YouTube Deleted 2.5 Million 'Dislikes' From Biden White House Videos, Data Indicates

Street Juice

Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2018
The left is just so dishonest and pathetic. President* Biden, who received more votes from blacks than Barack Obama (hahahahaha), is so despised YouTube has to delete the dislikes.

They'll start moving him out soon enough. He'll likely have a "heart attack" and then watch out. Kamala wants to be feared.
The left is just so dishonest and pathetic. President* Biden, who received more votes from blacks than Barack Obama (hahahahaha), is so despised YouTube has to delete the dislikes.

They'll start moving him out soon enough. He'll likely have a "heart attack" and then watch out. Kamala wants to be feared.
Can you imagine the dislikes they will have to delete when HEELS UP gets in there.
The left is just so dishonest and pathetic. President* Biden, who received more votes from blacks than Barack Obama (hahahahaha), is so despised YouTube has to delete the dislikes.

They'll start moving him out soon enough. He'll likely have a "heart attack" and then watch out. Kamala wants to be feared.
Can you imagine the dislikes they will have to delete when HEELS UP gets in there.
I think Deep State is going to use Helium Heels to implement a Terror
The left is just so dishonest and pathetic. President* Biden, who received more votes from blacks than Barack Obama (hahahahaha), is so despised YouTube has to delete the dislikes.

They'll start moving him out soon enough. He'll likely have a "heart attack" and then watch out. Kamala wants to be feared.

I am thankful for all the other video platforms coming out so I don't have to use the Stazi YT system anymore.
The left is just so dishonest and pathetic. President* Biden, who received more votes from blacks than Barack Obama (hahahahaha), is so despised YouTube has to delete the dislikes.

They'll start moving him out soon enough. He'll likely have a "heart attack" and then watch out. Kamala wants to be feared.
Can you imagine the dislikes they will have to delete when HEELS UP gets in there.
I think Deep State is going to use Helium Heels to implement a Terror

The new invisible terrorists boogeymen hiding in every corner are viruses now. They seemed to have stopped with the war program. Now their is a war on everybody. Think about it, they can kill a lot more people with injections(vaccines) then they can with war. They can control the whole world through a threat of a virus, which they can say is anywhere. It really is the perfect diabolical plan and people have fallen for it, yet again.
The left is just so dishonest and pathetic. President* Biden, who received more votes from blacks than Barack Obama (hahahahaha), is so despised YouTube has to delete the dislikes.

They'll start moving him out soon enough. He'll likely have a "heart attack" and then watch out. Kamala wants to be feared.
The left is just so dishonest and pathetic. President* Biden, who received more votes from blacks than Barack Obama (hahahahaha), is so despised YouTube has to delete the dislikes.

They'll start moving him out soon enough. He'll likely have a "heart attack" and then watch out. Kamala wants to be feared.
How many crazies do you think will believe your silly shit?
The left is just so dishonest and pathetic. President* Biden, who received more votes from blacks than Barack Obama (hahahahaha), is so despised YouTube has to delete the dislikes.

They'll start moving him out soon enough. He'll likely have a "heart attack" and then watch out. Kamala wants to be feared.
The left is just so dishonest and pathetic. President* Biden, who received more votes from blacks than Barack Obama (hahahahaha), is so despised YouTube has to delete the dislikes.

They'll start moving him out soon enough. He'll likely have a "heart attack" and then watch out. Kamala wants to be feared.

I bet you still use Youtube. That is where all your commie buddies are at now. They are the only ones allowed to talk on there.
The left is just so dishonest and pathetic. President* Biden, who received more votes from blacks than Barack Obama (hahahahaha), is so despised YouTube has to delete the dislikes.

They'll start moving him out soon enough. He'll likely have a "heart attack" and then watch out. Kamala wants to be feared.
This is a lie.

What YouTube may or may not do has nothing to do with ‘the left.’
The left is just so dishonest and pathetic. President* Biden, who received more votes from blacks than Barack Obama (hahahahaha), is so despised YouTube has to delete the dislikes.

They'll start moving him out soon enough. He'll likely have a "heart attack" and then watch out. Kamala wants to be feared.
This is a lie.

What YouTube may or may not do has nothing to do with ‘the left.’

Well, Google does own YouTube.

Then you find this:

What YouTube may or may not do has nothing to do with ‘the left.’
Oh yeah, haha, they are the picture of even-handedness.

One can not deny that they banned Trump on YT. They ban people that go against their agenda, have a different opinion then the agenda or of people asking questions and having different opinions then the one they want you to have and share.

But, was the banning of Trump staged, was it a good cop bad cop scenario? Sometimes you just have to wonder. DARPA is known for getting into people's minds and they know how to do it and control people.
The left is just so dishonest and pathetic. President* Biden, who received more votes from blacks than Barack Obama (hahahahaha), is so despised YouTube has to delete the dislikes.

They'll start moving him out soon enough. He'll likely have a "heart attack" and then watch out. Kamala wants to be feared.
This is a lie.

What YouTube may or may not do has nothing to do with ‘the left.’

Well, Google does own YouTube.

Then you find this:

YouTube is a private company at liberty to edit its content as it sees fit, having nothing to do with ‘the left.’
The left is just so dishonest and pathetic. President* Biden, who received more votes from blacks than Barack Obama (hahahahaha), is so despised YouTube has to delete the dislikes.

They'll start moving him out soon enough. He'll likely have a "heart attack" and then watch out. Kamala wants to be feared.
This is a lie.

What YouTube may or may not do has nothing to do with ‘the left.’

Well, Google does own YouTube.

Then you find this:

YouTube is a private company at liberty to edit its content as it sees fit, having nothing to do with ‘the left.’

Sure....ok bud! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:Tell me another story!:D
The left is just so dishonest and pathetic. President* Biden, who received more votes from blacks than Barack Obama (hahahahaha), is so despised YouTube has to delete the dislikes.

They'll start moving him out soon enough. He'll likely have a "heart attack" and then watch out. Kamala wants to be feared.
This is a lie.

What YouTube may or may not do has nothing to do with ‘the left.’

Well, Google does own YouTube.

Then you find this:

YouTube is a private company at liberty to edit its content as it sees fit, having nothing to do with ‘the left.’
If youtube didn't edit it's content it would be pornhub.

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