Young Voters Are Turning Against Obama


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
I have a renewed sense of Optimism regarding the future of the United States.

Young voters are turning against Obama and the notion of Big Government.

The survey, part of a unique 13-year study of the attitudes of young adults, finds that America's rising generation is worried about its future, disillusioned with the U.S. political system, strongly opposed to the government's domestic surveillance apparatus, and drifting away from both major parties. "Young Americans hold the president, Congress and the federal government in less esteem almost by the day, and the level of engagement they are having in politics are also on the decline," reads the IOP's analysis of its poll. "Millennials are losing touch with government and its programs because they believe government is losing touch with them."

The results blow a gaping hole in the belief among many Democrats that Obama's two elections signaled a durable grip on the youth vote.

Indeed, millennials are not so hot on their president.

Obama's approval rating among young Americans is just 41 percent, down 11 points from a year ago, and now tracking with all adults. While 55 percent said they voted for Obama in 2012, only 46 percent said they would do so again.

When asked if they would want to recall various elected officials, 45 percent of millennials said they would oust their member of Congress; 52 percent replied "all members of Congress" should go; and 47 percent said they would recall Obama. The recall-Obama figure was even higher among the youngest millennials, ages 18 to 24, at 52 percent.

While there is no provision for a public recall of U.S. presidents, the poll question revealed just how far Obama has fallen in the eyes of young Americans....

Millennials Abandon Obama and Obamacare -
This is not good news for conservatives by any stretch of the imagination.
The irony. Actually, I thank Obama for not only disillusioning my freshman college daughter, but turning her into a very close to TPM. She does think that while wasting her tax money on inner city schools is akin to theft, she does think the two young men who were entrants in the state science fair (and who obtained full rides to private colleges should have had the opportunity to enroll in any state high school, regardless of district, at taxpayer expense. That is, she's for helping those who try.
Actually, it is good news for conservatives.

The young are moving more and more toward being Independents. Dems are the Extremist Minority these days. Conservatives and Independents have views that are much more aligned.


IBD/TIPP Poll: Democrats Are the Out-of-Touch Extremists -
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This is not good news for conservatives by any stretch of the imagination.

I don't think it's good news for the TP, who seem to think we should cut everything but their soc sec and medicare, and stop letting brown people in. For conservatives, it's god's breath to our ears.
I have a renewed sense of Optimism regarding the future of the United States.

Young voters are turning against Obama and the notion of Big Government.

A crash-course in Reality will do that.

Yep. It used to be that people got their Big Dose of Reality when they started paying income, payroll and property taxes.

Now, with giant student loan debt (from which the Feds profit) and poor job prospects due to the Obamaconomy, adding a big ObamaCare premium to the pile of economic morass is giving the young the crash course much earlier.
Getting hooked up to the milking machine isn't as comfortable as they'd been led to believe. Maybe if the obama stutters and smiles at them the young folks will learn to love servitude to the state.
People love servitude to the state when they are either the beneficiaries or bystanders who think Some Rich White Dude is going to pay for it.

What The Young are finding out is that they are Some Rich White Dude who is expected to pay for it.

And they're not very happy about that.
Everything.....and I mean everything......with nutters is boiled down to the perception that someone is getting some of their dough........unfairly.

It is the life blood of all nutter ideology.
You sillies better check those findings to see if they fit what the TPM yells for.
Everything.....and I mean everything......with nutters is boiled down to the perception that someone is getting some of their dough........unfairly.

It is the life blood of all nutter ideology.

The lifeblood of yours is to get the government to mug somebody on your behalf.
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Everything.....and I mean everything......with nutters is boiled down to the perception that someone is getting some of their dough........unfairly.

It is the life blood of all nutter ideology.

The lifeblood of yours is to get the government to mug somebody on your behalf. I am comfortable, thanks.

I would like every citizen of this nation to have the disposable income needed to remodel their kitchen....or add a screened patio....or commission a custom picture frame for theiir kid's Senior Formal picture.

That customers sell more shit. And I live better. We are all here together. Lets start acting like it.
You sillies better check those findings to see if they fit what the TPM yells for.

That's the pt. The TPM is not conservative, merely reactionarly. The millenials are, in effect, what Americans mostly have been ... center right pessimists of govts fiscal responsibility and appetite for power
Things are looking better my dear friends, I have a renewed sense of Optimism regarding the future of the United States. I hope we are seeing the end of Obamacare, and the end of the Obama’s, BOTH OF THEM! It looks like 2014 will be the beginning of the end to Socialism-Liberalism in this nation, then 2016 will be the final blow for it... lets hope that his record number of scandals finally was the straw that broke the camels back.. nice job you imbecile lib's did to our nation. Have you ever tried to read the Affordable Care Act? Here it is; go ahead, take a crack at it. The law is, to put it mildly, complicated. It is over 1,000 pages long and has many moving parts that interact in various ways. I have read large chunks of the Affordable Care Act, although not the whole thing. Life is too short for that crap.

Sorry guy, the same old labels hold no terror for our youth, try attracting them with the same cold war scare tactics that still work on you and then throw in a bunch of gay hating social conservative shit and they will abandon them too. Millennials are about to reshape our nation and old farts like us are headed towards the dustbin of history. There will still be conservatives and liberals but they will sort out where the division lies, not us.
Think that if it gives you comfort, bub.

But as the old adage goes: a conservative is a liberal who got mugged the night before.

The Youth of Today are being mugged by Obama every which way but loose.
The 18-21yr olds turned out to vote for him in droves in 2008. How has that worked out for them? The unemployment/underemployment rate is close to 50%. They are struggling with student debt. Now they are getting hit with high mandatory health insurance premiums.
A conservative is a liberal who's been mugged by reality.
The youth of today have nothing in common with the awful side of the TPM, or that of the Dems for that matter.

They are not scared of government, and they will fashion to work for them they way the want, not the way of us older Americans.

It is a fact of American history.
Think that if it gives you comfort, bub.

But as the old adage goes: a conservative is a liberal who got mugged the night before.

The Youth of Today are being mugged by Obama every which way but loose.

How I feel has little to do with it. I am assuming you are older than the people in the story and you might really hope that the youth of America do not turn on the twentieth century assholes who used up all the oil, polluted the earth, saddled them with debt and continue to treat them with extreme mistrust. Puzzled about that last one? Look at the prevailing attitude that our rapidly aging boomer population has towards the millennials, their input is especially not welcome among conservatives, just their first votes.

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