Young white singers branded as Racists and Hate-mongerers by Media...

rtwngAvngr said:
Aren't I? Sorry. I'll try to make my comments going forward more constructive!

Looking forward to it...;)

something tells me that if we went out and drank together, we'd either have a blast or end up in jail... or both.
The ClayTaurus said:
Looking forward to it...;)

something tells me that if we went out and drank together, we'd either have a blast or end up in jail... or both.

Yeah. After I beat your ass in a drunken brawl, we'd be best buds. OR you may beat mine.
insein said:
No there isnt a double standard in the media at all, lol. Sure i dont agree with the message these girls are putting out and i damn sure dont agree with their parents, but i find it ironic that these girls are racists and hate-mongerers but rappers are simply artists trying to convey a message. So transparent you almost walk right through it.

So young black rappers that sing about the white man keeping them down and go kill whitey are simply expressing their feelings through their art but these girls are espousing hate. Love that double standard that the media shows towards minorities and white people.

Nicely put. You nailed it insein. Even a moron should be able to understand that.
LuvRPgrl said:
I dont always take the view of the right however, as I am for open borders, free market, drugs and prostitution should be legal...

Not only are you a flaming liberal, you sound like a stinking communist.

LuvRPgrl said:
if he brings a tank, bring an f-13

What the hell is an "f-13"?
Pale Rider said:
Not only are you a flaming liberal, you sound like a stinking communist.

What the hell is an "f-13"?

Is it conservative policy to always precede the words liberal, commie/communist, and socialist with some sort of adjective?
MissileMan said:
As were all the "yeah, but the blacks are doing it too" arguments.

No - "the blacks are doing it with impunity while whites doing the same thing are vilified" was the original point of Insein's thread. In other words, our culture employs a double standard.

Will you concede that - plainly and finally?
Hagbard Celine said:
I don't think black racism against whites is ignored at all. I think there's less of it so we don't see it as often.

So, what are you saying - that blacks are inherently less racist than whites? Would you say that is, then, a racial characteristic of blacks - they're just "better people" - less prone to racism? Or are we talking sheer numbers here? There are more whites, so whites necessarily produce more racism? Racism can never be a matter of degree; it is a zero/sum game? Or are whites just inherently morally inferior?

Do you see how foolish your statement is - how devoid of coherent thought - how completely laced with racism?
musicman said:
No - "the blacks are doing it with impunity while whites doing the same thing are vilified" was the original point of Insein's thread. In other words, our culture employs a double standard.

Will you concede that - plainly and finally?

I didn't claim that there isn't a double standard. However, it's presence in now way excuses the crap put forward by those who espouse racism, including Prussian Blue.
MissileMan said:
I didn't claim that there isn't a double standard. However, it's presence in now way excuses the crap put forward by those who espouse racism, including Prussian Blue.

So you'll agree that racism is harmful, it's always harmful, and it's harmful no matter WHO engages in it, right?

And, that a culture which recognized this as a basic, immutable truth would never give ANYBODY a pass, right?

But, they do, right?
GotZoom said:


1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.

What's frustrating for the racial realists out there (and believe me, there are many more of us each day) is that this proposition is never subjected to debate --- it's just denounced. As observed, race DOES account for differences in human character and ability. Though the definition is somewhat political, with "AND" that a race is "superior to others." This last part need not be, at least in the pejorative sense.

That's not "disgusting," that's reality. So what if it's not? Well, will we ever get to hear the debate, the facts, the statistics, the studies? No. Not in the MSM. Not from the liberals. Not even from most conservatives. Because the idea of racial difference is just so scary, so controversial, that it's too hot to handle. Look what happened with "The Bell Curve." It showed that blacks are inherently less intelligent than whites, and the authors could barely go outside without being assaulted. Like modern-day heretics. Multiculturalism and racial equality have become a RELIGION that nobody dare question, lest they face inquisition.

And what I've learned in my years is that most folks don't have the stomach for it anyway. So they find proxy ways of saying how they feel. And when someone steps up and represents that, they got a LOT of support.

So never mind careful studies by obscure university professors on racial difference. Two 13-year-old girls from California singing about white pride gets America's attention.

