You Said You Wouldn't Forget — But You Do Over And Over Again


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

You Said You Wouldn't Forget

But You Do Over And Over Again

11 Sept 2021 ~~ By Abraham L. Miller
You forgot at the Kabul Airport. You forgot who you were and why you were there. You betrayed those Afghanis who put their lives on the line for you and the brave young American soldiers you put in harm's way. You abandoned them by forming common cause with the Taliban, the people who protected Osama bin Laden.
You forgot in northern Afghanistan as six planes still sit on the runway needing approval from the enemy to take off.
You have been humbled by a militia with pickups and Kalashnikovs, a militia without armor, without an air force, and with limited artillery, a militia without satellite capability.
You forgot why you were in Afghanistan in the first place because you are back to square one. The danger that brought you to Afghanistan has resurrected itself. Sure, the Taliban will prevent al-Qaeda and ISIS from reforming, and they have no interlocking relationships. If you believe that, you are as ignorant and senile as President Joseph Biden.
You forgot in your colleges and universities that teach nothing about civic virtue but are mired in a cesspool of accusations characterizing your history as a story of rapacious oppression and exploitation. Their notions of critical thinking are simply an assault on all that is good and decent about your country. Your college and university administrators and their anti-American agendas are the enemy's front-line arsenal in attacking your society.
Your children are no longer taught how to think, but what to think. Guardians of correct thought sit on powerful university committees to enforce not intellectual diversity, but intellectual conformity to an approved anti-American script.
You forgot when you elected Barack Hussein Obama, not once, but twice — a man whose disdain for this country was palpable, a man who thought NASA should emphasize the Muslim's role in space. Obama's sensibilities in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict were clearly with the terrorists. And why not? He was a product of an education in an Islamic madrassa.
You forgot, and regrettably, there is no way to remind you. Neither the offenses of those who demean your country nor the debacle in Kabul nor the vicious anti-American agenda of those you entrust with the education of your children reminds you.
For a few days in September of 2001, we remembered what it meant to be an American. We came together. We proudly flew our flag that now embarrasses too many. We basked in the righteousness of patriotism without apologies. But no more.
You forgot. I pray fervently that you do not have to be reminded as you once were.

I am not sure all that the left has forgotten. I believe the left does not think free people have a right to exist.
The anger is not at what the Taliban does. It is the Taliban has taken over so much more completely.
What many Americans are really mourning today is the state of our country. But many are also mad and disgusted at the evil hordes that has perverted everything that America stands for.
We should never forget that what once was the greatest fighting force on the face of this planet has been defeated by people who have limited educations, sleep with goats and live in caves.
This has become another postscript to a similar conflict that ended in the same manner 46 years ago.
The Biden admin is more interested in persecuting Americans who refuse the government’s vax than they are about the terrorists who killed 13 American troops in Kabul.
Remember this regime believes the greatest threat to “American Democracy” is White Suprematist Homegrown Terrorists.
Meanwhile the Bai Dung administration is more interested in persecuting Americans who refuse the government’s vaccination mandate than they are about the terrorists who killed 13 American troops in Kabul, or their blunder of killing a man working for Americans and 7 children in his care.
Remember Joey Xi and the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies believe that the greatest threat to their brand of “American Democracy” is "White Supremacist Homegrown Terrorists" while they fund and support Antifa and Black Lives Matter.
The Biden admin is more interested in persecuting Americans who refuse the government’s vax than they are about the terrorists who killed 13 American troops in Kabul.
Never forget, but as the author writes, you will.

