Zionism is Racism

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  • Sure, it's racism

    Votes: 12 85.7%
  • No, it a form of equality

    Votes: 2 14.3%

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Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
According to , encyclopedia britannica, Zionism is defined as : "Zionism, Jewish nationalist movement that has had as its goal the creation and support of a Jewish national state in Palestine, the ancient homeland of the Jews (Hebrew: Eretz Yisraʾel, “the Land of Israel”). Though Zionism originated in eastern and central Europe in the latter part of the 19th century, it is in many ways a continuation of the ancient attachment of the Jews and of the Jewish religion to the historical region of Palestine, where one of the hills of ancient Jerusalem was called Zion."
Recalling its resolution 1904 (XVIII) of 20 November 1963, proclaiming the United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, and in particular its affirmation that "any doctrine of racial differentiation or superiority is scientifically false, morally condemnable, socially unjust and dangerous" and its expression of alarm at "the manifestations of racial discrimination still in evidence in some areas in the world, some of which are imposed by certain Governments by means of legislative, administrative or other measures",

Recalling also that, in its resolution 3151 G (XXVIII) of 14 December 1973, the General Assembly condemned, inter alia, the unholy alliance between South African racism and zionism,

Taking note of the Declaration of Mexico on the Equality of Women and Their Contribution to Development and Peace, 1/ proclaimed by the World Conference of the International Women's Year, held at Mexico City from 19 June to 2 July 1975, which promulgated the principle that "international co-operation and peace require the achievement of national liberation and independence, the elimination of colonialism and neo-colonialism, foreign occupation, zionism, apartheid and racial discrimination in all its forms, as well as the recognition of the dignity of peoples and their right to self-determination",

Taking note also of resolution 77 (XII) adopted by the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the Organization of African Unity at its twelfth ordinary session,2/ hold at Kampala from 28 July to 1 August 1975, which considered "that the racist regime in occupied Palestine and the racist regimes in Zimbabwe and South Africa have a common imperialist origin, forming a whole and having the same racist structure and being organically linked in their policy aimed at repression of the dignity and integrity of the human being",

Taking note also of the Political Declaration and Strategy to Strengthen International Peace and Security and to Intensify Solidarity and Mutual Assistance among Non-Aligned Countries,3/ adopted at the Conference of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of Non-Aligned Countries held at Lima from 25 to 30 August 1975, which most severely condemned zionism as a threat to world peace and security and called upon all countries to oppose this racist and imperialist ideology,

Determines that zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination.
This is an official UN resolution 3379 ... Elimination of all forms of racial discrimination
According to , encyclopedia britannica, Zionism is defined as : "Zionism, Jewish nationalist movement that has had as its goal the creation and support of a Jewish national state in Palestine, the ancient homeland of the Jews (Hebrew: Eretz Yisraʾel, “the Land of Israel”). Though Zionism originated in eastern and central Europe in the latter part of the 19th century, it is in many ways a continuation of the ancient attachment of the Jews and of the Jewish religion to the historical region of Palestine, where one of the hills of ancient Jerusalem was called Zion."
They forgot to mention: that it also beholds ethnic cleansing and the ideology of being a superior race, even a chosen one. - wonder why
Hitler and his thugs, essentially copied it - and changed the original ideology concept to "Germanischer Lebensraum"
NOTING the United Nations Declaration on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination;

NOTING that the United Nations' General Assembly Resolution 3151 (XXVIII) of 14 December, 1973, has condemned the unholy alliance between apartheid in Southern Africa and Zionism;

NOTING further that the ruling racist regime in occupied Palestine as well as the two ruling racist regimes in Zimbabwe and South Africa stem from a comrnon origin, constitute an integral entity of the same racist structure and are organically linked in their policies which aim at humiliating man and depriving him of all dignity;

AWARE of the policies of repression, terrorism, oppression, discrimination, murder, detention, banishment, deportation, suppression of rights and freedoms, and confiscation of property and land applied by Israel against the Arab people in the occupied territories;

