Zell Miller (D) for President!


VIP Member
Feb 14, 2004
I know he has a "D" after his name, but after seeing him lay into Alan Colmes tonight, I could vote for this man!

I hope they post a transcript of this tomorrow on FOX!!!!!
Originally posted by freeandfun1
I know he has a "D" after his name, but after seeing him lay into Alan Colmes tonight, I could vote for this man!

I hope they post a transcript of this tomorrow on FOX!!!!!

Oh Free you saw that!


He also leads up the noble "Democrats for Bush" organization, check it out!

I could DEFINETLY vote for him!
Yeah, and it was funny how he told Alan that there are a LOT of democratst that are supporting Bush.

I recently heard Ed Koch on a radio show and he said he is voting for Bush..... I guess not all democrats are idiots!
You know its funny. I might have even bought the Democrat message back in the Days Of JFK or before, when the Radicals did not have control. But that changed. And all the former Dems jumped to the Republicans behind Reagan.
Zell Miller is a traitor to the Democratic Party. He's putting his own ego above what's good for the party he claims to care about. Instead of helping the party unite, he's trying to divide it. He's out supporting President Bush and then expect Democrats to listen to what he says is good for the party. Miller is a self-serving egomaniacal jackass. Personally, I think he's actually a Republican, he just stays in the Democratic Party officially to try and divide it so Republicans get elected.

Originally posted by acludem
Zell Miller is a traitor to the Democratic Party. He's putting his own ego above what's good for the party he claims to care about. Instead of helping the party unite, he's trying to divide it. He's out supporting President Bush and then expect Democrats to listen to what he says is good for the party. Miller is a self-serving egomaniacal jackass. Personally, I think he's actually a Republican, he just stays in the Democratic Party officially to try and divide it so Republicans get elected.


So he doesn't agree with the radical leftwing socialist wacko's that have taken over the Democratic party. That makes him a "self-serving egomaniacal jackass." The man has common sense, something you seem to be missing.

But then again you support or are a member of the ACLU, nuff said.
Originally posted by acludem
Zell Miller is a traitor to the Democratic Party. He's putting his own ego above what's good for the party he claims to care about. Instead of helping the party unite, he's trying to divide it. He's out supporting President Bush and then expect Democrats to listen to what he says is good for the party. Miller is a self-serving egomaniacal jackass. Personally, I think he's actually a Republican, he just stays in the Democratic Party officially to try and divide it so Republicans get elected.


Try reading his book. "A National Party No More" It explains where his core beliefs come from and why he will always remain a democrat.....that is if you give a shit.
I really liked zell as governor of georgia. I wish he would have stayed governor, especially in preference to purdue and barnes.
Originally posted by acludem
Zell Miller is a traitor to the Democratic Party. He's putting his own ego above what's good for the party he claims to care about. Instead of helping the party unite, he's trying to divide it. He's out supporting President Bush and then expect Democrats to listen to what he says is good for the party. Miller is a self-serving egomaniacal jackass. Personally, I think he's actually a Republican, he just stays in the Democratic Party officially to try and divide it so Republicans get elected.


Geoge Snufelufanous (I know I butchered it) says there is no democratic party any more. So take that and smoke it in your pipe!
Originally posted by acludem
Zell Miller is a traitor to the Democratic Party. He's putting his own ego above what's good for the party he claims to care about. Instead of helping the party unite, he's trying to divide it. He's out supporting President Bush and then expect Democrats to listen to what he says is good for the party. Miller is a self-serving egomaniacal jackass. Personally, I think he's actually a Republican, he just stays in the Democratic Party officially to try and divide it so Republicans get elected.


Just out of curiosity, what do you think about Jim Jeffords?
Originally posted by JIHADTHIS
So he doesn't agree with the radical leftwing socialist wacko's that have taken over the Democratic party. That makes him a "self-serving egomaniacal jackass." The man has common sense, something you seem to be missing.

But then again you support or are a member of the ACLU, nuff said.

SO TRUE, betcha we won't respond to that though.
Originally posted by freeandfun1
Jump'n Jim.... such an opportunist!

