You were right, they didn't get 150 yards


Aug 28, 2003
New York

You were the first to come here and rub in the Steelers loss, I figured I would return the favor. :D

Damn, they're defense looked HORRIBLE!

Current Rankings:

Steelers - Defense AFC-1st Overall-4th
Offense AFC-1st Overall-7th

Giants - Defense NFC-13th Overall-27th
Offense NFC-8th Overall-15th

I know you don't believe in stats, but I think the Steelers are sitting pretty right now. They need improvement in Special teams mostly. The Giants defense now ranks well at the bottom of the league, and thats after playing possibly one of the worst teams in the NFL!

Give Collins some liquor! He will certainly need to complete more than 41% of his passes if he expects to help his team! Maybe he should get some lessons from Tommy Maddox, who through week 2 has thrown for more yards than any QB in the entire NFL. Refresh my memory, Jackass, didn't you laugh at me when you found out the Steelers signed Maddox?

So yes, both teams are sitting at 1-1 right now. But I still think you'll lose the bet about the final records. Steelers easily have the better QB right now. They have arguably the best WR tandem in the NFL in Ward and Burress. Joey Porter will be returning this week vs. Cincy. This should improve their D drastically. They will score points this year, and lots of 'em. If their D stays healthy and continues in the fashion they have (and ST don't break down as usual) they will be hard to beat.

The Giants need an Offensive line, the rookies aren't cutting it. Thats why Barber isn't getting the yards and Kerry isn't getting enough time. Other than Shockey, their WR's are too small. Shockey is perhaps one of the best TE's in the league (maybe the best). Amani Toomer is damn good, but do you throw a jump pass to him in the end zone ala Burress or Moss?

I see holes with the Giants in the running game, OL, passing game, Defense & special teams. The only glaring hole the Steelers have is obviously ST's.

Time will tell, but I have the flavor of beer on the tip of my tongue already...
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Hey Chuck, love Jim's post, you and John could both use a crying towel! ;) boo hoo!! I knew I should have bet you on that game!
You right, the defense did look HORRIBLE!! Where the hell was the pass rush?? Is this the same team that made Warner cry last week??
As for Collins..what do you expect? The guy had about 2 seconds to throw the ball and when he did have time..the receiver usually dropped it. He did throw for 265 yards and has 3 TD's. Not bad if you ask me. I would take Kerry Collins over Tommy Maddox any day of the week. AS long as Kerry gets time..he is one of the best QB's in the league.
I think the Giants just had an off game, although...Iwas unaware that their were 3 rookies starting on the offensive line. What the shit is that??? There isnt a veteran OL out there anywhere? That was a big durprise to me.
I said it when they played the Steelers and I will say it now..Dallas sa a pretty good defense. They certainly were on their game last night. That is one of the fastest linebacker corps in the league.
Amani toomer is 6-3. Burress is 6-5. There isnt much diference there, so that point is null and void. Toomer is one of the most underrated receivers in the league. Has been for the last few years. Im not saying he is Jerry Rice..but he doesnt get the credit he deserves.
The only glaring whole I see is the O line. From that come the running game and the passing game. The defense wasnt there last night..but I am not worried about them at all.
I was actually thinking of betting against the Giants last night..because they SUCK on Monday Night Football.
Congrats Janeen...(shivering)
You right, the defense did look HORRIBLE!! Where the hell was the pass rush?? Is this the same team that made Warner cry last week??

Sure didn't seem it, but it was. The Rams O line isn't quite as large as that of Dallas and they allowed lots of penetration by the Giants last week. I think the Cowboys front 5 is about 5,000lbs!

As for Collins..what do you expect? The guy had about 2 seconds to throw the ball and when he did have time..the receiver usually dropped it. He did throw for 265 yards and has 3 TD's. Not bad if you ask me. I would take Kerry Collins over Tommy Maddox any day of the week. AS long as Kerry gets time..he is one of the best QB's in the league.

Welcome to the NFL! He needs to scramble a bit more if in trouble, or release the ball a bit quicker. He might have thrown for 265 yards, but he had 51 attempts! Like I said, his completion percentage was 41% (45% after 2 games) and his yards per attempt were 4.8 (6.1 after 2 weeks) That isn't bad? Compared to Maddox's 65% completion percentage and nearly 7 yards per attempt, I'd say it is! I know he is better than this week indicated though. BUT, their O line is going to hurt them all year long unless he learns to adjust. Keep in mind, I was always a Collins fan, as I am a huge Penn State fan and he was awesome there. As far as one of the best in the league? debatable at best. Here are other QB's I feel are better:
Brad Johnson
Drew Bledsoe
Steve McNair
Peyton Manning
Brett Favre
Rich Gannon
Donovan McNabb

And thats just off the top of my head.

Amani toomer is 6-3. Burress is 6-5. There isnt much diference there, so that point is null and void. Toomer is one of the most underrated receivers in the league. Has been for the last few years. Im not saying he is Jerry Rice..but he doesnt get the credit he deserves.

It's all about clutch plays! You see Ward and Burress do it game in and game out. Same for Harrison, Moss, Moulds, Keyshawn, Chrebet, Holt...

I said in my original post that Toomer was damn good, he just needs to prove it in game winning situations.

I was actually thinking of betting against the Giants last night..because they SUCK on Monday Night Football.

Don't congratulate her! She couldn't name 3 players from the 'Boys this year! And she makes her picks by flipping coins!
hahahaah, no, no coin toss, some guessing! but as far as Cowboys go, let's see, there is Don Mitchell #30, who was injured, Al Johnson #62 who also had an injury

Another one Flozell Adams # 76, just gotta love that name and of course the fact that he is 6'7 - Big Guy!

Lynn Scott #38 - well atleast a whitie on the time that I have to say, the name makes me laugh, he has a girlie name. Should I continue??????
Well you got us!! I wouldnt have believed you knew them. Good thing you didnt have a reference such as the internet to look them up.. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Jackass
Well you got us!! I wouldnt have believed you knew them. Good thing you didnt have a reference such as the internet to look them up.. :rolleyes:

Thank you for stating the obvious and saving me the time :D
Now that's just not nice! yes, I could have taken the whole damn list of names from the internet! now F off! hahahaha! jerks!

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