Kristi Noem is right!!!

Poor judgment.
She continues to set her political career on fire going on Interviews.
This is merely how the media protects Biden but will trash the hell out of those they see are his opponents. Biden's dog bit the shit out of officers. And he had to get rid of the dog. What did he do to the vicious dog?
This thread is not about dogs, goats or animals. This thread is a smart skilled woman is running a state. It is her story of what is happening there.
In that book she bragged about killing a dog she hated, killing a goat that got her kids clothes dirty, and having a meeting with Sum Fat Kim that never happened.

She’s batshit
She put that in her book jackass.

The viscious dog is you
I have read 3 chapters so far and nothing at all is about the dog. The vicious dogs are Democrats.
In that book she bragged about killing a dog she hated, killing a goat that got her kids clothes dirty, and having a meeting with Sum Fat Kim that never happened.

She’s batshit
When did you read the book? I have it and it is not at all like you claim it is.
Unfortunately, her own words made it about that story.
3 chapters in and her book is not focused on dogs or goats. This is the same shit the Media pulls on Trump. They pick one item and per them this is her story. But her story is very different in her book.
She does say the "incident" is 20 years old. This did not happen recently.

In her weekend statement, Noem said her story was 20 years old. That would place it in 2004, when she was in her early 30s, three years before she entered South Dakota state politics and six years before she won a seat in Congress as part of the hard-right Tea Party wave. Noem was elected governor of South Dakota in 2018.

South Dakota was the last of the 50 states to make animal cruelty a felony, passing legislation in 2014.

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