Well to be fair the Demos are just sayin about Zell what we all said about Jimmy Lib, hurts when someone turns traitor which is how Demos see Miller. Only difference is Miller hasn't bailed ship yet and Jeffords did it knowing he was costing his party control of the Senate. Huge difference betwen the two.
One thing that did cross my mind after I posted that is back when Jimmy lib jumped ship I said if the Repubs get control of the Senate back the retribution against Jimmy lib is gonna be swift and hard, since that happened I had forgotten all about him, I wonder if the Repubs have screwed him over good and relegated him to like a cake and cookie committee? Anybody know?
Originally posted by acludem
Zell Miller is a traitor to the Democratic Party. He's putting his own ego above what's good for the party he claims to care about. .... acludem

I suppose I should expect nothing more from someone so lacking in judgement as to pick a name "acludem". Do you ever listen to yourself? A traitor to the democratic party? WHO CARES? (besides you and the rest of the left wing fanatics) Zell Miller has the best interest of the United States of America at heart. You may recall - that's the country you live in. Somehow you find it offensive that Sen. Miller has allowed his conscience and his patriotism to override petty politics and that pisses you off so badly you can't see straight. THAT'S why your party will lose the election in November. Because most Americans want a president who will lead the COUNTRY. We're not interested in a White House occupant whose primary focus is on what is best for his party.

"Miller is a self-serving egomaniacal jackass. Personally, I think he's actually a Republican, he just stays in the Democratic Party officially to try and divide it so Republicans get elected."

That statement is so patently ridiculous that I'm unable to respond because I can't keep from laughing. No matter, it's not worthy of a response anyway.

The Democratic party has been hijacked by ultra-leftists like yourself. You have become so consumed by hatred for Pres. Bush and conservative values that you are no longer capable of considering what is best for your country. You only care about what best serves your radical causes.

The Democratic party could have nominated Zell Miller as it's candidate had they encouraged him to run. The Democratic party could have voted Joseph Lieberman as it's nominee. But radicals like you rejected these men of vision and principle in favor of the self-serving opportunistic liar you are presently touting. The Democratic party could have chosen a person of character and principle to be it's spokesperson. Instead you insult us with Kennedy - a conscienceless, unprincipled, drunken hack who should have done prison time for manslaughter.

The Democratic party has lost it's focus. It no longer seeks to serve this country. It merely seeks to serve the Democratic party.

I'm not surprised that you are totally unable to recognize that fact.
Very well said Merlin, my thoughts exactly. I just could not put it in so many words or say it the way you did.

"The Democratic party has lost it's focus. It no longer seeks to serve this country. It merely seeks to serve the Democratic party."

I never looked at it that way, but I'm sold.
There's a big difference between Jim Jeffords and Zell Miller. Jeffords had the courage and decency to leave the Republican Party instead of staying in and becoming the type of cancer Zell Miller has become. As for Lieberman, he's not out actively campaigning for the Republican nominee while still calling himself a Democrat. The reason Lieberman couldn't get the Democratic nomination is the same reason why John McCain couldn't get the Republican nomination. Party candidates have to be able to appeal to all parts of the party. The far right hates McCain because he's not virulenty anti-choice, anti-gay, and pro-Big Brother government. Bush did a great job of playing both sides of these issues. Do the words "compassionate conservative" ring a bell? Bill Clinton and now John Kerry are doing the same in the Democratic Party. I realize I sound like Oliver Stone, but I really think that Zell Miller is a Republican and he's trying to take it upon himself to destroy the Democratic Party.

Oh, and btw, I'm a proud, card-carrying member of the ACLU, and if you value your civil liberties, you should be, too.

Originally posted by acludem
There's a big difference between Jim Jeffords and Zell Miller. Jeffords had the courage and decency to leave the Republican Party instead of staying in and becoming the type of cancer Zell Miller has become.

The double standard in this statement should be apparent even to someone wearing your blinders, so I won't belabor the obvious.

"Oh, and btw, I'm a proud, card-carrying member of the ACLU, and if you value your civil liberties, you should be, too."

The ACLU is a pack of smary idiots totally lacking in common sense or perspective. The "A" should stand for "Anarchist". If you're proud to be a member, that's your problem.

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