Youtube goes on a Censorship/demonitizing spree against Conservatives to defend Dylan Mulvaney

Again, didn't answer my question either. Why? Politics. It's what this is all about. Politics have destroyed people.
People who vote for those politicians are at fault.
Politicians only react to what will likely get them re-elected.
And if you are running Democrat, you need to show you are in line with the virtue signaling wokeness 100% or you couldn't get elected to mow someone's lawn.
You will again say "well that is politics" - Politics is not a living breathing thing. It is only a result of people.
Like you.
Who show support for the woke madness. As long as the entire left half of this country allows themselves to be so easily controlled by the fringe - the longer the madness continues and gets worse.
People who vote for those politicians are at fault.
Politicians only react to what will likely get them re-elected.
And if you are running Democrat, you need to show you are in line with the virtue signaling wokeness 100% or you couldn't get elected to mow someone's lawn.
You will again say "well that is politics" - Politics is not a living breathing thing. It is only a result of people.
Like you.
Who show support for the woke madness. As long as the entire left half of this country allows themselves to be so easily controlled by the fringe - the longer the madness continues and gets worse.

It's all controlled by the fringe as that's all the politicians can run with.

Can Democrats run on being anti-war? No.

Can Republicans run on the debt? No.

Hence the lame fringe arguments.
There is an uberConservative political talk show host in Indianapolis that goes on and on about not calling a male that a transitioned a her or vice versa. He says that would make him a liar. I do not understand the conservative line of thought on this. Why do trans people bother you so much?
What crying little bitches you all are and on top of that you fucking morons don't know how capitalism works. Being a bigot isn't something advertisers want to be associated with. They are the ones telling YouTube not to run their ads on bigot videos. If YouTube isn't making their cut on the videos then they sure as shit ain't paying Matt Walsh.
Obviously there are far “worse” things on YouTube than civil political discussion that you disagree with. YouTube allows filth, but acts against tame discussions. If you don’t know the difference.. yikes.

Plus, we know that YouTube has been taking orders from the Biden admin on content. So this isn’t pure free market stuff.. this is state croney capitalism which you’d probably despise if the opposition was doing to you

You’re not fooling anyone here
Obviously there are far “worse” things on YouTube than civil political discussion that you disagree with. YouTube allows filth, but acts against tame discussions. If you don’t know the difference.. yikes.

Plus, we know that YouTube has been taking orders from the Biden admin on content. So this isn’t pure free market stuff.. this is state croney capitalism which you’d probably despise if the opposition was doing to you

You’re not fooling anyone here

I don't look to YouTube, Twitter, or whatever for examples of leadership.
I love how leftists always predictably ask why we care or notice. Like.. they put a radical ideological symbol on a can and get mad that normal people notice?

What if Apple put Trump on their packaging??? Think the leftists would continue their “who cares? It’s a phone!” Shtick??? Lol.
I don't look to YouTube, Twitter, or whatever for examples of leadership.
You should.
Because YouTube has, by far, more accurate content than the mass media.
It's not even close.
If you hear something on the media, YouTube is a good place to go to see unedited video and unedited audio.
But you have to act fast. Because Google is also completely controlled by leftist, so they delete and hide such videos almost as fast as they appear.
I love how leftists always predictably ask why we care or notice. Like.. they put a radical ideological symbol on a can and get mad that normal people notice?

What if Apple put Trump on their packaging??? Think the leftists would continue their “who cares? It’s a phone!” Shtick??? Lol.

I don't buy Apple products. I could indeed care less.

Might I dislike a stance of a certain company? Sure, it's possible. You know what I would do? Not buy that product. End of story, you wouldn't hear about it.
You should.
Because YouTube has, by far, more accurate content than the mass media.
It's not even close.
If you hear something on the media, YouTube is a good place to go to see unedited video and unedited audio.
But you have to act fast. Because Google is also completely controlled by leftist, so they delete and hide such videos almost as fast as they appear.

