
The sweat shirt Zimmerman had on had grass stains and was wet on the back of it. Defense is trying to get that report released also.
Why is the prosecution fighting over the evidence?
Take a guess why.

The police report stating that there was wetness and grass (not grass stains) was released months ago.

Photographs shows that it was superficial though. I don't see any "grass stains" on the coat from that night.



Too far away to see much of anything but the head us busted up isn't it?
Trayvon did a good job pounding that head on the concrete.
The sweat shirt Zimmerman had on had grass stains and was wet on the back of it. Defense is trying to get that report released also.
Why is the prosecution fighting over the evidence?
Take a guess why.

The police report stating that there was wetness and grass (not grass stains) was released months ago.

Photographs shows that it was superficial though. I don't see any "grass stains" on the coat from that night.



Too far away to see much of anything but the head us busted up isn't it?
Trayvon did a good job pounding that head on the concrete.

Ya, Trayvon did a great job. No loss of consciousness, not dizziness, no dilation of the eyes, no concussion and just a few scratches on the back of the head. He did so good that all Zimmerman needed was a few cleaning wipes in the back of a police car and he turned down treatment at a hospital.

Yep, great job pounding head on the concrete there.

The police report stating that there was wetness and grass (not grass stains) was released months ago.

Photographs shows that it was superficial though. I don't see any "grass stains" on the coat from that night.



Too far away to see much of anything but the head us busted up isn't it?
Trayvon did a good job pounding that head on the concrete.

Ya, Trayvon did a great job. No loss of consciousness, not dizziness, no dilation of the eyes, no concussion and just a few scratches on the back of the head. He did so good that all Zimmerman needed was a few cleaning wipes in the back of a police car and he turned down treatment at a hospital.

Yep, great job pounding head on the concrete there.


Look at his head.
The kid was an idiot. He got himself killed, tragically, but trying to mitigate his involvement with the Skittles and a picture Martin as a ten year-old is not going to work. Zimmerman will walk unless he gets a "Simpson" jury.

Zimmerman will go to jail for the rest of his life...

He is going to walk. The prosecution knows it, and the media knows it. If they had a slam dunk case on zimmerman it would be on the news all the time.

Right now the media is in back pedal mode, because they know they can't deliver on thier original prognostications as more and more evidence to the contrary comes out.

Actually, I suspect that the reason for the delay was they wanted the election to be over. the last thing these people in Florida want are riots before the election..

Zimmerman's going down...
Along with no blood or grass stains, did anyone else notice how much weight Zimmerman lost between the photo with no blood on his face to the photo showing blood on his face? How much time are they saying between the two photos? An hour or less.

But, really, its the other way around - From the "first" photo, showing his bloody face, he gained a hell of a lot of weight before the cleaned up photo was taken. Maybe he ate a lot of cop donuts.


The rw utters are dumb enough to buy this but hopefully the jury will have some intelligent people on it.
The police report stating that there was wetness and grass (not grass stains) was released months ago.

Photographs shows that it was superficial though. I don't see any "grass stains" on the coat from that night.



Too far away to see much of anything but the head us busted up isn't it?
Trayvon did a good job pounding that head on the concrete.

Ya, Trayvon did a great job. No loss of consciousness, not dizziness, no dilation of the eyes, no concussion and just a few scratches on the back of the head. He did so good that all Zimmerman needed was a few cleaning wipes in the back of a police car and he turned down treatment at a hospital.

Yep, great job pounding head on the concrete there.


Doesn't it bother you at all, just a little, a tiny bit, that the old past mug shot that they circulated of Zimmerman after this showed a man 65 pounds heavier and never reported that he is just a little over 5'9" and then they show nationally an old photo of a 6th grade 11 year old Martin that looked like a little kid instead of a photo of him 6 years later and 17 years old and 6'3"?
Does not that show media bias to you? Does not that make you know that there is a frame job going on against Zimmerman?
This is not my first rodeo dealing with this kind of media frame up. Very surprised you would fall for it.
So we have a death and you folks automatically believe that makes it a murder and the manner of death MOD makes it a murder.
Wrong under the law.

No, what makes it murder is a huge thug vs. a little kid...

And one of them had a gun.
One of them went out hunting that night.
One of them started an altercation with a kid he referred to as a "coon".

What's distressing is that the rw's think all that is inconsequential.
So we have a death and you folks automatically believe that makes it a murder and the manner of death MOD makes it a murder.
Wrong under the law.

No, what makes it murder is a huge thug vs. a little kid...

You are dumb enough to buy into the "little kid" media hype as they showed a 6th grade picture of Martin taken 6 years before this incident when Trayvon was 11 years old.
Well news flash to the gullible and naive Joe: Martin was 6'3" and 17 years old and Zimmerman was 5'9" and 65 pounds lighter than the old photo they showed of him years before that.
Martin was bigger than Zimmerman Joe.
Facts sure are a bitch.
Zimmerman will go to jail for the rest of his life...

He is going to walk. The prosecution knows it, and the media knows it. If they had a slam dunk case on zimmerman it would be on the news all the time.

Right now the media is in back pedal mode, because they know they can't deliver on thier original prognostications as more and more evidence to the contrary comes out.

Actually, I suspect that the reason for the delay was they wanted the election to be over. the last thing these people in Florida want are riots before the election..

Zimmerman's going down...
I don't think so. While I personally might think that Zimmerman saw a young black kid and thought "thug" and felt justified in shooting him and stalking him, if there is no evidence beyond a reasonable doubt Zimmerman will not be convicted.