You Said You Wouldn't Forget

But You Do Over And Over Again

11 Sept 2021 ~~ By Abraham L. Miller
You forgot at the Kabul Airport. You forgot who you were and why you were there. You betrayed those Afghanis who put their lives on the line for you and the brave young American soldiers you put in harm's way. You abandoned them by forming common cause with the Taliban, the people who protected Osama bin Laden.
You forgot in northern Afghanistan as six planes still sit on the runway needing approval from the enemy to take off.
You have been humbled by a militia with pickups and Kalashnikovs, a militia without armor, without an air force, and with limited artillery, a militia without satellite capability.
You forgot why you were in Afghanistan in the first place because you are back to square one. The danger that brought you to Afghanistan has resurrected itself. Sure, the Taliban will prevent al-Qaeda and ISIS from reforming, and they have no interlocking relationships. If you believe that, you are as ignorant and senile as President Joseph Biden.
You forgot in your colleges and universities that teach nothing about civic virtue but are mired in a cesspool of accusations characterizing your history as a story of rapacious oppression and exploitation. Their notions of critical thinking are simply an assault on all that is good and decent about your country. Your college and university administrators and their anti-American agendas are the enemy's front-line arsenal in attacking your society.
Your children are no longer taught how to think, but what to think. Guardians of correct thought sit on powerful university committees to enforce not intellectual diversity, but intellectual conformity to an approved anti-American script.
You forgot when you elected Barack Hussein Obama, not once, but twice — a man whose disdain for this country was palpable, a man who thought NASA should emphasize the Muslim's role in space. Obama's sensibilities in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict were clearly with the terrorists. And why not? He was a product of an education in an Islamic madrassa.
You forgot, and regrettably, there is no way to remind you. Neither the offenses of those who demean your country nor the debacle in Kabul nor the vicious anti-American agenda of those you entrust with the education of your children reminds you.
For a few days in September of 2001, we remembered what it meant to be an American. We came together. We proudly flew our flag that now embarrasses too many. We basked in the righteousness of patriotism without apologies. But no more.
You forgot. I pray fervently that you do not have to be reminded as you once were.

I am not sure all that the left has forgotten. I believe the left does not think free people have a right to exist.
The anger is not at what the Taliban does. It is the Taliban has taken over so much more completely.
What many Americans are really mourning today is the state of our country. But many are also mad and disgusted at the evil hordes that has perverted everything that America stands for.
We should never forget that what once was the greatest fighting force on the face of this planet has been defeated by people who have limited educations, sleep with goats and live in caves.
This has become another postscript to a similar conflict that ended in the same manner 46 years ago.
The Biden admin is more interested in persecuting Americans who refuse the government’s vax than they are about the terrorists who killed 13 American troops in Kabul.
Remember this regime believes the greatest threat to “American Democracy” is White Suprematist Homegrown Terrorists.
Meanwhile the Bai Dung administration is more interested in persecuting Americans who refuse the government’s vaccination mandate than they are about the terrorists who killed 13 American troops in Kabul, or their blunder of killing a man working for Americans and 7 children in his care.
Remember Joey Xi and the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies believe that the greatest threat to their brand of “American Democracy” is "White Supremacist Homegrown Terrorists" while they fund and support Antifa and Black Lives Matter.
The Biden admin is more interested in persecuting Americans who refuse the government’s vax than they are about the terrorists who killed 13 American troops in Kabul.
Never forget, but as the author writes, you will.

This writer doesn't know the first thing about Afghanistan or AQ or ISIS or the Taliban.. Why do you waste your time with such a damned moron?
It isn't that anyone forgot. They remember it differently. In their memory America is evil. College students openly chant death to America. 911 was deserved and worse. This is a land of Christian taliban, white supremacists. When another 911 happens you will be hard pressed to find any rescuers.
I am not sure all that the left has forgotten. I believe the left does not think free people have a right to exist.
Well, of course not. You are as politically radicalized as they are. You, like them, will not be told what to do, or how to live. Beyond politics, some believe you are just the same. So, like them, you believe you are marginalized. Boo. Hoo.

I'm unsympathetic to your causes and motivations. Do better next time.

The anger is not at what the Taliban does. It is the Taliban has taken over so much more completely.
So, the anger is at what the Taliban does. You contradict yourself.
What many Americans are really mourning today is the state of our country. But many are also mad and disgusted at the evil hordes that has perverted everything that America stands for.
Majorities disagree with your ideology. You can't stand it. Polling only those sharing your ideology isn't a concensus. Some will find you equally evil and repellent. Most adults can usually roll with this, but there's so much entitlement in you. You're just a dime-a-dozen magaturd snowflake.

