You Won't Believe the Latest Benghazi Crap.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2013
More testimony on Benghazi today. More of the usual bullshit. Turns out the alleged "Independent Review Board" wasn't so independent.

I know you all must be shocked.

Turns out Hillary hand picked four out of the five members. Hillary was never interviewed, nor were any of the higher level State Department officials directly responsible for the failures that led to four American's being murdered.

Admiral Mullen, a member of the review board hand picked by Hillary, also gave Hillary's chief a staff a heads up about damning testimony a State Dept employee was due to give Congress. When asked how he could be "independent" while trying to protect Clinton and the State Dept, here was Mullen's response.

Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, asked Mullen, "If this is so independent, why are you giving the State Department a heads-up about a witness coming in front of this committee?"

Mullen answered, "...I didn't think that Charlene Lamb would be a witness at that point in time that would represent the department well." He added, "the intent was to get the best possible witness, identified for the State Department."

I would say that pretty much sums up the fact Mullen was not interested in getting to the truth.

Two parents of the murdered also said Obama, Joe Biden, and Hillary Clinton, all talked about the guy who made the video and "bringing him to justice." Obama told the family members he would stay in touch to update them about the facts surrounding Benghazi. The family members testified under oath that Obama, nor anyone in his administration, has contacted them since that day.
What difference at this point does it make!!!! Screeched the wicked witch of the west.
Dear Reader has already dictated that this is a phony scandal, so don't expect any of the Obama toadies and bootlickers here to have a problem with the Independent Review Board.
Corrupt politicians are nothing new, and are actually fairly common.

The $64,000 question (remember back when that was a lot of money?) is:

Where are the newspaper, radio, and TV reports exposing all this corruption and favoritism?

Where is the investigative journalism? Where is any curiosity about 30 eyewitnesses who have been absent from any testimony, a then-Secretary of State absent from any testimony, more than a year going by without anybody even being arrested for attacking the consulate and murdering four Americans, etc.?

The people who wrote the Constitution and Bill of Rights, made it "The Supreme Law of the Land" that government could not interfere with the press or prevent them from printing whatever they wanted... particularly about government.

I guess they never dreamed that someday the press itself, would want to refrain from printing stories about corruption, favoritism, etc. Such sycophancy would have boggled their minds... and they were people not easily boggled.
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