NOTING the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379 (XXX) of 10 November, 1975, which considers Zionism a form of racism and racial discrimination;

1. CONDEMNS Zionism as a colonialist, expansionist imperialist doctrine; and views it as a direct threat to international peace and security;

2. CONDEMNS Israel for imprisoning, detaining or banishing Arab citizens fighting in the occupied territories, and for its ill-treatment of those citizens; and demands the immediate release of detainees;

3. CALLS on all States to devise programs for fighting Zionism at national, regional and international levels;

4. DECIDES that in order to liquidate Zionism, all States should extend moral, political and material assistance to the Palestine Liberation Organization for the recovery of the Palestinian people's rights, and support their efforts aiming at liberating Palestine;

5. HAILS the Arab and Islamic regions for agreeing on the return of the Jews that were victims of Zionist misguidance, and the Conference invites the Jews who emigrated to Palestine under the influence of misguidance, to return to their original homelands in those areas, with a view to rescuing them from Zionist racism, which is condemned by international conferences and by the General Assembly of the United Nations.

[RESOLUTION No. 1/7-P RACISM AND ZIONISM The Seventh Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers meeting in Istanbul, Republic of Turkey, from 13-16 Jumad Al Awal, 1396 H (12-15 May, 1976)]
Recognizing Zionism’s Racism

A racist ideology need not always manifest itself as such, and, if the circumstances are right, it need not always actually practice racism to maintain itself. For decades after its creation, the circumstances were right for Israel. If one forgot, as most people did, the fact that 750,000 Palestinians (non-Jews) had left their homeland under duress, thus making room for a Jewish-majority state, everyone could accept Israel as a genuine democracy, even to a certain extent for that small minority of Palestinians who had remained after 1948. That minority was not large enough to threaten Israel’s Jewish majority; it faced considerable discrimination, but because Israeli Arabs could vote, this discrimination was viewed not as institutional, state-mandated racism but as the kind of discrimination, deplorable but not institutionalized, faced by blacks in the United States. The occupation of the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem, with their two million (soon to become more than three million) Palestinian inhabitants, was seen to be temporary, its end awaiting only the Arabs’ readiness to accept Israel’s existence.

When you are on the ground in Palestine, you can see Zionism physically imprinted on the landscape. Not only can you see that there are settlements, built on land confiscated from Palestinians, where Palestinians may not live. Not only can you see roads in the occupied territories, again built on land taken from Palestinians, where Palestinians may not drive. Not only can you observe that water in the occupied territories is allocated, by Israeli governmental authorities, so inequitably that Israeli settlers are allocated five times the amount per capita as are Palestinians and, in periods of drought, Palestinians stand in line for drinking water while Israeli settlements enjoy lush gardens and swimming pools. Not only can you stand and watch as Israeli bulldozers flatten Palestinian olive groves and other agricultural land, destroy Palestinian wells, and demolish Palestinian homes to make way for the separation wall that Israel is constructing across the length and breadth of the West Bank. The wall fences off Palestinians from Israelis, supposedly to provide greater security for Israelis but in fact in order to cage Palestinians, to define a border for Israel that will exclude a maximum number of Palestinians.

As the renowned Palestinian scholar Nur Masalha explained decades ago his masterful study “Expulsion of the Palestinians”, the Zionist movement, in fact, understood that there were actually people already living in Palestine. However, they chose not to see them as full human beings worthy of rights equal to Jewish settlers.

Masalha wrote that early Zionist Israel Zangwill’s infamous slogan “a land without a people for a people without a land” was not intended as a literal demographic assessment. Zionists “did not mean that there were no people in Palestine, but that there were no people worth considering within the framework of the notions of European supremacy that then held sway”.