We should never forget that what once was the greatest fighting force on the face of this planet has been defeated by people who have limited educations, sleep with goats and live in caves
We should never forget that what once was the bright, shining blueprint of what good governance should look like has been defeated by magaturds who have limited educations, engage in bigotry/superiority, sleep with porn stars and live in either tacky opulence due to corruption or complete squalor due to the limited education thing previously mentioned.

The Biden admin is more interested in persecuting Americans who refuse the government’s vax than they are about the terrorists who killed 13 American troops in Kabul.

The former is part of the job to contain a virus causing death and despair. The latter is something that few people have any control over. We pulled out. The toll will always be regrettable. Your Cult had the same idea, so kindly shut the fuck up, you Karen, you never help.

Remember this regime believes the greatest threat to “American Democracy” is White Suprematist Homegrown Terrorists.
And currently, they will get their pound of flesh from the magaturds, like it or lump it.
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It isn't that anyone forgot. They remember it differently. In their memory America is evil. College students openly chant death to America. 911 was deserved and worse. This is a land of Christian taliban, white supremacists. When another 911 happens you will be hard pressed to find any rescuers.
I hate to repeat that stories I heard from people I know who know why the firefighters and police were fighting for first dibs into the debris.
My god! One student! No wonder you're even more hysterical than usual. You were told to melt down extra hard, and being a particularly obedient sheep, you never disobey your masters.

I can say that's not any more racist of you than usual.
The irony!
Tell us something that a Democrat has done in the last year with which you disagreed.

You Said You Wouldn't Forget

But You Do Over And Over Again

11 Sept 2021 ~~ By Abraham L. Miller
You forgot at the Kabul Airport. You forgot who you were and why you were there. You betrayed those Afghanis who put their lives on the line for you and the brave young American soldiers you put in harm's way. You abandoned them by forming common cause with the Taliban, the people who protected Osama bin Laden.
You forgot in northern Afghanistan as six planes still sit on the runway needing approval from the enemy to take off.
You have been humbled by a militia with pickups and Kalashnikovs, a militia without armor, without an air force, and with limited artillery, a militia without satellite capability.
You forgot why you were in Afghanistan in the first place because you are back to square one. The danger that brought you to Afghanistan has resurrected itself. Sure, the Taliban will prevent al-Qaeda and ISIS from reforming, and they have no interlocking relationships. If you believe that, you are as ignorant and senile as President Joseph Biden.
You forgot in your colleges and universities that teach nothing about civic virtue but are mired in a cesspool of accusations characterizing your history as a story of rapacious oppression and exploitation. Their notions of critical thinking are simply an assault on all that is good and decent about your country. Your college and university administrators and their anti-American agendas are the enemy's front-line arsenal in attacking your society.
Your children are no longer taught how to think, but what to think. Guardians of correct thought sit on powerful university committees to enforce not intellectual diversity, but intellectual conformity to an approved anti-American script.
You forgot when you elected Barack Hussein Obama, not once, but twice — a man whose disdain for this country was palpable, a man who thought NASA should emphasize the Muslim's role in space. Obama's sensibilities in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict were clearly with the terrorists. And why not? He was a product of an education in an Islamic madrassa.
You forgot, and regrettably, there is no way to remind you. Neither the offenses of those who demean your country nor the debacle in Kabul nor the vicious anti-American agenda of those you entrust with the education of your children reminds you.
For a few days in September of 2001, we remembered what it meant to be an American. We came together. We proudly flew our flag that now embarrasses too many. We basked in the righteousness of patriotism without apologies. But no more.
You forgot. I pray fervently that you do not have to be reminded as you once were.

