so badly’ in 2020
President Trump - your comments here are a bit reckless. For starters, you have a long way to go until 2020 and the overwhelming support you received in 2016 will fall away if you fail to deliver on your promises. Barack Obama left you with an unholy mess, so you've got a ton of work to do.

Additionally, while Elizabeth Warren is more radical than Hitlery Clinton, she's also much more likable. The American people loathe Hitlery Clinton (including her own party) - but that's not the case with Elizabeth Warren. While certainly as prone to the emotional, uncontrolled triggered outbursts as Hitlery, she isn't as shrill, doesn't lie quite as much (though is still quite the liar), and isn't viewed as an elitist trying to pass herself off as one of the "common folk" like Hitlery. The uninformed "independent" will see someone who isn't so brash and think "a more centered person" even though nothing is further from the truth.

In short Mr. President, you need to stop calling out the opposition like you're a prize fighter trying to generate gate revenue ala Muhammed Ali and just focus on getting the job done. If you do that, everything else will take care of itself. You're less than 3 full months into your Administration with the opposition party obstructing your every move and every appointment. All you did was return the opening kickoff for a TD. It's not time to dance in the end zone and declare victory. You've got a long and brutal game ahead of you.

Watch: After beating Clinton in 2016, Trump reveals which liberal he wants to beat ‘so badly’ in 2020
If you really believed hillary clinton was anything like adolf hitler you would've voted for her.... thats literally the only reason you hillbillies voted for trump
What mess did Obama leave him!?

Dude walked into cake and ice cream .
President Trump - your comments here are a bit reckless. For starters, you have a long way to go until 2020 and the overwhelming support you received in 2016 will fall away if you fail to deliver on your promises. Barack Obama left you with an unholy mess, so you've got a ton of work to do.

Additionally, while Elizabeth Warren is more radical than Hitlery Clinton, she's also much more likable. The American people loathe Hitlery Clinton (including her own party) - but that's not the case with Elizabeth Warren. While certainly as prone to the emotional, uncontrolled triggered outbursts as Hitlery, she isn't as shrill, doesn't lie quite as much (though is still quite the liar), and isn't viewed as an elitist trying to pass herself off as one of the "common folk" like Hitlery. The uninformed "independent" will see someone who isn't so brash and think "a more centered person" even though nothing is further from the truth.

In short Mr. President, you need to stop calling out the opposition like you're a prize fighter trying to generate gate revenue ala Muhammed Ali and just focus on getting the job done. If you do that, everything else will take care of itself. You're less than 3 full months into your Administration with the opposition party obstructing your every move and every appointment. All you did was return the opening kickoff for a TD. It's not time to dance in the end zone and declare victory. You've got a long and brutal game ahead of you.

Watch: After beating Clinton in 2016, Trump reveals which liberal he wants to beat ‘so badly’ in 2020
If you really believed hillary clinton was anything like adolf hitler you would've voted for her.... thats literally the only reason you hillbillies voted for trump
how is it you know that?
President Trump - your comments here are a bit reckless. For starters, you have a long way to go until 2020 and the overwhelming support you received in 2016 will fall away if you fail to deliver on your promises. Barack Obama left you with an unholy mess, so you've got a ton of work to do.

Additionally, while Elizabeth Warren is more radical than Hitlery Clinton, she's also much more likable. The American people loathe Hitlery Clinton (including her own party) - but that's not the case with Elizabeth Warren. While certainly as prone to the emotional, uncontrolled triggered outbursts as Hitlery, she isn't as shrill, doesn't lie quite as much (though is still quite the liar), and isn't viewed as an elitist trying to pass herself off as one of the "common folk" like Hitlery. The uninformed "independent" will see someone who isn't so brash and think "a more centered person" even though nothing is further from the truth.

In short Mr. President, you need to stop calling out the opposition like you're a prize fighter trying to generate gate revenue ala Muhammed Ali and just focus on getting the job done. If you do that, everything else will take care of itself. You're less than 3 full months into your Administration with the opposition party obstructing your every move and every appointment. All you did was return the opening kickoff for a TD. It's not time to dance in the end zone and declare victory. You've got a long and brutal game ahead of you.

Watch: After beating Clinton in 2016, Trump reveals which liberal he wants to beat ‘so badly’ in 2020
If you really believed hillary clinton was anything like adolf hitler you would've voted for her.... thats literally the only reason you hillbillies voted for trump
how is it you know that?
because I keep asking these hillbillies why they voted for Trump and they all give the same answer
President Trump - your comments here are a bit reckless. For starters, you have a long way to go until 2020 and the overwhelming support you received in 2016 will fall away if you fail to deliver on your promises. Barack Obama left you with an unholy mess, so you've got a ton of work to do.

Additionally, while Elizabeth Warren is more radical than Hitlery Clinton, she's also much more likable. The American people loathe Hitlery Clinton (including her own party) - but that's not the case with Elizabeth Warren. While certainly as prone to the emotional, uncontrolled triggered outbursts as Hitlery, she isn't as shrill, doesn't lie quite as much (though is still quite the liar), and isn't viewed as an elitist trying to pass herself off as one of the "common folk" like Hitlery. The uninformed "independent" will see someone who isn't so brash and think "a more centered person" even though nothing is further from the truth.

In short Mr. President, you need to stop calling out the opposition like you're a prize fighter trying to generate gate revenue ala Muhammed Ali and just focus on getting the job done. If you do that, everything else will take care of itself. You're less than 3 full months into your Administration with the opposition party obstructing your every move and every appointment. All you did was return the opening kickoff for a TD. It's not time to dance in the end zone and declare victory. You've got a long and brutal game ahead of you.