Recalling its resolution 1904 (XVIII) of 20 November 1963, proclaiming the United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, and in particular its affirmation that "any doctrine of racial differentiation or superiority is scientifically false, morally condemnable, socially unjust and dangerous" and its expression of alarm at "the manifestations of racial discrimination still in evidence in some areas in the world, some of which are imposed by certain Governments by means of legislative, administrative or other measures",

Recalling also that, in its resolution 3151 G (XXVIII) of 14 December 1973, the General Assembly condemned, inter alia, the unholy alliance between South African racism and zionism,

Taking note of the Declaration of Mexico on the Equality of Women and Their Contribution to Development and Peace, 1/ proclaimed by the World Conference of the International Women's Year, held at Mexico City from 19 June to 2 July 1975, which promulgated the principle that "international co-operation and peace require the achievement of national liberation and independence, the elimination of colonialism and neo-colonialism, foreign occupation, zionism, apartheid and racial discrimination in all its forms, as well as the recognition of the dignity of peoples and their right to self-determination",

Taking note also of resolution 77 (XII) adopted by the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the Organization of African Unity at its twelfth ordinary session,2/ hold at Kampala from 28 July to 1 August 1975, which considered "that the racist regime in occupied Palestine and the racist regimes in Zimbabwe and South Africa have a common imperialist origin, forming a whole and having the same racist structure and being organically linked in their policy aimed at repression of the dignity and integrity of the human being",

Taking note also of the Political Declaration and Strategy to Strengthen International Peace and Security and to Intensify Solidarity and Mutual Assistance among Non-Aligned Countries,3/ adopted at the Conference of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of Non-Aligned Countries held at Lima from 25 to 30 August 1975, which most severely condemned zionism as a threat to world peace and security and called upon all countries to oppose this racist and imperialist ideology,

Determines that zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination.
This is an official UN resolution 3379 ... Elimination of all forms of racial discrimination
This is the revocation of that resolution
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 46/86, adopted on 16 December 1991
keep up with the news.
The part as to WHY the UN resolution 3379 was repealed in 1991 is even better

In 1991, resolution 3379 was repealed for two primary reasons: One, the Soviet bloc, which helped pass the resolution, had collapsed; and two, Israel and the US demanded that it be revoked or they refused to participate in the Madrid Peace Conference.

In her speech at the UN, Power, like Kerry, conflated the heinous Nazi attacks on Jewish civilians in the Kristallnacht with UN GA Res. 3379. Both speakers cited the abominable horrors of the Holocaust several times as reasons to support Zionism, glossing over the fact that Zionism was created in the late 19th century and that the Balfour Declaration dates back to 1917, decades before World War II.

As usual - utilizing - profiteering from the "Holocaust guilt&pity syndrome"
In their speeches, both Kerry and Power also thanked Israeli UN Ambassador Danny Danon, who was described by an Israeli Labor Party lawmaker as “a right-wing extremist with the diplomatic sensitivity of a pit bull” and who proposed legislation that would, in his own words, have the Israeli government “annex the West Bank and repeal the Oslo Accords.” Amb. Danon insists that God gave the land of historic Palestine to the Jewish people as an “everlasting possession” (while forsaking the US). He also told the Times of Israel that the “international community can say whatever they want, and we can do whatever we want.”
Netanyahu addressed the session with a video message. He claimed that Israel, (which has for years led the world in violating UN Security Council resolutions), “continues to face systemic discrimination here at the UN.” In a January 2013 statement submitted to the UN Human Rights Council, the Russell Tribunal calculated Israel had defied a bare minimum of 87 Security Council resolutions.
The Russel Tribunal also crucially noted “that Israel’s ongoing colonial settlement expansion, its racial separatist policies, as well as its violent militarism would not be possible without the US’s unequivocal support.” The tribunal pointed out that Israel “is the largest recipient of US foreign aid since 1976 and the largest cumulative recipient since World War II” and that, between 1972 and 2012, the USA was the lone veto of UN resolutions critical of Israel 43 times.

Madrid Peace Conference.

The Madrid Peace Conference, held from October 30 to November 1, 1991, marked the first time that Israeli leaders negotiated face to face with delegations from Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, and, most importantly, with the Palestinians.

