You're Stuck With ROMNEY!!!!

When did the Primary end?

lol...a far left poster cries "you are stuck with romney" and another far left poster takes it as fact anbd criticizes the right for it

And yet, we have yet to have a single primary election.

I think their posts speak for themselves in they have no understanding of a conservative... I don't know how you could be so ignorant, it's pretty amazing

The only thing that's more amazing is that they think they are dead it on, it's pretty hilarious.

OK - I'll wait for the re-rise of the Bachmann. Or maybe the Santorum (Google him!), or maybe . . . no, they are the only two conservatives in the race.

Ron Paul is about 75% conservative, but you guys hate his other 25% too much to ever vote for him.

Gingrich is a joke, Cain is a joke with no knowledge beyond his pizza world.

Perry is so far up the ass of corporations, he is the exact opposite of what the Tea Party claims that they stand for. But I expect them to be hypocrites and vote for him anyway.

Romney . . . well, you know who Romney is...

Your 2012 Republican NOMINEE!!!
Romney does not expand the map. He shrinks the map. He will not get Southern votes. He will not get Southern Baptist votes. Period. He will not get extremist teabagger votes. They will stay home, disgusted.

Not with the threat of getting Obama back, they won't.
If you think that Southern Baptists will put politics ahead of their religious beliefs, you are sorely mistaken. SB believe that Mormonism is a cult - it is written into the Southern Baptist charter.

It's actually beside the point anyway. Like you said in your OP, Romney becoming the nominee pretty much shows the Teahadists don't have the clout they boasted they had.

I like to know what my political opponents are making a mockery of (being hypocrits) ;) FWIW- I'm a honorably discharged, former active-duty, vet so..... question my motives if you're so inclined :eusa_whistle:
Oh, you assumed I am a Christian?

Now, that's funny.

And, your military service doesn't make you immune from being called a bigot when you judge others based solely on their religion, either.

I wasn't referring to you oh humble one. :rolleyes: I was referring to the republicans, like the ones that follow Perry's pastor & make it a big deal :eusa_wall: :eusa_shhh: :lol:
But YOU were the one posting that being a Mormon was so important in considering a candidate.

That was YOU.

That makes YOU a bigot, a religious bigot.

And, anyone else who does it is the same.

And if you think that any religious person 'has to keep their views' hidden from you, then you certainly do not understand the Constitution.
Romney doesnt bother me. Ive come to realize that the pres is only one office of the triad. If Romney tries any of his funny stuff do you think the House will go for it? Do you think the Senate will go for it?

The only bills that will get to the Presedents desk to be signed are those that the house and Senate have put there, veto at your own risk.

We have seen what the Tea Party can do with 49 votes in a House of 435 Representatives ... that 49 is going up ... right now we can only stop, after next election the Tea Party will have enough influance to propose and pressure the passage of the laws ... again, veto at your own risk

Exactly! So why would anyone be blaming the economy on Obama, instead of the House for not sending him a jobs bill to sign?
I used to say that I'd vote for the 1st person who walked out of a Kwik-E-Mart instead of the last Repub Pres. but it wasn't because of whatever religious beliefs he may espouse to have. Teavangelists, on the other hand, would be voting contrary to their religious beliefs if they voted for a Mormon right?
Why do you think someone's religion is important in politics? Well, US politics?

Brush up on your reading comprehension. He's saying others (TPers) think it's important.

And they do, until it comes time to pull the lever. Then they'll pull it for the cult member.

oh, you assumed i am a christian?

Now, that's funny.

And, your military service doesn't make you immune from being called a bigot when you judge others based solely on their religion, either.

i wasn't referring to you oh humble one. :rolleyes: I was referring to the republicans, like the ones that follow perry's pastor & make it a big deal :eusa_wall: :eusa_shhh: :lol:
but you were the one posting that being a mormon was so important in considering a candidate.

that was you.

That makes you a bigot, a religious bigot.

And, anyone else who does it is the same.

And if you think that any religious person 'has to keep their views' hidden from you, then you certainly do not understand the constitution.

to republican primary voters!!!
Stuck with?

Hardly. But even if we were it's refreshing to be able to support a proven leader. It could be much worse, we could be stuck with Obama.

