Yup! He's Still Going Foward with Amnesty

Operation Wetback (1954)

Unlike today, Mexicans caught in the roundup were not simply released at the border, where they could easily reenter the US. To discourage their return, Swing arranged for buses and trains to take many aliens deep within Mexico before being set free.

Tens of thousands more were put aboard two hired ships, the Emancipation and the Mercurio. The ships ferried the aliens from Port Isabel, Texas, to Vera Cruz, Mexico, more than 500 miles south.

These were real deportations, not the phony ones of today's catch & release, where illegals are caught then released on the promise they will appear in court soon. Few ever show up. 90% just disappear into the USA. These are counted as deportations by the Obama liars. None of them actually are, and the number of deportations from Obama is probably no more than about 10,000, if that.
The American public doesn't want what Barry is preaching.

Reagan tried it and it backfired. We have more illegals than ever before.

If Barry does this then you can bet the Dems will pay the price at the polls.

I sure hope Congress can override his EO and stop him in his tracks.

He obviously isn't as smart as he thinks he is.
I have a history of backing up claims when necessary.

When far right anti American subversives are making claims like Protectionist or you, you have to prove them, I don't have to disprove them.
I made no claims and this is the first time I have ever seen you actually support a claim.

Now you are a liar as well. You just claimed that catching people at the border and sending them back was deportation.
The Government made that claim and that is how they claim to have reached 2 million deportations by counting people stopped at the border it is in the article you cited did you bother to read it?

That is part of it, yes, and 2 million is 2 million, and that is a valid number.

Catch and return, whether at the border or in Salt Lake City.

If ICE were not catching some at the border, you would bitch about that.

Either way, you have no leg to stand on.
Who in the world ever heard the term "catch and return" ? Just made that up, didn't you ? Maybe you were really thinking of the well-known term "catch & RELEASE (which is NOT deportation-it's just the opposite)

Frankly, anybody that would believe that Obama has deported 2 million (or a half million) illegals is a sap. It is long documented however, that Operation Wetback DID deport 2.1 million illegals, with another million having fled on their own. No US president, after Eisenhower, even comes close to that.

You are a sap if you don't believe, and anyone is a sap who believes you. Argue with ICE. The figures are there, they are real, and your opinion is meaningless.
Protectionist is angry.

Nothing in all of the posts about "amnesty."

Once again, folks are entitled to their own opinions but do not get their own terms and definitions.
I certainly don’t fancy myself a legal scholar, but I'm sure, if Obama moves forward there is almost no doubt this would plunge DC into both political and legal crisis. Everything is clear enough.
The Salt Lake Tribune reports that Senator Mike Lee is willing to shut down the govt again, with Jeff Sessions' agreement, by attaching a non-EO provision to a must-pass budget bill.
I made no claims and this is the first time I have ever seen you actually support a claim.

Now you are a liar as well. You just claimed that catching people at the border and sending them back was deportation.
The Government made that claim and that is how they claim to have reached 2 million deportations by counting people stopped at the border it is in the article you cited did you bother to read it?

That is part of it, yes, and 2 million is 2 million, and that is a valid number.

Catch and return, whether at the border or in Salt Lake City.

If ICE were not catching some at the border, you would bitch about that.

Either way, you have no leg to stand on.
Who in the world ever heard the term "catch and return" ? Just made that up, didn't you ? Maybe you were really thinking of the well-known term "catch & RELEASE (which is NOT deportation-it's just the opposite)

Frankly, anybody that would believe that Obama has deported 2 million (or a half million) illegals is a sap. It is long documented however, that Operation Wetback DID deport 2.1 million illegals, with another million having fled on their own. No US president, after Eisenhower, even comes close to that.

You are a sap if you don't believe, and anyone is a sap who believes you. Argue with ICE. The figures are there, they are real, and your opinion is meaningless.
I most certainly would not argue with ICE, or any any other segmant of the Obama administration. No need. We know the numbers are a joke.
Protectionist is angry.

Nothing in all of the posts about "amnesty."