The real victim of the 40th anniversary event was the truth — and, of course, as it was four decades ago, the Palestinians. Yet, while UN GA Res. 3379 was repealed, the truth cannot be revoked. Zionism was and remains an unequivocally racist movement — just like any other hyper-nationalist and ethnocratic movement.

So I soldiered on as US Ambassador in Tel Aviv through the end of 1991. The loan guarantee issue sharpened, the Intifada was significantly reduced as a controversy. One always has to emphasize that many, many more Palestinians lost their lives in the Intifada than did Israelis.
The worst sufferers in this whole process were Palestinians.

Since then Israel has illegally annexed the Golan-heights, a part of Southern Lebanon - claims Jerusalem to be it's capital, promotes the illegal settlement policy in the West-Bank and just a day ago - voiced it's intentions to restart it's illegal settlement policy in Gaza.
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According to , encyclopedia britannica, Zionism is defined as : "Zionism, Jewish nationalist movement that has had as its goal the creation and support of a Jewish national state in Palestine, the ancient homeland of the Jews (Hebrew: Eretz Yisraʾel, “the Land of Israel”). Though Zionism originated in eastern and central Europe in the latter part of the 19th century, it is in many ways a continuation of the ancient attachment of the Jews and of the Jewish religion to the historical region of Palestine, where one of the hills of ancient Jerusalem was called Zion."
Wrong again Achmed, your own Koran is Zionist and so is Christianity.

There are three other texts (Rom. 11:26; Matt. 21:5; John 12:15) that use Zion as a name for Jerusalem. First the Deliverer, Christ, is said to come back from Zion. In this text Paul also quotes from the Old Testament. (See Isa. 59:20.) The texts in Matthew and John refer to Christ's entry into Jerusalem. In the Old Testament text that Matthew and John quote (Zech. 9:9), we have the Hebrew parallelism: "Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee." The expression "daughter of Zion," which is repeated as "daughter of Jerusalem," refers evidently to the nation of Israel.
Wrong again Achmed, your own Koran is Zionist and so is Christianity.
Your typical nonsense reply, and again utter proof towards your total ignorance and that you know NOTHING.

Zionism is just a part of Judaism, hence not every Jew that practices Judaism is an ardent Zionist. Just as not every Christian is sharing the dogmas and views of Catholics, and dozens of other Christian diversities. The Koran isn't a religion but a religious guide aka Book, the religion is called Islam, which in turn is interpreted and even written with different context in the Koran, in regards to e.g. Sunni, Shiite, etc. etc. Muslim followers. A Muslim is one that adheres to the religion of Islam, in regards to it's different or respective interpretations.

And Roman Catholics as well as non-US Protestants follow up onto the NT and not the Bible. Since the latter was compiled entirely by Jews - just as the initial NT - that was however drastically altered by the Roman Catholic Church from around 400 A.D. onward. It is only specific (mostly US Christian sects) - deriving entirely from Protestants, that constantly refer to the Bibles 1st part the OT.

And until today - NOBODY - except some maybe 10 million Jews, and some self constituted US Christian sects, out of 8 Billion people - gives a shit, about that self-written Jewish book "Tanakh". (proves and documents the minority that You and your ilk belong to).
And the Torah is the first part of the Tanakh, and thus part of the Bible.

So what is the difference between the Torah and the Bible?

Both holy books are the foundation of these two religions. Both must be read by the clergy in special ceremonies, and both contain stories about the past, about the origin of each religion, and about the way the faithful must live their lives.

There is an overlap in the sense that the Old Testament of the Bible (46 books) is actually the Torah (the first 5 books) because Christianity was born out of Judaism. Otherwise, the text of the Torah tells people to wait for the Son of God, while the Bible tells the story of the Son of God who came to save mankind.

Today's Israel only exists due to the Holocaust - since nobody wanted the survivors - as such the non-Muslim world "allowed" for around 700,000 illegal Jewish immigrants to enter British Mandated Palestine. The Jews - foremost the Zionists, took their chance in 1948 to harass, terrorize and as such to drive out around a million Arab-Palestinians, whilst declaring an own State.