Proven leader? Buying up a business with a factory, firing all the Americans and closing the factory, then hiring workers in China instead?

Yeah, he's a proven leader for the Chinese!

And congrats! I think you're the first wingnut in this thread to go with the 'lesser of two evils' rationale.

"Fuck our principles, we don't really have any - we're gonna vote for the flip-flopper who gave us the model for Obamacare because winning is more important than anything, including our faith, our beliefs, our principles, our country." - Hypocrite Teabagger
Romneycare is looking like he's going to be the nominee. He's definitely got the crucial element htat you have to have in a Pres race, money
Oh, are we still in pretend time? OK, I'll play along.

Cain vs O without his teleprompter. Wouldn't even be a contest. Cain would thoroughly stomp him.....and probably wouldn't even need to debate him again.
That's gotta be the ODS talking, 'cause that's fucking crazy! :lol:

It absolutely is. After the eight years of embarrassment that was Bush attempting public speaking, Obama remains a breath of fresh air.

What happened to the 'Power of the Tea Party"?


I called it long ago: you wingnuts will settle for what the establishment gives you, no matter what you say.

"No more McCains!" you said.

"No more RINOs!" you said.

"A REAL conservative this time!" you said.

SUCKERS! :lol:

I live in MA. Romney is no conservative except for Wall Street.

But the most hard-Right conservative will vote for him over Obama. :lol:

It won't matter to them that Obama has the laxest gun restrictions of any president, ever.

Or that he has not prosecuted bankers and Bushies.

Or that he is a proven Commander in Chief, decimating al Qaeda and taking out the hierarchy, with Osama bin Laden and al-Awlaki.

The ODS hatred is tooooooo strong!

What happened to the 'Power of the Tea Party"?


I called it long ago: you wingnuts will settle for what the establishment gives you, no matter what you say.

"No more McCains!" you said.

"No more RINOs!" you said.

"A REAL conservative this time!" you said.

SUCKERS! :lol:

I hate to blow that bubble you have going but Mitt Romney is a conservative, he was a governor is a deep, deep blue state with a legislature that was 85% liberal Democrats, just wait until he is President, you will witness the true conservative come out loud and clear.
Oh, you poor deluded child:

Mitt Romney Flip-Flops

Knock yourself out! :lol:

What happened to the 'Power of the Tea Party"?


I called it long ago: you wingnuts will settle for what the establishment gives you, no matter what you say.

"No more McCains!" you said.

"No more RINOs!" you said.

"A REAL conservative this time!" you said.

SUCKERS! :lol:

I hate to blow that bubble you have going but Mitt Romney is a conservative, he was a governor is a deep, deep blue state with a legislature that was 85% liberal Democrats, just wait until he is President, you will witness the true conservative come out loud and clear.

Mitt Romney's Conversion | The Weekly Standard
Exactly. The only votes he'll get are establishment Repub votes and those who would violate their own principles that they've been espousing/bellowing from the top of their lungs since '08 .


So Obama will win.

Looking at 9.1 unemployment, concerns of a second recession, a growing debt, an unbalanced budget....i cant believe Obama being a shoe in makes you happy.

Why? DO you not give a crap about the unemployed?

Thats pathetic. You should care aboput your fellow American.
The House controls the purse. You're not fooling anyone with your 'Blame Obama' bullshit. He has no legislative power. Get your GOP leaders to pass some jobs bills and get America back to work. They've been in control for almost a year and haven't done shit to help American workers. All they've done is get our credit rating lowered.

This is all pathetic. Government does not create jobs. PERIOD. Lower taxes and let the working class and private market create jobs. Oh, that's right. If we do that then both of your hallowed "leaders" won't really be that necessary or special? Actually that's not the reason. If that money doesn't pass through their hands in the government then how can they take their "fair share" or funnel it to a friend in a different business?

Yep. looks like the Teavangelists are going to have to swallow hard and pull that lever for a RINO ;) :lol:

No, no, for a MORMON RINO, which would be a lot worse for them.

I don't think Romney is going to be the nominee, though. 75% of the party doesn't like him.