I am not sure all that the left has forgotten. I believe the left does not think free people have a right to exist.
The anger is not at what the Taliban does. It is the Taliban has taken over so much more completely.
What many Americans are really mourning today is the state of our country. But many are also mad and disgusted at the evil hordes that has perverted everything that America stands for.
We should never forget that what once was the greatest fighting force on the face of this planet has been defeated by people who have limited educations, sleep with goats and live in caves.
This has become another postscript to a similar conflict that ended in the same manner 46 years ago.
The Biden admin is more interested in persecuting Americans who refuse the government’s vax than they are about the terrorists who killed 13 American troops in Kabul.
Remember this regime believes the greatest threat to “American Democracy” is White Suprematist Homegrown Terrorists.
Meanwhile the Bai Dung administration is more interested in persecuting Americans who refuse the government’s vaccination mandate than they are about the terrorists who killed 13 American troops in Kabul, or their blunder of killing a man working for Americans and 7 children in his care.
Remember Joey Xi and the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies believe that the greatest threat to their brand of “American Democracy” is "White Supremacist Homegrown Terrorists" while they fund and support Antifa and Black Lives Matter.
The Biden admin is more interested in persecuting Americans who refuse the government’s vax than they are about the terrorists who killed 13 American troops in Kabul.
Never forget, but as the author writes, you will.
Doc7505: it's really not the left vs the right but rather statism vs. individualism. Groupie-ism, it's the "isms" like communal-ism, nazi-ism, fasc-ism etc. fueled by irrational pathos(emotions) that are the problem. The so called "right" has also had it's fair share of Power & Control(PC) issues in the not too distant past, & being human, corruption issues to boot. The "HIVE" mentality certainly works for insects like hornets but is absolute DEATH for humans as the "isms" I listed above so amply prove by the numbers no less!!! The mentality of the radical left in America today is the result of decades of marx-ism conditioning(1880's onward) sprinkled with a HEAVY dose of pity-ism propaganda(pathos), eg. "Those poor Black slaves back in the 1800's were just innocent victims of the evil White man, so we OWE the Blacks in America today compensation for their past enslaved relatives."

In all reality the preceding pity-ism propaganda is JUST A PLOY to further the oldest trick in the book, the old divide & Conquer gimmick so endless revolution, war & mayhem can continue on until humanity destroys itself in its entirety. It's ALWAYS been this way clear back to the Akkadian empire, maybe even before the Akkadian empire??? Doc, my thanks for your in depth posts & great replies which are always welcome!

The irony!
The deflection!

From your desperate deflection, the action of a dutiful party hack, I take it you agree with the dishonest hysteria I was responding to. Why else would you be running interference for it?

Try to understand that you making up shit about us isn't irony. It's just you making stupid shit up.

Tell us something that a Democrat has done in the last year with which you disagreed.
Okay. I disagree with Manchin and Sinema opposing the filibuster.

I disagreed with Cuomo not resigning.

I disagree with Feinsteing not resigning, because she's freakin' senile.

Remember, just because you're a mindless party hack, it doesn't mean everyone is a mindless party hack. Don't project your moral and intellectual failings on to others.

Oh, time for you to move those goalposts now.
The deflection!

From your desperate deflection, the action of a dutiful party hack, I take it you agree with the dishonest hysteria I was responding to. Why else would you be running interference for it?

Try to understand that you making up shit about us isn't irony. It's just you making stupid shit up.

Okay. I disagree with Manchin and Sinema opposing the filibuster.

I disagreed with Cuomo not resigning.

I disagree with Feinsteing not resigning, because she's freakin' senile.

Remember, just because you're a mindless party hack, it doesn't mean everyone is a mindless party hack. Don't project your moral and intellectual failings on to others.

Oh, time for you to move those goalposts now.
You never state these facts until pressed.
Almost as though you're a DemBot.
My god! One student! No wonder you're even more hysterical than usual. You were told to melt down extra hard, and being a particularly obedient sheep, you never disobey your masters.

I can say that's not any more racist of you than usual.
Don't care.

