
Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie

MUST READ: Young Turks Host Cenk Uygur’s Disturbing Sexist, Racist and Pro-Rape Past

While Cenk Uygur panders to the progressive movement, many of his loyal viewers are unaware that the Young Turks host has an extremely dark past built on sexism, racism and disdain for rape victims. For this reason, the Gateway Pundit has created a guide to some of the more disturbing and hypocritical views held by the liberal darling.

In March, co-host Ana Kasparian let it slip that she had experienced sexism when she first began working for the Young Turks — claiming that she was passed over for hosting the first hour because of her gender.

During the segment, Uygur and Kasparian were discussing Liz Wheeler, the host of One America News’ Tipping Point, regarding her comments about feminism and the women who marched on International Women’s Day.

“I used to think feminists were unbearable. Like: feminism…who the fuck needs feminism? Ugh, they just play victim. And you know I’m gonna work hard and I’m gonna get what I want through working hard,” Kasparian begins. “Then I started working and I’m like oh….holy shit, there’s a lot of sexism. And not necessarily in this company… Although, you know… no I’m gonna keep it real. Look, TYT has come a super long way since I started working here. But there were issues — there were issues in the beginning. Okay, like John [Idarolla] hosting the first hour before I hosted the first hour, and then why was that? Like that was some bullshit, right?”

In another clip uploaded to YouTube by a second party in August, Uygur tells female anti-feminism activist Karen Straughan to go make him a sandwich.

“Karen, give me a thank you. Everything is going great, but you’re not being reasonable, you’re being ridiculous — give me a thank you. Give me a thank you for feminists for giving you the right to vote — otherwise stop voting and go make me a ham sandwich,” Uygur demands...

Lmao, Cenk is such a fag.
Cenk is the anti-cuck. He is cuckolding all of the alt right guys with their wives.
Hateway Pundit. SMH....

and then, not to be outdone by himself ---- OP trots in no less a reasoned mind than Alex "John Brinkley" Jones :cuckoo:

InfoWars and Hateway. Sheesh! Fake Alt Right Media (FARM) yet again from the gonzos.
This is too much partisan asshattery for me. I'm just an American.

I don't need any "Super male Invigoro 9000" either.
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