Zone1 You Never See White People Acting Like This

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
You gotta love B. Tatum. He tells it like it is and he's a black person saying this about black people, but if he was white there's absolutely no doubt in my mind that people would refer to him as racist.

Well, the N-crowd are going to do that, because they don't have any comprehension of ethics, responsibility, or social etiquette. They pimp themselves for that almighty dollar, and then blame everybody ELSE on the planet for the problems they have from persuing such degredation and filth.

Sounds like Democrats, don't it!!
Because that is where the money is - that is what "selling out," means.

You just wait. IM2, ATL, and all of the other brothers, will back me up.

Trayvon_Loves_You - NAACP.png
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You gotta love B. Tatum. He tells it like it is and he's a black person saying this about black people, but if he was white there's absolutely no doubt in my mind that people would refer to him as racist.

I'd buy that gentleman a beer any time.
You gotta love B. Tatum. He tells it like it is and he's a black person saying this about black people, but if he was white there's absolutely no doubt in my mind that people would refer to him as racist.

I see the usual suspects just dismiss what this black social commentator has to say on the assumption that he is “just a Tom.” What a bullshit thing to say. Gutless & racist dishonesty. That man is not denigrating black people. He asks the right question: why does our society elevate the more debased part of modern black culture and why don’t they interview the intelligent black women.

He is proud of black people. He just happens to see that the crass gets hoisted above the norm. Who the hell can honestly say he’s wrong?
You gotta love B. Tatum. He tells it like it is and he's a black person saying this about black people, but if he was white there's absolutely no doubt in my mind that people would refer to him as racist.

The video is horrendous, their outfits are terrible, and the lyrics are pretty horrific, but im not gonna lie, its kinda catchy, musically speaking. :laugh:
He's a sell-out uncle tom - just wants the approval of racist whites.

Anybody that gets white approval is destroyed. Tried to label Larry Elder running for Cali governor as a "white supremacist". Cant stand any black who goes on Fox news or hosts for them.

No sir. It's INTOLERANCE and control of speech and thought and action by a minority group who MORE AND MORE doesn't have an original thought in their heads - but INSISTS on marxist revolutionary kind of UNITY of thought/speech/action.

Imagine if a white person got excommunicated as a sell-out for complaining about nasty white culture issues -- like say -- CALLING OUT other whites as racist. We KNOW who the racists are in our stable.
Imagine if a white person got excommunicated as a sell-out for complaining about nasty white culture issues -- like say -- CALLING OUT other whites as racist. We KNOW who the racists are in our stable.
Explain "We KNOW who the racists are in our stable," or give me another description of this that you are trying to explain to me.
Explain "We KNOW who the racists are in our stable," or give me another description of this that you are trying to explain to me.

Over-use of the word "racist" has blown-up any importance in using it. You're not a racist just because you QUESTION something (like say 1619 Project, ALL Lives Matter or the "fact" that hand dryers are racist, ad nauseum).

It's from PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE that you KNOW a person is a racist. And white folks cant hide their racism very easily. Same way we know what you call Uncle Toms are just normal thinking and rational people.
I doubt it. You're a racist white and I don't think he gives a shit about you.

OTHand, Officer Whatever may CARE about his clan A LOT MORE than he cares about silly white people. There's so MANY successful black families in America today in every profession and occupation that Officer Tatum is one of them. And instead of NOT TALKING to his clan about chronic rot in culture/attitudes in his community -- he's just not afraid to speak. Probably because as a cop -- he's SEEN too much on the streets.

There's a lot pressure to force black communities to look at gangs as just a "Guardian Angels" on steroids type of thing. Or the culture like he showed in the video being "authentically black". And those concepts are NEVER SUPPOSED to get challenged.

We should -- for the most part -- stay OUT of ANYBODY elses' "culture wars". That's the peaceful thing to do -- But MAYBE -- we whites have to speak out about dem "Duck Dynasty" people exposing and mocking OUR culture. :up:
Anybody that gets white approval is destroyed. Tried to label Larry Elder running for Cali governor as a "white supremacist". Cant stand any black who goes on Fox news or hosts for them.

No sir. It's INTOLERANCE and control of speech and thought and action by a minority group who MORE AND MORE doesn't have an original thought in their heads - but INSISTS on marxist revolutionary kind of UNITY of thought/speech/action.

Imagine if a white person got excommunicated as a sell-out for complaining about nasty white culture issues -- like say -- CALLING OUT other whites as racist. We KNOW who the racists are in our stable.
You guys have ex communicated whites for almost 246 years. Furthermore there are plenty of blacks who get white approval and don't get destroyed. So your opinion is a lie and its based on your right wing bias. There is a reason Elder was labelled as such, because that's what he is. You support sellouts because they repeat to you what you have already chosen to believe about blacks.

You hang on to that word Marxist while you practice Fascism. It's hilarious to see.

The blacls you support are the ones without an original thought. They are the ones on the plantation. Yeah we do know who the racists are here and they aren't the ones you think. Because what you have chosen to call black racism isn't even racism. But gaslighting is all you've got.

As for the OP, whites do act that way, dress that way and everything else. She picks a clown who gets paid per click so he says stuff that he knows whites will click. This is a bait thread and the guy in the video is an idiot house negro who has sold out.

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