You're Stuck With ROMNEY!!!!

No, no, for a MORMON RINO, which would be a lot worse for them.

I don't think Romney is going to be the nominee, though. 75% of the party doesn't like him.

But 54% of the independents do and you need to realize that it's those independents that control the outcome of any and all elections in this country. Mitt is a conservative especially when it comes to fiscal and foreign policy. He has an outstanding record in turning a failing olympics into the most successful olympics ever run and he has an incredible record of turning failing business's into success stories. I think you had better give him a second look. He is one smart dude.

Romney also understands the threat this nation faces with enemies and wants to ramp up our defences not decrease them or cut military spending. He wants to eliminate the waste but will never gut our military and for that I am thankful. He wants to increase our volunteer army, navy and airforce by 100,000, increase our military strength with new equipment and he wants to preserve our freedom by doing so. He knows as many do that freedom is NOT free and that there is peace only through strength.
And he's going to pay for that . . . how?

Romney is our next Reagan. He named 20 experts today, to his foreign policy affairs.
Oh, now I understand: you're a PLANT.

And who are you a plant for? Obama.
Rino's don't talk like this:

Mitt Romney: 'American century' advocated by Mitt Romney in foreign policy speech -

“This century must be an American century,” Romney said. “In an American century, America has the strongest economy and the strongest military in the world. In an American century, America leads the free world and the free world leads the entire world.”

Sure they do. Even Democrats talk like that, guy. Come on, no one says, "America should scream like a little girl and yell, 'not in the face!' and run away."

Frankly, I get tired of guys who talk tough, but make sure their kids don't get anywhere near the military. Like Romney, who when asked why his kids didn't join the Army, said that working on his campaign was serving the country.
Well, he also claims to be middle class and unemployed, so you take what Mittens says with a grain of salt.
Oh, you assumed I am a Christian?

Now, that's funny.

And, your military service doesn't make you immune from being called a bigot when you judge others based solely on their religion, either.

I wasn't referring to you oh humble one. :rolleyes: I was referring to the republicans, like the ones that follow Perry's pastor & make it a big deal :eusa_wall: :eusa_shhh: :lol:
But YOU were the one posting that being a Mormon was so important in considering a candidate.

That was YOU.

That makes YOU a bigot, a religious bigot.

And, anyone else who does it is the same.

And if you think that any religious person 'has to keep their views' hidden from you, then you certainly do not understand the Constitution.

Yes, it's religious bigotry and I believe that the Separation of Church and State is quite important.
Yep. looks like the Teavangelists are going to have to swallow hard and pull that lever for a RINO ;) :lol:

No, no, for a MORMON RINO, which would be a lot worse for them.

I don't think Romney is going to be the nominee, though. 75% of the party doesn't like him.

You are a bigot, what would you say if a Jewish person ran for President?? Actually 68% of Republicans did not like the "cult" statement by rev Jeffers and it will hurt Rick Perry not benefit him, it turns people off and turns them to Romney and the more people who are actually "educated" on his policies the better he will do.

Judd Gregg and several other important republicans have endorsed Romney today, these are powerful and respected senators and congressman that carry a whole bunch of weight and influence. Gregg- resigned his position but still is very much respected.
Rino's don't talk like this:

Mitt Romney: 'American century' advocated by Mitt Romney in foreign policy speech -

“This century must be an American century,” Romney said. “In an American century, America has the strongest economy and the strongest military in the world. In an American century, America leads the free world and the free world leads the entire world.”

Sure they do. Even Democrats talk like that, guy. Come on, no one says, "America should scream like a little girl and yell, 'not in the face!' and run away."

Frankly, I get tired of guys who talk tough, but make sure their kids don't get anywhere near the military. Like Romney, who when asked why his kids didn't join the Army, said that working on his campaign was serving the country.

Have you served in the military?? You do know that there is no draft and it's all volunteer, are you a vet?BTW Democrats don't talk like that, they go around and apologize to our enemies. Remember Obama's apology tour.
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I used to say that I'd vote for the 1st person who walked out of a Kwik-E-Mart instead of the last Repub Pres. but it wasn't because of whatever religious beliefs he may espouse to have. Teavangelists, on the other hand, would be voting contrary to their religious beliefs if they voted for a Mormon right?
Why do you think someone's religion is important in politics? Well, US politics?

Religion supercedes/overrides politics. I thought that was common knowledge :eusa_eh:


Separation of church and state in the United States
Rino's don't talk like this:

Mitt Romney: 'American century' advocated by Mitt Romney in foreign policy speech -

“This century must be an American century,” Romney said. “In an American century, America has the strongest economy and the strongest military in the world. In an American century, America leads the free world and the free world leads the entire world.”

Sure they do. Even Democrats talk like that, guy. Come on, no one says, "America should scream like a little girl and yell, 'not in the face!' and run away."

Frankly, I get tired of guys who talk tough, but make sure their kids don't get anywhere near the military. Like Romney, who when asked why his kids didn't join the Army, said that working on his campaign was serving the country.

Have you served in the military?? You do know that there is no draft and it's all volunteer, are you a vet?BTW Democrats don't talk like that, they go around and apologize to our enemies. Remember Obama's apology tour.

Obama wants to gut our military by another 385 billion dollars against the advise of Leon Panetta.
Sure they do. Even Democrats talk like that, guy. Come on, no one says, "America should scream like a little girl and yell, 'not in the face!' and run away."

Frankly, I get tired of guys who talk tough, but make sure their kids don't get anywhere near the military. Like Romney, who when asked why his kids didn't join the Army, said that working on his campaign was serving the country.