I would be happy if Floriduh repealed the stand your ground law, but I doubt that will happen either.
And THC was found in Martins blood, urine and organs. A regular twisty freak.
He had just returned from getting his munchies as he was stoned when he went to the store.
Slam dunk civil case and I hope the family takes policy limits.
And I would most likely convict on what the crime was, involuntary manslaughter which is 20 feet over the heads of most here. They could care less about the law, they want mob rule.
This is not a murder case as there was no intent to murder.
Doesn't it bother you at all, just a little, a tiny bit, that the old past mug shot that they circulated of Zimmerman after this showed a man 65 pounds heavier and never reported that he is just a little over 5'9" and then they show nationally an old photo of a 6th grade 11 year old Martin that looked like a little kid instead of a photo of him 6 years later and 17 years old and 6'3"?
Does not that show media bias to you? Does not that make you know that there is a frame job going on against Zimmerman?
This is not my first rodeo dealing with this kind of media frame up. Very surprised you would fall for it.

Zimmerman shot an unarmed child without cause. After being told by the police to stand down.
He is going to walk. The prosecution knows it, and the media knows it. If they had a slam dunk case on zimmerman it would be on the news all the time.

Right now the media is in back pedal mode, because they know they can't deliver on thier original prognostications as more and more evidence to the contrary comes out.

Actually, I suspect that the reason for the delay was they wanted the election to be over. the last thing these people in Florida want are riots before the election..

Zimmerman's going down...
I don't think so. While I personally might think that Zimmerman saw a young black kid and thought "thug" and felt justified in shooting him and stalking him, if there is no evidence beyond a reasonable doubt Zimmerman will not be convicted.

I would be happy if Floriduh repealed the stand your ground law, but I doubt that will happen either.

Reasonable doubt is when you are deciding guilt.
The defendant is presumed innocent and needs no evidence to prove innocence.
Doesn't it bother you at all, just a little, a tiny bit, that the old past mug shot that they circulated of Zimmerman after this showed a man 65 pounds heavier and never reported that he is just a little over 5'9" and then they show nationally an old photo of a 6th grade 11 year old Martin that looked like a little kid instead of a photo of him 6 years later and 17 years old and 6'3"?

When this happened - ALL -- ALL -- Get this, Fucking ALL the media had to go on were TWO things, when it came to pictures.

THAT ONE of Zimmerman, because it was (hold on to your horseshoes) PUBLIC RECORD from his previous VIOLENT ASSAULT -- .


Fucking DUHhhhhhhhhh.

The one provided by the FAMILY of the dead child was what THEY provided. What THEY felt best represented their son. Because, you know, when a family member dies, the media asks for a picture.

This isn't hard. Ferschissakes.
Doesn't it bother you at all, just a little, a tiny bit, that the old past mug shot that they circulated of Zimmerman after this showed a man 65 pounds heavier and never reported that he is just a little over 5'9" and then they show nationally an old photo of a 6th grade 11 year old Martin that looked like a little kid instead of a photo of him 6 years later and 17 years old and 6'3"?
Does not that show media bias to you? Does not that make you know that there is a frame job going on against Zimmerman?
This is not my first rodeo dealing with this kind of media frame up. Very surprised you would fall for it.

Zimmerman shot an unarmed child without cause. After being told by the police to stand down.

No police ever told him to stand down, ever.
And if they did, and they didn't, all that amounts to is a charge of disobeying a lawful command of a police officer.
"You do not have to do that" is not a police command Joe. And that is why HE IS NOT CHARGED WITH THAT.
So the jury can not hear any of that nonsense as he is not charged with that.
If Martin was attacking him Joe, there is your cause.
And neither of us know or will be on the jury so all you have is RANK SPECULATION.
All you ever have.
So we have a death and you folks automatically believe that makes it a murder and the manner of death MOD makes it a murder.
Wrong under the law.

No, what makes it murder is a huge thug vs. a little kid...

You are dumb enough to buy into the "little kid" media hype as they showed a 6th grade picture of Martin taken 6 years before this incident when Trayvon was 11 years old.
Well news flash to the gullible and naive Joe: Martin was 6'3" and 17 years old and Zimmerman was 5'9" and 65 pounds lighter than the old photo they showed of him years before that.
Martin was bigger than Zimmerman Joe.
Facts sure are a bitch.

Zimmerman was also an experienced bouncer while the kid, was, well, still a kid.

I mean, seriously, how much of a wuss to you have to be to have your ass handed to you by a 17 year old?

Not buying it. I think this is a wannabe tough guy who picked a fight.

Not to mention, he shouldn't have been out there with a gun to start with.
Doesn't it bother you at all, just a little, a tiny bit, that the old past mug shot that they circulated of Zimmerman after this showed a man 65 pounds heavier and never reported that he is just a little over 5'9" and then they show nationally an old photo of a 6th grade 11 year old Martin that looked like a little kid instead of a photo of him 6 years later and 17 years old and 6'3"?

When this happened - ALL -- ALL -- Get this, Fucking ALL the media had to go on were TWO things, when it came to pictures.

THAT ONE of Zimmerman, because it was (hold on to your horseshoes) PUBLIC RECORD from his previous VIOLENT ASSAULT -- .


Fucking DUHhhhhhhhhh.

The one provided by the FAMILY of the dead child was what THEY provided. What THEY felt best represented their son. Because, you know, when a family member dies, the media asks for a picture.

This isn't hard. Ferschissakes.

You are as naive and gullible as they come.
Al Sharpton and the Race Pimp Tones provided the 6th grade picture to media from a stack of photos that included the current one with a 17 year old photo of Trayvon on a horse at 6'3".
They had photos of Zimmerman from the police videos of that night.
Weak, very weak argument there Moe.
I still say none of this matters cuz Zimmerman is a dead man walking.

If he gets away with the murder, he'll be killed on the street.

If he's convicted, he'll be killed in prison.

Either way he's dead.

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