The Arabs aka the Arab-Legion was inferior to the Haganah (due to know reasons "not to you off-course") - thus the Jews prevailed in 1948-1949 and the State of Israel with it's self-given borders prevailed as well. And Israel with it's self-given borders was acknowledged by the UN in May 11, 1949. This UN recognition was in breach with the UN Charter - totally ignoring "the right of self-determination" by the local population. Interestingly exactly the same issue at the same time occurred towards Taiwan. and in both cases the culprit and driving force was the US government.

However it does not change the fact that Israel now officially exists since May 1949, and therefore has a right to exist. (in the borders defined and acknowledged at the time). This border does not behold the Golan-Heights, East-Jerusalem, a Southern part of Lebanon, nor the West-Bank and Gaza.

However the Zionist don't care - but simply have "illegally" annexed additional territory of other States, and keep enforcing "illegal" settlements onto other peoples territory. Simply because the Zionist vision is about recreating a former Kingdom of David and Solomon that had ceased to exist latest in 400 B.C. - 2400 years ago.

And all the Zionist do is to whine and cry about actions taking by those whose land they stole and keep stealing - and like a hypocrite as they are, calling out everyone who opposes their Zionist policy to be antisemitic.

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Your typical nonsense reply, and again utter proof towards your total ignorance and that you know NOTHING.

Zionism is just a part of Judaism, hence not every Jew that practices Judaism is an ardent Zionist. Just as not every Christian is sharing the dogmas and views of Catholics, and dozens of other Christian diversities. The Koran isn't a religion but a religious guide aka Book, the religion is called Islam, which in turn is interpreted and even written with different context in the Koran, in regards to e.g. Sunni, Shiite, etc. etc. Muslim followers. A Muslim is one that adheres to the religion of Islam, in regards to it's different or respective interpretations.

And Roman Catholics as well as non-US Protestants follow up onto the NT and not the Bible. Since the latter was compiled entirely by Jews - just as the initial NT - that was however drastically altered by the Roman Catholic Church from around 400 A.D. onward. It is only specific (mostly US Christian sects - deriving entirely from Protestants) that constantly refer to the Bible aka OT.

And until today - NOBODY - except some maybe 10 million Jews, and some self constituted US Christian sects, out of 8 Billion people - gives a shit, about that self-written Jewish book "Tanach". (proves and documents the minority that You and your ilk belong to).

Today's Israel only exists due to the Holocaust - since nobody wanted the survivors - as such the non-Muslim world "allowed" for around 700,000 illegal Jewish immigrants to enter British Mandated Palestine. The Jews - foremost the Zionists, took their chance in 1948 to harass, terrorize and as such to drive out around a million Arab-Palestinians, whilst declaring an own State.

The Arabs aka the Arab-Legion was inferior to the Haganah (due to know reasons "not to you off-course") - thus the Jews prevailed in 1948-1949 and the State of Israel with it's self-given borders prevailed as well. And Israel with it's self-given borders was acknowledged by the UN in May 11, 1949. This UN recognition was in breach with the UN Charter - totally ignoring "the right of self-determination" by the local population. Interestingly exactly the same issue at the same time occurred towards Taiwan. and in both cases the culprit and driving force was the US government.

However it does not change the fact that Israel now officially exists since May 1949, and therefore has a right to exist. (in the borders defined and acknowledged at the time). This border does not behold the Golan-Heights, East-Jerusalem, a Southern part of Lebanon, nor the West-Bank and Gaza.

However the Zionist don't care - but simply have "illegally" annexed additional territory of other States, and keep enforcing "illegal" settlements onto other peoples territory. Simply because the Zionist vision is about recreating a former Kingdom of David and Solomon that had ceased to exist latest in 400 B.C. - 2400 years ago.