Have you served in the military?? You do know that there is no draft and it's all volunteer, are you a vet?BTW Democrats don't talk like that, they go around and apologize to our enemies. Remember Obama's apology tour.

Obama wants to gut our military by another 385 billion dollars against the advise of Leon Panetta.

Romney wants to keep America strong and increase our strength because the only peace America will ever have is one through strength. Our enemies fear strength, they are encouraged by weakness.
I used to say that I'd vote for the 1st person who walked out of a Kwik-E-Mart instead of the last Repub Pres. but it wasn't because of whatever religious beliefs he may espouse to have. Teavangelists, on the other hand, would be voting contrary to their religious beliefs if they voted for a Mormon right?
Why do you think someone's religion is important in politics? Well, US politics?

Religion supercedes/overrides politics. I thought that was common knowledge :eusa_eh:

I think that you could use a little review of the Constituion of the United States- it's called separation of church and state.
Rino's don't talk like this:

Mitt Romney: 'American century' advocated by Mitt Romney in foreign policy speech -

“This century must be an American century,” Romney said. “In an American century, America has the strongest economy and the strongest military in the world. In an American century, America leads the free world and the free world leads the entire world.”

Sure they do. Even Democrats talk like that, guy. Come on, no one says, "America should scream like a little girl and yell, 'not in the face!' and run away."

Frankly, I get tired of guys who talk tough, but make sure their kids don't get anywhere near the military. Like Romney, who when asked why his kids didn't join the Army, said that working on his campaign was serving the country.
Well, he also claims to be middle class and unemployed, so you take what Mittens says with a grain of salt.

Provide the link please: I have never once seen, read or heard him say that he was middle class. In fact, he states in his book that he grew up priviledged because his father worked very hard, and diligently and became a success.

So prove your statement please.
Getting "stuck" with Romney is like getting "stuck" paying the taxes on a $100 million lottery ticket. What a bummer....


Yes getting stuck with another big government liberal.

No way in hell will I vote for the guy.....................
Zander is an establishment Republican - money is the only thing that matters to him.
You're not necessarily stuck with Romney, but you're stuck with either him or Obama. If the GOP nominates anyone else who's currently running, Obama's reelection is guaranteed.

I think he's likely to be reelected even if Romney's the nominee, but Romney at least doesn't have zero chance.

Romney would be the worst candidate republicans could possibly run.

Weird religion

Flip Flopping

Sleazy business practices


It's almost like they are trying to mess this up.

you'll have to settle for four more years of Obama, then.
Which would be the best outcome for the country. Even better with a liberal Congress pushing Obama to always do the correct thing for America.
Read his book. He's not a liberal and he's not a big government guy. He's conservative.

His record as governor tells a different story. He is an east coast liberal. NO WAY IN HELL..............................

guess you're stuck with four more years of the chicago liberal, then.
Lesser of two evils, right?

Principles and values are only interesting in the abstract, right?
Romney would be the worst candidate republicans could possibly run.

Weird religion

Flip Flopping

Sleazy business practices


It's almost like they are trying to mess this up.

you'll have to settle for four more years of Obama, then.
Which would be the best outcome for the country. Even better with a liberal Congress pushing Obama to always do the correct thing for America.


President Obama has approximately zero chance of getting re-elected.

With ANY luck at all, the voting majority in both houses of Congress will be in GOP hands. This is our only hope of undoing the major damage inflicted by President Obama and Nancy Pelousy and Dingy Harry Reid in time.

What happened to the 'Power of the Tea Party"?


I called it long ago: you wingnuts will settle for what the establishment gives you, no matter what you say.

"No more McCains!" you said.

"No more RINOs!" you said.

"A REAL conservative this time!" you said.

SUCKERS! :lol:

Synthia is such a stupid litle drama queen. We aren't even into primary season and that bucket of turd is telling us who the GOP "is" going to nominate. :cuckoo::eusa_liar:

What a fucking twit SimplyAssholic always is.
Are you waiting for the re-rise of The Bachmann?

It's Romney, Waddles - and you'll pull that lever for him!
That is your opinion. Just one of a few hundred million. I will not vote for any big government liberal, that includes Perry along with Romney. Now if you wish to vote for the establishment mentality of big government you have that right.
well, if you really see no difference between romney and obama....

Political affiliation R or D

Both big government. One talks about being conservative though. As he distances himself from his record.

If not much will change why invest money in all new personal?

And the other one talks Liberal during campaign season, yet governs as a Centrist.

What happened to the 'Power of the Tea Party"?


I called it long ago: you wingnuts will settle for what the establishment gives you, no matter what you say.

"No more McCains!" you said.

"No more RINOs!" you said.

"A REAL conservative this time!" you said.

SUCKERS! :lol:

Synthia is such a stupid litle drama queen. We aren't even into primary season and that bucket of turd is telling us who the GOP "is" going to nominate. :cuckoo::eusa_liar:

What a fucking twit SimplyAssholic always is.
he likes calling veterans cowards, too.
Nah, just the cowardly ones.
It all depends upon who gets that magic number of 270 electoral votes. As of this post, it looks like Perry or Romney. Romney expands the map. Perry energizes the base. Though all of the candidates are almost perfect for the job, I think that is how it will shake out. Romney or Perry.
Romney does not expand the map. He shrinks the map. He will not get Southern votes. He will not get Southern Baptist votes. Period. He will not get extremist teabagger votes. They will stay home, disgusted.

Doesn't score well with the small government/libertarian GOPers either.
Yeah, I don't see Paulettes voting for Mittens.

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