You’re sorry ya got caught moron

But, but, Roy Moore...
EXACTLY!!! Despite all this, the Trumpistas are still touting him.
No, you don't get it. You're calling for his ouster without proving he did anything. You're not willing to let the people decide, you want to decide for them and they don't like that.
If he didn't do anything, why the mad scramble to invent accusers in a vain attempt to discredit news outlets? How's that working out for you? :laugh2:
Predfan, we all know what the President said: he could grab by the pussies. That is common knowledge. We all heard him on the Billy Bush tape.
You keep beating that dead horse. It wasn't enough to keep him from being elected and it's not gonna be enough to remove him from office. The American people have made their choice, you need to deal with that reality and stop trying to shift the blame for your leader's actions to somebody else. This is YOUR fuckup, nobody else's.

Why not have run an electable candidate instead of The Hag:


But, but, Roy Moore...
EXACTLY!!! Despite all this, the Trumpistas are still touting him.
No, you don't get it. You're calling for his ouster without proving he did anything. You're not willing to let the people decide, you want to decide for them and they don't like that.
If he didn't do anything, why the mad scramble to invent accusers in a vain attempt to discredit news outlets? How's that working out for you? :laugh2:
There's no mad scramble to discredit news outlets, they've already discredited themselves thanks to Charlie Rose and Matt Lauer (and probably a lot more to come).
But, but, Roy Moore...
EXACTLY!!! Despite all this, the Trumpistas are still touting him.
No, you don't get it. You're calling for his ouster without proving he did anything. You're not willing to let the people decide, you want to decide for them and they don't like that.
If he didn't do anything, why the mad scramble to invent accusers in a vain attempt to discredit news outlets? How's that working out for you? :laugh2:
There's no mad scramble to discredit news outlets, they've already discredited themselves thanks to Charlie Rose and Matt Lauer (and probably a lot more to come).
Can't confront the reality that conservative media is trying to game the system, eh? Watch out, cognitive dissonance can be a bitch.
The ultra alt right media conspiracy has failed miserably the last half year.
But, but, Roy Moore...
EXACTLY!!! Despite all this, the Trumpistas are still touting him.
and despite going back 40 years to drag out the sexual predator past, bill clinton still isn't in the mix when he's the president of THAT club.
The main difference is that Clinton's missteps haven't been with little girls. Moore is a member of THAT club.

Bill Clinton ditched Secret Service on multiple ‘Lolita Express’ flights: Report

let's not get ahead of ourselves. with all the shit coming out, this is still hanging in the balance.
But, but, Roy Moore...
EXACTLY!!! Despite all this, the Trumpistas are still touting him.
No, you don't get it. You're calling for his ouster without proving he did anything. You're not willing to let the people decide, you want to decide for them and they don't like that.
If he didn't do anything, why the mad scramble to invent accusers in a vain attempt to discredit news outlets? How's that working out for you? :laugh2:
There's no mad scramble to discredit news outlets, they've already discredited themselves thanks to Charlie Rose and Matt Lauer (and probably a lot more to come).
Can't confront the reality that conservative media is trying to game the system, eh? Watch out, cognitive dissonance can be a bitch.
One guy does not make "conservative media", but nice attempt at deflection anyway.
But, but, Roy Moore...
EXACTLY!!! Despite all this, the Trumpistas are still touting him.
and despite going back 40 years to drag out the sexual predator past, bill clinton still isn't in the mix when he's the president of THAT club.
The main difference is that Clinton's missteps haven't been with little girls. Moore is a member of THAT club.
Except you have no proof or evidence to back that up.
The idiot Franken actually said: “I’m going to learn from my mistakes.”

Because he had no idea that groping and drugging women was wrong. Now he knows.

Didn’t one woman say he drugged her and took advantage? I think I read that somewhere.
Didn't someone say you are a pedophile? Make accusations like that back them up with a link. Otherwise we just assume that you are another pathological liar like President Pussy Grabber.

Did he grab a pussy? Provide a link or you are a liar like your hero Hussein 0bama
Post #15

You have nothing. A liar, just like 0bama.

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