I'll pass. I seem to do fine without looking to YouTube to lead me. Did you happen to answer as to who I vote for?
Mental health treatment is still a very complex, growing, evolving field that is far from maturity. Until recently, in fact, we thought that hammering a spike through the eye socket into the brain was cutting edge treatment for some disorders, even if many people died outright or were turned into zombies as a result. We've learned a lot since then, and when psychiatry attempts to treat a disorder, we have to proceed with caution if we're going to make permanent, life altering and potentially life shortening changes to people's bodies.

The medical field is full of humans who can be swayed by authoritative voices just like everyone else is. Case in point, the pandemic we just came through, during which the medical community was NOT in lockstep over the best ways to deal with it. The political powers, however, wanted a simple, one size fits all "treatment" that was easy to implement, could be forcibly applied to everyone, and that ultimately granted the government more power, and they got it. The voices that called for a more reasoned approach, for alternative treatments, for not necessarily vaccinating everyone immediately, were shouted down and marginalized, even though it turns out they were right in many regards and had valid reasons for their stance. Once something attains political power and attracts a lot of money, it becomes very, very difficult for professionals to go against the tide, even if they are correct and the tide is causing more damage than it's helping.

Now, the trans movement. Is anyone actually saying that we all of a sudden have hundreds of thousands or millions of children clamoring to become the opposite gender, just in the last 5 years? So many that it causes this emergency need for life-long (read expensive) hormone treatments and surgeries? Such an emergency that we have to kick parents out of the loop because they might object to it being done to their children? Or have these people been here all along, figured out how to cope with their feelings and lived successful lives without becoming the other gender? Now there's political power and lots of money to made from putting kids through expensive surgery and hormone treatments, so there are powers that be that have jumped on the trendy trans bandwagon who are now attempting to shout down and marginalize those who are saying, "Hold on, here, let's not go down that road so fast without first considering all the ramifications". We don't have long-term studies on the results. How do trans individuals feel 40 years after transitioning? Did it actually make them feel better long-term, or did they realize it was a big mistake long after it was too late to do anything about it?
That's a lot a commentary and not a lot of insight. Point to any medical institution in any part of the world you like that recommends trying to counsel trans children into accepting a gender identity that is at odds with how they actually feel.
Obviously there are far “worse” things on YouTube than civil political discussion that you disagree with. YouTube allows filth, but acts against tame discussions. If you don’t know the difference.. yikes.

Plus, we know that YouTube has been taking orders from the Biden admin on content. So this isn’t pure free market stuff.. this is state croney capitalism which you’d probably despise if the opposition was doing to you

You’re not fooling anyone here
Yes you dumb Bingo, Youtube allows all sorts of viewpoints on their platform, including Matt Walsh, they just aren't going to pay you for bigoted content that they cant sell to advertisers. Learn how capitalism works you ignorant moron. 😄
Wrong again.
Transgenders (actual ones) don't particularly bother anyone.
What bothers conservatives, is white liberals and crazed activist throwing transanity down everyone's throat to the point of insanity.’s the activists pretending to be trans for internet clout and political reasons that make the rest look bad.
Because the people with medical training find that to be akin to gay conversion therapy and child abuse. What's your medical background?

The pro-transgender advocates do not want to know, said McHugh, that studies show between 70% and 80% of children who express transgender feelings “spontaneously lose those feelings” over time.

Try again. Of course it bothers you guys. Why did you all quit drinking Bud light?
Because they were pushing trans trend politics in support of trannies…right after a trannie killed 6 people. Falling right in line with The Biden administrations political rhetoric.
I love how leftists always predictably ask why we care or notice. Like.. they put a radical ideological symbol on a can and get mad that normal people notice?

What if Apple put Trump on their packaging??? Think the leftists would continue their “who cares? It’s a phone!” Shtick??? Lol.
They think their gaslighting that this wasnt political will fool people.

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