Once again, folks are entitled to their own opinions but do not get their own terms and definitions.
Maybe you need to clean your glasses, The posts are full of talk about amnesty. Maybe not YOUR definition of it. Personally, I don't care if hey call it amnesty, legalization, non-deportation, or monumental ass-kissing. If the illegals are here, they've GOT TO GO. Period.
The Salt Lake Tribune reports that Senator Mike Lee is willing to shut down the govt again, with Jeff Sessions' agreement, by attaching a non-EO provision to a must-pass budget bill.
If so, Obama will share the blame for it. I kind of think they will use their "Power of the Purse" though to stop Obama, by not funding what needs to be funded to make the amnesty happen.They were talking about some ID cards.
Source: Obama to announce 10-point immigration plan via exec action as early as next week

By Lucas Tomlinson
Published November 12, 2014 FoxNews.com

EXCLUSIVE: President Obama is planning to unveil a 10-part plan for overhauling U.S. immigration policy via executive action -- including suspending deportations for millions -- as early as next Friday, a source close to the White House told Fox News.

The president's plans were contained in a draft proposal from a U.S. government agency. The source said the plan could be announced as early as Nov. 21, though the date might slip a few days pending final White House approval.

Obama was briefed at the White House by Homeland Security officials before leaving on his Asia-Pacific trip last week, Fox News has learned.

The plan contains 10 initiatives than span everything from boosting border security to improving pay for immigration officers.

But the most controversial pertain to the millions who could get a deportation reprieve under what is known as "deferred action."

The plan calls for expanding deferred action for illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as children -- but also for the parents of U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents.

The latter could allow upwards of 4.5 million illegal immigrant adults with U.S.-born children to stay, according to estimates.

Critics in the Senate say those who receive deferred action, according to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, receive work authorization in the United States, Social Security numbers and government-issued IDs.

Another portion that is sure to cause consternation among anti-"amnesty" lawmakers is a plan to expand deferred action for young people. In June 2012, Obama created such a program for illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as children, entered before June 2007 and were under 31 as of June 2012. The change would expand that to cover anyone who entered before they were 16, and change the cut-off from June 2007 to Jan. 1, 2010. This is estimated to make nearly 300,000 illegal immigrants eligible.

One of the architects for the president's planned executive actions at DHS is Esther Olavarria, the late Sen. Ted Kennedy's former top immigration lawyer.

Under the changes, Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers also would see a pay raise in order to "increase morale" within the ICE workforce.

DHS also is planning to "promote" the new naturalization process by giving a 50 percent discount on the first 10,000 applicants who come forward, with the exception of those who have income levels above 200 percent of the poverty level.

Tech jobs though a State Department immigrant visa program would offer another half-million immigrants a path to citizenship. This would include their spouses as well.

The other measures include calls to revise removal priorities to target serious criminals for deportation and end the program known as "Secure Communities" and start a new program.

The planning comes as immigrant advocates urge Obama to act. As lawmakers returned for a lame-duck session, Democrats in Congress on Wednesday implored Obama to take executive action.

"We're begging the president. Go big. These [illegal immigrants] are a plus to our nation. Mr. President, please. You said you were going to do something. Do it. Act now," said Rep. Juan Vargas, D-Calif.

House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer said: "I join with my colleagues in urging the president to take action. What he needs to do is give immediate relief to families who are being wrenched apart and living in fear."

Angela Maria Kelley, vice president for immigration policy at the Center for American Progress, touted deferred action as a "tried and true component of immigration policy used by 11 presidents, 39 times in the last 60 years."

She said for many undocumented immigration who have been here for years, "there is no line for people to get into."

Obama has vowed to act in the absence of congressional action and has claimed that congressional action could still supersede his executive steps.

In a recent op-ed in Politico, Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., said Congress would stop Obama from taking executive action by adding language explicitly barring money from being used for that purpose. "Congress has the power of the purse. The President cannot spend a dime unless Congress appropriates it," Sessions wrote. He also pointed out that similar language in the past has prevented the president from closing the Guantanamo Bay prison camp.

Protections babbles on. The numbers are real, they are evidenced, and those who cannot accept the reality of the numbers is unbalanced.
Protections babbles on. The numbers are real, they are evidenced, and those who cannot accept the reality of the numbers is unbalanced.
The numbers oh Operation Wetback, yes, are real. The numbers from the Obama administration are a joke. Obama is bringing aliens in, not sending them out. Why would someone who is doing so much to bring people in (for votes of course) be sending people out ? Democrats think everyone else is stupid. Isn't that what Gruber said ? :lol:
He's BEGGING to be impeached, and most Americans would be GLAD TO SEE IT.

I hope you're right.

Obama is guilty of felony extortion across state lines. IF the Republicans decide to impeach, there is no defense the administration can offer to cover up the fact that Obama and Eric Holder engaged in a Mafia style extortion scheme in "Operation Choke Point."

If impeached, Biden would be in a position where he would HAVE to pardon Obama, or Obama will go to prison.

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