But 54% of the independents do and you need to realize that it's those independents that control the outcome of any and all elections in this country.

So, all that teabagger nonsense was a just lot of noise, right?

Mitt is a conservative especially when it comes to fiscal and foreign policy. He has an outstanding record in turning a failing olympics into the most successful olympics ever run

False. There have been plenty of more successful Olympics, including LA in 1984, Atlanta in 1996, and Nagano in 1998, and Beijing on 2008.

and he has an incredible record of turning failing business's into success stories. I think you had better give him a second look. He is one smart dude.

Really? Name a couple?
No, no, for a MORMON RINO, which would be a lot worse for them.

I don't think Romney is going to be the nominee, though. 75% of the party doesn't like him.

But 54% of the independents do and you need to realize that it's those independents that control the outcome of any and all elections in this country.

So, all that teabagger nonsense was a just lot of noise, right?

Mitt is a conservative especially when it comes to fiscal and foreign policy. He has an outstanding record in turning a failing olympics into the most successful olympics ever run

False. There have been plenty of more successful Olympics, including LA in 1984, Atlanta in 1996, and Nagano in 1998, and Beijing on 2008.

and he has an incredible record of turning failing business's into success stories. I think you had better give him a second look. He is one smart dude.

Really? Name a couple?

Here's just one of many links, hopefully you will actually read something before you start in on your rant. I will be supplying more

Has Mitt Romney Ever Let a Company Go Bankrupt? | America Needs Mitt
No, no, for a MORMON RINO, which would be a lot worse for them.

I don't think Romney is going to be the nominee, though. 75% of the party doesn't like him.

But 54% of the independents do and you need to realize that it's those independents that control the outcome of any and all elections in this country. Mitt is a conservative especially when it comes to fiscal and foreign policy. He has an outstanding record in turning a failing olympics into the most successful olympics ever run and he has an incredible record of turning failing business's into success stories. I think you had better give him a second look. He is one smart dude.

Romney also understands the threat this nation faces with enemies and wants to ramp up our defences not decrease them or cut military spending. He wants to eliminate the waste but will never gut our military and for that I am thankful. He wants to increase our volunteer army, navy and airforce by 100,000, increase our military strength with new equipment and he wants to preserve our freedom by doing so. He knows as many do that freedom is NOT free and that there is peace only through strength.
And he's going to pay for that . . . how?

Romney is our next Reagan. He named 20 experts today, to his foreign policy affairs.
Oh, now I understand: you're a PLANT.
No, no, for a MORMON RINO, which would be a lot worse for them.

I don't think Romney is going to be the nominee, though. 75% of the party doesn't like him.

But 54% of the independents do and you need to realize that it's those independents that control the outcome of any and all elections in this country. Mitt is a conservative especially when it comes to fiscal and foreign policy. He has an outstanding record in turning a failing olympics into the most successful olympics ever run and he has an incredible record of turning failing business's into success stories. I think you had better give him a second look. He is one smart dude.

Romney also understands the threat this nation faces with enemies and wants to ramp up our defences not decrease them or cut military spending. He wants to eliminate the waste but will never gut our military and for that I am thankful. He wants to increase our volunteer army, navy and airforce by 100,000, increase our military strength with new equipment and he wants to preserve our freedom by doing so. He knows as many do that freedom is NOT free and that there is peace only through strength.
And he's going to pay for that . . . how?

Romney is our next Reagan. He named 20 experts today, to his foreign policy affairs.
Oh, now I understand: you're a PLANT.

And more:

Bain Capital - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

. One of the fund's first start-up investments was Staples, Inc., the $15 billion office supply retailer. The funding enabled Staples to expand from one store in 1986 to nearly 1,700 in 2006.

More than twenty five years after its inception, Bain Capital manages approximately $65 billion in assets, and has founded, acquired, or invested in hundreds of companies including AMC Entertainment, Aspen Education Group, Brookstone, Burger King, Burlington Coat Factory, Domino's Pizza, DoubleClick, D&M Holdings, Guitar Center, Hospital Corporation of America (HCA), Sealy, The Sports Authority, Toys R Us, Unisource, Warner Music Group and The Weather Channel.
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