You're Being Lied to About Gas Prices.

You can see in that link that US oil production went from a maximum of 400,219,000 barrels per month in December 2019 and steadily declined to 273,646,000 barrels in February 2021.

You must be a special kind of amnesiac to not know oil production declined worldwide during the pandemic.

The price of oil actually went NEGATIVE for a short period.

Now, if you look more closely at that link, you can see in Trump's first full month in office, US oil production was 255,059,000 barrels.

In Biden's first full month in office, US oil production was 273,646,000 barrels.

So they both started from almost the same amount of oil being produced.

At the end of 2017, US oil production was 309,359,000 barrels. An increase of 21 percent.

At the end of 2021, US oil production was 358,588,000 barrels. An increase of 31 percent.

Biden produced way more oil in his first year than Trump did.

You are being lied to. By Fox News.
FACT: Starting from almost the same amount of US oil production upon taking office, Biden increased US oil production by 31 percent in his first year while Trump only increased production by 21 percent.

FACT: Saudi Arabia is exporting less oil today than during the pandemic.

FACT: Venezuela is exporting less oil today than during the pandemic.

FACT: Oil companies are deliberately slow walking their production in order to keep profits as high as possible.

FACT: Joe Biden has approved far more public land leases for oil drilling than Trump did.
Charles Payne is misrepresenting things; the gas prices have not ballooned because of President Biden's policies. They went up mostly because Covid caused a plunge in demand, meaning facilities shut down, and then Russia and Saudi Arabia having a pissing contest for the industry.

Biden is partially right in that the gas corporations could rush some more refineries into production, but they're corporations; their reason for being is to make max money, and making flawed business decisions or giving away cheap product out of magnanimity is against their nature. Biden wants everybody to know the brutal gas prices are not his fault (which they aren't) in a short sound bite.
The problem is outside our borders. Gas prices are spiking all over the planet.

Partisan hackery is making you fools look really stupid.
You fools should really think about what you are saying when you claim FACTS make someone a liberal.

You just reinforce the idea that you are BEGGING to be lied to.
Since the US produced more oil in Biden's first year than in Trump's first year, how does one explain high gas prices?

Obviously, someone else is producing less. Duh.


Saudi Arabia.

Even though world demand began surging in 2021, Saudi Arabia did not increase their exports. In fact, they exported less than during the pandemic!

Because Biden pissed them off.

Cuz he's a dumbass.

"Biden himself, on the campaign trail, had promised to make Saudi Arabia “a pariah state,” and that’s where his political problems started."

Biden Is Right About Saudi Arabia

Now he has to go there and get on his knees and beg the Saudis to turn the taps back on.

Humiliating.... and brought on himself by saying stupid undiplomatic shit.

This .... diplomacy.

Saying you're going to make an ally a "pariah state" is idiocy.

The Saudis got what they wanted when Russia became a literal pariah state.

They cut production again in 2021...

And when Biden asked for more oil... They wouldn't even take his call...

While at the same time the Saudis are investing with Jared Kushner...

... And golfing with Donald Trump...

Now, you tell me... who does it look like they're angry with...
Look at the FACTS, dipshit.

FACT: Starting from almost the same amount of US oil production upon taking office, Biden increased US oil production by 31 percent in his first year while Trump only increased production by 21 percent.

FACT: Saudi Arabia is exporting less oil today than during the pandemic.

FACT: Venezuela is exporting less oil today than during the pandemic.

FACT: Oil companies are deliberately slow walking their production in order to keep profits as high as possible.

FACT: Joe Biden has approved far more public land leases for oil drilling than Trump did.

But, you know, Fox Fake News knows the rubes are too stupid to find this out for themselves and they will parrot "Because Biden!" because it feels good to be wrong, and reading is hard!
I am looking at the facts, shithead. The fact is Biden said he was not going to approve more drilling, then he blames the oil companies for not drilling. It's right there. His own words. Anything else?, dick nose.
You fools should really think about what you are saying when you claim FACTS make someone a liberal.

You just reinforce the idea that you are BEGGING to be lied to.
Watch the video. It's right there. Biden said he wasn't going to approve any further drilling, then blames oil companies for not drilling. You're ignoring the FACTS.
King Brandon's ultra groomers are lying.

They WANT high gas prices.

The supply is being intentionally held back.

If one of king Brandon's ultra groomers tells you they want lower fuel prices that pos is lying to your face.

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