And all the Zionist do is to whine and cry about actions taking by those whose land they stole and keep stealing - and like a hypocrite as they are, calling out everyone who opposes their Zionist policy to be antisemitic.
You’re a radicalized Muslim spewing hate, lies and bullshit on the internet. So how would know. Nobody bothers reading your idiotic nonsense.
According to , encyclopedia britannica, Zionism is defined as : "Zionism, Jewish nationalist movement that has had as its goal the creation and support of a Jewish national state in Palestine, the ancient homeland of the Jews (Hebrew: Eretz Yisraʾel, “the Land of Israel”). Though Zionism originated in eastern and central Europe in the latter part of the 19th century, it is in many ways a continuation of the ancient attachment of the Jews and of the Jewish religion to the historical region of Palestine, where one of the hills of ancient Jerusalem was called Zion."

We don't need you to tell us the Palestinians are racists.
That you can't read and comprehend a text, is understood.
Who wants to read lies and garbage from an illiterate, ignorant Muslim.

We know what you low IQ fools are all about. You are practicing Taquiyyah, lying to the infidel in the name of Islam:

Since the customs and beliefs of the non-believers, the infidels, are a sin for every Muslim, there are situations in which it is permitted to "sin" by pretending to be an infidel. This farce permitted by Allah and carried out in his name, takes the conception of "taqiyya" or "kithman", for the Shiites "lying under special circumstances".

  1. Taqiyya: Deceiving the infidels for the good of Islam - Jewish Link (enlacejudio.com)
  2. Did Prophet Muhammad (sa) teach Muslims to lie in order to spread Islam? (ahmadiyya-islam.org)
  3. Taqiyya, lying in the name of Allah (enlacejudio.com)
  4. Taqiyya: Deceiving infidels for the sake of Islam - Jewish Link (enlacejudio.com)
  5. The 'Taqiyya', the jihadist resource that allows to violate the Koran in order to commit an attack (europapress.es)
  6. "Taqiyya": How an unknown Islamic concept becomes the obsession of anti-Muslim activists - Islamophobia Observatory
not it wasn't and isn't

keep up with the news.
Understanding the news is much more important. Funny (not) that Zionists call critics of Jews "anti-Semites" and do not think of the Zionist treatment of Palestinians as "racist".

  • Judaism is not a race, it is a religion.
  • Semitism is not a religion, it is a race.
  • Both Jews and Muslims are Semites.
  • Zionists are Jews which is a religion.
  • Palestinians are Muslims which is a religion.
  • Zionism is based upon religious discrimination, so are they anti-Semites, racists, Islamophobes, or something else?

The Bottom Line:

  • If Zionists think criticism of Zionism is anti-Semitic then Zionism itself is also anti-Semitic.
  • If Zionists consider Nazis as racists then the Zionists themselves are also Nazis and racists.
Understanding the news is much more important. Funny (not) that Zionists call critics of Jews "anti-Semites" and do not think of the Zionist treatment of Palestinians as "racist".

  • Judaism is not a race, it is a religion.
  • Semitism is not a religion, it is a race.
  • Both Jews and Muslims are Semites.
  • Zionists are Jews which is a religion.
  • Palestinians are Muslims which is a religion.
  • Zionism is based upon religious discrimination, so are they anti-Semites, racists, Islamophobes, or something else?

The Bottom Line:

  • If Zionists think criticism of Zionism is anti-Semitic then Zionism itself is also anti-Semitic.
  • If Zionists consider Nazis as racists then the Zionists themselves are also Nazis and racists.
Everything you just said is false.

There are three other texts (Rom. 11:26; Matt. 21:5; John 12:15) that use Zion as a name for Jerusalem. First the Deliverer, Christ, is said to come back from Zion. In this text Paul also quotes from the Old Testament. (See Isa. 59:20.) The texts in Matthew and John refer to Christ's entry into Jerusalem. In the Old Testament text that Matthew and John quote (Zech. 9:9), we have the Hebrew parallelism: "Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee." The expression "daughter of Zion," which is repeated as "daughter of Jerusalem," refers evidently to the nation of Israel.

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