You Said You Wouldn't Forget

But You Do Over And Over Again

11 Sept 2021 ~~ By Abraham L. Miller
You forgot at the Kabul Airport. You forgot who you were and why you were there. You betrayed those Afghanis who put their lives on the line for you and the brave young American soldiers you put in harm's way. You abandoned them by forming common cause with the Taliban, the people who protected Osama bin Laden.
You forgot in northern Afghanistan as six planes still sit on the runway needing approval from the enemy to take off.
You have been humbled by a militia with pickups and Kalashnikovs, a militia without armor, without an air force, and with limited artillery, a militia without satellite capability.
You forgot why you were in Afghanistan in the first place because you are back to square one. The danger that brought you to Afghanistan has resurrected itself. Sure, the Taliban will prevent al-Qaeda and ISIS from reforming, and they have no interlocking relationships. If you believe that, you are as ignorant and senile as President Joseph Biden.
You forgot in your colleges and universities that teach nothing about civic virtue but are mired in a cesspool of accusations characterizing your history as a story of rapacious oppression and exploitation. Their notions of critical thinking are simply an assault on all that is good and decent about your country. Your college and university administrators and their anti-American agendas are the enemy's front-line arsenal in attacking your society.
Your children are no longer taught how to think, but what to think. Guardians of correct thought sit on powerful university committees to enforce not intellectual diversity, but intellectual conformity to an approved anti-American script.
You forgot when you elected Barack Hussein Obama, not once, but twice — a man whose disdain for this country was palpable, a man who thought NASA should emphasize the Muslim's role in space. Obama's sensibilities in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict were clearly with the terrorists. And why not? He was a product of an education in an Islamic madrassa.
You forgot, and regrettably, there is no way to remind you. Neither the offenses of those who demean your country nor the debacle in Kabul nor the vicious anti-American agenda of those you entrust with the education of your children reminds you.
For a few days in September of 2001, we remembered what it meant to be an American. We came together. We proudly flew our flag that now embarrasses too many. We basked in the righteousness of patriotism without apologies. But no more.
You forgot. I pray fervently that you do not have to be reminded as you once were.

I am not sure all that the left has forgotten. I believe the left does not think free people have a right to exist.
The anger is not at what the Taliban does. It is the Taliban has taken over so much more completely.
What many Americans are really mourning today is the state of our country. But many are also mad and disgusted at the evil hordes that has perverted everything that America stands for.
We should never forget that what once was the greatest fighting force on the face of this planet has been defeated by people who have limited educations, sleep with goats and live in caves.
This has become another postscript to a similar conflict that ended in the same manner 46 years ago.
The Biden admin is more interested in persecuting Americans who refuse the government’s vax than they are about the terrorists who killed 13 American troops in Kabul.
Remember this regime believes the greatest threat to “American Democracy” is White Suprematist Homegrown Terrorists.
Meanwhile the Bai Dung administration is more interested in persecuting Americans who refuse the government’s vaccination mandate than they are about the terrorists who killed 13 American troops in Kabul, or their blunder of killing a man working for Americans and 7 children in his care.
Remember Joey Xi and the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies believe that the greatest threat to their brand of “American Democracy” is "White Supremacist Homegrown Terrorists" while they fund and support Antifa and Black Lives Matter.
The Biden admin is more interested in persecuting Americans who refuse the government’s vax than they are about the terrorists who killed 13 American troops in Kabul.
Never forget, but as the author writes, you will.
Taliban, ISIS, Al-Qaida, etc. need to know this: Harm another, harm God. That is amazing to you, but that is true. God hurts when we hurt. All of us are God's children. Cloth and a name cannot change the fact that we are human. We need to care about each other, even as the individual wants people to care for them.
It isn't that anyone forgot. They remember it differently. In their memory America is evil. College students openly chant death to America. 911 was deserved and worse. This is a land of Christian taliban, white supremacists. When another 911 happens you will be hard pressed to find any rescuers.
Evil people will give evil. Christ is not connected to evil. Blasphemers think Christ is connected to evil. Humans rejected the corner stone, who is Jesus, thinking Peter was a corner stone. Peter is not a stone. Muslims - Quran followers are obeying the same deceiving spirit.

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