And despite the attempted trashing by the MSM, these girls are getting SUPPORT:
William Joyce said:
And despite the attempted trashing by the MSM, these girls are getting SUPPORT:

Only from the narrow-minded and dull-witted. Oh, and maybe a few deaf people.
musicman said:
So you'll agree that racism is harmful, it's always harmful, and it's harmful no matter WHO engages in it, right?

And, that a culture which recognized this as a basic, immutable truth would never give ANYBODY a pass, right?

But, they do, right?

I believe that I've made my position on racism perfectly clear, but apparently not to your satisfaction. Perhaps you can tell me exactly what I need to say to clarify it in your eyes.
MissileMan said:
Only from the narrow-minded and dull-witted. Oh, and maybe a few deaf people.

I'm deaf, really. I still am against racism. I do wonder, in 2005, where are you getting your stats from that whites are more racist than blacks? I'm not saying I disagree, just wondering where it's coming from, other than your 'gut.'
MissileMan said:
I believe that I've made my position on racism perfectly clear, but apparently not to your satisfaction. Perhaps you can tell me exactly what I need to say to clarify it in your eyes.

I'm sorry if I seem to be harping, MM, but what I'd like to hear - and can't seem to get - is an unqualified admission of the truth of Insein's original premise:

Blacks get a pass from our culture for actions or statements that would garner - for whites - vilification as "racist". That particular condemnation is, then, enforced selectively and subjectively; therefore, unequally; therefore, unjustly.

True or false?
Hagbard Celine said:
I don't think black racism against whites is ignored at all. I think there's less of it so we don't see it as often.

Surely you're joking.... seriously. If not, what planet have you been living on?

That facts tend to paint another picture.....

Black Crime (In Your Face)
By David Horowitz | September 8, 2000

Black Crime
(Re: David Horowitz, “Racial Profiling: The Death of the Civil Rights Movement,” 9/5/00)
Although blacks are 12% of the population in reality it is just 2% of the blacks that commit 50% of the murders and a greater percentage of other crimes. Consider: black females - 6%. Blacks from zero yrs. to 12yrs. and black males from 50-100 years commit an infinitesimal percentage of the crimes. Therefore we are left with two percent. If we eliminate crimes committed by this two percent from the U.S. statistics our country compares very favorably with all Western countries. Fact -- blacks kill 7 times more than whites kill. Fact -- blacks kill whites 20 times more than whites kill blacks. Fact -- blacks mug or commit group crime against whites 50 times more than whites commit against blacks. Fact -- blacks rape white women 2000 (yes 2000) times more than whites rape black women. In New York City, about 300 white women are raped by blacks every year BUT there has not been a black woman raped by a white male in anybody’s memory (going back over 20 yrs.) Consider: Al Sharpton had to go upstate New York to find a hoax and that was over 10 years. ago.

What should we make of these facts? Is this massive, out of control war against whites by blacks because... "they like us"?
Kathianne said:
I'm deaf, really. I still am against racism. I do wonder, in 2005, where are you getting your stats from that whites are more racist than blacks? I'm not saying I disagree, just wondering where it's coming from, other than your 'gut.'

I wasn't making fun of deaf people, I was making fun os the lack of talent on the part of Prussian Blue. As for the whites being more racist than blacks, that wasn't me. I'd have to say that door swings equally both ways.
musicman said:
I'm sorry if I seem to be harping, MM, but what I'd like to hear - and can't seem to get - is an unqualified admission of the truth of Insein's original premise:

Blacks get a pass from our culture for actions or statements that would garner - for whites - vilification as "racist". That particular condemnation is, then, enforced selectively and subjectively; therefore, unequally; therefore, unjustly.

True or false?

Actually, I believe they are getting a pass from MSM...I think that most people in our culture feel it's wrong no matter who is doing it.
MissileMan said:
Actually, I believe they are getting a pass from MSM...I think that most people in our culture feel it's wrong no matter who is doing it.

Well, by "people in our culture", I mean creators and contributors rather than consumers. So, you'd have to include the arts, enertainment, academia, and others. Program directors, determiners of curriculum, and publishers - not Joe Six-Pack. With that clarification, I reiterate that our culture issues the "racist" condemnation in a selective and subjective way, and that's not fair. Do you agree?

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