Watch: After beating Clinton in 2016, Trump reveals which liberal he wants to beat ‘so badly’ in 2020
Remember when he campaigned as the indep who'd force compromise to make gummit work for you again. And you boutght it. LOL
Remember when Trump said Mexico would pay for the wall. And these rubes believed it.
Remember when Trump said he would drain the swamp in Washington. And he filled it with CEO's and billionaires.
Trump will pulverize any anti-white piece of shit the Democrats put out regardless.

Warren is currently seen as a "pure" leftist that is mostly not bogged down by the identity politics(anti-white politics)bs, but in reality she is more susceptible to that trash than Sanders was, and even a committed commie like Sanders realized he couldn't win the nomination without appeasing the anti-white retards.
I wonder how many still do

Anyone with even a rudimentary grasp of economics.

Here is how, sploogy.

Immigrants Canceling Their Food Stamps over Fears of Being Deported
Anyone with even a rudimentary grasp of economics.would knows food stamps is one of the most successful government programs and adds $1.70 to GDP for every dollar we spend. They also know that immigrants are a net gain to the economy.

I think you mean anyone with even a rudimentary grasp of fascism.
President Trump - your comments here are a bit reckless. For starters, you have a long way to go until 2020 and the overwhelming support you received in 2016 will fall away if you fail to deliver on your promises. Barack Obama left you with an unholy mess, so you've got a ton of work to do.

Additionally, while Elizabeth Warren is more radical than Hitlery Clinton, she's also much more likable. The American people loathe Hitlery Clinton (including her own party) - but that's not the case with Elizabeth Warren. While certainly as prone to the emotional, uncontrolled triggered outbursts as Hitlery, she isn't as shrill, doesn't lie quite as much (though is still quite the liar), and isn't viewed as an elitist trying to pass herself off as one of the "common folk" like Hitlery. The uninformed "independent" will see someone who isn't so brash and think "a more centered person" even though nothing is further from the truth.

In short Mr. President, you need to stop calling out the opposition like you're a prize fighter trying to generate gate revenue ala Muhammed Ali and just focus on getting the job done. If you do that, everything else will take care of itself. You're less than 3 full months into your Administration with the opposition party obstructing your every move and every appointment. All you did was return the opening kickoff for a TD. It's not time to dance in the end zone and declare victory. You've got a long and brutal game ahead of you.

Watch: After beating Clinton in 2016, Trump reveals which liberal he wants to beat ‘so badly’ in 2020
If you really believed hillary clinton was anything like adolf hitler you would've voted for her.... thats literally the only reason you hillbillies voted for trump
how is it you know that?
because I keep asking these hillbillies why they voted for Trump and they all give the same answer
and what is that answer?

If you really believed hillary clinton was anything like adolf hitler you would've voted for her.... thats literally the only reason you hillbillies voted for trump

Actually, she is a LOT like Adolf Hitler, which is EXACTLY why YOU voted for her.

Spew your lies now, and we will examine why what I just posted is irrefutable.
Are you hallucinating again? I told you to stop reading breitbart... now take your meds
you gotta love the butt-hurt daily you all show us. funny stuff larry.
President Trump - your comments here are a bit reckless. For starters, you have a long way to go until 2020 and the overwhelming support you received in 2016 will fall away if you fail to deliver on your promises. Barack Obama left you with an unholy mess, so you've got a ton of work to do.

Additionally, while Elizabeth Warren is more radical than Hitlery Clinton, she's also much more likable. The American people loathe Hitlery Clinton (including her own party) - but that's not the case with Elizabeth Warren. While certainly as prone to the emotional, uncontrolled triggered outbursts as Hitlery, she isn't as shrill, doesn't lie quite as much (though is still quite the liar), and isn't viewed as an elitist trying to pass herself off as one of the "common folk" like Hitlery. The uninformed "independent" will see someone who isn't so brash and think "a more centered person" even though nothing is further from the truth.

In short Mr. President, you need to stop calling out the opposition like you're a prize fighter trying to generate gate revenue ala Muhammed Ali and just focus on getting the job done. If you do that, everything else will take care of itself. You're less than 3 full months into your Administration with the opposition party obstructing your every move and every appointment. All you did was return the opening kickoff for a TD. It's not time to dance in the end zone and declare victory. You've got a long and brutal game ahead of you.

Watch: After beating Clinton in 2016, Trump reveals which liberal he wants to beat ‘so badly’ in 2020

Really he needs to get off of twitter, and needs to stop being buddy buddy with Paul Ryan.
Let's face it when trump talks and tweets he's an unhinged disaster. I just care about what he does. He's done a good job thus far.
Are you hallucinating again? I told you to stop reading breitbart... now take your meds

Knowing how very, very stupid you are, I expected your response.

You did not disappoint.

Adolf Hitler promoted a centrally planned and managed economy, as does Hillary

Adolf Hitler supported and implemented universal health care, just as Hillary advocates

Adolf Hitler promoted a base minimum monthly income for Reich citizens, just as Hillary advocated ($15 minimum wage)

Adolf Hitler outlawed speech that was offensive to his favored group, just as Hillary supports hate speech restrictions

Adolf Hitler supported the disarming of major segments of German society, just as Hillary seeks to disarm Americans

Adolf Hitler used legal suppression of opposition political parties, just as Hillary sought against the "alt-right" and "Tea Party."

What a fascist democrat like you loves about Hillary comes directly from Hitler.
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Remember when Trump said Mexico would pay for the wall. And these rubes believed it.

you dont actually believe Chumps Drones have the mental capacity to remember do you?

Mr. KGB "I cant recall" Sessions was their trainer.

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