You Will Meet A Tall Dark Stranger - Netflix


"According to Soon".... hahaha. Gosh... can't believe she would downplay the father role. :rolleyes: So surprising... :rolleyes:
"Not any part of the family" - also hilarious, because as the 4 hour documentary shows - they have TONS of home videos/photographs/vacations together etc. etc etc.
You want to play off that Woody had nothing to do with these kids... absolutely false.
Woody is a unique/strange dude. He wanted his own house during their relationship... yes. But as shown in the documentary, he was at the "family home" a LOT. All during their childhood.
I don't give a rats ass if he was biologically/adopted her father or not. And man who ends up having sexual relations with a young woman that he knew throughout her childhood - is a sick, fucked up pervert.
My OWN experience with a daughter who had a lot of friends that was at out home a LOT... almost everyone of those girls blossomed into becoming beautiful women. To this day - two of them I still know (they are all in their mid 30s now) and there is no way I can see them sexually. I KNEW THEM WHEN THEY WERE LITTLE. It would be completely weird. Just no!!
And for this sick pervert to end up marrying a girl he spent years with as a small child.... way-way fucked up.
No disrespect but I doubt seriously that your family was anything close the family Mia raised, over a dozen kids, over half of them adopted. Moses and Soon, two of her adopted kids described life with her was like living in a plush orphanage. She was the boss but left the care of the kids to the hired help. She was often gone either on film shoots, trips with friends, or staying overnight with Woody and other men she was dating. Soon said she was a great mother for about a week but then she seem to lose interest.

Family pictures with her and Woody and the kids were mostly publicity shots. Mia would bring one of more of the kids to film shoots and Soon, the family photographer would take shots. Woody said in an interview while they were dating that he liked her kids but he could take them only in small doses. He said, if she didn't have the kids they probably would have got married.

Mia Farrow has been a mother to 14 children in her life, but 3 are dead now. She gave birth to 4 children when married to Andrew Previn and one died. There is speculation that the first was actually Frank Sinatra's. In one interview she said it was Previn's but later she acknowledged that it could be Sinatra's. While in New York dating Woody and at times several other men she gave birth to two chidden. Woody claimed one was his but there is question as to who was the father of the other child. Mia claimed that Woody was the father of both but like her claim that Woody molested Dylan, the number of kids Woody fathered depends when the question was asked. After the second child was born she claimed Woody fathered both children, later only one, and then neither.
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No disrespect but I doubt seriously that your family was anything close the family Mia raised, over a dozen kids, over half of them adopted. Moses and Soon, two of her adopted kids described life with her was like living in a plush orphanage. She was the boss but left the care of the kids to the hired help. She was often gone either on film shoots, trips with friends, or staying overnight with Woody and other men she was dating. Soon said she was a great mother for about a week but then she seem to lose interest.

Family pictures with her and Woody and the kids were mostly publicity shots. Mia would bring one of more of the kids to film shoots and Soon, the family photographer would take shots. Woody said in an interview while they were dating that he liked her kids but he could take them only in small doses. He said, if she didn't have the kids they probably would have got married.

Mia Farrow has been a mother to 14 children in her life, but 3 are dead now. She gave birth to 4 children when married to Andrew Previn and one died. There is speculation that the first was actually Frank Sinatra's. In one interview she said it was Previn's but later she acknowledged that it could be Sinatra's. While in New York dating Woody and at times several other men she gave birth to two chidden. Woody claimed one was his but there is question as to who was the father of the other child. Mia claimed that Woody was the father of both but like her claim that Woody molested Dylan, the number of kids Woody fathered depends when the question was asked. After the second child was born she claimed Woody fathered both children, later only one, and then neither.
Doesn't matter.
Any adult man, or woman for that matter, who as an adult spent years around a young child growing up - and then later have sex with them is frigging horrible. It is all what is in a persons mind. All the friends of my daughter... I can't see them that way. It doesn't work. I still see them as kids. Because I am a normal person
Way way weird
Not to mention several of his movies were about much older men with a very young women.
1000 piece puzzle
He is a pervert, equally bad as Polanski.
Doesn't matter.
Any adult man, or woman for that matter, who as an adult spent years around a young child growing up - and then later have sex with them is frigging horrible. It is all what is in a persons mind. All the friends of my daughter... I can't see them that way. It doesn't work. I still see them as kids. Because I am a normal person
Way way weird
What you are describing is not that uncommon in this country and very common in other cultures. In the rural South in the 19th and 20th century many adult men married young girls that they had know as children. Often these men were 20 to 30 years older. They chose young girls in the family and married them when they reach child bearing years or they took as sex partner and housekeeper. Some celebrates who choose young women they knew as children to marry or live with include Albert Einstein who married his cousin, Jerry Lee Lewis who married his 13 year old cousin and David Lean, and H. G. Wells. In 1772, Thomas Jefferson married his third cousin who he had known for years when she was a child.
Not to mention several of his movies were about much older men with a very young women.
1000 piece puzzle
He is a pervert, equally bad as Polanski.
If old men having young women is a perversion, there's lot of it.
What you are describing is not that uncommon in this country and very common in other cultures. In the rural South in the 19th and 20th century many adult men married young girls that they had know as children. Often these men were 20 to 30 years older. They chose young girls in the family and married them when they reach child bearing years or they took as sex partner and housekeeper. Some celebrates who choose young women they knew as children to marry or live with include Albert Einstein who married his cousin, Jerry Lee Lewis who married his 13 year old cousin and David Lean, and H. G. Wells. In 1772, Thomas Jefferson married his third cousin who he had known for years when she was a child.
Yeah... it's what we call a society.
In those days there were all manner of poor treatment of young girls/women.
But as a society we grew out of that. And stopped the practice of men in their 30s-40s-50s targeting teen girls because they are so easily manipulated and controlled.
We evolved beyond that.
That is a poor excuse.
I believe Wood Allen targeted these two girls when they were pre pubescent.
The documentary has friends/maids/baby sitters/relatives etc. etc who all shared a deep suspicion of Allen. and then he ends up marrying one of them.
Where there is smoke, there is fire. And in the case of Woody Allen... the smoke was everywhere cause pretty much every person who spent time with them and was in Mia's home... thinks something was going on.
Yeah... it's what we call a society.
In those days there were all manner of poor treatment of young girls/women.
But as a society we grew out of that. And stopped the practice of men in their 30s-40s-50s targeting teen girls because they are so easily manipulated and controlled.
We evolved beyond that.
That is a poor excuse.
I believe Wood Allen targeted these two girls when they were pre pubescent.
The documentary has friends/maids/baby sitters/relatives etc. etc who all shared a deep suspicion of Allen. and then he ends up marrying one of them.
Where there is smoke, there is fire. And in the case of Woody Allen... the smoke was everywhere cause pretty much every person who spent time with them and was in Mia's home... thinks something was going on.
We will have to agree to disagree. This thread has gone way off topic.

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